Wife threatened suicide today, called 911...
Married for 5+ years. Wife has a drinking 'problem' (2-3 bottles of vodka per week). She had an angry outburst today that turned violent (threw iced tea at me, slammed remote control and kicked her way all over the house). I offered to leave the house until she got better and I actually left and went to my...
detachment-C2C, 7/5
This reading is exactly what I am working on-detachment yet still trying to care. The reading says to keep my own identity and still love, care about, and identify with the feelings of others. It says to try and not take things so personally. It suggests detaching without losing compassion. Thes...
Good morning campers!
I say that to my residents when I open my serving hatch in the morning, well anyway, yesterday I got up early husband had come in late the night before, it was killing me not ask where had he been,and my usual detective self was looking for clues, and my alanon self was saying pack it up, leave it be, so I got m...
Unusual Day
Today, i was cleaning garge and took a few things down to the workshop. While I am in there my son (17) says, "Hey mom, wanna see something cool?" I look over and he jumps up and pulls a liquor bottle in a wrapper from the rafters in the celing, and threw it on the workbench. But, this is the man tha...
kicked him out…now he won't give my stuff back
Why do they constantly harbor drama!!!! I had such a hard time finally reaching this point of needing change and now after all of this, in my panicked state, I realized he has several important things of mine. A recorder my friend gave to me with my songs on it and the keys to my scooter and storage shed. I...
Congratulations pinkchip
Step 10 posted to the Step Board
Learn How The Twelve Steps Work.Participate in your own recovery as well as the recovery of others, by being active on this board as we go through the 12 Steps of recovery toget Step10 has been posted to the Step Board. Please join in and share your ESHThanks http://stepwork.activeboard.com/t5...
What strategies work for you?
My AH came home after a weekend of golfing. I had been home by myself and absolutely loved the peace. I got so much done and felt happy doing it. Flowers planted, lawned mowed, laundry done, and all with a smile and feeling of contentment. Then...... He comes home, drinking, and being dictorial, an...
Higher Power
I grew up Catholic and married a very Catholic man who happens to be a raging alcoholic who goes to church on Sunday for show, and he's pretty much a hypocrite about it. Anyway for years I tried to find the Catholic within me and I prayed. And grew very bitter when my prayers were never answered and stopp...
Confrontation while husband in active recovery
First time poster, but desparate for some thoughts of people who have lived with an alcoholic spouse and who has been in active, serious recovery. My husband has been a heavy drinker for years. He had 3 years of a dry-drunk phase, but then the past 3 years of resumed drinking and the last year of extreme...
Life of the spouse of A
After reading so many life experiences posts that have been so encouraging, I actually feel so wonderful because I am not alone. Being the wife of an AH, there are many common things that I cannot describe but were so wonderfully written here. 1) getting excited over the slightest improvement in at...
Are there any ACOA members here whose sober parent left the A?
I am feeling bad for my daughter. This marriage will be my second divorce. My mom 's dad was an alcoholic. She is encouraging me that my daughter will be ok with us divorcing because it will be better than her living with fighting parents and an alcoholic father. I am seeking words of encouragement from a...
Newlife girl
Trying to take care of me!
We are still not talking, I have tried, but I am not forcing it, he is behaving as he always does and I am trying my upmost hardest to do something different for a different result, I usually feel that depressed when he throws me a curve ball and I caught it again,after that, I find it soooooo hard to pick mys...
Not using my victim card anymore
I've been practicing the steps and going to on-line meetings and came to realize something that I was doing that I don't like. I play the role of the victim - didn't realize I was doing this until I started analyzing my behavior. I don't do it all the time but I do do it. I get the poor me, self-pity thing g...
my son today
I had to ask my son to leave a few times over the last few years because of his drinking as some of my friends here knows. So the last time he stayed with me was after he was hurt and left hospital, he then went to stay with a friend and he met someone. She is a really nice girl, friendly, sensible, calm, funny....
