Christian Alternative
Near as I can tell, my mom has been an alcoholic for a large part of my life, only recently called out on it. My dad wants us all to go to Al-Anon meetings, but I'm not really comfortable with it. I don't feel comfortable plugging in to the same meeting that my dad and three siblings do, and I'm not really comf...
Gotta get it out
Damn you alcoholism for taking away our loved ones. For making us feel like it's our fault. For having so much control over our A's feelings that they lose touch with what is REALLY important in life. I hate you for causing me to be untrusting, for causing me not to forget past things and use that to enc...
So Disappointed Tonight
My AH is headed back to the ER tonight for the third time in a year. About to go through withdrawl/detox again. My son took him because I told him last time that if he went back, I wouldn't be there for him. So many thoughts going through my head. Is anyone still awake out there?
Unsettled feeling
Learning to let go is tough. Learning what and how to let go is tough. I've been working on it for a couple of weeks. The first weekend I actually noticed there were no freak outs in the house over the weekend. So today, I'm just really uneasy and just can't focus. I haven't really spoken to my son since...
He Quit Again (DETACHMENT)
My AH has been drinking for stright 5 years no sick time in there this time Its been 36 yrs he has and Yes it does get worse a time goes on and the longer it is the more they can tolerate the more they drink. After 2 Weeks of Very Heavy Drinking coz he was on vacation. hes ready to go back to work and he says he is go...
Dating a healthy man is gooooood! update
I had dated a few different guys and only one man kind of interested me with no red flags. So I proceeded and 7 dates later over 2 months time he asked if we could be exclusive and I said yes that I was willing to date just him and see where it goes. He is kind, funny, tall and handsome. He made me dinner and likes...
Still Strugglin... Just Wish I Knew Why!
Have ya Ever just had one of those Weeks were Speaking always turns to Tears, and for a Reason you havne't yet found or Pin pointed... That is My Week, I am in Constant Disaray... Went to a Meeting Last Night in HOPES of Finding the Root of My Emotions and Only Came Home more Bummed then when I Left... There i...
Ist Al-Anon meeting today and first post here
Hello. I attended a local Al Anon meeting today. My brother called last week and mentioned he had started in Al-Anon and he felt it was helpful. I know growing up with two alchoholic parents made for a crazy life and lots of problems. I'm very open to the help that Al Anon offers. However, I didn't know i...
New here and going to first Al-Anon meeting tonight
I all. I found this board while searching for Al-Anon. I am currently married to an Alcoholic and is completely losing it and blaming it on me. I have left our house and am currently staying at a friend's house while trying to figure out what I want to do. I am going to my first meeting tonight and don't real...
Husband Coming Home Next Week From Treatment--Help!!
My husband has been in treatment for 28 days and 7 days before that for alcohol detox. He is coming on Tuesday August 7th. I have visited him once a week and watched him slowly but surely show signs of recovery. He has admitted that he has a problem and sincerly wants to be sober. He wants to work hard to...
Bad situation with parents
Hi, I am new to all of this, but I really need someone to listen and maybe guide me in the right direction. My stepdad has been in my life since I was two years old. He was what I would call a functioning alcoholic for most of my childhood. He was the CFO of two major businesses and always in charge. In the la...
It must be sinking in
I had a dream the other night that AW had cut down a whole row of bushes. It was WAY too many & they were cut WAY too short. I was upset. I then proceeded to tell myself not to react, you're angry & there's nothing you can do about the bushes now anyway. Let it go. Alanon thinking in a dream? Something m...
Country Boy
Got my 1 yr anniversary coin!
Last night I lead my local F2F meeting and I was given my 1 yr in alanon coin - pretty cool. I keep playing with it and just holding it feels like it gives me strength.
An Al-anon rock bottom?
I have been reading these pages over the last two days and am very thankful that such experience strength and hope can be found online as well as at meetings. I used to go to meetings every week and I even had a sponsor towards the end, but I went travelling and moved cities and never got back into them regu...
