Looking for some ESH regarding my AH's friend in recovery
My AH's former "partner in crime" for the last 18 months has been in recovery for a grand total of about 4 weeks. He has reached out to me a few times in recent days to (a) express compassion for me and my situation and regret for his past actions, and (b) ask for my "permission" to ha...
My wedding and my mother - al-anon style
I'm getting married in March. We're doing it in Disney World. Mom hates to travel. She originally said she was okay with going anywhere we wanted; it's our family and choice. Last night, it changed - she didn't think she could come because of complications with her job and am I suuuure about Disney worl...
To the Mothers
And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children. And he said: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your l...
Detaching with control vs. detaching with love
It has come to my attention that I may be detaching with control rather than detaching with love. I feel like this is the best I can do for now. And I am trying to be kind and forgive myself for that. It is very hard to feel love when there are so many negative experiences and resentments in my mind. When I try...
reclaiming my brain
So, for the last few days I have not had the chatter in my head that says stuff like OMG where is she, who is she with, is she lying, is she drinking, is she gambling, is she by any chance telling the truth????? It is from all the help I'm getting from you guys, from my sponsor, from my F2F, from my reading, etc...
My AH is getting out of rehab today...
My AH is getting out of Rehab today after about 20 days. He has participated wholeheartedly in groups, has participated in the outside AA meetings, and found a sponsor, he told me today that he is going to try to put as many obstacles between him and alcohol as he can. I moved out about 2 months ago...so he...
How far before bottom ..
Don't know and if he hasn't hit yet .. I don't know that he will or how much further it will be. At this point he's been involuntarily admitted to the psych ward and I was informed this by the cities finest confirmed by the hospital. This was all a God thing in terms of information .. I mean I'm in shock stil...
I've recently had computer problems and I am about to have an IRC do-over... how do I get the Al-anon scripts again?
Feeling Stuck
I found out my husband was an alcoholic while I was pregnant and now we have an 8 month old son. My husband put himself through detox and has gone back and forth from sobriety to drinking since then. In March he put himself in the hospital and his liver isn't doing too well. Since his last breakdown he has ag...
Lucky number 19...
August 20th!! Okay I know about it and don't remember it like she does until I get to the breakfast table and see the card and package. Then I have to go into self acceptance of the man who doesn't have as close a connection with his "female side" as maybe it's thought that I should. What th...
Jerry F
Let's Celebrate Our Growth and Victories
I had a phone conversation last night with my AH, who is working 900 miles away. I made some very brief, neutral, non-inflammatory statements that related back to a horrible, awful fight we had on the phone the night before. I was very proud of myself for the way I stated my boundaries (I do not always a...
a better understanding
For starters I would like to say that I have been in alanon for 5 months not 2. I have been going to three meetings a week and the rest of my week is on here. I love getting on here and reading posts and finding new websites on alanon. I have done a lot of reading on this. I am praying more and talking to the lord mo...
Sneaky catharsis?
Well, as I've shared, I've been keeping pretty cool, calm and collected for a while now. Detatched and even at times amused by my AB's relentless logic-twisting, blame and sometimes out and out harassment. I posted the other day about something ridiculous he had said- and in one of the replies Betti...
I dont want to go home.
I have sort of been a lurker on this message board. I have attended 4 Al-Anon meetings; read the pamphlets, bought 'courage to change' and I have started journaling again but I am too new to this way of thinking to be strong enough to deal with this on my own. I am too ashamed to tell my friends and family...
Talking to the opposite sex
Hi Everyone,My name is slogan_jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon.I have an issue that I feel may be rooted in my fathers alcoholism. Growing up in an alcoholic home I was very ashamed. I was very embarrassed by my family, my upbringing and my father. This affected many areas of my social life inclu...
Article I read (link)
long timer here
I went back and looked at all my old "start topics" yesterday. Most depressing to say the least... well at first it was. Then I realized. As i remember my emotional state behind my every post. from being a "first timer" to the middle to now. I realize that I am better, Though my AH b...
Alanon CEO coming down under...
I am getting more confidence- legs, but not wings, in Alanon. Working out what we can talk about, and what we should not. This came from my family, of course. And in Alanon I am slowly learning a new healthy set of boundaries, with a whole bunch of other learners. Rick B. the CEO of Alanon Inc. is coming...
Missing AH
So, I finally got up the courage to stand up to my AH and ask him to leave; he wouldn't and I had to go to court to have him vacate the property legally. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. I'll never forget the look on his face. I know I had to do it for me, my kids and my AH. I did try to detach first (we'v...
talking on the phone w/ MOM
The latest is that I have been talking on the phone w/ my mom while she is in the hospital. It is very difficult as I knew it would be. I have an interesting instinct when it comes to her. I know that waiting awhile last Monday was the best good idea I had. I needed to re-group & take care of me today. My days...
Hoot Nanny
Future MIL is an addict
Hi, I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years and have been talking a lot about marriage recently. Although I am very excited about our future together, I'm very concerned about his mother, her addictions, and her affect on our relationship. She drank throughout my boyfriend's first 20 years of life...
