Overwhelming week!
.... So much to say! I left my house and husband last Tuesday to stay with my parents for a while. I went back Sunday because hubby was sick. Long story short, he is in the hospital right now with acute pancreatitis, fatty/infected liver, & inflamed/infected gallbladder. He's only 25!! Dr. told h...
Bill W documentary
I had the opportunity to see the Bill W documentary and liked it a lot. Of course I didn't like the portrayal of Lois but for once I don't think I could make a better film! Perhaps my grandiosity is waning! Maresie.
It's a disease, it's a disease, it's a disease....
I am powerless, I'll repeat that one a few more time as well. Scene: Last night at 9 I state I am going to bed. To that point we had been sitting next to each other on the couch for the past several hours. There was plenty of time to talk, as we were just relaxing and it would have been a great time (at any point du...
Still have a storage shed six hours from me but in the town the ex lives and where I was when I left. I have not had the money and or place to move it back here. We both paid on it and I told him a few weeks ago he had until the end of the month to get it all out of there, sell it or give it away I didn't want anything an...
Would you help?
My name is Sarah Foroosh and I am finishing my degree at the University of La Verne in Southern California. I am hoping to learn how family members are affected by the addiction of a loved one in the hopes that there will be greater help and attention given to the family as a whole. Currently, only the iden...
I'm not sure this crying smiley really explains this...
Ok... I am so, soooo confused right now... I hope you guys can help me know that there's hope for me! I always seem to get into the biggest messes in my life and now... Oh God help me! Ok so I'm finally out of denial... I keep going into it but at the moment I'm excepting this... I contacted the Police yesterda...
Would like thoughts and ideas
BF is in another relapse, I posted below. I had him leave last night, he doesn't live here but is here a lot. It was a quiet parting, he was upset, tried a lot of manipulation and I ignored it and stuck to my decision. He finally texted me at 12:30 today with just "I'm sorry". This is manipulat...
Pain and Anger
Dear ___________,This is a letter I will never send to you, but its all the things that need to be said. The things that I need set free from my mind and heart, before I drown in them.Your disease is a huge problem in your life. And because I am a part of your life, it is a huge problem for me. Your alcoholi...
Husband being thown out of treament center
I just need some ESH... My husband is being thrown out of the drug/alcohol treatment center today because he has been drinking. I sure hope he doesn't think he's coming here!
AD Coming Back Home to Live with AH
Tomorrow, my 25 y.o. AD is coming back home after living out of state for almost 2 years. Just a little background: When she left home two years ago, she had lost her license after getting two DUIs in less than one year. Now, she has finished all of her required alcohol education classes and mandatory AA m...
Green Eyes
It's all for my own good. SO why am I so sad?
After 10 years of his drunken binges, those awful tirades laced with curses, accusations, hate, blame, and rage, I finally threw him out. He has rented an apartment and will be out and living in it by August 15th. I didn't want this for us. I wanted our love to last forever and for it to be as idyllic as i...
Off Topic/my new hero
Erick Barrondo won Guatemala's first ever medal in Olympic history with silver in the men's 20 kilometres walk on Saturday and hoped his win would inspire youngsters back home to forego violence for sport. The 21-year-old, who finished behind China's Chen Ding, said that if this brought a reductio...
its been a few years sorry
I'm in a bad place and i'm blaming me for putting my kids though all of this!! basically 3 years ago ah stopped drinking went aa and everything seemed fine until a year ago! He upped and left me and the kids and went on a session for a week, met a woman who he swears blind that nothing happened with and had a bre...
Tell my boss, or not?
My boss can be... difficult. One minute he's Mr. Nice, the next minute he's ripping apart something I've done (sometimes publicly, sometimes privately) with nit-picky little criticisms and implications that I am incompetent/lazy for not doing thigs exactly as he wants them and then (I *REALLY* h...
Blech....feeling just blech
Having one of those days. The most recent conversation with my AH went poorly. He claims that he looks at p*rn because he's not getting any and that's my fault. I had told him the previous day that I didn't want to have s*x because I want to work on our relationship and work on trusting him. He just kept...
