Needing Experience, Strengh and Hope
Hello, I'm new to the board but have been in and out of alanon for about 15 years only taking and seriously working my program for the last year. I have been doing great, loving my program, growing within myself and rebuilding a relationship with my recovering AA boyfriend of 7 years. My A lives in a 1/2...
Boy did I loose it!
((((Family)))), Here I am my weekend off. I am sicker than a dog. and I'm trying to get better so that I can go to my niece's graduation today. I talked to both my sister and niece yesterday and said that I would most likely be at the graduation. However I wasn't sure if I could make it out to dinner. My s...
I hope I am not boring you all posting about my dating life, but it makes me feel better to get it out there and get feedback from you guys. After the text apology I sent a text on Thursday just casual and he responded. We didn't talk on Friday. But, Saturday I really wanted to see him. Was going out with...
Naranon chatrooms??
Hi friends, my hub jsut got out of jail (15 months) and 2 months rehab for multiple dui's. He came outta jail with a new addiction..Hydro morphine, he snorts it..so i'm trying to find a room to talk to ppl that can relate to my situation..thanks xo Serenity62..not lol
Need help Please!!!!
(((((((Everyone)))))))) I'm in need of some ES&H please. I am totally overwhelmed with stress. It seems that things keep piling up on me. I try to deal with one thing at a time but when one issue is resolved then 2 more roll in. I try to reach out to others that are close to me they appear to be disappoin...
summer weekend festivals- yuck
I am back living in the American Midwest and in the summer there are always these weekend "fests" which are completely soaked in alcohol. Having not lived with this for awhile, I had forgotten how gross it is. I went to one last weekend and it all came back to me- totally smashed people all le...
my STEP 3 on RE-parenting me
ASSIGNMENT__________ STEP 3---Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him Self parenting step 3---Learn to let go of the compulsive self reliance by reaching out to our Higher Parent as we understand it ########Rosie's take "compulsive self relia...
what can i do?
Hi everyone, I have just found this board, or maybe it found me!!! I am so so desperate for some advice. My wife is 5 months pregnant, and she won't stop drinking... What the hell do i do??? From day one, i know she has made no secret that she will have a drink "every now and then". But, on Sunday,...
June Business Meeting Minutes
June Business meeting Minutes Meeting was held June 7, 2009 Meeting opened with the serenity prayer Motion to accept May Business Meeting Minutes as posted on the Board - Voted on and accepted Chair meeting schedule was posted and revisedCurrent Chair Schedule is:AMMon Shimo/no altTues -Aun...
Delusional husband plays games.
Some of you will remember my "checking for ticks" post, others might even remember my "I've had enough" post, under my old nick of Java, concerning my dry drunk husband. My most recent post was a decision I made to go back into the relationship entitled "doing the same thin...
Thanks to all who replied to my post. happy that people bothered to reply. My husband is in rehab. Visited him each day this week and it was very nice and CALM!I was seeing some hope for a future, probably naively? Yesteray and today he was allowed home for a few hours and all we did was fight...over stupid...
The REAL gift my AH gave me today...
for those of you that have read my posts know that one of the hardest things I was/am trying to overcome is my AH lack of motivation when it comes to our home. I had alot of anger and bitterness about this issue. Well, he texted me today and let me know that he bought a weed eater for our yard. This must sound s...
I've been offered an interview for a new job
So after my last post of presenting an emplyment contract and my seeing the audit to fruition, that went totally out the window. My ex-bf wouldn't sign anything and I stood my ground and walked out. The audit was today and he had to handle it by himself. I don't know the details of the results, only what he...
FYI - Some of the legalities of my situation with my ex-bf
First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to follow my little soap opera on this message board and share some of your wisdom with me. So much is happening and it's happening so fast the I have only been able (emotionally and time wise) to post the most critical information for what's happe...
Just For Today...report
I did not do all the things on my "to do" list and Just for that day, I didn't worry about it, I just did "the next right thing" One of the things that I added to my 'to do' list was taking my mom to another Assisted Living Facility (this makes the second one we've visited). She really li...
Need some love tonight...
