Please help! Advice needed and I need to vent. I feel crazy
Hi. I'm new here. I just went to an al-anon meeting for the first time last Thurs. It was nice and I think it will help me...but it might take me forever to feel better and try to heal form the harsh reality that I have an alcoholic husband. He has FINALLY admitted he has an issue with it, but still doesn't thi...
on a rollercoaster
Is Anger and Rudeness part of the Dry Drunk Syndrome?
My husband has been sober for 5yrs and has always been angry and irritable. He refuses counseling or AA. Is there hope that he may change with working on recovery? Is this a symptom of the being a dry drunk? I welcome any feedback.
ESH on final ultimatums?
Hey everybody, So sorry to bogart the forum, but it really is getting down to the wire. Some ESH would be really helpful. Anyone here have ESH on giving a final ultimatum? Basically, I am done. Done. I've planned to leave my boyfriend and tell him to move out this next weekend. My RA's best pal said I sh...
rara avis
the levels of insanity ..
So here it is .. my last night out of town with my primary alcoholic's family .. this truly has been Such a trip .. at this point i'm hoping to make it back on my way out of this town and safely back to my home town .. I made a decision to stay home from a family outting today and knew it would make the addicts a litt...
New Board Moderator
Really pleased to announce that we have a new Board Moderator, effective immediately..... Hotrod (Betty) is back from vacation, and has agreed to become a Moderator, and I am thrilled to have the help. She has been a valuable member of our family for a long time on MIP, and will be a valuable addi...
New Here - Need advice~
I don't even know where to start... I am so worried about my father. I am 33 years old and do not live with him.... In the last year or so he has become an alcoholic. It is so hard to believe it since before last year he hardly ever had a drink. His drink of choice is crown and 7. He has become emotionaly...
feeling scared of my own decisions
My AH and I had a wonderful day. We took our dog to the park, talked about things other than his problem, and went to eat ice cream with the kids. Yesterday he told me he had been hiding his rum but hasn't bought any in the past month. Good for him, I am really proud of him for that and told him so. Then he says he'...
The other night I was meeting with a sponsee whom I meet with weekly at a coffee shop to guide them through step 4. I was running a few minutes late and was anxious to get there. As I get closer to the place I see an open parking spot in front which is nothing short of a miracle. I was about to pull in when I no...
Just so angry and tired
One day left to go and then i return to my home state .. I have watched the primary alcoholic in my life flip his last switch .. i'm just too tired and angry to watch anymore but i'm not really angry and tired with him .. i'm angry and tired with myself .. the lies i've told myself to survive .. the ones like .. he...
Stuck trying to figure out why he drinks
I left my husband 3 years ago and in the past 19 months that we've been back together his drinking has escalated to alcoholism. He was an alcoholic before I met him but was sober for 7 years (he did relapse a few times in that time period but was always able to pull himself together and stop). Now he is drinki...
I have learned so much.. and am only beginning
Hi guys I can't help but get my hopes up at the moment and enjoying the current 'good' feeling and I am tempering it with the reality of 'this too shall pass'. Yesterday, my husband went fishing with his mate who also smokes pot. I detached for the day. I didnt test in the hope that when he gets reception h...
Seeking Al-Anon
Hello Everyone, I am going to my first Al-Anon meeting tomorrow. I am having some super high anxiety, trying to cope through my work week as chipper as possible and keep good face with my friends. I have been going on outings with friends just trying to keep my mind at ease and positive, but I guess I shou...
12 Step Group
Some members of my AFG are starting a Step Group. None of us has ever participated in one before. I need some pointers on starting and running a 12 Step Group. Are there guidelines available? Discussion questions? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
serren dipperty!
Typo there, but I think it means when something happens opposite to what you expsected, Alanon has taught me this, and it's helped me to see that the things that I thought were my defects can actually be my assets, I just have to twiggle them a little bit is all, I spent a huge huge part of my life feeling wor...
Hi Everyone, I have not been myself lately my A is out there after 9 months sober he has been going down fast for about 2 months ( it was the anniversary yesterday of him going into rehab I was very sad. I am not watching detaching from it unless he goes back to AA. My mother turns up yesterday she was very str...