I am inexplicably feeling complete and utter joy and gratitude today, and expectations of good things to come in my life. Appreciating the sunshine, my job, my dogs, my life, my career. It is an amazing gift from Al-Anon. Yes, I am still with my dry AH. He is seeing the change in me. HE is coming to ME...
post convention
Hi All, I shared on top table at the shared meeting at the weekend with my partner present. I am normally quite confident when I share in Al anon but I think because he was there it was different. I shared how alcoholism had impoacted my life and got emotional at one point. then went on to how al anon is he...
Acceptance is the answer to all my problems
I had a good chat with a member here on the board. What I came to realize is that even though I've been reading and now posting here for a while - I've never introduced myself. So Hi - I'm Natasha - I'm an alcoholic, adult child of an alcoholic, alanoner, and CODA 12 step worker. But here I will try to be ju...
I thought about it and I am sure I love my children unconditionally. Although I find it hard to love anyone else unconditionally....even my family sometimes... I am not sure if there is a universal understanding of this type of love.....what do you think. "Unconditional" sounds pretty s...
Talk to myself?
Counting down days till school starts...this momma needs some relaxation
Am I the only one who is looking forward to their kids going back to school? I have been trying to work my program this summer but it has been SO hard to gain peace with having 2 boys at home all the time. One of my sons is special needs and demands attention all the time and I constantly have to keep an eye on hi...
Boy meets Boy...
Aloha Family...just got in from business part of which was (secretly) nurturing the child still within. There's not much child there because of the program and so I used a proxy and didn't tell him. There was this little guy in my garden this morning by himself, nice and quiet and still being a par...
Jerry F
boy meets girl...
Boy meets girl on AA campus is a analogy in the AA Big Book, which points out that rarely does early recovery love relationships work out... here is why, I call it my version of Step 13. Boy; "She looked at me from across the hallway before the meetings started, I think she wants my body!" Friend; "have you...
Need to practice awareness right now.
Hi Everyone,My name is slogan_jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon.I am in a point in my life where I need to practice much awareness of my thoughts and behaviours, because I feel that both are related.Since my fathers second dui, I have been carrying around a lot of anger, resentment and bitteness...
This is just in fun, if i offend anyone I am truly sorry
...... I tend to have to laugh at my life at times ..almost thinking I am my HP's comedy show, or sitcom having said that first, I heard a song called "I dont like 1/2 the folks I love" when I heard that song...the lyrics are so true in my life ..I wrote a few just becasue i connect with them and want...
myself ..slipping
I feel it in my soul... I do good (real good) with me .. then lately ??? I feel the old "junk" about why?? and trying to understand why his choices are what they are .. I know his choices are his.. I know to worry about my own business... I KNOW all this .. I try not to think our family is second t...
where do I begin? need some support.
I hope this makes sense. I am dealing w/ a lot of anxiety & confusion right now. I have been to see my mom. I saw her on Sat. She seems better but is still way out there. I am very nervous about her condition. I have to keep living one day at a time today. I want to project on to the future as I am nervous again a...
Hoot Nanny
Looking for Support
I am planning on leaving my ABF and moving far away by the end of the year. Right now we are living in Mexico but because I have to move back to the US and become financially independent I have to save up some money. I've tried to break up with him twice before and somehow I just get sucked in. I'm tired of de...
Trying to force solutions...
Hello dear MIP brothers and sisters...it's been so long since I've had a chance to visit or write. I've missed you. XAH and I have not had any communication since the beginning of July, when we were working out some of the details of the divorce decree. I am relieved that the only thing left is to take the q...
the princess who kissed the frog and became a frog herself....
the fear that things will never change. even though I'm aware of many of my mistakes and faults, and even though I've worked through the steps again and again, and even though I have had good days full of hope lately, I'm back at point 0, and sometimes deeper. I feel exhausted again, trying to keep mysel...
dunno if this will help you all, but it is helping me
one topic my AA partner and I discussed is BALANCE...... today I wrote down...a "typical" day for me and lately, writing down how long I am taking to do such and such I then made a list, negotiable , of course if something special arises, but a basic list of *reasonable* time I need to spend on...
Mini Vacation
Hi All I'm back to work and I DON"T want to be here. After 5 days off and I want to retire...hehe I wish! I cleaned my house, did some yard work, started to put up my new lighting outside, went gambling, had my toes and nails done, went shopping and was lazy. Was able to spend some quality time with...
Trying to hang in there after breaking up
I have not been on here in awhile. I posted last that I had broken up with my boyfriend a month ago, and only saw him 2x for aa meetings to accompany him. Two weeks ago he got black out drunk at a girl's apartment we have had major trust issues with in the past, and he actually scared her in his blackout and then...
I feel like a fraud
I'd like to know what you ladies & gents think about my being here, and my situation. I feel like a fraud (again, like I did 15 years ago with my first try at Al-Anon). I absolutely love this board. It has been a life- and sanity-saver for me. I learned codependent behavior from my Mother in my childhoo...
Light at the end of the tunnel
Hey everyone, I mentioned the other day that my dad got his second dui and I was in a place of fear and loneliness. I saw my dad today and he was in a good place. So was I. He seems to be taking responsibility for his actions. He apologized to me and my sister and re-iterated he is going to sell his car and start t...