Even though I know I am working hard, I am changing the things I can and I am accepting the things I cannot, today has been a really hard day. Physically pain is not helping from when my legs collapsed from under me late Monday night and I knocked myself out on my kitchen floor. The fact that I buried a dear d...
At a loss
I have no idea what to do or where to go. I dated a recovering alcoholic for four years. Then around four years ago he was no longer recovering as he started drinking again. In a weird way it was sort of nice in the beginning because he was so relaxed with a few drinks. He had always found it difficult to relax...
I just got a call from a boiler room operation. A young woman wanted to talk to me about my credit card ending in XXXX. Credit card ending in XXXX has been cancelled, because some scam artists got hold of it and were charging little $2 and $4 items to my account. The card company alerted me--said they d...
Doing it Right
I'm not sure if anyone can relate to what I've been feeling for the past few days but, I have this sense of anxiety at times about 'working the program' right. I often wonder if my sponsor choice was right - I am being guided in a wonderful way. Am I working the steps the way I should? Am I in denial about somet...
Things I did Right this week
Rather than do the usual and focus on what I did wrong or where I slipped up (and trust me, I did!), I thought I'd list out what I did right instead. 1. I'm slowly making progress on protecting myself on the financial front. I just need to get off my butt and out of the house to finish up these tasks. 2. I fi...
I made it thru But....
Welp... I made it thru another Long Week... I have so much going on in my life right now, it is putting me into over drive, Last night I did take the time to go up on my bed, and just Lay there, and meditate, and pushing the stress from my body... It worked "In the Moment" but then when I got up, I thin...
A new day.....
Thanks everyone for reading/responding to my post. Yesterday was truly a rough day and I really did not think that it would be.... Today is a new day though, and though there is still a huge sadness where there once was hurt, I am going to get through it. It just sucks ya know? It's been almost 8 months...
can't stand living situation
So, I moved out of my apartment cuz me and my boyfriend broke up. I had to move back home. I've been here a month, and things are going back to how I remember them as a child. Except I'm not a child, anymore. My mother can't hold a discussion about anything when it comes to something that bugs me. For example,...
Time for change?
I'm brand new to all of this and trying the absorp alot of these concepts. Obviously understanding will take time. My concern is, this weekend there are several events that will happen that will continue to stress the relationship between myself and my husband. I tried to talk to my husband about hi...
hi all I have not posted for a while lots has happened. After going to a weekend conference in march I told my ab I just wanted to be friends because I had met lots of healthy people and needed to surround myself wityh these people to help my recovery. I finally accepted i couldnt fix him. I realised i was...
Overwelmingly sad and in need of some ESH
I'm having a rough time tonight. The week has been harder than most with crazy at every turn it seems and I think for the most part I have held it altogether and kept moving forward in my life. And then today the EXABF dropped the last of my things off while I was at work, and I just feel this overwel...
Just for today
My thoughts on Just For Today, a poem that is a bookmark in our program. I would like to extend a challenge to anyone that wants to participate, to work this into your life today, too, Just for Today: Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle all my problems at once. I can do someth...
grateful for today
Today I felt more in control of my life than I have in years. I thank God for this day. I thank Him for allowing me and trusting me with three beautiful girls he sent for me to love ( my daughters). I thank Him for their laughs and smiles. I even thank Him for giving me the wisdom and courage to discipline t...
Working with the positive in front.
My sponsor who has never ever judged me or "should" me down suggested I keep the positive at the front of my life. Lately as you all know I have lost weight and gone all out to get healthy. As someone who was pretty much lethargic for me to exercise at all is incredible. I walk 10,000 steps a day...
Went to second meeting.
I went to my second F2F meeting and learned two things. No crosstalk means we just sit and listen if somebody else is commenting, and we don't comment on the comment. Even if the other is suffering and we might have something to say that could help. Maybe that is what the sponsor is for. They were gen...
As for Today....
I wanted to Say THANK YOU to all of you that Commented Yesterday...I can now laugh at myself over the ordeal, made all my contacts, now I have to sit and wait to hear the "Rest of the Story",... I got up this morning with best thoughts of accomplishment, and a better sense of self.. For me someti...
