boundaries self care
Before al anon I had no boundaries. Before al anon I wanted to plaese others all the time. I wanted to be accepted I could not say no I was naivte believing that all people were good. I was over conscienious, always willing to see another point of view an give them benefit of the doubt make excuses for their...
Using the Tools to provide guidance to my daughter
When I was growing up I never had anyone to tell me how to handle conflict or difficult situation. I never felt like I had anyone to ask and I just wanted to hide from it or cower down or ignore it in hopes that it would go away. My daughter is in 6th grade. She had her first real disagreement with one of her gir...
No more fear, anxiety, stress, worry...is it possible?
A recent entry in Courage to Change got me thinking about my higher power and the idea that if I truly believe and have faith and trust that my higher power will care for me and provide what I need, then the fear and stress and worry that is so much a part of my life should go away. I'm not even talking about jus...
how to stop this insanity
My bipolar alcoholic husband relapsed 2 months ago. I wrote about it here before. I removed myself with kids from the house. Now I found out he is smoking crack. Never used drugs when we were married. I am terrified. I know this is the end. Crackaddicts commit fraud, steal, sell the things. YestERDAY...
More progress not perfection.
For the past 18 months at the store I work at I've weathered a split shift any time there was one. This week I said no. I had to cross the bridge of knowing they were not going to take care of me to get to that one. I prefer this side of the bridge to the hoping and wanting them to like me one. Maresie.
recovery, so far
I have not wrote in a while but I am on reading whenever I feel I need my al-anon jolt, like coffee. I feel an ease about my program right now and I know I am exactlty where I need to be. When I make mistakes, I don't have my melt downs in my head anymore. I just accept it and move forward. I keep moving forward. M...
Hidden Jealousy
I've been battling feelings of jealousy in my relationship lately. My husband is a recovering alcoholic and is actually extremely trustworthy and honest. However, I have been having feelings of jealousy about his ex-girlfriend, coworkers, and friends lately. It's so irrational and I don't want...
Did I make the right choice?
We have a little boy who comes to play at our house with my kids and he is the sweetest most amazing little boy. His home life is not so good and we have always tried to keep a decent relationship with his parents because we want this little guy to be able to keep coming over. So the other day the little boy co...
Hey everyone. So my ex ABF did end up going to his training program. I doubted if he was actually going to leave. But he is gone for two months. We left on good terms and agreed to talk to each other but to take time to work on ourselves and figure out what we need in a partner. Im a little torn right now because s...
Sad and exhausted.
I am just sad today. Crying a lot since yesterday. which started out for no reason. I just woke up really depressed and angry. Im not sure if its cause Im a woman and it is that time, or Im emotionally drained from all that's been going on, or just physically drained cause I cant remember the last time I had a...
Hi I have earlier written about my rollercoaster of a life, very much evolving around my alcoholic in recovery. I studied in England for three years and finally got my bachelor degree in marine biology after last summer. That last year of my studies I lived with my then former girlfriend. She becam...
New to this forum
So happy to have found this forum! I've been a grateful member of Alanon for many years but I've never been part of an online group before. I really look forward to sharing and learning with you all!
Melody F
Lack of intimacy= unhappiness
I had sort of a lightbulb moment about unhappiness and lack of intimacy, I know we've discusses this before. I go through periods in my life of having fantasys of affairs, I know it's wrong but it is just in my head. I'm far too uptight and have too great a conscience to really ever do that! But I was thinkin...
All my stuff LOL
All my stuff just got mentally vomited to the top. I work in a high stress, high complication job industry, highly compensated but not worth the insanity we live with. I applied with another department (I like my employer not my department) knowing it's less pay and ok with that. But oh...my....HP...
As many of you know I'm going through a hard time with finances and logistics at the moment. I have been barely making it. Normally I would be full of resenmtment towards various people and issues about my situation. Last night I spent a lovely evening at home with my pets, watching dvd's and catching...
