My alcoholic parents are moving in.
My father has owned his own painting business for 15 years. With the downturn of the economy he has lost all of his customers. My mother worked with him. So they are both jobless and are being evicted from their trailer. They were only a year away from having the trailer paid for. They've already been thr...
Al ATeen Meetings - Questions
I'm looking at the Al ATeen Meetings in my area, there is a great one nearby and a night I can take my oldest without his younger brother (together at a meeting is a BAD idea, I'll find a separate meeting for middle son Mondays). All kinds of notes. If it says "Al Anon meeting in another room" do...
Boundaries are working
Hi All, I'm a bit new, so Hi everyone. love the site and find myself coming back every couple of days. I'm engaged to an alcoholic. I've been in denial for 2 years, and interestingly enough, once we got engaged and my life got busy with grad school his drinking picked up significantly. For the past 3 mo...
Sunshine daydream
Prayers for a safe trip
My mom is coming to town and I'm very excited, a little nervous and just very excited. We had such a great visit the last time I'm hoping we have a similar experience. The kids are excited. She will be here for 10 days. My hormones are in check woo hoo .. lol .. God is good .. I was a little worried about tha...
I think I'm doing the right thing
Hi all, It's been awhile but I seem to be in need of some emotional support. The Sunday before Valentines Day my AH went overboard again and took off, this time he came back in the middle of the night in a rage. I was sleeping and was woken by the bedroom light being flicked on and the pillow being yanked from...
I have to write here because any attempt to communicate with my ex is wasted energy and time.
He took our kids to counseling appt. Counselor tells him "your kids have an issue with self, they think everything is about them, they don't see the big picture or how they affect others".
Ex rel...
Do I stay?
My fiancé has been sober for over a year. The last time he drank was when I was gone overnight. Well I had my best friends bachelorette party on Saturday and I return Sunday to a drunk. Of course he becomes extremely angry, blaming everyone but himself saying awful things. It is very ugly. Everything fro...
Tonights Meeting
Hi I feel so bad, when I said I would facilitate Tues meetings, I forgot my first Tues of the month obligation:(( Please, anyone jump in and have meeting for me. Thanks and Sincere apologies.
I wanna post but what do I say?
I guess there isn't much to say today. I am doing very well! I have been blessed w/ a somewhat sound mind. I am doing what is that is in front of me. My ah is still sober. He is having a hard time w/ money issues. But then don't we all! He is just so serious about money that sometimes it takes away from the serenit...
Hoot Nanny
In a good place
I no longer walk around expecting rugs to be pulled out from under me. Most of the time its my "stories" the rest of the time, I see the rug before it happens, if I'm honest with myself.
I made myself a priority in the middle of 2010. I began to take care of me. I thought for certain my kids would...
Patterns that repeat
I've had a week where I've had to set some boundaries with several friends. Two of them have been standing me up when we've agreed to meet. It's not that they're mad or anything, they're just flaky. With another, we get together and then while I'm talking (never while she's talking!), she gets out her...
Leaving again...
I have plans on leaving this week. My AH is sick with lupus and in denial about his alcoholism. We've been married 35 years and I have been sober and in AA for 7 years. I simply want whats Good, Right and REAL!!! Pray that my decision to turn my will and my life over to God sticks this time.
Laura Baker
Many thanks to you all
Thank you all so very much for your kind words, compassion, and prayers. I went back to work today (no bereavement leave at my temp job, and if Mama doesn't make money, we can't pay all our bills), and hung in there for six hours. Arrived home to a mailbox filled with a motion filed by my ex-husband's hor...
What should I do to help daughter ?
Hi what is the best thing to do to help my daughter. She is a functioning alcoholic. Holds down a good job but drinks every day bottle of wine and 4 cans if not more. She every now and then says 'Thats it I'm cutting down / giving up'. If I say anything I get told to mind my own business. I don't want to fall out wi...
trust & confidentiality
Can I be trusted? these days I feel I can but there were times when I felt I couldn't be trusted at all! I have to deal w/ a lot of situations where I have to keep what I see & hear to myself. I sometimes really don't like this at all. I have to though. In the real world where I live, I have to be trusted. I can't...
