The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
wow! again, I applaud you for your daily, persistent striving. that's how it works for me too, otherwise, I'll just do what I've always done... "doing something" lol, as you say, that is my disease right there, rather than just letting things be, letting go and letting God.... I don't have to try to play God anymore, what a relief!
My old sponsor always says, "God never promised easy. But He did promise company." (the fellowship) How grateful I am to be in such good company, thank you for being here, I get to witness your miracles (a shift in thinking!)
-- Edited by glad lee on Friday 3rd of August 2012 09:37:07 AM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
My wife's parents are visiting us for the weekend. The last time we saw them was this past Easter, and that was also, as far as I know, the last time that my wife wasn't sober. She had helped herself to some of her mom's pain pills and wound up abusing those for a few days. It was a bad situation but she has come out of it wonderfully and I'm very proud of her.
Anyway, as this visit approached, I thought about contacting my mother in law and warning her about the pills--maybe tell her to make sure she had them hidden in a safe place so my wife couldn't find them. But I didn't. The controlling side of me was raging a bit inside but I keep that quiet as best as I could.
This morning as I left for work, I noticed my mother in law's purse by the door. Peeking out of the top was a large pill bottle (my mother in law is likely an addict as well but that's a story for another time). This of course instantly stirred up my inner control freak. I thought to myself--if I can see it, surely my addicted wife will see it...I thought I must do something, but what?
I thought about the words I've heard in many meetings and read here on this board. Yes, I could do something, but if my wife wanted to get high, she would find a way. There are 3 liquor stores within 5 miles of our house and they would be happy to give her what she wanted. So "doing something" about my mother in law's pills may buy me a few minutes of peace, but it doesn't solve anything really, other than feeding my controlling side.
Then another thought occured to me--maybe she'll use, maybe she won't--but what will you do? I've heard so many variations of that in the nearly 18 months I've been in Al Anon. I remember a member sharing a story from when they first started going to meetings...he was talking to a more experienced Al Anon member and venting about all of the horrible things his alcoholic wife had done. The man simply replied--yes, but you'll be ok. Everything he said, no matter how horrible, that was the reply--yes, but you'll be ok...
I'm beginning to learn that I really do find peace when I just focus on me. It's still a long road and there are still many old tapes playing in my head, but I'm so grateful for this lesson and those that have helped teach me.
Wow That is Some GROWTH There :) And Yes I Agree that I'm Grateful you found us as Well ... This Program Has Sooo Much we Can Learn & Tools we Can Learn & I know for Me, Learning them "Once" at times is Just not enough... Untill I Can Replace OLD Habits, with New More Possitive ones, I tend to Slip a bit...
But WOW... Coming Here... Reading your Share & How YOU Listened to Your Inner Al-Anon Voice, and It paid off in Full...I know there are Still Struggles Ahead, but knowing I Can Get there... One Day at A Time... I CAN...
So Thank You for Coming here & Being HONEST... Thats One thing I have Always Admired about Al-Anon... HONESTY... I don't like to Shout out My Flaws, but Knowing I have Loving Caring People that Understand that Struggle, It has Truly Helped My Recovery...
Thank you for the inspiring share. I agree--- Focusing on myself it the answer to all my issues When I first heard that slogan many years ago it just did not make sense. I found, as you did the program must be lived to be understood