Dang, alcoholism is SMART
I've gotten very good at just ignoring my AH's rages and removing myself from his presence when he loses his temper. Result? The alcoholism finds a new way to get to me. My AH has toned down the rages a lot (which don't get me wrong, is a WONDERFUL thing). So the alcoholism has whispered in his ear that h...
So I Went To My first Al Anon Meeting....
and everyone was so nice. Of course it being my first time I did not share a lot and was a bit standoffish...not mean, just quiet. Now I can't stop crying. Why did I do this to myself? Why did I get involved when all those red flags were flying high? I'm...sad...feel sorry for myself....feel angry at mysel...
I put him out
I feel awful. Just a few days ago I posted about my 25 yr old son, saying that I thought he was still drinking, but not sure. I was feeling very confused. Well, I had a chat with him. Stopped trying to control his life and his using. Told him that the only house rule was no drinking or getting high. He cried, he...
I need help with my mom
Hello everyone, i am in need of some serious help!! To make a long story short my mom has become an alcoholic. All my life she has always been addicted to something 6 months ago it was pills, but the doctors stopped giving them to her so she started drinking and drinking and drinking. My plan is because i ha...
Hi...I'm new
I'm brand new to this. All of this. I wanted to do a quick intro... My name is Lauren. I'm 30. And I'm "lucky" enough to be married to an alcoholic. We've been married for 3 years (well almost) and for the last 2 he's been drinking...heavily. And I recently discovered he's using xanax too. I ha...
Feel so overwhelmed ...
My alcoholic boyfriend relapsed this evening. He had 3 months of sobriety under his belt. I realize that's not a long time and that he was still considered to be very early in his recovery. But still, those 3 months were very good, strong months. I'm not even sure what prompted the drink this evening. I'...
Dad relapse
Hi all...tonight my dad (who hasn't had a drink in over 2 years) got into an argument with my bother and got drunk. I don't know what to do or say to help anyone in the situation (my mom or dad). They are on the mainland and I'm in Hawaii so it isn't as easy as flying there just to be supportive. This hasn't been...
never said he was sorry
My ah has been sober for 9 months and he said he doesn't rember hurting me so he won't say his admens to me why I don't understand any advice
Need Advice Hurting
I am working the Alanon steps. My husband is an active alcoholic. One of my biggest issues right now is that he blames me for everything. I am learning to let that go without acting like a martyr or getting angry. It's really hard, but I am learning to keep my mouth shut and ignore it. One thing I can't ignor...
Could y'all add my mom to your prayers today?
She was hospitalized on Saturday night with a systemic, antibiotic-resistent staph infection. Her health is very poor.
Sexuality in the Alcoholic
I Wish! I would have known that my ex's addiction impaired his circulatory system, so much so that his organ was in operable:) A nicer way to say it. In true alcoholic fashion, he berated me again and again for his inability to function....it was MY fault! He even yelled at me in front of my adolescent...
Progress not perfection
Another co worker of mine at the store is pregnant. She is a young, unwed mother and does not have many resources. Needless to say the store manager isn't giving her more hours to help her out financially. Normally I would be adopting someone like this as my pet project. I would be worrying about what s...
Controlling my control issues
As some of you may remember from my other sign on name... I have some major and massive control issues. Some people post things about controlling their spouses drinking and rationale that they wouldn't control other parts of the partners life, so why alcohol.. well.. I am guilty of controlling ever...
New to this :(
Hello All, I am new here as I have stumbled upon this site while looking for meeting information in my town. I have read some of the posts here and really feel a connection. I am going to tell my story, as it is one you have all heard before, but I feel like I need to let someone know the burden I have carried. I...
Are alcoholics drama kings/queens?
I posted yesterday and everyone was so wonderful. I looked for Al Anon meetings here and the closest one is 58 miles from here. I don't get that, but what can I do? My question is...does it seems that alcoholics start drama even when they are sober? I ask because my soon to be ex seemed to go out of his way to p...
don't want to step in that DO!
I was seriously thinking about getting ahold of my first boyfriend recently whom I do not hate by the way! I tried to reach out--foolishly but realized that he is not someone I really want to catch up w/. Last time I saw him he was sober & still attending AA meetings. I just thought that I might like to k...