Hoot Nanny
Finally made my Sat morning Al-anon meeting and
it was great. I have been not making it a priority since I can come here numerous times a day and keep myself focused on my program. I went 5 days without internet, because my provider is having issues and I was so glad I went to my home group this morning. A couple old timers told me how important it was to the...
The last straw...and maybe rock bottom?
Today, the unthinkable happened. I'm not sure where to start. There's a long, 4 year history of what has been happening and why, with my mother and alcohol, but I don't know if I have energy to go through it right now... Regardless, don't judge her off of this...she's a wonderful person. I love my mother...
over responsibility
I am a member of al anon and coda. I have been affected by others drinking but btoday I know i am sick too and have really been looking at me in coda. I do service in all the meetings i attend. then someone asked who would take over the al anon side of a small convention so I stepped forward. Then the opportun...
It is an experience I don't wish on my worst enemy. It is ugly. I won't tell war stories other than to say: everything I had read about what it is like to watch a loved one going through detox has been accurate. I am so grateful for my program and for my HP guiding me when I haven't had a clue what to do. My progr...
Very Very Tired
Do I have to quit too...?
Greetings... It's been awhile since I've posted, things are better... Ummmm...however...recent events have made it a problem now that I still drink! I am all for someone getting their **** together...but WHY should I have to change something that is not a problem for me??? Nothing more to say......
AH Admits He's Doing Nothing to Teach Me a Lesson
So, one of my girlfriends was here for the weekend. She and I have known each other forever and spent much of the day Saturday catching up and sharing about the challenges and joys in our lives. That night, I went to bed a bit early and she and my AH talked...nothing funny, just talked. She called me toda...
Husband checked out of rehab after 30 minutes
Hi everyone, I'm so glad this board is here. I need to vent and also to listen to wise and similar experiences. My husband has been an alcoholic for years. I have known about this for a long time and there have been various failed attempts on his part to control his drinking, be abstinent for short periods...
I am unable to chair the meeting this morning, April 2, as I have an appointment with my doctor. Hopefully someone will step up and chair in my absence. Thanks
That scary day when they get their license back
Following the DUI, its probably a scary day when they get their license back. I am just waiting on her to go buy some rum. See, her poison is Mount Gay Rum. History: post-DUI, she asked if she could start drinking again. I said it was up to her. She tried, it was a vomiting disaster. Then, again, she ask...
Need support
Hi, I could really do with some support at the moment. It's a day for taking care of me. Tracey
Tracey C
Missing the Person They Used to Be
Yesterday I got to see and talk to the man that I married. It was the first time I have seen him in over a year. The alcohol was out of his system after a VERY rough detox. He looked so good and was the same caring person that I remember. I dropped him off at an inpatient rehab facility last night and it was on...
Just checking in to let y'all know what's going on with me. A good friend left the country recently for three months. I am taking care of his dog while he is gone. I asked him before he left if I could take care of his house too. He gladly agreed. It's been about a week and a half now and I'm loving the peace and t...
Non-AA Member dating AA member
I recently started seeing someone who is 5 Months sober - I am not a memeber is AA. We see each other about once a week - Dinner, movie, bowling etc. He moved her months ago and put himself into treatment and currently lives in a sober house. He attends meetings 3+ times a week and meets with his sponsers. C...
I know I have shared bits and pieces with the group about my mom, who has been in very poor health for many years, and totally bedridden for the last year. Although she never suffered from alcoholism or drug addiction, she had many hallmarks of a classic addict, and I have been able to use my Al Anon tools...
And life keeps happening ;)
hello all, seems that while I am steady trying to regain my footing life keeps happening...As I've shared my daughter surrendered on March 2 and began detoxing/recovering fom a significant stint with heroin..Thank you God for this 24 hrs...went to visit Sun and attended a family meeting that was am...
