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Post Info TOPIC: Life with Mom

~*Service Worker*~

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Life with Mom

So I had to share this .. holy cow I don't think I have laughed this hard with my kids for the LONGEST time. 

Yesterday we spent the day at an amusement park and it was the best time EVER!!  Those were the words of the youngest.  We were all tired in a good way and the day just went so fast it was crazy!! 

As we get to the car which of course is parked at the ends of the earth out there, .. why is it that parking lots get bigger at night than they are during the daylight?  We finally get to the car which has had a few added bumps to it because backing up is neither a skill that is handed down or taught, you either have it or not .. my mom and I do not have it.  A few days a go she was backing up and literally slammed into a  utility truck .. thankfully no one was hurt .. this includes the utility truck .. it had a scratch that could be buffed out .. my mom's car on the other hand literally had the trunk latch busted .. so we are driving around with a bungee cord holding the truck in place.  I'm so serious when I say we have been schelping bags (I officially hate those use your own recycle bags there were like 50 in the truck and I'm probably under estimating) and chairs from the truck to the backseat and vise versa each trip. 

Anyway, so there is her little white car with the bungee cord attached to the trunk it was like finding water in the sahara desert.  Nothing is ever done in a quick manner with my mom so as the kids and I are laughing already because we are soaked from the last ride.  I forget how cold it gets here at night.  I will miss this weather to say the least.  This is my childhood in a nutshell as my mom uses her trac phone to call 411. 

411: City and State please (all automated)          Mom: Poway, California         411: Po-way, Califonia What listing please (auto)                                     Mom: Brickoven Pizza     411:  I didn't understand that could you repeat? (auto)      Mom: Brickoven Pizza     411:  I didn't understand could you repeat?  Mom: BRICKOVEN PIZZA   Me: Mom, maybe you just need to ask for an operator.  Kids: Giggle, giggle (Apparently they already knew how fast this was going to go bad .. LOL)   Mom: Operator    411: City and State please (auto)     Mom: Poway, California      411: Po-way California, what listing please?  Mom: Brickoven Pizza      Me: Mom, operator?        411: Was that blah blah sports bar?        Mom:  NO!  BRICKOVEN PIZZA PIZZA (because one pizza is not enough to let an automated operator know what you want!)         Mom: Oh finally I am getting a number.          Me: Is it the right number?  Good grief!  Kids: Giggle giggle         Mom: They have me on hold!!  I could get a better insurance rate wonder if it would be worth it.                                                   Me: Seriously?! I thought all we wanted was pizza tonight.  You can deal with the insurance rates when you decide what you are going to do about the car.                              Mom:  Who advertises as you wait for a number?          Me:  (thinking) Oh Lord please please please let it be the right number.   Mom:  (Calls the number given)  Is this Brickoven Pizza?                          Number called:  (I hear the poor girl go)  Noooooo.                                             Mom: I"m so sorry (hangs up).  Says to me .. I wonder what number we got I should call back and find out.              Me: We can do that when we get home.  What's the plan now?          Kids: Giggle giggle (getting louder).                     Mom dials 411.              411: City and state please                         Mom: Poway, California           411:  Po-way, California  What listing please?         Mom:  (now she's yelling)  BRICKOVEN PIZZA.. YOU KNOW PIZZA ..  PIZZA     (Me and the kids are screaming laughing .. even if they gave her the right number there is no way she could have heard that.) NOOOooooooOOOO I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO AN INSURANCE ADVERTISEMENT I WANT AN OPERATOR!!  The kids and I are gone at this point, .. there is laughing and then there is laughing so hard you can't breathe we are there.  I finally get ahold of myself and say give me the phone please.  I take her little trac phone and say let me call ... please i can't take it.  I do.  411:  What city and state  Me: Poway, California     411:  Po-way, California.  What listing please?  Me" (I've already lost it and all I can think is should I ask for Brickoven Pizza or Brickoven Pizza Pizza)  Brickoven pizza (through muffled laughter)    411:  I didn't understand.  At that point i realize I'm getting sucked into the game (just like dealing with the stbax it was an exercise in futility at this point, definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over expecting different results).  I put her phone down and pick up mine and call 411.  We ordered pizza before we were out of the parking lot.  It was good too .. LOL!

My mom turns to me and says .. sometimes I just like to mess with those automated people to get them upset.  OMGosh .. that did it further for me, my daughter and I were literally crying laughing and I said to her somehow .. yes .. because arguing with automated people just really screws up their day.  I mean by the end of that call she was screaming at this automated thing and it was the funniest thing to watch and listen to.  To watch her do it not once, or twice I mean that was at least 4 times and then I STARTED!!!  I know better!!   Obviously not .. it was the apitimy of growing up in that house with her.  It's seriously no wonder I'm not more deranged than I am.  Then she says you know I still have that wrong number we should call and see where they gave me the number to! 

Holy cow!!!!  It was a funny ending to a great day.  I can't remember having that kind of fun for the longest time.  It was the best!!  My poor little guy went on something equivilent to the spinning cups at disney and didn't do so well with that .. although he had a blast on all of the other rides.  We managed to go puke free which is a big deal.  The kids both had an amazing time.  Today I'm not moving if I don't have to!!  This has very much been the best trip ever. 

Hugs P :) 


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 661

Love this story- got me laughing too. Thanks, I needed that today : ) Enjoy your time with your mom!


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 13696


Pushka you just have to have great program to be able to go thru that...right thru it and keep on laughing.  I'm thinking I would have thought of calling for "G" ward pickup.  And then I stop everything for a piece of pizza!!  Thanks for the share.   (((hugs))) smile


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3870

I think this is the major reason I am so warped .. LOL!!!!

Sitting there listening to the situation and then writing about it the next day OMGosh .. I was sitting here typing and tears of laughter were running down my face. As my brain relived the situation. I mean if you don't laugh at what some of the stuff that happens you will wind up crying and the little men in the white jackets will come and take you away.

It was just so nice to have that experience with her of really laughing it's been a LONG time.

Today we are headed out again it's been a good trip. There has been some stuff at home however it's all just going to have to wait at this point. Nothing I can do from here. I did loose sleep last night and I will have to give my stbax a lot of credit for stepping up .. however I do NOT trust him without a doubt.

I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the story .. sometimes it just feels good to laugh. :) 

Anyway, hugs P :)

-- Edited by Pushka on Sunday 29th of July 2012 12:20:12 PM


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 689

PULEASE! Stop annoying the automated people! biggrin


Senior Member

Status: Offline
Posts: 247

What a great story!! Sounds like my mom except the part of the amusement park...never catch her dead there. :)

Thank you for taking the time to type all of that out! What a great trip!


Veteran Member

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Posts: 25

LOL that's great!  Thanks for sharing your fun day! :)  TT


Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.

Senior Member

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Posts: 247

and if you are warped I am IN OVERDRIVE!!!

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