The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just wanted to post to say that things are going very well in my home at the moment. No major drama or crisis That is mostly down to my new hands off (well hands less on. Lol) approach. I have managed to avoid chastising and manipulating, and have set some boundaries in a firm way but not excessively going on and on way. I feel like that approach shows I'm starting to take myself seriously and am getting more self respect. I am aware as I write this tho that I have to be very very careful to keep up with my recovery activities and not slip into neglecting my program or making my partner my higher power. When things are going well I can forget somewhat that my relationship isn't the sole centre of life, and that to focus too much on my partner as a source of wellbeing in the calmer times of less struggle is just as unhealthy as focusing on the upsetting things about their behaviour during difficult times. So I'm enjoying the good without expectations of anything further than the day (or even the moment) and tuning into the board and you lovely people is helping to remind me where I come from. Love to (((all))), Tigger x
When the student is ready...The teacher arrives...I was at my desk for that lesson and grateful I got to school on time to get it. Tigger that was upper class sharing. Mahalo. ((((hugs))))