Question about your 12 step experience
I am getting ready to start the 12 steps and I have some questions for the people who have done the 12 steps. How long did it take you to do all of them? Was there any certain step that was a major turning point for you and why? I would love to hear any experiences you had with the steps since that is what I am o...
Can a person change?
I just found this forum in my soul searching... After 18 years of marriage and living with my husbands multiple addictions (alcohol 26 years ago, gambling, weed) and accompanying bouts of depression, I told him that I want a divorce. We have three teenage children and I don't want them to continue to s...
>>Help with Dad
Hi all, I am a sober son of a raging life long alcoholic. To keep it short, my dad was raised by a drug addicted, alcoholic party girl with no father (he died early in my dads life). He has been on and off (mostly on) drinking for his entire life and is now 72 years old, cant work, broke, and drinks vodka straig...
A truce
As some of you may remember, my Dad has been in AA since 1979. He has not had a drop of alcohol in that time, and still talks about one day at a time. As you may also remember, he is here visiting with my Mum for three months and living in my unit under my house. Every time they visit I know there will be fights et...
First Time Poster.... Help!
I don't mean to bother anyone with a long backstory, but I'm a first time poster and not sure where to start. I'm 22 and my older brother (25) is completely tearing my family apart with his drinking. He has thyroid and ADHD problems, but started drinking in 7th grade and then smoking marijuana almost dai...
Life with Mom
So I had to share this .. holy cow I don't think I have laughed this hard with my kids for the LONGEST time. Yesterday we spent the day at an amusement park and it was the best time EVER!! Those were the words of the youngest. We were all tired in a good way and the day just went so fast it was crazy!! As we ge...
Good God, he is crazy! And I will not allow him to take me down with him!
I have told him to leave again and again. He has no interest in the ownership of the home, and he has no lease, nor does he pay rent, so as I understand FLorida law, he has no legal residency in my house. I have insisted he leave my house so that I can get on with my life. He goes, packs nothing, then returns d...
F2F Meeting... Or not.
Well... I finally want to go to a F2F meeting. I mean REALLY want to. Checked online and there are absolutely NONE that will work for me. (time/location/lack of babysitting, etc). Now what?
Question about AA and religion
So A went to his 3 hour counseling session as well as his mandatory AA meeting this past week. Things have actually calmed down here. I know he'll never admit it but I think he actually got something out of his meeting. Anyway, I have a question regarding those meetings. I understand the concept abo...
I am unable to chair the Monday a.m. meeting as I am out of town. Hoping someone will step up and chair for me. Thanks
financial problems how do you cope.
My A uses our account and spends money that should be spend on bills to drink. I make most of the money because his addiction has affected his ability to make a good living. How do you deal with finances? I am ready to transfered my direct deposit to another account but I have so many automatic bills. Askin...
Alcoholics in Al Anon
I live in Montana in a small college town. We have 8 meetings total: Monday noon, Tuesday noon, Tuesday evening all womens group, Wednesday noon, wednesday evening, thursday evening, Friday noon and Saturday morning. There are three times as many AA meetings around here. Now, I have a few issues tha...
New Obsession - Gu ns
Since my exA moved out -- he has a new obsession. Guns. It's almost like a new source of esteem for him, as he has lost everything else.... I unfriended my exA on FB in part because he kept posting all these new guns he has, and not giving me a penny of child support and it made me really angry. So this morning I...
Going back home tomorrow night!
Wow, I can't believe that I've been gone a month. My AH has made efforts to be nice on the phone but he doesn't contact me at all other than the 1 phone call a day. He sent flowers and a silly postcard while we were gone. I think he thinks that all will be well when I get home and that I will forget(or overlook...
NEED some support
Having a really hard time today. My husband has been in fine form for the past couple of days. I have not taken him up on the argument for 3 days now but it is so hard to listen to the trash talk about myself and not respond to it. His temper is starting to scare me again and if I defend myself even in the slight...