Didn't Brood This Holiday Away
Holidays can be hard in most of our situations and I remember last year sitting on the couch SO lonely on the 4th of July. I caught the televised fireworks from DC and since I'm only a couple of hours away and it is something I have always wanted to do, I vowed that this would be the year. I still don't know if m...
I've been reading a lot of the posts on this board lately, but I havent posted replies because Im new. When I read the threads, its like Im sitting in on an open discussion, but Im doing all the listening. Recently I read some discussion threads on denial. Wow, how I could relate to these!! For many years...
Groundhog Day
I feel as if I've been through the same thing over and over....sure, I tweak it and I get slightly different results, but none that get me out of this cycle. 12 years together, alcohol used to be fun at first, nights out, friends, laughter....but then I got pregnant 2 years into the relationship. Thin...
He is gone
He's gone. I made him leave. We are broken up. When I finally said enough was enough, my heart broke. I had several panic attacks. My appetite has been ruined since he left. I lost my father to cancer, and this is such a very different, very specific form of grief, but I don't regret my decision. I know i did...
What of all the alanon tools do I need right now in my sit. dealing with my a bf????serenity prayer being one.
the power of alanon
I recently spoke to someone who is leaving her A husband after many years. She has been going to alanon for 9 years, and she said something I will never forget: "9 years of alanon prepared me for this moment!" I loved hearing that and I see the empowerment through recovery, Lyne
Happy Birthday Ray!
Kinda of an odd day,, I've found myself thinking of my ex father in law who passed away a couple of years ago several times and wondered why I felt like I "missed" him today. Missed is not the right word but best I can do. Anyway then I noticed a reminder on my face book page (from an old account o...
And this is why Sponsors are sooo AWESOME :)
I had a bit of a reality jolt my STBAX is trying to foist his new "friend" on the kids and has officially said she's his girlfriend. That hit me .. not because I have any hallucinations of wanting him back ... because I am really beyond ready to let go of the relationship in its entirety. So of c...
jest more pics! (c:
well bits and pieces. all are of my husband who died. Our two babies...
Back at Step One
We admitted we were powerless over alcoholthat our lives had become unmanageable. It seems Im back at step one. Admitting that I am powerless over alcohol was easy, but actually stopping the battle or war is another thing altogether. Ive never been a quitter, and throwing in the towel to alcohol is te...
Today is a hard day for me
The 4th of July is my AH's favorite holiday. He likes to blow things up. Seriously. I am hating him one day, then wanting to share a holiday with him the next. I am trying to create something in my life that has NEVER existed!! My 2 marriages have been LIES and HURT the majority of the time. So why do I feel lon...
Newlife girl
Hmm, interesting.
Now I'm not making a plan right here because my plans, in recent years and especially recent months, just don't happen the way I say that they should. So I'm just saying, this is interesting. It piques my curiosity. I intend to explore it further. I was talking to a dear friend of the al-anon persuasion...
Can't get it off my mind
i can't get it off my mind my a bf affairs ,it's not good to bring it up to him everyday,makes him upset cause he says it's in the past,and I keep bringing it up to him everyday I guess I'm trying to get closer with what he did,I know he has been good to me ever since but I'm haveing such a huge problem with it and d...
Thanks, and I'm Awesome Lists
I never seem to find myself motivated to do Gratitude & Asset list daily anymore. So, I'll start this thread where we can do them and maybe anyone who is interested can also add theirs daily and we can see how long we can keep it going I think it will work because if people add to it daily it should sta...
Told me his lawyer is calling me this week...and what about a Prepaid Legal Plan??
My AH does not want to hear me tell him I can't ever live with him again so he told me today to be expecting a call from his lawyer this week. Made me laugh. he doesn't have a job. His emotions are all over the place. I think it was an idle threat, but it also scared me a bit. Then I realized...I don't have to talk t...
