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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
was the topic at my face to face "Wednesday Night Turning Point AFG" meeting. One of our elders was looking for the feedback as she could not find anything in the index on "Hopeless" so she did what we all should do...brought it to a meeting and asked the fellowship. It turned out to be a very good meeting as the feedback was experienced and wide. Because of the fellowship and the program and tools I related that another "h" word I was concerned about when I first go to the rooms was helpless. I found out I wasn't by sitting within all of the ESH I got from the fellowship and still do considering my membership in MIP. There are sooooo many tools in the program that I no longer feel helpless instead I feel confident and expectant of good outcomes.
Try this subject out on yourselves and see what you come up with. Post it please so we can continue to be supportive of each other. Mahalo ((((hugs))))
I hate, hate, hate to admit this, but there are times when I've felt hopeless and helpless and the core reason for it was this: I wanted my way and I wasn't getting it. I am a grown up. I am an adult. And I still throw small temper tantrums inside when things aren't going in the way I want them to go. And my HP never lets me get away with it. Even keeping this occasional truth about me a little secret between me and HP is no longer allowed. It's an embarrassing reality about me and it is so, so true. There! I've done it. It's out there. At my age and after all my years of recovery, I can still revert to thinking my way is the best way - and I drive myself to distraction when I hang on to this faulty belief.
When I accept my powerlessness and turn things over to HP, I see ways to live as to coin a quote written about Mother Teresa - "A pencil in God's hand."
-- Edited by grateful2be on Thursday 22nd of August 2013 08:41:44 AM
I remember feeling hopeless and confused with the hopelessness, as it was not my nature to feel hopeless. I had been so slowly beaten down over the years with my husbands addictions and scapegoating, when I entered into al anon, I was broken and tired. Tired to my core. Tired of pretending I had more strength than I did. I felt better after my first meeting, so I knew there was hope. I found hope and so much more.
I can deal with being powerless ... it's feeling helpless that I hate as well as hopeless. Helpless and hopeless mean I have no choices .. Alanon has taught me that I always have choices, because I'm only powerless over other people, places and things. There is no easy button and the choices come with personal responsibility of the consequences that come with these choices. What do you mean I have to be a grown up and not play the victim?! Lol? I didn't like that reality when I first came to Alanon .. the R word Responsibility for me completely and totally. Today I thrive because I can see based upon my own choices what works and what does not. Hugs p :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Great topic and it is my turn in 2 weeks to do my service at the meeting and you gave me a great idea, thanks for that! Nothing brought out a tantrum in me like feeling helpless and I kept myself pretty helpless for a long time. I love the reminder that I went from helpless to hopeful and am stealing this with your permission of course. Thanks for the post!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I think that I woul define the difference in this way
Hopeless(Loss of Hope) When I was hopeless I had lost faith in a Higher Power and could not believe that life could change and improve. I felt as if all my dreams were gone . I lost the only one that I truly loved and without that person life was not worth living. I could not go on
Powerless for me meant that I had found a belief in my Higher Power again and knew deep down that no matter what I did or said I had no power to affect outcomes in this situation, The best I could do was to learn how to take care of myself and find a new dream. With powerlessness I was freed to make choices to find a new path.
It turns out for me that powerless (knowing I can't influence any noun's behavior so get busy Jill and change your own) freed me to crawl out of my misery. The strongest force I knew was my Higher Power, and AlAnon reminded me to rely on mine. I had been so low and in such despair that I was lost. The liberty of knowing I am powerless keeps me free.