I am feeling drained
I am new to this site and this is my first post. I am a 30 year old, pregnant female with an alcoholic husband. I am having a lot of difficulty dealing with him. Usually I just ignore him until he is sober. Then we talk and he is always "so sorry" and he is going to stop. Today I saw him drinking...
Struggling with Enabling/Resentment
The enabling doesn't have to do with my alcoholic but with others around me. I have trouble distinguishing whether I am just being selfish or not wanting to enable. It happens a lot with my best friend who grew up homeless and with two addicted parents. She asks for help with things that she could figure...
Resentment is a horrible feeling! (vent)
I am sitting here reading posts, reading replies on my previous post and my AH is playing video games and drinking beer. I am thinking of going to a meeting tonight, but I am so ANGRY that I am having to do this and he is doing NOTHING! The more he drinks, the louder he gets. He is talking to "friend...
So sad
I just don't know what to do or where to turn. I cannot tell anyone that my husband has started drinking heavily again. We recently moved almost 300 miles away from my family and he has been drunk every day for the last week. We have been together for 2 years, married for 3 months. The first year we live...
Good 'ole fashion Winnie the Pooh Wisdom
More family problems
I haven't posted in a while but have been reading. I'm having a tough time. Almost a year ago my life was spinning out of control. AH was on the descent, and long story short, almost gave himself alcohol poisoning, went crazy, got fired from his job, and finally checked into 3 wk rehab. Fast forward a year...
hes out again...not sure I care
So..my ah is out again...staying over at a friends house an hour from here. Heres the thing...as much as I dont like the drinking, I do enjoy an evening ALONE once in awhile. Stupid as it sounds...i feel guilty for being happy having the night to myself. Ifeel as if it is a sub consious way of condoning the...
Healthy relationships
I have been reading these boards for about a week now, bout several books, more on the way. I'm trying to grasp 'the program'. I read a meditation this morning that mentions how we can turn our will over to our HP, and that all that is needed is a beginning. Just open the door a tiny bit...we can open the d...
Now he is jumping through hoops to contact me.
I have blocked him every which way. But, last night I got another message. This time he contacted me by sending me a message through a reunion website that I had rsvp to. I worked for an airline from 1984-1990, and they are having a reunion next month. Somehow he sent me a message through there. He said, Yo...
Consultation with lawyer
Uuuggghhh. Just had a consultation with a divorce lawyer today. I'm feeling pretty sad that marriage to AW is heading this way. She doesn't know I went to see a lawyer, for all I know, she's already seen one herself. About a month ago we both agreed we couldn't live this way any longer. I have been working...
Country Boy
drama and pent up anger
It's amazing how reading these messages and daily events can dredge up so much crap. I have to admit that I still have sooooo much anger welled up inside me at my A mom. I don't know if it's anger that's burying the hurt or it's just anger. I know what the program says to do with it. I know I should just turn...
In ability to hear no.
One of the core issues I had with the ex A and all A's and addicts really was their inability to say No. I would set a limit and they'd test it to the ceiling. They resented, loathed and scapegoated me for daring to say no. After a couple of years of working on No and meaning it I am able to see that I had my own i...
Changing what I can!
For the last few days I've been praying the serenity prayer to help me with not relapsing and getting back into my insanity. My 17 y.o. grandson got sick last Thursday, Friday he called and asked me if he could stay at my house, he said I knew how to take care of him. I said OK and picked him up, Mon. I had to...
sad or resentful? i don't know...maybe both
I am watching the Olympic Opening Ceremony with my kids while my AH is out drinking with his dad. I am thoroughly enjoying my time with my kids. I feel sad for him that he continues to miss out on so many moments with them. I am resentful for the fact that my daughter has so much daddy anxiety about when he...
Peace Rocky
Hello My Friend, Having a grand child is an amazing experience. I am lucky, my graddaughter lives with me. I am glad to hear that you are smiling again. That is an amazing feeling to have. I hope you are finding peace and joy as life progresses. Just remember everyday above ground is a good day. And...
So thankful you are here!