Just happened/I'm reeling. Daughter (via email) "disowned me" forbids communication
Two days ago I got a VERY unexpected an horrible email from my daugter. She forbad all communication with her or her family for good. "emails will not be opened, messages will be deleted without listening, if you come to the house you will be met with silence, don't contact the children, don't ta...
Karen S
What to Say to my H
Ive been having a tough time this week. My AH, from whom Im separated, drank himself insane last summer, went to rehab for 3 weeks, then lost his job. Hes been sober since, for 7 months. Since then, he has been going to AA regularly, has a good sponsor, and appears to be working the program to some exten...
The Price is Right...REALLY?
So last night my son tells me all about the COOLEST thing. My exA and his sister are planning a trip to vegas to be on the game show. It's so cool because they have special shirts, and they are going to drive and visit relatives along the way and BLAH BLAH BLAH Oh, do I sound angry? Yah. Probably because I am. I...
His False Recovery Is Over...He Was Drunk Last Night
I didn't see him drink at all so he was obviously trying to hide it from me, but we had guests over for my birthday and my friends all noticed how drunk he was. Just so disheartened. I knew that he would probably slip since he hasn't chosen to head into a treatment plan at all, but I guess the reality was hard...
Searching for help...
I feel so lost & confused. I have been dealing with my AH (that stands for husband right?) For over three years now. Last night, after having gotten so drunk he blacked out, hit his head on the stairs and laid unconcious for who knows how long, choice to get drunk and verbally tear me to shreds, thr...
Another hard day.
I'm finally coming to the realization, as difficult as it is, that my marriage is not good for me and that I have to remove myself from it. I've never had to grieve over anything like this before. My therapist explained the grieving process to me and it honestly sounds impossible. The idea o...
Emotional Caretaking
Today's reading from "Courage to Change" is about the fallacy of selflessness and giving to others. (i'll wait if you need to read it) It got me thinking about the ways I have given to others, without being asked for help and/or at the expense of myself. In my family of origin, I often took i...
Dolly Llama
Reality ..
I have shared much on my situation with my xa and our daughter .. long before he came along, i survived the (effects) of other people's thinking and behavior through fantasy .. (effects of alcoholism, etc) i chose to see the parts of Reality that suited me .. why wouldn't i have, as i've also shared, when...
update on family situation
well dropped my son down to his voluntary work place on Monday. have to say it is great not to have an active addicted person in my space. I found it very draining. I feel guilty for thinking and saying this. The man my son and his friends injured has been moved to a nearby hospital, a less acute unit. He req...
maire rua
I am hopeful not hopeless!
I am going to make this brief. I am so hopeful even w/ pain that things can & will get better. I have been struggling but I don't feel like I need to be harping over & over about the pain. I am so much better off than a lot of people I know that will never get over their pain. I just wanted to mention about...
Hoot Nanny
I finally got home from my business trip. On the long trip home I came up with a plan to deal with the most recent issue with my AH. Quick recap: while traveling I got a text from a woman I never met saying my husband asked her to have an affair. Old me would have immediately called him and gone off the rails. I d...
I'm scared
AH is in the hospital tonight. Could be pancreas, could be liver... they are running tests. He hasn't been living at the house for the last month and he has been getting increasingly more physically ill. He called me tonight to let me know he is in the hospital. He has been vomiting daily and not eating. H...
Very Very Tired
I got out.....but it hurts
It has been 6 days since I walked away and the pain inside of me is overwhelming. He is 57 and an alcoholic. I am 54 and we have known each other 7 years. I consider myself intelligent, well read and responsible. When it comes to relationships, I am an idiot. I never considered myself co-dependent...
off on holidays to Asia
Hi all, I am off on Monday for a three week holiday around Asia. I am going to bali, then bangkok, then laos, then singapore (for my birthday) then home again for ANZAC day (25 April). So.... I will be here for a day or two more, but then you won't see me. I am very excited about this holiday. My husband ha...