Any experience with Antabuse?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disulfiram My husband's doctor just prescribed this, he's going to start on Tuesday. It sounds like a miracle pill - just start taking it, no side effects, and stop drinking! Ta da! I'm a bit...not suspicious, exactly, just not sure. It just sounds too good to be true...
Resolution of anger at self
I am happy to say I am no longer attached to an IV bag and am on the upswing part of my treatment cycle. It is very nice to feel that my thoughts and actions are more me than influenced by steroids. It is a creepy feeling almost like having another person living inside your mind and has once again given me a bit...
Share :)
We had been talking yesterday I believe about feeling overwhelmed by things in our life, trying to do it all with a flare for procrastination (A LARGE ONE .. lol), and I had a good lesson last night. LOL! Anyway, I always joke and say, I'm a goddess, just not a domesticated one. Yes in my younger years,...
Trust or stupidity?
My AH said he would stop drinking, I want to believe him but I can't. I feel like I am just waiting for the ball to drop. Is this part of letting go? I know he is going to do whatever he chooses to do & I suppose I am ok by that. I've set my boundaries with him. I just don't want to be blindsided or too pos...
I think my sister is coming to a meeting tonight!!!!! Prayers Please.
My sister as some of you know has been living with me for a few months. She has not been very driven to get a job and has not taken the apprenticeship she has been offered. I have let her know already she has to pay rent to live here and have given her the amount. I told her a month and a half ago. The date was y...
Pointing the finger at yourself
As time goes by, I'm seeing more and more examples of how I turn the focus on everyone in my life but myself. I'm encouraged that I'm at least aware of it, but I'm worried about how I'm ultimately going to stop doing it. My wife & I have 2 kids, ages 4 & 2. They are great kids, but as with most kids this a...
Burnin out (long)
I have been working 4 part time jobs all Summer long, I slow down work wise this Fall just because that is how the work comes and goes where I live. And I know I will make it another couple weeks. I am still reading my daily reader's which keep my attitude good and at night I am reading a book written by my spons...
ESH please, regarding breakup? So confused
Hey wonderful people! I know none of you are mind readers, but any ESH would be appreciated!!! Long story short, I've had enough w/my beloved RA, he didn't seem to pay attention to his self care or to my basic needs, things which I told him had to change. I made extensive plans to get out and kick him out...
rara avis
Detachment doesn't mean denying compassion. Approaching life with detachment may seem cold at first. We are accustomed to offering lots of help to other people. Thus the first few times we back off from what has become our natural inclination - we feel uncomfortable. Through this program we are lea...
glad lee
Questioning everything this morning.
I am in a quandary this morning As I have been keeping to myself and reading and trying to change my anxious and controlling behavior,(and codependence) my AH has upped the ante and been acting out even more than before. Is this a common pattern? His behavior is so disrespectful of me that I dont know...
Open AA Meeting ..
Went to another wonderful open speaker AA meeting and I have to say this is on my rotation of meetings. They are just terrific! I really encourage anyone to go to a meeting to see the other side of the coin. It is like being at an alanon meeting and hearing your own story through someone else. Listenin...
Asking for help
Ok .. I have no idea why a little cell phone or any regular phone becomes the size of an elephant and just as heavy when I have to ask for help on anything. Doesn't matter what it is, something simple to something difficult the idea of rejection just sizzles me to the core and I become very afraid. I hit a ma...
hello - new here... need to share about crazy FOO
Hi there, I have been an al anon member for about 3 years, and am currently working the steps with my sponsor. For the next month I'm travelling for work, and my sponsor is sick with her own issues anyway, so I am very glad I found this message board! I just want to share something that happened to me last wee...
In need of support (experience, to give me strength and hope asap .. ?
I'm not in town at the moment and can't make it to my meetings .. I am in another state with my adolescent daughter visiting my alcoholic's family members and so far things have gone ok .. with all things considered .. in fact they've gone (up to this point) better than i'd expected .. only by the grace of hi...
interesting twist on grown daughter's perception (sorry it's long)
I had an interesting conversation with my grown daughter yesterday. Background, I have been having bouts of high Blood Pressure over the past few months. I know they are related to my stress with my spouse. I feel it go up if we fight and when I lose sleep due to issues we are having. I finally went to t...