How do you condense a life time of alcoholic family members? My adopted Dad, and Mom and AH, and son in law too... The main reason I have come here is I work shift work, and 10 to 12 hour shifts, I have not gotten to where I can go to a f2f meeting so, I am absorbing all I can right now. I am not a spring chicken...
Nickie Jo
feeling drained
why is my a b/f keeps teiing me i should have more faith in him he even sent me a poster that said marriege is only a peice of paper that haveing faith and respect etc.in yur partner is most important,lol,am i missing something here ,lol im beginning to feel like he is twisting my brain,or trying,guess he f...
son is celebrating 1 year today
Wow....I am feeling so much gratitude today. My son has worked very hard on his recovery this past year. He doesn't think of it as hard work because he loves AA meetings and working with a sponser on the 12 steps. If he goes 2 days without a meeting he can feel some feelings that only contact with someone in...
So......I know my son is an addict. I have accepted this fact and am beginning to learn how to deal with it. Up until now I have always believed he was a good person with bad habit. I guess he is still a good person but has begun (or hidden very well) the things that cross the line into....what....bad...
Thoughts of leaving
Hello everyone! I've been reading through the forum for about a month now, but I've been too afraid to start a topic of my own. I'm doing it now, because I am almost at my wits' end. I'm 23 and my husband is 25. We have been together for going on 7 years, and married for almost 2. I knew he drank a lot when we we...
Detachment, yet showing support, yet not enabling, ESH please
In our ODAT reading for today it talks about changing the environment and the A desiring sobriety as a result. I kind of think that's the situation but there is that whole giant leap of him wanting to be sober and actually being able to make it happen. I'm really good at the detachment factor. However, I d...
BF is sober again now 17 days since his relapse. He found a place to live and will be moving in on the 1st. He was homeless a bit but once he got back into his meetings, had resolved his living situation and accepted my boundaries, he can stay here temporarily. Moving in is not an option... I only allowe...
24/7 struggle!
Things came to an end with my ABF, I cut the cords. Not that the biggest work has been done, the hardest is yet to come, because as I triggered his awareness, well he triggered mine. So now I face my own addiction, the addiction to this realtionship, the addiction to be needed, the addiction to care more fo...
7th Tradition
Hi I will be out of town for over a week and have posted the 7th Tradition to the Step Work Board Join us and share your thoughtshttp://stepwork.activeboard.com/t50177844/alanon-tradition-7/
I heard this statement recently and loved it .. I was pre-qualified for alanon and boy is there a lot of truth to that!! Last night I went to a wonderful meeting in town and it was nice to know that all I had to do was change location not my schedule. I would have been at a meeting during that time on a Tuesday...
Tryin to Find My Spirit...
Have you ever had those Moments where Your Spirt Contracts, & retracts to the Point of a Roller Coaster... For Example... I resently returned from Vacation, and I had an Amazing Time, However there where Moments when I would Feel Over the Moon, and Feel HP Standing Right There, Present, and then O...
still a good week & counting!
Only one thing to really complain about & it really isn't a complaint. Sometimes when it rains it pours but I am still optimistic. My husband had a crack in his denturs & then lost a tooth on his top plate. Ouch! So, on Weds. we went to a denturist 60 miles away of course--we live in a small town so th...
Hoot Nanny
Back here again (long post)
Hi All, I'm so glad this is here for me. I am a wreck this morning. After 7 years of marriage, we are still in the same place. AH still drinks, but at least it was getting better for a while--not as drunk, or not as often. I could sort of manage that. I was also trying my best not to hide his beer, con...
Change takes awhile
I suppose this is as much a vent as anything. AD (23 yo) has been in the program and sober for over 3 months after a DUI - her second. I'm so glad she's doing it. Better to do it at this age than later, etc. She is having difficulties dealing with the idea of jail, won't apply for jobs with the pending court a...
why does it have to be so difficult??
This is just a bit of a vent... Before I got married and had kids, I kind of expected that those things would change my life. I would have to make compromises, sacrifices even, and that it would be a lot of work. But that it would all be worth it. The joy of having a husband and children would balance out the wo...