A Different Point of View on Detachment - Your Opinions, Please!
Most folks in recovery will say that detaching from toxic parents is necessary, especially if they are keeping you in "the lie", that we should "go away" for a time and heal. I cannot speak to this since I have not done it. I am entertaining the idea now. My energy is sapped out of me...
i have gone backwards in my recovery...
normally i give my HP all of my worries and concerns and let him handle them. despite going to meetings i am spiralling downhill. AS is drinking himself to death. i detach the best i know how to and when i am talking to him try to remember to see the word "disease" written on his forehead. w...
see things coming back around??
So I see the drinking picking back up .. He had a surgery and has done much better with pain pills than I expected, House rules state hard liquor is NOT allowed. But he is using surgery as excuse, as he started using pre surgery stress to start bringing it back around or a 12 pk a night. He hasnt had the "...
2am rumination
I woke up to the cat grooming my hair. It was awfully sweet of him to be concerned that I am ready for work in the morning, but now I'm up. Good and awake. I know you guys know what I mean. Like, as soon as you wake up your brain goes into ruminating mode. This morning, it is work I am stressed about. A couple of we...
Difficult Emotions
Hi All, I've been trying desperately to quit smoking. It's nurturing a state af shame and low self-esteem and leaves me without the ability to fend for myself in the right way with courage, so anyone who's looking for someone to manipulate comes straight to me which has left me with dozens of resentmen...
Our own well being. Thoughts on taking care of ourselves. feeling isolated, need al anon; staying an option?
Hi. Thanks to al anon I do know its ok to think about my own well being/physical mental health. You? Sometimes theres much more than alcohol--usually is. No matter how much we care for or love the other person--drinking or dry drunk, some behaviors do not leave. Even with that I find there are issu...
I know that an A is responsible for thier own choices and that if they want to use they are going to find a way to do it. While I am angry about this situation, I do understand that my SIL is ultimately responsible but I really do not feel that excuses the person that assisted her in this case, particularly a...
I wonder if
when he started coming around, I told him to please stay away if: I would be a doctor now. My life would have meaning, I would be needed. I would not have to struggle for enough money for food. I would have my own little house still. I could have gone to volunteer in Africa doing surgeries? Had money to give...
Things going well
I just wanted to post to say that things are going very well in my home at the moment. No major drama or crisis That is mostly down to my new hands off (well hands less on. Lol) approach. I have managed to avoid chastising and manipulating, and have set some boundaries in a firm way but not excessively going...
He's On His Own
I saw the writing on the wall today as clearly as if it were printed out for me. I posted on Thursday about detoxing with beer available as a back up to avoid beng thrown into seizures again. It has worked pretty well but I didn't close my eyes at all last night because he was sweating and twitching all night...
I think husband age 60 has cirrhosis
My husband has been heavy drinker/ alcoholic for many years. He is in complete denial about drinking and failing health. Symptoms are:
Swelling ankles fingers
Impotence no sex drive
Gynomastia (mild)
Trembling hands esp. Morning before drinking
Dark skin
Finally in detox but waiting for him to fail
Last monday and tuesday my BF went on a non stop drinking benge with whisky. It got so bad that she got in my face with his nose touching mine. when i didnt move or back down that just pissed him off. If i dont yell or get up set he gets mad....i really dont understand. There is now a huge dent in the hood of my tr...
Hi guys Some of you may remember... last October I was given a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder. I was seeking help and when I looked into this... boy did it fit... I just sat and nodded till my head nearly dropped off. It felt like someone had been following me around my whole life. I was re...
I Can't take it anymore!!!
I have read for many years. Posted several times. Read everything I could get my hands on. I know that you will all tell me I need to find a meeting. I've tried those, at the time they didn't work for me. But I KNOW that is what I need. I am one of those people that has a hard time telling My A/BF "No" H...
haven't been on here in over a week
Been waiting for some kind of sign when it is time to get on here again. I was feeling a little left out of the loop for a few days. I felt like I wasn't being heard on here. Why did I feel this way? Maybe it is because I am not having a crisis or that I am boring. I hope that someone sees where I am coming from. I don'...
