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Post Info TOPIC: Co-duck pendency

~*Service Worker*~

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Co-duck pendency


Help Debber Help!! ...Okay any of you old timers figure out what comes next and what I have just done?

Two little Duckies or Duckers or Duckareenos or whatever...fell out of a tree at the hotel I do work for. This has happend not too long ago also and those little ones were absconded by cats and mongooses so here were two more offerings to the chick chompers if no-one did anything and I got involved in the investigation and thought there were people to come step up to the water dish and then reality came forward and no one not even the other guy who was worrying about it wanted the task.   Co-duck pendency...I got the critters...loud peepers and fuzzy as all get out and one of my dogs (I got two of them also) don't like them and the other wants a taste.  My nervous system stepped up a notch and I find out that I can't do adrenalin like when I was married to the alcoholic/addict; nor do I know a thing about raising or caring for duckies.   Help Debber!!...  Their cute...God does that so you have tons of trouble saying no to caring for them...and they are tiny and God does that so that you have tons of trouble saying no there also and they are all over the place and loud and they are here.  I right into taking a minute at a time and letting go and letting God who hasn't let me know if God has instructionson duck care.  I had to go to the otherside of the island 200+ miles and 4+ hour trip and when I came home they were not on the floor or in their enclosure they were on the bottom of a trash can and either someone picked them up and put them there or these little critters climbed my boots, two stairs and tumbled into the trash recepticle...can they do that?!!   I'll ask again...can they do that??!!

O God their cute...and I'm not coming up with names.  My wife hasn't responded to the email and picture of these two.  She is up on the continent with you guys and thinking....what?  I don't know.  I don't even know how to care for ducks.  They do sofar like my that a sign of something?  Is this gonna terminally do me in?  H E L P  ....  P L E A S E.!!

(((((ME))))) smile

-- Edited by Jerry F on Wednesday 1st of August 2012 08:35:14 PM


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You lucky duck !!! I'd love to take them off you hands - had a pet chicken once. It was the only one that hatched in an incubator of several eggs - he (it) would ride around on my shoulder..he thought I was his mom since I was the 1st living creature that he saw when he hatched.

Yes, they can climb and probably fell into the trash all by themselves. Maybe leave them in the bathroom next time you have to be gone for a while, put a little water in the bottom of the tub but put something in the tub so they can climb out.

Names: Ben & Jerry, LaVerne & Shirley, or name one Steamed and the other


~*Service Worker*~

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Well Jerry, I had a Duck many years ago that I had bought for my daughter. Her name was Petula, she was delightful and followed my daughter every where. I do have to tell you she was very messy and that was just one duck . Hope you have lots of yard....Best of luck.

P.S., when she got too big , I dropped her off at the nearest duck pond. She seemed happy.!

I know why dont you build a pond....

Hugs, Bettina


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Thanks Bettina...we do have a very large pond in the middle of Hilo where they will go when they are able to fly solo.     I'm doomed though...just got a call that 2 more fell out of the tree...I got the call...I GOT THE CALL...WHY? BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS i TOOK THE FIRST TWO.   I REALLY HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO DUCK!!  God grant me the serenity to accept no more ducks...or doves or eagles or mynah bird or what ever.

(((hugs))) smile


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OK so I am sitting here with a big grin and a very grateful giggle of relief that there is someone else who gets into these messes.

I've been followiing the story of a fellow NMO patient who hatched a couple from eggs .... the only way he could get them to be quiet and get some sleep was to let them sleep with him.

And I just got pictures of his backyard garden ... well, what is left of it. Seems they like to dig up the plants!

I think the bathroom/bathtub idea is a good one but close the lid on the little pond



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We had a duck when I was a kid. We got it at a pet store, it was little, yellow, and fuzzy. It grew fast to a big duck. My mom put a kiddie pool in the back yard for it. But, after awhile she was not loving having a pet duck. She found a farm that would let the duck live there. We took it to the farm, I went with my dad and we put it in the gate, the dang thing kept following us right back out of the gate. You know they say if a duck is raised with humans he never recognizes itself as a duck, it thinks it one of us. This duck certainly didn't want to go live on a farm with other ducks. =(



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Oh My! I love this! Thanks for the share! It am sitting here laughing and smiling just reading your posts! I had a pet duck when I was a child... We lived across the street from the lake and a little baby duck got abandoned by his mommy and we took him in. It was so cute... followed me, my sister and my brother around everywhere! He even would follow us to the bus stop on school days, then go home, and some how he knew when we would get off the bus and he would be there waiting on us. When he grew up, we tried getting him to go and be free but he never would leave home. We would go to the lake and let him swim and sneak off, and he would realize we were gone and waddle up the hill, across the street and back home! Loved that duck!! Good luck! And do let us know what you name them.. I kinda like Steamed and Roasted... waddle, waddle, quack, quack!  ((((((BIG HUGS!!!))))))