Breathing Under Water
I am finishing an online course titled "Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps" and wanted to share this quote: "With these twelve important breathing lessons, you now know for yourself that you can breathe, and even under water. Because the breath of God( or yo...
AA destroyed our family
I read with interest the account of "James" family being destroyed through AA's infliction into his wife's life. I have had the exact experience. I am happy beyond description that my wife quit drinking. She certainly would have met with a disastrous ending However, she has become a com...
keeping in touch w/ my sponsor & other alanon friends.
I just want to say even though it sounds like I might be off my rocker at times, I do speak to my sponsor & Al anon friends almost daily either by text, email or phone. I have been reading Al anon literature daily & some times it even makes sense to me. I am just working on getting some sanity back. FYI...
Hoot Nanny
Words.....how do I say it?
Hello all...this is my first time posting here..I'm somewhat familiar with forums but this particular one is brand new for me. Al-Anon is not new to me (my ODAT book is dated 1972...haha)....but the season of my life that I find myself in requires a BIG return to Al-Anon principals...lol So, I have re...
Well I know it now
I saw this today and it actually brought up some compassion from me to ME...Yea..I actually said to myself "ok, we didn't know it then... The cruel assessments of me I bought, but no more...I will work my inventory, thank you" I felt a sense of sadness that I didn't see it for all those decade...
well *****l...I told a fib
I said on my post that I was gonna wait to get back in harness (read, and post) , but I saw sooo many "need to read/respond to" posts that I could not resist.. First, I would like to say Welcome to the new comers...U came to the right place... Recovery can be hard..Sad...But nothing worthwhile...
Taking a break from MIP
Hello, everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I will not be around much. I'll probably come on and check for private messages every so often, though. I have come to realize that I'm not growing. I'm obviously not working my program very well. I'm stuck and I'm choosing to stay there because...
I called my son tonight at our usual time. Haven't talked with him since a few days after his surgery. He was pleasant and watching a pre-season football game. He didn't want to talk with me long. He was happy watching his game. I loved it. I did what I wanted to do. Check in with him. He did what he w...
Taking the first step....
Hello. My name is Stephanie, and my husband is an alcoholic.... thought I would use the old stand by intro! My attempt at levity. We have been married four years. I always knew he drank a lot. I should, of course, have seen the signs. But I ignored them, and my inner voice. He is trying to stay sober now...
Stopping in with an eye opening Step 4 discovery
Hey all just stopping in to update Had a REAL good work w/AA friend/coo-sponsor on my step 4.....I had to go on R&R to do this and feel the pain of yet more Crap to clean up on me....I discovered that (no surprise) that I am still fear based..especially my needs being met and my AA friend and I went over...
Need encouragement to follow my program
Hi all, I am having trouble with my relationship with my parents who are enablers to my AS. They choose to pay all of his bills and watch his son because he is too hung over to watch him. He is addicted to alcohol and they are addicted to him. I on the other hand try to stay on course with my alanon principl...
Perspectives (cont)
"Time is constantly passing, one moment following fast upon the other. That's why its so important to press forward boldly,without complaining or fretting. The person who looks to the future and keeps moving ahead is eternally youthful. Such a person's heart is filled with flowers and shin...
What I want vs what I need
Boy am I a slow learner and a fast forgetter! I have had a couple of humbling lessons in the God of my understanding giving me what I need vs what I want .. that's ok. I'm having a clearer picture that the Pushka plan isn't what it needs to be .. I don't necessarily like it .. I do have to come to accept it's n...
sharing my story
Hi All, I am sharing my story tomorrow in the afternoon of the convention with AA and al anon present. It will be the first time my partner (sober ABF) has heard my story. The theme is hope and sobriety, today we have sobriety in our home life is not perfect but so much better. It is thanks to both fellowsh...
"True Ease and comfort are not found in a quiet,uneventful life. This may sound paradoxical, but hardships bring about ease and comfort. For only by establising strong individual lives capable of boldly challenging difficult obstacles can we find true Peace and security in this lifetime....
Does it ever end?
I can't take anymore. Do I have to take abuse? What do you do when you work and make too much for help, yet not enough to even pay house and ulities. I have serious health issues too. I'm 3 years from retirement and I have to keep my health insurance? I have faith in God but I have to be realistic too.
wings of a dove
Feeling lost and empty!
It seems the better I get at detaching from my A/A's (daughter and her son), I feel spiritually disconnected from them, I know I still love them, but I mostly feel sadness/fear when I think of them, sad because of their bad choices/circumstances they are in and fear they will try to con/manipulate me in...
This evening- as my AB was getting himself good and drunk in celebration of it being Friday, he mentioned to me that a house we had previously looked at was up for rent again, and that he would like to take another look at it. Then he grew serious and said "I have a concern though. The house has a lot of s...
Didn't mean to take a break
Hi all-My life got so hectic and busy and I have felt pressure from work, 90 yr old mom, son and spouse issues, etc., etc., etc. However, I have missed the board and hopefully can get back to checking in as I used to. Each day I couldn't get here I wondered howall wondered how everyone was doing and I wanted t...