Hoot Nanny
Feeling a bit crap and low really.
Went out last night after work for a few drinks with work colleagues - we have a visitor to our workplace from an overseas collaborator who has been here for 2 months and is going back tomorrow. Anyway I let my partner know by phone I was going out after work (she is the A in my life), I was probably a bit unrea...
Something AH said
Today I spoke to my AH (we're separated) who is almost 1 year sober. To make a long story short, last year at this time we had just separated, he was drinking himself into insanity an on the verge of losing his job due to it. Anyway he's been in the program all year and trying to get his life back. One of the une...
Deception, lies and learning to trust again
Hello, My name is Nick. Im from Tempe AZ. heres my story.. I met my girlfriend about two years ago and fell head over heels for her. We started dating and I discovered she was using pain meds daily. I was drinking and I would do the pills with her for about three months. The time came for me to drop the pill thi...
Lil breakdown.
So, I just had a coworker that I havent seen in a long time ask me what I was doing here. I was like huh? What do you mean? He asked why arent you in Texas? I said, "Why would I be in Texas?" He said "U and he arent together anymore?"....So, I guess exA has moved to texas. I think I turned se...
This disease is so sad
Yep, another relapse. It went really well on my end. Short version is that I *know* instantly when he has been drinking no matter how much he has had. There is a certain behavior he exhibits that's subtle but noticable to me. He of course lied a lot and I was very quiet through the lying, I saw it more as...
Counting down
It's been so nice being out here and so very relaxing for the most part. There has been drama at home as I've mentioned before however really nothing I can do about it right now. It's been handled as much as it can be and I'm really trying not to focus on it. It's easier said than done right now. We head ho...
Had a talk with AH
I copied and pasted from my journal, FYI: We had a 3 hour long conversation and some went well, some went badly. He said he felt so much better because we were talking but I felt crappy at times because he over exaggerates things and gets out of control. There was one point in the conversation where I to...
Humor surrounded by
Love...You family are the very bestest and just barge into my heart and romp around having fun. You've left me with smiles and laughter and great good feelings oh and yes still the two ducks. You are my most favorite family and all of your experiences with ducks give me great confidence that I ship th...
Jerry F
so glad I found this site!!!
I have been here reading for a few days and it is such a wonderful feeling to know that I am not alone and that there is support!! I am new here and will try to quickly fill you all in on what has led me here. I actually deal with 2 A's daily. First there is my Abf, who drinks every day. He is very high functio...
Broken promises and false hope
I went to my first al anon meeting last Thursday. The next day, he picked a fight with me and started drinking as soon as he got up saying it was because of me. I went to spend the weekend with a relative, just couldn't watch him drink anymore. I had started posting on this site 2 days before that but I dele...
Slowly Coming Out of the Ditch :)
Well... Thank You All for Your Thoughts, Understaning, Prayers & ESH... I Am Truly Grateful for ALL of It... I have been doing some Much Needed Soul Searchin Here of Late & Seem to have Figured a Few things Out, and One of My Biggest Problems since Returning Home from Vacation is "Balance...
Meetings Help
I went to my home meeting last night & I always felt safe & comfortable but it was different last night. As I sat down, I could FEEL the love in the room, like it was just for me but everyone was sharing it with each other. It was very powerful. As I understand the program more & more I find myself...
Country Boy
Another chance for growth
My wife's parents are visiting us for the weekend. The last time we saw them was this past Easter, and that was also, as far as I know, the last time that my wife wasn't sober. She had helped herself to some of her mom's pain pills and wound up abusing those for a few days. It was a bad situation but she has come...
4 words can change everything
He. Quit. His. Job. Now, he was working for someone that is just a horrible person... and THIS time it wasn't because of drinking... but still. I'm so frustrated right now. -- Edited by ELEKTRAWMN on Friday 3rd of August 2012 01:18:50 PM
What Would MIP Do?
The ER wouldn't keep my husband last night because he wasn't actively in withdrawl symptoms. They did blood work and nothing was out of whack so they sent him home with a prescription for Ativan. I am worried because his last 2 detoxes were extremely rough. The ativan is being refilled right now but a f...