This Message Board and Privacy
Hi Everyone, I just realised that I have been feeling some strange vibes from my AH recently, when I happen to be writing on this site/on the computer. He has read my journal before, and would not be opposed to finding and reading my posts - and, believe me, he could figure out which are mine. Is there an...
Still Going... Were I Not Sure yet...
Welp.... Currently My Life has Started to breathe a New Way of Living, and it is Non Stop- Balls to the Wall- Wide Open... I Have so Much To be Thankful for, So Much to be Grateful for, and yet still have these desires to just Disappear sometimes and Hide from it all... My Sons Schedule went from 3 days a week...
Just an update
I rarely write about my qualifier on here since the relationship has been over for a while and also my whole AA side takes over when I respond to many posts here. But...I have been meaning to write that I got a text from my ex-A that stated he went to his first AA meeting because his life had gotten so unmana...
My A
This morning I am having a really hard time again. I have always been able to speak with my MIL about any difficulties I have with my AH or myself. Lately, I don't feel I can. I guess that means I'm feeling alone. I'm doing as many al-anon related things as I can, and trying to practice. I just feel hope...
My husband and I went to Oxford, to help our 23 year old daughter move house, Oxford is the place where Harry Potter was filmed with all the fabulous buildings and history, it's a very beutiful university Town, or maybe even city, it has so much to offer, rivers with punts on, boat trips, and open top doub...
The Alcoholic Spouse, my Son and the Elephant in the Room
I saw a separate post entitled "Al-Anon Annoys Me" by jBunny. I agree with many of her findings regarding Al-Anon meetings (I've been to four). I am new, too, and am having a very difficult time sorting everything out. My son is married to a raging alcoholic, which has now been going on for t...
my own worst critic and attacker
I am so thankful for this board and each of you posting and sharing your thoughts, experience, strength and hope! I haven't been posting much or replying, but I have been reading quite a bit and finding so much insight and inspiration. Thank you!! And thank you so much for providing such a safe place to s...
How to reconcile staying versus giving up
After another weekend of being ignored by my AH, I am wondering if it's time to give it all up. I would almost rather be yelled at than ignored or disrespected. My AH ignores me, for example, he fails to tell me he isn't coming home for dinner on Saturday. When I call him at his parents, he is all sweet...
Thank You for Being Here
Hello Everyone, I got home this evening from a AA/Al-Anon conference I have attended every year since I first sat in a recovery meeting on April 17, 2004. I love conferences, and this one is probably my favorite. It always has wonderful speakers, great Al-Anon meetings and has had anywhere from 700...
Suicidal borther
Greetings MIP's, Got a call from my brother who isn't doing so well. He wants to end his life, I talked him out of it for today but he lives in another city - 7 hours away. We're both ACOA, he has been to rehab 2 times now and still drinking. He put his head through a window last night and I urged him to go to the em...
Brand new - need to vent
Hi everyone, I've never posted here before - and haven't even taken the time to read the FAQs, but I will do that in a minute. I just need to vent a bit first. My husband is off at his second-ever AA meeting at the moment - or so he told me. Except that his sponsor called our home number about twenty minutes aft...
I feel traumatized
Things are actually quite good these days. My wife has been sober many, many more days than not in the last couple of months. There have been some bumps in the road but she's in a much better place than she was a year ago. Her patience with our sometimes challenging kids has left me in awe at times, especia...
very high anxiety levels
I have woken with very high anxiety levels I think that ocky strap (I found out are called bungy cords?? in America) has sprung back and hit me in the head. I think I have taken it back on. (previous post reference, I was visualising handing his pot drawer over to the universe but it was still attached to a...
Update to Good News - And Question
Morning all, Good news - I got the job!! I start training today. Big promotion, more money, more responsibility. Good also because I won't have time during the day to obsess over whether my Afiance drinks or not. On that note, couldn't get through even ONE DAY of no drama. I came home from work last night...
Hi everyone really needed to come on here and share. I went to a meeting last night. People shared about their childhoods. In my share I said my childhood was good (i do have lots of good memeories of childhood my dad had lots of time for me). I said that my co dependency came from my mother and grandmoth...
