When Love is Not Enough; the story of Lois Wilson. This is a new Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, which is showing next Saturday April 25 on tv. wp
Big changes - now what?
Thank Goddess for Al Anon. The program has helped me build of framework of sanity in a very hard time. I came to the point of complete saturation in being able to see my alcoholic wallow in his misery in our house and be emotionally unstable in front of the kids. They know their dad is depressed and that i...
Living with a Storm Cloud
Just have to vent here! I'm still living with my AH, due to separate and move 4 states away in late May after graduation from college. So there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but.... Living with his negativity is wearing me down! He is always angry, depressed, drunk or ALL OF THE ABOVE 24/7! He's had pl...
Detachment comes first
I work in a dysfunctional environment and live in one too. My roomates are addicts and alcoholics and seem to go out of their way to create and manufacture chaos.
At one time I took this all tremendously personally. I saw both the situations as a marker that I was doomed (dramatic I know!).
Lately I h...
New to AlAnon- are there any other men?
Hello. I'm pretty new to AlAnon. I have been to four meetings, with three different groups. One of those meetings (a "beginner's meeting") consisted of just the moderator (a male) and myself. Another two of the meetings were just two ladies and myself...then last night I tried a differen...
An Update....and a big THANK YOU!
Hi all and thank you for your words of support and experience regarding my Abf-sober's son and possible pot abuse. Turns out he did in fact smoke pot a couple of times. My bf confronted him and gave him a chance to be honest. He fessed up and is "on lockdown" now --as he calls it--until the e...
Got a message from A...
He wanted me to know that his is 7 days sober (reminder he is a binge drinker and can months without drinking)... He says that he is working the program (which is the first time he has ever been to AA)... And that he wants to see his daughter, he is afraid that she is not going to remember him (she is 21 m...
ESH Please
Good Morning I would really like some feedback on this please.... For the past two years I have been in a relationship with a wonderful man who is 6 years sober and a very active member of AA. The problem is...although he is sober his disease has become quite active in the way of a food addition. I know this...
The only way to sanity-leave the A?
Hello on Sunday morning to everyone on the board. I love and hate to come here. Often I scroll though the stories and feel better, feel like I have enough strength for another day or hour. I just feel so tired, so so so tired of all the work and pretending and trying. I have a 16 mos old son with the A and in t...
sister in active addiction...what boundaries to set?
Hi, I am new here, and I am wondering what to do about my sister. She was clean for almost a year. Now she is smoking pot from the moment she wakes up until she passes out at night. It is really negatively affecting her life in many ways. She has gotten extensions for all her assignments at college, using dep...
Any double winners?
I would really be interested in talking to/learning from some double winners in the program -- that they qualify for more than one fellowship?
Everything changes. (long)
It's been a while since I have been here and the thing that has been jumping out at me lately is the fact that everything changes. When I first came here I was in despair because I had just walked out with three children and left my AH. Now, almost four years later it seems like something so small and insig...
Progressively worse...
Am I the only one on the boards with a PFA? I know in my situation each time he came home drunk the worse the situation was (binge drinker) He was becoming angier (as I was) and angier, it went from him just denying it and passing out to verbal abuse, then at times physical... The verbal abu...
Honesty discussion...
Aloha ((((All)))) Honesty seems to be the asset of focus at the moment and I am (and have for a while) listening for feedback from others in recovery for their perceptions; ESH. I will be grateful. Take your time and keep and open mind with good recovery memory. practice, practice, practice!! ...
Jerry F
I need to find the courage to end this relationship and the strength to let go of him completely and not look back. Today is the day, I am going to his house to talk, once again. I love him but I know as long as he is an A, we can never have a normal stable life. I have to let go, not only for me but for...
The aftermath
Ok hes sober 90 days and leaves me after the last five years of me supporting him while he was drunk. He got his good job back and now wants freedom and no responsibility because he is focusing on sobriety. In rehab he made promises to correct the wrongs he done now he realizes thats too stressful and too...