My thoughts on expectations of health professionals
Over the years I have seen and heard many incidents of health professional bashing over addiction and it really bothers me. I completely understand the need sometimes to place blame somewhere besides our As or ourselves but what can really be expected from another human who is just as powerless as I a...
first time writter ,i dont know how i feel anymore
i have a wondefull boyfriend ,everyone says it . but he is an alcoholic ,he loves me by day ,and hates me by night , he refuses to get help .and i know i cant force it on him .he would rather i leave ,then get help . he has said this to me .he is ok with his life .tonight i had to peel his shoes off ,and put him to bed . a...
Humour in all our affairs:-)
So today I am off work, I have a wedding reception to attend tonight,and one of my closest friends has the most gorguss tanned skin, she owns and works on a market stall outside,I tell people it is a fake tan so my brother inlaw and sister try and rub it off her and say wow thats a good one lol, so she has bought...
Co-duck pendency
Help Debber Help!! ...Okay any of you old timers figure out what comes next and what I have just done? Two little Duckies or Duckers or Duckareenos or whatever...fell out of a tree at the hotel I do work for. This has happend not too long ago also and those little ones were absconded by cats and mongooses...
Jerry F
Feeling weak tonight ...sad
I am having moments of weakness today and tonight. In my mind, I keep flashing memories of the good times. We reconciled after 27 years, he was sober. We were in love. We got engaged in Feb 2011. We went to Kauai last May, it was such a romantic and fun time together. I hate that I have these happy memori...
Life changes and moving on
Dear MIP Alanon Friends. I have been offered a job in another state. I am in the process of moving. I have been here 24 years and raised my sons here. My AHsober moved out seven years ago after 30 years of marriage. He demanded a divorce but never filed. We tried counseling but the end result was that he said...
Detaching and still getting needs met
I am really struggling with detaching and still getting my needs met in my marriage. Detachment plays really well into my husbands inherent selfishness b/c of his alcoholism (he is dry but not working his program). He is like "Great! You're detaching? Me me me me!" So how do I detach but not...
Being told I need to change ....
I've been married to my alcoholic husband for 17 years but we've been together for 24 years. He recently completed a 28 day inpt program for alcoholism and has been sober for 5 months. He is taking his sobriety VERY seriously, attends AA almost daily, has a sponsor and is working on "steps"....
Is it too late for them? Has the damage already been done?
I keep going back to the same thoughts. How do I help the kids? There are so many things that I want to change... I know I need to take baby steps. My daughter has really bad eating habits. AH always folded and gave her the foods she wanted and I did too, so that my AH would not get irritated by her whining....
Spring cannot be far behind!
"If we seem to be weathering an endless winter, we mustn't abandon hope. As long as we have hope, spring will come without fail. " Luv, Bettina
letting go...in reality!
My ABF is out of rehab and sober, I believe for 23 days now...but still struggling with withdrawal, and emotions coming up. I still don't fully understand how that must feel. But there is definetly a lot of distress and confusion and fear. On my side too, because I could only see him once since he is out. H...
Is there a message board like this for AA?
I am burning up this board today. I have found it to be such a comfort, I just wondered if there was one for AA that I could reccommend to hubby?
Think its time to seperate
Things between me & AW are getting bad. I see our relationship going down a road where if we continue, we will end up hating each other. I have been working hard with the program & have made progress, with a tantrum or two along the way, but for the most part I have been doing pretty good. But things...
Country Boy
AH goes back to the bottle
How frustrated, disappointed and sad I am. My AH has been drinking again. He had a period of sobriety for about 3 months but as of last Thursday has found his way back to drinking. I am the primary in control of the finances so he has no way of buying liquor but I know if he wants to drink he will find a way...an...
Spending a few days apart
So much has happened since my last post, but I'll just stick to what's recent. I got offered a job yesterday at a local CVS store! I start Monday if my background check comes in at the end of this week. I was a mix of emotions yesterday; nervous, happy, excited, more nervous! Haha I told my husband and he sai...