Detachment Versus Free Pass
I'm having a hard time deciding what is detachment and what is a "free pass." My AH is not in a program but he quit drinking about two weeks ago after I mentioned that I thought he needed to seek help. Since then, I have been reading Al-Anon and codependency literature and doing my very best t...
sponsor question
I know I keep posting...sorry! but I was wondering if I can start the steps myself? I asked a lady the other day to be my sponosor and she said that she is so full on her schedule and is sponsoring someone else. So should I just wait to find the right person or can I start myself?
New Detachment Awareness
Well just a quick update and who knows what tomorrow will bring I had so much to think about today. It's probably a good thing I was 1/2 as busy as I was .. lol. Something that really hit me most of all is when I am hurt emotionally I go straight to anger and stay there .. when I am angry I can cut all ties and not f...
New Here
Hi Everyone. My name is Mariska and I just found this board. I'm relieved and disappointed that there are so many people going through what I am. Though I was aware that I was living with someone that had issues, I did not realize until yesterday (at marriage counseling) that they have a name for what he i...
Step Work Board
Boy this is my week for "powerless" lessons. My oldest son (32 yrs) has been sober for just over a year...he chooses to do it without any help. He also battles with bi-polar and recently went off his meds. He was on an up swing at the time and did well for a few weeks but now he has crashed again wi...
Melody F
Growing Manipulation & Concern
I'm in the process of watching my daughter's dad's family become increasingly manipulative .. The family disease will Always try to dominate and now it's become such a 3 ring circus with his sister & mother and him that there is absolutely no way i can control any of it .. The sister has resorted to p...
help, please- feels like I've fallen apart
Im no longer able to pretend or ignore that things arent the way that I wanted them to be. Those that are close to me know that Ive been divorced for 6 years; my sister does not.She is not mentally well, has harmed me (and others) many times, is meddling, and has an extensive sense of entitlement. I found...
1st Alanon Meeting Tonight
So, tonight I had to go to work. And wife was drinking. This is her 4th or 5th day of drinking 1/3 of a 1.75 L bottle a day. This is typically where we start to fight. So, after the fight I was waiting til it was time to go to work. She was badgering me to "Get the ____ out" of the house. One of my bou...
Struggling with Detachment
This seems to be a current theme at the moment. I'm doing ok and then not doing ok. I do fine when I'm not around my AH and then when we are together .. of course I wind up looking like the crazy person. I'm working my program, .. logically I know what is going on, .. I can even go as far as saying this is what I n...
Exhausted - what would you do?
Aftter almost 2 weeks in the critical care unit with the most severe case of DT's the doctor said that he had ever seen, the doctor announces today at noon to my husband that he is being released tonight. On Tuesday, I talked to the doctor and asked him when he expected him to be released because I was wor...
Non alcoholic beer?
When my AH was dry for 15 years he occasionally would drink NA beer. Actually, he'd go through periods where he'd binge on it for short periods of time and then not buy it for months. One of the things he was doing recently, before the DUI, is mixing NA beer with regular beer when he was around me to make it...
Funny How HP Always Lets me know....
Since I Started My Al-Anon Journey I have had to go back and look at some pretty ugly things in my past... Not All Ugly but there was many when living in a SICK Home... I Had a Friend that I Met thru one of my Afathers Drunkin Buddys he brought home a couple times, this man was a Horrible person to say the least,...
Detaching from insult
People really show you who they are. My AH, 3 weeks separated, is turning up his a-hole attitude. Maybe I could be kind and say that it seems his addiction is really working him right now. I feel physically sick when I interact with him. We are tying up the loose ends and contact is infrequent, but nec...
Dolly Llama
Uck ... back to basics + Sparky and other updates
Hello everyone, Considering I live in a larger urban area you'd think I could get lost from my exAH and family's scope. Today I was warned by a good friend (and yes i consider it a warning with good intentions at heart not gossip) that my exAH has told his family that he is moving back to this area to take car...
OK here comes the brain!
I am trying very hard to use humor in my life! Thusly, I am trying to catch some of you who are having a bad day. My brain is definitely on overload these days. I just started a group for my MH yesterday--another confidential group--how is my brain going to hold all this info in for weeks upon weeks! Between...
Hoot Nanny