BEST news in a long time!!!
Im in a great mood!! Been testing 10 plus hours for a job I was referred to by someone here. Waited all day for my results and .... I PASSED!!! I got hired!!! Only 20 hours a week but the pay is pretty good so my next step is to start looking for apartments so I can get the heck out of here ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Another question. My husband told me this morning that he promises not to drink while I'm away at work today. I let slip "Don't do that." before I could stop myself. He asked me why I said that but I changed the subject. How should I respond to his promises? He makes promises to make me "...
Progress and growth-Part #1
Was woke up the night before last at 4am by an outraged wife! To make a long story short, one of my internet friends who has been emailing/texting me has a wife! Now I had asked him several times and he swore NO NO NO.......and I had no reason whatsoever not to believe him, other than this little feeling t...
ok, just thought, just now
ok, I think I have been looking at this all wrong, I just realize that the decision to stay or leave an A husband, which i know I shouldn't make any rash decisions. I have been so far thinking about myself. It's not all about that, it's about my kids. I should be able to make myself happy in any situation, b...
Update on Last Week's Meeting
Last week I had written about a woman who was disruptive during my meeting and made me feel uncomfortable. Well after talking with God, I thought that perhaps she needed to be at that meeting and who am I to judge who should be there and who shouldn't. With that, I decided to reach out to her this week and...
forgot to mention what I told my AH tonight- sorry so many posts
We were on the topice of our yard- AH mows it but that's it- so it needs weedeating really bad, it looks neglected and it's embarassing to me. Well, about a year ago our weedeater broke and never bought a new one. So, with me being on this new path I'm on, I called my Dad (step-dad) to see if i could borrow his f...
Just an update:)
Sorry I haven't been by lately, things have just been super busy work wise and the home PC was hit by a bug. Anyway things have been interesting and enlightening. The last time I posted was when I had ran into EXABF in Walmart and he had shunned my son. To cut to the chase-lol, I had an occassion after than...
confused on what I am supposed to do- just a few questions
hi everone, I am so grateful I found this place. Some of ya'll have probably read my other post, I wrote that when I first came to the board. I was angry, angry , angry. Since then, and it's only been a day or so, I have started applying step 1 to my life. It does make me feel better to know that I have not caus...
Starting out - nothing changes until something changes - that way I gave myself self worth
I have found myself being asked again and again of late, "Where do I begin?" And I have noticed that there are quite a few newbies here, so I thought I would share my "Where do I start?" story. I am not here to advise I am here only to share my experience and tell you what worked for me an...
talked with Ah
First thing this morn a sheriff called me, he is in my driveway. He says he has papers for me, I said,"oh what a drag!" lol of course I am a mess, lol lost a lot of fat have on baggy stretch cotton shorts,dark blue with marroon, white, yellow and turquoise paint on them. a blue tank top then a touqu...
I need your prayers please
It seems odd to me to be writing this post so quickly after my last one that was soooooo different than this one's going to be. But please bear with me, again. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, or if you were able to get the gist, but I have a good and close relationship with my HP, which I call God. Some of y...
My relationship's over after 16 years and I don't know what to do
This is my first post so please bear with me if I sound like a newcomer, 'cause I am. J I've moved out of my A bf's house 10 days ago after a 16 year relationship and I'm somewhat lost. We've lived, played and worked together for over 1/3 of my life. After I started back to counseling in April 2008 to learn how...
what to do about the 4th of July????
My non alcholic daughter from Houston and her family are coming up for the 4th of July hoiday. The problem is whether to invite the adaughter for the week end. My brain says "no", but my heart says otherwise. Part of the problem is my two daughters are "crossways" with each ot...
Detachment- What exactly is it?
I always read about detachment as a way to survive living with an alcoholic. I'm not sure how you detach and still love and stay emotionally involved and communicate and share time together. The word "detach" seems to say you don't do any of that OR you are spending time together but just n...
20 lbs down. On the way to a goal without chaos intervening.
