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Been lurking but not much ESH given. I'm down in the dumps. I was invited to a 4th party at my friend house on Thursday night. I went...drank TWO glasses of wine and I got so drunk I ended up in the pool fully clothed because I was told later I wanted to be incognito. GEEZ... I had to have someone take me home and I was sick all the next day. I have never been/done anything like this. Was I slipped a mickey?? I'm embarrassed even though everyone said I was funny and so cute.......yeah right.
Well anyways this alcohol thing got me all depressed and such. I am thinking about my boy and if he is OK. I did find out he has been transferred to a pretty good rehab private prison. I was hoping he would go there and HP answered my prayers.
Work is nuts, home is lonely, I'm getting fat because I can't stay on a diet and and and........yes I'm whining
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
I'm wondering if you didn't pass on the allergy to your son. Problem with alcoholics is we are basically allergic and have similar reaction when we drink, but we are compulsed to do it again and again and again so our tolerance goes up. Not saying you are alcoholic because you need the compulsion and tolerance and such, but maybe you do have some of that allergy reaction...
Cathy, as far as being down, the only thing I can suggest is just get the ball rolling. Go to the gym when you don't feel like it or for a jog, fast walk, meetings....soon you will act your way into better thinking and living.
I've never heard of someone who drank two glasses of wine and had such a strong reaction. I'm a pretty inexperienced drinker and on the rare occasions I've had two glasses of wine, I never came anywhere near that. It would not surprise me at all if it turned out someone had put something in your drink. Ugh!
I guess it all goes to show that alcohol is very risky, in a variety of ways. I guess we all knew that already.
I can sniff wine and get high. My tolerance for alcohol is basically at maybe one percent and that is if I've eaten almost an entire meal. I can't do two drinks because my head starts to spin and I get sick. And I get very, very depressed and end up crying that nobody loves me and everybody hates me - boo hoo. The difference between me and my son is that I can drink and stop. He can't. You're grieving, Cathy. If its any help to you, I went to church yesterday with a huge group of nuns celebrating their 125th anniversary of being in this location. There were nuns there I haven't seen for about 4 to 5 years and have known for about 30. All of them had changed from being very tall and slender to being tall-ish and puffy and they work out at their health center. Some of our weight gain unless we go on starvation diets is part of our metabolism slowing down. I agree with PC that doing something you enjoy for exercise would be helpful and doing it with a group that you enjoy might keep you going? I'm doing water exercise twice a week at our local health center in the warm water pool because I like to do it. I do yard work and house work the rest of the days because it is all good exercise and I can see results. I also like to walk. Assets and gratitude lists help, too. I've had those blah days myself and they pass with program work and being with people I enjoy.
I haven't had a drink in 15 years (and was only a social drinker), but have thought if I ever did drink it probably wouldn't be pretty. I have heard people can get drunk on half a glass of wine, and others can down an entire bottle and still maintain. Has be just be part of who we are I guess.
Thanks guy...just posting keeps me in it. I thought the wine would be was party. Me thinks I can party without the To get that drunk makes me think I can't tolerate it at all anymore.
I'm feeling better. Just got home and this house still smells of fish from dinner yesterday....YUCK.
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
Cathy and MIP family...something to remember so that you get the reality in place...Alcohol...all alcohol is a mind and mood altering chemical. It is a liquid depressant, synergistic, anesthetic and doesn't kill thirst it causes it. It is hugely powerful in the human system, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This isn't Kool Aid and a person under the influence is considered "intoxicated" or poisoned. And that isn't even talking about the addiction to it the "ism".
Down and out is being and has been used for centuries to describe the after effects of alcohol consumption. I don't drink any longer...I am allergic including I turn a yellowish green and start loosing things...every things. My first mind blowing high was on the age of nine, given to me by my grandmother while my mother fought her not to do it...Wonder what that is all about I thought and then over time including Al-Anon, ACOA, CoDa and AA I have come to understand...This isn't Kool Aid or Diet Pepsie. Not even close. ((((hugs))))
Speaking of which have you seen the new beer products that are coming out lately...the flavored stuff that indicates they are after the younger set. These people are drug dealers and need to be shut down.
Your right Jerry. Oh did you hear they have been able to make alcohol into a powder so all you have to do is add water. You can carry a gallon of vodka in your pocket. Dang!!!
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
Okay, Cathy. Now that you feel better - LOL!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!! In the pool, fully clothed because you wanted to be incognito! LOL!!!!! When I swim, I usually wear my bathing suit, but in the words of one of my friend's Moms - "Whatever floats your boat," or in my words - whatever keeps you afloat. Hope the clothes kept you floating on the surface?
LOL yeah I guess I stayed in the water for about an hour. My friends were watching me making sure I didn't go under. Finally Bonnie came and got me out and they told me I was so grateful because I couldn't get out myself and didn't want to make a scene. I just sat there watching some people play some a game where they were throwing bags in holes. It was hot outside so the water was great and kept me from getting sick ( at least until I got out and they gave me something to change into.....then OMGosh ) and the lighting and thunder was kool to watch.
Everyone was so nice and understood I didn't drink. I never want to do that again.....
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
Good. It sure is a bummer and it doesn't even taste good. Give me a cold water with/without lemon and I'm happy (well, after I scout out where the bathrooms are).
Yes I keep up on the industry and the now powdered alcohol...These people never give up and even the government is not keeping them to promises they made and have refused to follow thru on. Thanks for the reminder. I have a legislative proposal I want them to take action on...probably after they themselves are finished drinking. lol. ((((hugs))))