Addicted to A
So, yes... I ended my relationship with him and can't get him out of my head. All weekend, I thought of him... why is it that when I think it is best to end things, correction.... KNOW it is best for me to end things, I beat myself up about it. I seem to only want him more. So, I could not take it anymore... Su...
On Resentment
On resentment... i guess i am doing a lot of things i don't want to do, feeling like i am trapped. A program friend suggested that i hold resentments to things that i force myself to do and do not want to do for my spouse. i keep working the program, but underneath it all, cannot accept the relationship i...
Which one is the disease?
Need clarification here if possible........I have trouble sometimes with what is the disease vs. what is not. Especially because a lot of people who go through things such as what we all go through and deal with regarding break ups etc, dont even have an alcoholic or addict for a spouse or ex-spouse...
Well I tink it is pretty correct to say, my ex will do what he can to knock me down, more so if I try and let him see im moving on, getting strong, and keeping firm boundaries with him. He felt the need to leave a message on my phone last night, because I was not answering his calls. He felt the need to let me know...
The more I read some of the post on this site the more I realize that I'm SOOO not alone! Majority of the stories are my own especially the calling, texting, emails, threatening to kill himself, etc... THANK GOD I FOUND THIS MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!
New Member = (
Hello... I'm new and lost = ( I've been with J for 3 years, we have a beautiful 20 month old daughter and I have a 12 year old son. "J" is a binge drinker he can go months/weeks without drinking but once he steps foot into a bar he can't leave... He choice of drink is hard liquor (Jagerm...
Where do I draw the line when setting boundries?
So, I have a choice and I need help making it. I am leaving St. Thomas. I have already bought my dad a plane ticket back to the states. a) give my dad 200.00(1st months rent) to let him stay on St. Thomas and recv unemployment benifits and stay on a boat for 6 months. b) Say no Im not giving you any more money...
Invitation to Happiness
Invitation to Happiness was the theme for the Massachusetts State Convention this weekend. Boy am I glad I accepted this invitation . . . a weekend of meetings, fellowship, friendships reunited and new ones made . . . what a gift. We had over 500 in attendance from all over New England. We had two membe...
H got thrown out of rehab for fighting
He called last night to say he was thrown out and to pick him up. It was 11PM. I had 2 sleeping kids. No way was I going. So they let him stay overnight and I have to get him today. It's only 5 days he was there and that was detox. I'm at my wits end.
Hello Friends, My name is Dustin. I am very new. In fact this is my first time even researching my issue. I was sent here by my aunt because she thought this would help. I belive my dad is an alcoholic and uses me. My dad hasn't had a job for months. And, this is not the first time he has mooched off of me. I am co...
I feel crazy!
On Thursday I talked to H about his drinking. I started out nagging and being "mommy" and then stopped myself and talked to him in "I" statements and actually expressed my emotions (something that is VERY hard for me). I told him that I was scared about his drinking, scared that...
New to the group..Hello
Hello Everyone, I'm totally new to Alanon. My mom is an alcoholic and has been for years. She also takes anti-anxiety meds and depression meds. She doesn't think she has a problem. The family, my brother, father and I have tried to talk to her with no results. My dad ended up leaving for a few days a...
Is Anyone Ever Successful?
After a tumultious beginning to the new year chronicled by my posts here, it seems things are finally looking better and on the upswing. AH is finally in therapy and going faithfully to his AA meetings. He has sought support from our family doctor and is learning to live one day at a time. I have not retur...
I am unable to chair the Monday a.m. meeting due to commitment with my lawyer. Hopefully, another OP will be available and if not, another member could step up to chair the meeting. Thanks
Getting back into the rooms...
I KNOW meetings help. I KNOW I need to be in the rooms. But why is it so hard to get there? I know I need a program in my life - so why do Iresist giving myself over to it completely? I promise myself I am going to go to a meeting - then I do not go and I beat myself up, lose hope and credibility. I must remember - nothi...