Hoot Nanny
Alcoholism and Violence of any kind
Aloha Family...bear with me as I tag on to Young's post "Clarity" for the moment with 2 more cents. When I read a post that includes mention of violence within the disease my "Spidey" senses go into full alert from my own experiences in the disease and as an Alternatives To Vio...
Jerry F
This too shall pass...
As I have gone through this process of recovery, I think I have learned most about how my HP works. My HP certainly doesn't make things easy, and it's not all about instant gratification. I have felt multiple times where I have been pushed & challenged, where I have felt hopeless and fed up, where th...
I feel so stupid...
I feel so stupid today for my post on Sat. I really feel I should have not mentioned that exbf situation. I guess I was feeling a little sentimental & really stretching going back in time. Why can't I just close the door? I sometimes think that I do that because my Ah is not interesting enough--what...
Hoot Nanny
worrying what they will think
We are planning on going to see a friend of mine this summer and her and her family have never met my husband and kids. I am already starting to worry how my kids will behave (they are very wild and rambunxious and fight a lot) and my friends kids are so well behaved and they come from a very calm, almost perf...
Book Recommendations???
Does anyone have a book recommendation aimed at the families of alcoholics who are not currently drinking and not in a recovery program? I bought the book "Getting them Sober" and while I agree there is some really great information here, it is aimed at the spouse of an active alcoholic....
A new day!
I've been letting my A/A daughter clean my house 1xwk. for several months, I got her cable on my credit card, (she needed a credit card) to have it turned on and that come out of the cleaning fees. We have had some conflict from time to time, me letting her have money up front. There was a big problem with c...
Gratitude: modern technology!
Hi everyone! The serenity buster: I came home from 1 day out of town to find a bouquet of lillies, no card, on my doorstep. I can't fathom who I know who would drop flowers off sans card, I asked around anyway but no one had a clue. This detail is important as the cards were dropped off on the day of my ex RA'...
rara avis
I prayed for clarity and wow did HP deliver!!! I have communicated more with my AH in the past week then in the previous 9 months. We sat on the porch yesterday and talked for hours. He hasn't had a drink since Thursday, and I know that this could change at any time his recovery is his own, I simply asked him t...
Detachment, still learning
(tried to fix formatting, missed some) I'm no expert on anything, well except for my own life This will be long - I won't be hurt if you don't read it LOL. I thought I'd share the "healthy detachment" perspective as it relates to someone who isnt an alcoholic. Because healthy detac...
though it would get better
OK so my husband is now 9 months sober and within the past 2. Weeks he has started to get emotionally mean again. I feel emotionally tired and he sayhes going to help but doesn't I work 7 days a week he works 3 and he says mean things to me when I take naps before I go to work he just told me that if I keep making him...
taking the time
HI I usually take the day off from work for my daughters anniversary etc. I think last year I didnt' because I had taken holidays and also had put in my resignation from that job. Today I was going to go to work. Last night I wondered why I would make this year different. 22 years why this year different...
update on crazy days
Am doing ok, collected son this afternoon as we need to prepare for his move down south. He threw wobblers and was quite difficult. I felt quite stressed but got to a meeting and it passed. Told him that I could not envisage him living under my roof again and indeed I cannot at present. It has been a very st...
maire rua
Same old sob story, but new to me....
Its been 4 weeks NC...he's called twice 'blocked' and I didn't answer. I can't believe this is happening. Tho I was officially the dumper...it feels no better as I didn't want to leave I felt forced to. I had to choose between my sanity or his alcoholic selfishness. I chose to save myself. I miss him (the...
I've lost it, I know how to get it back, but not sure I want it
By it, I mean any sense of serenity or peace or anything that would be considered a sign of successfuly working my program. I don't know what has caused this but I feel almost like I'm back at the beginning. Completely focused on my wife and what she is doing or not doing. Happy when she is happy and unhappy...
My best friend is back, and I'm scared
My AH and I have been having some very intense conversations about my feelings and about my intentions for myself in the future. How I am ready to set up boundaries and how I expect myself to behave from now on. I've shared a lot of my fears. I've cried a lot. And, he's just been there, being supportive...
