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Post Info TOPIC: All my stuff LOL

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 689
All my stuff LOL

I assume that you live in a free country. I also assume your company has no rules against lateral transfers.

If those 2 assumptions are have a right to make a change to something you might like better. People do it all the time.

If there are potential repercussions from your department...then you probably want to get out anyway...because that's pretty small on their part.

You have every right to make choices, and you do not have to take care of other people's feelings...and if they are immature enough to make it hell for you once they know you are interested in a transfer...well that just kinda solidifies why you want out.

Lying, hiding...there's no shame in wanting something different, is there? Don't you have a right to change your mind? I think so....

In support,


-- Edited by rehprof on Tuesday 27th of March 2012 04:23:04 PM


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 755

All my stuff just got mentally vomited to the top.  I work in a high stress, high complication job industry, highly compensated but not worth the insanity we live with.


I applied with another department (I like my employer not my department) knowing it's less pay and ok with that.  But  I did everything wrong and I'm just going to be ok with it because outside of a box of xanex, I'm about to explode with anxiety, and I am not an anxious person!!

I ran into my Director on the way to the elevator, the interview was a secret, I had to lie to her and walk away from the elevator with "oh you know I forgot something".  I sat in a room with windows paranoid someone was going to see me there, CERTAIN of it, coming up with more lies to cover if I got caught.  What a nutcase!

I tried in vain to go with the serenity prayer or in some manner calm myself, nope, because I knew if my bosses caught me there - I might as well quit, my environment at work would become hell (that is their method of punishing people, overload them with work).

The good in this? That I even went through with the interview telling myself I owe it to myself to at least allow the opportunity.  I had this "do it or else" discussion the last few days under threat of "you aren't going to miss this opportunity on the off chance someone finds out".

The interview went great,  the pay decrease is significant so I really have to think this through.  I won't know if I'm even a candidate for probably a few weeks so I need to unglue myself from the ceiling.

Worrying what management will think of me trying to leave the department.  Lying to cover up. Getting caught up in my "stories" of certainty that I'd be caught.  And the entire time I was totally aware of it, which should have sent me into fits of laughter were I not hopped up on pure adrenaline!

I need to go somewhere quiet and decompress but not sure where since I already took my lunch hour to do the interview....  Goodness sakes I'm glad this day is half over!


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 755

Yep, yep and yep! And the nail on the head is that the environment here is so much of the problem. No matter what I'm still looking - the reason things would be so bad? They just lost 10 people in under 6 months. Gee, wonder why?

It's all good and was an opportunity for me to recognize how much more work is needed! I knew it but sometimes you dont' see the volume until you're drowning in it. Thank you :)


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1036

I have core loyalties to dysfunctional systems.  I feel like if I leave a job the place will fall apart.

I have had to unravel all that since I need to take care of myself.

Loyalty, allegiance, trust, extra effort are all earned not a given from me anymore.

I think loyalty goes two ways.  I have learned that in this retail store. When I asked for more hours after Christmas they gave them all to the new girl.  I was shocked, upset and felt betrayed.  Then I have had to look at my assumptions.

If 10 people have left they must know the environment is pretty difficult to tolerate.  High turnover often goes with high stakes, high stress environment.  The way many companies go about making people loyal is sometimes not the best.

I still work at the retail store.  Believe me I'd like to quit but I am taking care of myself these days so the days of up and quitting are over.  Will I stay there long term nope.

Pay, hours, environment are pretty important to me.


orchid lover

Senior Member

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If you make yourself unreplaceable.. you will never get a promotion.. I learned that awhile ago and I have always remembered it. I am replaceable.. so give me that promotion please. Its the same with a sideways move or a change..

A work in progress, always learning

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 755

This is a lateral move but lower pay. I got a promotion just a week ago but the insanity in the department isn't worth long term. I'm going to keep my options open and I got over this hurdle, it will make it easier to take the step again when it comes up. We shall see what the outcome from today is. I do have a bottom line because I'm 100% of my kids financial support. So with that it was good for me to see I have a long way to go with my work


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1036

I'm pretty used to working in insane environments.  All i would say is check out where you are going very carefully.  low pay does not equal lower insanity. i work retail currently very very low pay, absolute total insanity.


orchid lover

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 755

Very true, one thing about me, I never jump into anything. So this will get the thorough screening too!

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