Newlife girl
Feeling a lot of hate
Is it normal to hate your a bf?i e been unable to cope all day due to his blame ing me for his affairs,I feel soo much hate for him I e got to let it go and somehow realize what he really is I need to also stop letting him see me like this.what happens if I were to get cleaned up and just leave and go out .prolly nothi...
Well .. now who would have thought :)
So I kind of had a bit of an epiphany today, I had a go round with my STBAX yesterday afternoon over the visitation .. he's scheduling work when he should have the kids and honestly I'm sure would have forgotten about it had I not text him. One of his parting digs was I can take any situation and make it com...
Pushed too far
I've pushed my a bf soo far for soo long that he decided to get involved with anot her woman this morning I found texts on his cell while he was asleep messages saying from him to her and visa versa I love you soo much and am missing you already etc etc it hurt me soo bad she is married also to a 70 y/o man ,and acti...
Friday night and I had a deadline...
Hi all. Things have been a lot calmer in my household/mind/heart for the last few days, thanks HP, MIP, Al_Anon! However today I kind of wobbled a little bit. It is Friday night and H has the weekend off (and we know what it means). I have been swimming in coursework and research for the last 2 weeks as tomo...
One of the greatest challenges for me, mentally, has been the idea that alcoholism is a disease. I am not closed to the idea, but have to understand how it came to be. I have listened to opinion, and also scientific "evidence" and views from the medical community. There is a wide range of view...
uncomfortable times and a snake in a party hat!
Medicare goofed, my meds were not ready due to expired card. NO it wasn't but I had to clean up the mess...its ok now. I keep thinking about my xah. making me nuts. My son has not gone to check on him yet. But in reality, I want to see him. I have checked on him since I was 17. this is the longest I have ever gone. I...
My assets and gratitude list
Forgot I had tools.
Wow I had some bad days there. Daughter is away, the bad news just kept coming and coming, every silver lining turned out to be a bigger blacker cloud coming from behind, lol I let it get on top of me big time. I got into bed and I stayed there for days. No-one needs to tell me that isn't healthy or good but i did...
I have just got back from a five day holiday with my husband!
He was vile towards me and played head games the whole time, a lone traveller asked us if he could join us for breakfast at our table in the hotel, my husband said yes of course mate, which led to the bloke walking about with us during the day, I thought I was just being polite to talk to this man who had been go...
what I learned about love
What I learned about love from my family of origin is that love hurts, love is abusive, life was scary and unpredictable, and nobody was going to help me. It now makes sense that both my first marriage and my current marriage, is to alcoholics/addicts, emotionally abusive, and unavailable people....
It's done
1 2
Today was the last day of my working life in the non-profit sector. Starting at 7:15 a.m., I was busy with all the loose ends that needed to be tied up for the business and for the transfers of properties. The board president loaded my car with what was left of my personal items to add to the boxes that wer...
need some advice
I need some advice on how to explain to my boyfriend that his drinking makes me uncomfortable. He's not an alcoholic, but likes to have a beer or two after work or wine with dinner. Which is fine, but because I grew up with an alcoholic father this everyday-drinking (even if it's not excessive) does make...
If the hat fits…..
1 2
I'm in a bit of a dilemma about which hat to wear for Pinkchip's wedding? This might be a bit too Woodstock?? THE LOVING HEART Someone may love you because you are clever Someone may love you because you are wise Someone may love you for beauty or humour The fun in your heart or the light in your eyes But if...
Tiny baby steps..
So I'm happy to say that I've started going to f2f meetings, on Tuesdays and Fridays. I'm also reading CAL which has really helped. I'm still very angry when I talk about my Qualifier to my family members and they are quick to remind me of this.. but I'm having trouble letting go of being so angry.. how do I...
All checked in
We are checked into our wedding suite. It is beautiful with a deck/balcony overlooking downtown Annapolis. Our priest (episcopal) flew in right after us. Parents visited. All is shaping up well. A few last minute cancelations of people but nothing major. Holy crap guys! I'm actually getting marr...