For the first time I no longer dread stepping on a scale. I am doing an incredible amount of physical exercise which is very new for me. I am so looking forward to the prospect of having to pack up my current clothes and more to the smaller clothes in my wardrobe. That time is coming and I can't wait to cel...
It's so hard to love this person
ughh... is it possible to actually be in love with an A? I pray about this quite often. I feel so much resentment towards my AH that I don't see how I could ever truly and unconditionally love him as long as he stays this way. My resentment is really bad. I'm so bitter deep inside at him. I may sound so cold as I...
He is in his pit- ALONE!
Hi Guys! I saw my ah today, we have been separated for about 4 months. After 3 and a half months of blustering and threatening he is now entering his sad phase. Though it is very real to him and I have empathy for his deluded mentality, at the same time, I am so glad that finally I can see the "game"...
silver brumby
What if he stops drinking, what do I do then?!
Today is a pretty good day. I am pondering where my life is going right now. My AH and I seem to be closer than we have been in years. He is still drinking but that's his business and not mine. He did go to an AA meeting the other day. Why? I am not exactly sure yet. Well, no, he did say it was because things were go...
SLOGAN SEARCH...Does anyone know...
Hey folks, I thought I heard someone on the board use a slogan that went something like this: pray on it, stay on it, (and something else that I don't remember). Does anyone know what I am talking about? If so, could you post the slogan? Thanks so much!
It's the little things
I have been thinking a lot about my BF lately and his effect on my kids. The oldest says she hates him regularly but she hates everyone right now. I have come to the conclusion that she wants her mom, all of me, all the time no matter how much she says she hates me and he takes up some of that time. My middle d...
Looking forward to this weekend
My new al-anon friend invited us over to her place for a bbq. She's letting me bring my 3 rugrats so that will be good as we can't really afford a babysitter. Her fiance sounds great and she told me he has a mini-cooper. My husband will be psyched. He's an "old car" kinda guy and new situatio...
What a Day .... :(
OK, This is how my day has gone so far... Got Up EARLY to get Blood work done... "Yeah Me", get shower, get hair done, face on, husband up, boy up, out the door, get there OK, go in, they tell me that since "they" desided to check Something ELSE, that My Fasting 8 Hours was not good enou...
uuuummmm He signed that legislation
I wondeer what he'd do with ALCOHOL CONTROL legislation.... I watched as your president Obama signed the most recent Tobacco Control legislation and started to wonder....I wonder what he would do with Alcohol Legislation. As a member of the Al-Anon Family Groups I cannot and will not represent m...
Jerry F
Gratitude Lists
Hello family- This may be off topic and if it is inappropriate for this forum, please feel free to let me know!!! I am wondering if anyone would care to be part of a Gratitude Group by which you exchange emails with members who are also in recovery programs, just basically sharing your daily gratitude. I...
newbie with new news
ok, I am new to this, very very new, with lots to learn, even though that it kind of makes me mad that i need to learn anything, that I even need to heel. Still angers me, but it makes me feel better at the same time, weird hugh. anyways, my A hasn't drank in two days, yay. This will be third, I have detached fro...
acoas and alcoholics - similar behaviors? help?
My husband is an acoa. His dad is a dry drunk - went to AA but not working the program as he "is in control". In all the many years I have been reading AA, Al-anon, and ACOA literature, I have yet to find something that will help me understand how ACOAs view their world. I have been to al-anon, b...
I have had issues with my job but have stayed in it because it's "comfortable" meaning I can do other stuff as there's not that much to do here and nobody is breathing down my neck or bothering me. There are some things that are very disturbing to me and I tolerate them for a 4 day work week. I'm...
a little gratitude
although i have been extremely miserable and depressed for the past few months before i started going to f2f meetings and coming here, i have to say: i am grateful today that this program has allowed me to gain a piece of myself back from alcoholism. thanks to everyone on this board for their posts. i re...
"Not into you" versus "Insecurity"
As I recently posted I have sorta been seeing this guy- when I say seeing I mean hanging out some- going out on the lake and for drinks and to his house. He showers me with compliments and tells me how great and pretty I am. He texts me throughout the day, but usually sends me a text around 8 or so when he gets...