Don't settle for less than your potenial. Remember, average is as close to the bottom as to the top. ~Unknown

No matter how far you've gone down the wrong road, turn back! ~Unknown

~*Service Worker*~

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Lollollol, I think there is a smart mummy duck sitting in that tree she kicked out two little ducklings just to test the water and when she saw they were took care of, she thought mmnnn and started chucking out the rest, word gets about Jerry F, if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander, I had a pet duck called donald, she was cute for all of 5-6 weeks, then she was full grown that quick, Oh I thought I could house train her but you could bet your life evertime I was ready with news paper she was quicker than me, my husband built her a lovely cage while she was so little and cute but by the time it was finished she couldn't stand up straight becasue she had grown so quick, they nibble your lips so gently when they are chicks, if you let them do that now  and six weeks they will be ripping them off, my cats were frit rigid of her, she used to go and eat there cat food and then shake her head and splatter all the walls lol  and the upside I would take her for walks In the country side where she would run along side me like a little dog, the trouble thing was peeps thought I was knicking ducks when I went home and she jumped in the car! lol



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Doesn't this kind of share require pictures?????


~*Service Worker*~

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Wow... I don't belong on this post at all....  my first thought was "a little orange sauce on the side"..... hehehehe




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~*Service Worker*~

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Hi Jerry,

ha ha great share them Ducks are really lucky,

I would be the same as you can not walk away from cuteness!!

I love the shares though about how they follow humans I love animals I have a cat and a dog and would have more animals if I had the space.

Hp must have brought them to you for a reason.

Names errrm Al and anon xx


hugs tracy


~*Service Worker*~

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LOL .. you know what I always say if walks like a duck, talks like a duck, ... then it's probably a duck and you aren't going to dress it up like a goose!!

Good luck I have always not liked birds so it's a good thing they have found a home with you. I have no bird advice to give. Would the local zoo there take them? You might want to give them a ring and see what kind of advice they would offer on caring for ducklings.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

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This thread is quacking me up.


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One duck at a time


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~*Service Worker*~

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Jerry, just keep telling yourself you are doing God's work, taking care of what He has left behind. I have taken care of a few of these critters, certain that GOD is testing me to see what I do to take care of His littleist. Do your best friend.

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France

~*Service Worker*~

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There is a lot more to my duck story, my duck became very clingy and so when I went anywhere it pined for me and would kick off worse than any child, hubby used to take it to the pub with him in a shoulder bag zipped up with just it's little head sticking out and it would sit in their on his knee while he drank and played cards, during this time my father inlaw was very sick he was attempting to take his life and so one day after coming back from a country walk with donald I came home and there was a police car on my front, I thought ot owah what now, anyways I stepped into my kitchen where this burley policeman stood in his uniform and hat and my husband introduced me, donald wasn't far behind so I shouted come on donald, in she jumped and waddled along behind me, the policemans said I have seen it all now lol I thought you were talking to your son, another time a friend came around in his army jeep and wanted us to go out for a spin with him, I said yessssssssssssssss but donald will have to come, so we put donald in the cat basket and she was starpped securely to the bonnett, when donald first learnt to jump on the sofa it was like a child taking it's first step, when we ate cheesy wotsits she would help hesrelf out of the bag, sat inbetween us on the sofa but then one night hubby came down from the bath without his shirt on and donald attacked his nipple, thing is she would bite and twist like pulling grass.


we would bath togther too but I would come out dirtier than I went in, she would sleep between us in bed and poop on hubbies head, you may wonder why I call her donald, well as in duck, lol x


~*Service Worker*~

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~*Service Worker*~

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Thanks My Brother... Another Added LIFT to My Day ;) God Knew what he was Doing when He Handed those Beauty's to You! Can't think of a More Loving Caring Soul to place over their Care...

Hope to See More Pics :) Love, Hugs & Prayers for You & Your Quack of a

With Love .... Jozie


Thee Only Journey I Control Is MY Own :)

Gratitude.... Is a God Honoring Attitude! :D

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