Our "One Day at a Time" Kitty
Here's our Littile Lucky, the abandoned kitty that I agreed to care for and then find a good home. There's NO way I'm giving him up now! When I first got him, I worried the entire day about what to do with him. Will our adult cat accept him? Do we really want another indoor cat? (No, but...) How will I fi...
feeling better
Hi guys I am feeling better today. I gave in and looked in his drawer. I don't know why. I was feeling anxious and it took the anxiety away.. I got my hit??? anyhooooooo.. I didn't do anything with the information but I know I looked for the wrong reasons... We had a chat last night. He was my wonderful ca...
total enmeshment
I grew up in a family where the boundaries were all amiss. My elder sister was relegated to the parent role (I should say bully really because that's what she became). My parents could barely hold it all together on the most basic level of providing shelter, food and sustenance and there was no emotio...
Thank You Jerry F for that wonderful and helpful share
i just came in from a 12 step meeting here in my town i go to ,we r on the 2nd step ,ive found it hard to leave it in gods hands ,but im learning little by little to leave it with him and its actually worked everytime,lol i just want to keep takeing it all back ,but not everytime im learning to leave it with him an...
Why do I feel like I need permission to get off the merry go round?
It's like I feel like I'm a little kid. Like I need permission to get off the dang merry go round that I started in motion to begin with. I have every right and every desire to get off but I still fall into my sick ways. Last night he came home from a dinner out with his boss and the President of his company. ...
Hi Everyone! I have a confession to make: I don't like drama. I enjoy pause, calm, reflection, and joy. I think sometimes my part in the drama has to do with my fear when I can sense things building in my atmosphere (e.g. if my AH is struggling). I might ask too many times "Are you ok? What's goin...
I'm 27 years old and started dating a guy a year and a half ago who is an alcoholic. He has hurt me so much throughout the past year and I became so disgustingly ill and a codependent b/c of him. He has been sober for 5 months now and says he's a different person but I can't believe him. I truly think he doesn'...
not in a good place today
Hi all I have posted on the ACOA board. I did so yesterday and had a bit of a vent about those childhood things. I think perhaps maybe, it has triggered something inside me and yesterday I had a massively big urge to check on my husbands pot drawer. I deliberately didn't. I stayed away from the drawer so...
Where do I begin?
When I met my boyfriend, 2 years ago, I knew he drank. He was 42 and I was 38. We got to gether in a relationship and his drinking calmed down considerably. He used to be drunk EVERY night. now it is maybe 3 times a week (still too much). I have told him that he has done much better. If I get on to him about ho...
Prayers Please!!!
Prayers please!!!!!!!!!!!! A very dear friend of mine has been fighting cancer for over a year and found out this week that the cancer has metastasized to the bone and a bone marrow transplant isn't an option. The doctors are giving her a few weeks to a couple of months. Please pray for her and her husb...
Not funny, but funny
I was told something yesterday that I know was told to someone here too. Last night my RA was again being loving, pleasant..and patronizing. Keep in mind he's not going to program and lied to me earlier yesterday morning about ditching his sponsor and why. He said, " I love you.....I don't want...
rara avis
Is the noncompliance part of the disease ?
This started as a response to another about taking the bait, but I figured out I really have a question. Is it part of the disease for my AH to keep me out of the loop on things regarding the family, then refuse to honor my wishes on them. I feel so left out of things that I should know about in our marriage...
People Pleasin Prison
Working in a toxic enviornment. I know I can't change the people and their gossip and lies etc. I can't change the fact that they don't love me....etc. It bothers me what they think and say about me and how their lies may or may not influence the manager etc. I need to change myself and be consumed wit...
I just seem to be getting it more and more!
As I keep coming back, listening and learning I think it is called peeling away the layers of the onion skin, the answers are always here LURKING, living with an addict really is soul destroying and something I read here this week has really helped me to acknowledge that pain of living in that dreadful...
Annoyed by al-anon
What's the point of Al-Anon? I don't get it at all. The whole program seems like a cult trying to sell books. I don't understand why people in Al-Anon don't give "advice" to others. How helpful is that? Al-Anon is not about helping the alcoholic to stop drinking. It seems to me that it...