Last Day in the Old Job, Vacation and New Job in the Same Workplace
I'm really trying to stay present and grateful and hopeful that this new job in the old workplace will be different but inwardly I'm not believing it for a minute. I've been looking for another job elsewhere but after this experience I don't want to end up somewhere more dysfunctional. I want to make...
Let go and Let God
Hi Everyone. I began going to Al-Anon meetings about a month ago. I have lived with an active alcoholic for the passed 15 years, and it has gotten bad these passed 3or 4 years. I never considered myself having a problem until I began attending the meetings and reading Al-Anon literature. Wow, what an e...
Arrogant Alanoner
The self awareness and revelations just keep coming and I thought I knew it all already. I have not got this completely straight yet in my mind but it just came to me and sometimes writing it out here helps me see it clearly. Step 2 says a power greater than me will restore me to sanity, I got this on one level...
Thanks karma13
I have been reading some of the threads and I came across this from krama13, Letting go letting god~ detachment with love. It means I love my husband enough to let him have the dignity to make his own choices. Whether or not I agree with them, and I try try my best one day at a time to work my program, and keep t...
What have you done for me lately?
I just got out of my first session with a counselor. Glad to finely find one that I connect with. I talked about how I am at a crossroads. I am recently separated (for a 2nd time). I feel like that for us to be functioning HE needs to be functioning. The just stopping drinking does not equal functioning. I mo...
I really like this one.....
A thing my Momma told me
that was confirmed years later in recovery and maybe she was speaking from her awareness and experience regarding alcoholism in her/family and wasn't saying alcoholism. We had a cat "Snowy" who had kittens. Blacky was the poppa and the kittens were either white...or...black. One o...
Jerry F
So, that's it, my Qualifier wife and I are separating
Here's my story/share: My wife and I have been married for 12 years and together 16. We have 2 children 5 and 9 months. My wife is almost 2 years sober (in September). Last year was a m*******r of a year. After debating whether or not to have another kid, I convinced my wife to get pregnant and then it al...
God Grant Me
Can AH do this?
My STBEXAH bought my daughter concert tickets for her birthday. I happy for my daughter to be able to see her favorite singer, but I have a couple issues. First the concert is out of state, she will have to travel 1200 miles to go to the concert. Secondly, the concert is during my week with her. My S...
Any point even hoping for better?
so my adult son decided a week ago to detox/cut down. It was unbearable seeing him do this when I visited. But, a week on, he's not drunk as much - claims to have had nothing for 2 days. He's been to 1 AA meeting. Says he'll continue. Yesterday his work said he was to be disciplined for poor performance (they...
mixed feelings
I'm packing my apt and I'm getting ready to make my big move. My job starts Aug 4th. I move in a couple weeks to get settled in before I start. It's all very exciting and sad at the same time. I start to pack and I start to cry. I get mixed emotions. My HP has aligned everything for me from the new job to the apt and...
Yeah, I'm in a stuck place!
AH and I had (another) big talk on Monday night. I've been building up to this for a while, but was waiting until our kids were out of the house for camp. Actually, I was planning to tell him I wanted a divorce, but I've been dithering around for ages, not able to make that final decision. Then (I posted abou...
Mixed Emotions ..
I'm neither sad or happy at the moment or maybe it's a combination of both .. I wish I had a better word for it. Disappointment maybe is a better word. The divorce date and time has passed and now I wait for a new date .. ugh .. I hate the waiting and realized that this is probably the God of my understandings...
As a Christain, I struggled with AlAnon's HP as my HP is the God of heaven and earth, Creator. Can I work the program with God as my HP? Will I be allowed to? Does the program contradict the Word of God? Well, I have prayed and searched the Scriptures and there is a little fuzzy in the "ME" aspect,...