I remember feeling hopeless and confused with the hopelessness, as it was not my nature to feel hopeless. I had been so slowly beaten down over the years with my husbands addictions and scapegoating, when I entered into al anon, I was broken and tired. Tired to my core. Tired of pretending I had more strength than I did. I felt better after my first meeting, so I knew there was hope. I found hope and so much more.
for me it has been, since recovery and dumping all the toxins and not letting them back in, now its LIFE beating me down....its just getting harder and harder for me to meet my needs and yes, I do feel helpless in that I cannot force a client to need my services.....helpless in that I cannot do any more than try and take care of good stuff for me to take my mind off.....detachment w/no action coming forth for my yea, feeling helpless right now....I don't pretend anymore that I am not hurting....alone, trying to fight and survive this life alone....its hopes being deferred over and over are making my heart sick......dunno what to do w/me.....I am working step ONE re: this lack and this deep desire within me to unload this pain of my dump the resentment, anger, resentment....I want it I can go to my after life with less baggage and If I can help a few souls on the way, then my life won't be a total waste.....Just not happy and optomistic of late.....real down....this on going search for enough work is wearing me down....women my age should be having it easier, not harder.............ok, I vented........back to step one.....I cannot deal with calls on my ads....I call hp and I get voice mail and no answer............losing what little belief I had in anything other than me wanting to help and I am NOT ENOUGH.................good thread.....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
After a long period of time, I came to believe (and accept) that with "powerlessness" came great freedom, relief, lack of guilt, etc...
I mean, if I was truly "powerless" over her and her addiction, then it only made sense that I could not be held responsible for her decisions and her addictions ( no matter how hard she, in her active years, tried to pin that on me).
Powerlessness, for me, is very empowering....
Thanks Jerry... good post, as always
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
I have had to support my powerless thinking again these past few months as my A had passed away.
Never have I felt the need to practice it more as a few pangs of guilt set it.
I have had some gut wrenching nites, but I'm so glad I stuck to this board and the last few weeks have been uplifting for me as I feel the HP of this board, I could feel it healing me.
I came to believe that we are powerless over others lives and when we felt accountable for them, we had the best intentions for them. I came to realize that even if we became sick in the process , our highest intentions were to see them well and sober and that can't be a bad thing, only in the fact that it damaged and harmed us.
So I agree with Tom, powerlessness is empowering, I am proving that every day in my daily life and I never feel hopeless. are soooo family here and you are loved and supported. Loosing a loved one, even the alcoholic is like having a part of you ripped away against your will and then to have all of the toxic feelings that come along with it and still return to sanity is heroic stuff...not the stuff of newbies and stuff that both the newbie and elder can listen to and experience for themselves on their own journies. Thanks for bringing your program here for us to watch and learn. (((((hugs))))) God won't ever give you more than you can handle.
from helpless to hopeless .. Helpless was me having no idea what to really do .. Helpless was also a developed character defect which was absolutely necessary to survive in the environment of controllers I did .. If I was helpless and let Everybody do the work, it kept the peace . I never did it the right way because I never did it Their way .. I did it my way which didn't work for them .. If I sat back on the sideline, Everybody Else could feel important and I didn't seem to matter much; meanwhile my sense of Worth and Value was consistently depleting .. Helpless is Me with No Higher Power .. Powerless ? Power to me isn't like the force domination and strength in the world; it's the Spiritual wisdom to know the difference . I am powerless because I lack wisdom; the wisdom to know How to change what I can, Me .. hp has it .. the difference is it's the power (wisdom and experience) that Really can move me Forward (in my thinking) .. I remember a member sharing once how he Never spoke about anything real before alanon because if you don't have the hope to change something, what do you do with it .> Nothing .. helpless is when I do Nothing because I don't know what to do Instead .. Need to keep coming back to continue to get the Wisdom to know How to move forward ..
Hi Jerry, i like your post. For me hopeless meant I was failing. I was failing in trying to control the people in my life. All hope was gone that i would ever have peace or serenity in my life. It was a really useful feeling for me because it brought me to Alanon, it means surrender to me. I can no longer kid myself that i have the power to control and change another human being and in some respects i no longer wanted to. Being helpless is different to me now because i am okay with being helpless in some respects. I have a higher power, there is a bigger picture that i cannot possibly see or understand so therefore being helpless is okay. I cant help the people in my life live their lives I can only live my life.x