Taking care of myself? Without guilt?!
Taking care of myself is a completely new concept. I've always been the people pleaser- I'm the one who would always say yes without hesitation.
Today I said I would show up to an event even though didn't want to. The trains ended up being a mess and it would have been over an hour commute & the thoug...
Don T has left the room...
but never my life. Aloha Family...I made a long overdue contact with an an ex-sponsor this afternoon who was still friendly and close to my major sponsor in Al-Anon. We all use to hang together and so I was in great recovery company. The news came that Don T, passed into the "other" room in...
Jerry F
accepting relationships in AA???
Third post on this board. Been riding the ups and downs of living with an alcoholic. Good days and bad days. My AW is going to AA meetings almost every night but still actively drinking. Kind of wonder why she even bothers on going. She openly admits she cannot control it. While at her meetings, sh...
Feeling sorry for myself ..
LOL!! Boy did I get a reality check. I no longer have the luxury to feel sorry for myself. I did wake up today feeling like son of a gun, I want to have a temper tantrum and darn it I want MY way RIGHT NOW!!! HA HA .. I'll let you know how that's working for me .. LOL!! I'm going to wind up going over another log...
Something funny with my kiddos.
I was being nosy the other day about our neighbors and my son told me "Mom, stay in your own hoola-hoop!" I so needed to hear those words from them. I like teaching them about this program for many ways.... keeping their momma in check works too! :D
My daugter
I posted this on the ACOA board as I guess its more dealing with that side of things.... but I know many of you are ACOA but just dont go to that board.... so thought I would post here too. Would be great to hear some of the wise words of you guys over there though... theres only a few of us active on the site. Hi...
use it or lose it?
Well just a little note about this site. It has been a god send for so many of us. We have been truly blessed to have a venue to come and find help and comfort. Recently the chat room meetings have been experiencing a leadership vacuum. Never enough chairs, dwindling attendance because of a lack of consis...
I feel like a fool
On March 4th I entered this community. Just to review, I have been in a relationship with my husband for 3 1/2 years and married for almost a year. He has been an alcholic for most of his life. I have been tolerated this since we met. At first we drank together. I truly didn't know he had such a deep problem. L...
New to this...
Where do I start? I feel so stupid, and naive, for believing that my husband was actually keeping his promise, that he had stopped drinking. He doesn't get fall down drunk, not at first. He begins slowly, sneaking (always sneaking, never in front of me or anybody else) a few beers- admittedly behin...
Anniversary meeting
I attended an anniversary meeting for the first time last night (not sure if these are common at all Al Anon groups?). We had 3 speakers, one from AA, one from Alateen, and one from Al Anon. It was a great meeting and really rejuvinated me. The AA speaker talked about how being drunk made her feel alive and...
I Have a Crazy Life Inside My Head
I'm new here. There is one alcoholic and one recovered alcoholic in my mother's immediate family. I hardly have a story to tell about them because I totally and completely avoid them, and have since I was a little kid. But...it's like there's a second-hand effect. I ended up dating an alcoholic (4 year...
Feeling all Zen...and then...
ex A shows up to pick up 15 year old. Mild alcohol smell..leftover from last night? scares me bc my 9 year old was with him yesterday Feeling guilty that I didn't breathalzye him before letting him take my 15 year old... he has no job, no money, offers not one dime for child support.... he tells me he got a gr...
My Management Team at Work are Classic Alcoholic Behaviors
I have to laugh so I don't cry. I've been at my current career for 6 years, promoted twice. I guess because I'd have to admit I'm an enabler here. Since I'm a single mom and my ex provides zero financial support for my kids, I do what I have to for a paycheck and am actively looking outside for a new job. I di...
drained after counseling session - need some strength
I like the message and guidance this program offers. I believe many would benefit from it even if they don't have alcohol in their lives. My spouse and I are also in counseling and the format and philosophy is so very different than what we learn in this program to the point that I feel conflicted. She r...