One of my new insights is that my family of origin had an attitude of contempt and derision for certain people and that never changed no matter what happened that didn't change. When I come across a person like the ex A who exhibits the same contempt and derision I was hooked in by not being able to accept...
fresh hope and a new future looming
hi everyone. have been so busy studying i havent had chance to pop in for a while. am doing great with my dog trainer course - i have one more test to do and then i am fully qualified! my business is starting to take shape and i have just been accepted as a foster carer for one of the local voluntary rescue org...
miss lucy
Reliving old feelings from family of origin
I've been thinking a lot the past few days about my family of origin and how dysfunctional it was and still is. My mom seems to want to live in a complete atmosphere of chaos and drama - every day it seems like there's something else that's stressing her out (i.e. a good reason to drink). My stepfather tr...
White Rabbit
New here---need guidance
I've been married to my husband, a recovering alcoholic for almost 3 years now. While he hasn't had an alcohol slip up for almost year now, he has turned to strong anti-anxiety medications. In August 2008, he took a whole bottle of calanopin and acted drunk the entire night. I called his therapist aft...
Another step back
I feel as though I keep getting punished over and over again. In the months before my split from my 20 year relationship with my A. I somewhat pushed him away. I did things I'm not proud of and then when he blindsided me and up and left and things spiraled out of control, it was to late. He keeps hitting w...
Beyond anger, in hurt and fear, but now what?
As expected, my ex finally got in touch to talk about the baby that is due in a few weeks. He wanted to be there at the birth, and for me to pop round and see him from sometimes. I was kind of going along with it, then after the call it just didn't feel right. Why pop round and see him? He swears there is noone e...
self care
Hi Eveyone, been having a bit of a tough time my ex ABF is letting himself in my house when my son was in before I got home from work. He was drunk been on a bender for a week. He asked me to take him to the hospital that he wants to go to rehab he wants to die. I took him but really did not want to be there. I rang m...
.....miss you guys!!!
Hello My Friends, Its been months since I have posted. I'm doing okay. I once again reconciled with my A Hubby and we are experiencing a nice sober marriage. One day at a time! That's all we can do! He is actively working his program through our chruch and I'm taking care of me. We try our best not to i...
His and my families putting pressure on me in different directions-I can't deal with it.
H went into rehab on Wednesday. I had to ask his family for the 250.00 copay because he left us with nothing. My MIL was not told about this, my FIL told me not to say anything (they are divorced). But she ended up paying the copay and sent me a nasty letter and ending it with "tell him we love him and su...
New Member: What is he? What am I in for? What do I do?
Hi I'm new here and new to the understanding that my husband is probably an alcoholic. :( H has always drank. But, it wasn't till recently that I realized that he is a binge drinker and must have a problem. I have not confronted him, as it has not been a problem I have recognized till now. Here is his drinki...
Happy Friday!
I've been working really hard lately. I decided to take the afternoon off and visit a couple of stores I like without my children - walk nice and slow down the aisles and enjoy myself, etc. :) It's nice to be able to do this once in a while and to believe that I deserve having some time to myself. It's nic...
White Rabbit
Starting to love Me...
I have recently started to take actions to show myself how much I love me. Got a new haircut, some nice highlights, some new stylish shoes and some new clothes. This week I joined a gym (with a daycare, so I don't need to depend on AH to watch the kids) and have actually gone twice now. In fact, the kids d...
To give up hope?
I constantly find myself unconsciusly making plans to when my AH gets sober. Then I snap out of it and I remember that maybe that will never happen. But I struggle between facing my reality and giving up hope. I don't know I guess a part of me does not ever want to think that this is the way things will be for...
I've been away again... but now I'm back
Well, I know I posted earlier when I had finally moved out of the house with my ex-A but, I've been here for almost a month and a half and things are harder. Admittedly I have been drinking more, myself - trying to escape the feelings of dissatisfaction with my life. If I have not already shared this before...
He was an alcoholic?
My pal, I'll call him H, had a lot of stamina despite being some 35 years older than I. From the moment we met, we hit it off. We chummed around together, sailed together, skiid together. We'd have a few beers and soak in the sunset with the wind on our faces, truly enjoying the joys of nature. I knew H...
CJ recovery
Took H to rehab today
He came back last night and asked for help. He made the phone calls last night and this morning. I just drove him there. Strangely, as I was sitting next to him taking him there, I felt nothing. I felt no emotion except relief. Selfish relief. That he wasn't on the streets or his "friends"...
so much has happened since my first post
In my heart I love him so much but in my head, I know he can never be the man I need him to be. So, why does my heart and mind have to have this struggle? Since my last post, so much has happened. We had another heart to heart talk. I asked him to quit for 30 days, to prove to himself and me that he could do it. He...
It's all mind over matter
It's all mind over matter. I know this. It's not time that heals the wounds, it's your entire mind set. Almost like the alcoholic when they are on the sober AA path. I used to see the change in his brain....the difference between when he was actively drinking vs when he was on the sober path and attend...
Do You Love An Alcoholic?
Do you love an alcoholic? How can you live with an alcoholic and love them at the same time? Very carefully. It’s true, it is very difficult to live with an alcoholic, but people do it all the time. Alcohol controls the mind and spirit of a person, so in affect as long as the alcoholic is drinking you will no...
Member in China?
Didn't one of us go to China to see her new grandbaby? Who was it? They had a bad earthquake. ?
New member
I have only just discovered that my sister (she's 53) is an alcoholic. She and I are very close and although she has a family of her own and lives a distance away from me it has made me really sad and guilty. I feel so sad for her with this illness and so guilty that I never knew and couldn't be there for her. She...
Heart that hurts...
Morning Alanon family, This morning my heart aches immensely as I have lost a beacon of light in my life. Yesterday afternoon my father (step - although I have not called him that part for years) passed away suddenly. Jim came into my life in my early teens and I had made the decision quickly to hate him...
Is this "normal"?
First, sorry to be so needy. It feels like I've been posting a lot and I'm really pretty new here still...It's wierd how for a year this all seemed to be a slow fade into a bad situation and suddenly it's like we are on the Audubon to hell on earth! I've been doing stuff for me this week. First time in a very...
Love Always Hopes
compassion while they are drinking
My son was sober when I got home from work. I went next door to talk to him. It was nice to see him sober. I told him that too (does that apply pressure to the A?) I went out last night and when I got back home he came outside to help me carry things in the house. It was obvious he was drinking. I couldn't talk to...
a big step for me last night
Last night I went to a Monday night meeting that I haven't been going to in a while. I did 2 things that really even surprised me. 1) signed up to open a meeting in May (first time ever) 2) ask someone to sponser me....YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! It is a lady that has been in program for many years and when I get back fr...
Need ESH !!!!!
Thank goodness I found this board. My ALO is recently returned home from his second round of treatment from an addiction with hydrocodone. Things are different this time. He's different, which I know is a good thing but at this time he seems very confused and unsure of his feelings and his life. H...
Loving yourself back to living
I loved an alcoholic who I knew for over 30 years and was married to for 12 of those years. He severly abused alcohol for 15-20 years. I moved back home 10 years ago, back to Northern California from Lexington KY. I left because My ex husband, Ray's parting words to me was that he "wasn't going to sto...
cutting off the finances
I'm writing for your thoughts on cutting off my husband's financial access. I dated my husband for 2.5 years and then married him 1.5 years ago. He is a good person (think Indigo1's earlier post) who has slowly degraded and is now verbally and mentally abusive when drinking. Prior to our marriage, m...
Need to Make Up My Mind - but it keeps shifting and I am so freakin weak!!
I came to a point this week of just not being able to take it anymore. We dropped the kids off (we only get them every other weekend) after a hard weekend with them but good time together. We had a great talk on the way home about kid stuff. We got home and immediately he was gone into the bathroom and the dr...
Love Always Hopes