flopidopulus & others .. the dark
i posted an entry about a week ago on my A and got some great words of wisdom in response ... Flopidopolus (spelling ? sorry can't see other page) you typed something that made me think while sharing about your A .. " My self esteem took a much needed boost and the more energy I put into me, the more I ha...
Books for ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics)
I have read so many great Al-anon books and as much as I loved "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews and "Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie and I read my daily readers too. I think "Perfect Daughters" by Robert J. Ackerman Ph.D. hit me just as hard if not harder....
A tiny slip ..
So I had a little slip last night. My AH who has taken no interest in what I do or don't do in 13 years has decided he doesn't like those rules which is fine. I need time to adjust. Well, I've always been an open book and I'm not a closed book I just choose not to be always 100% open, I'm always transparent. I...
My one year anniversary
I was goofing off at work here just before heading home, reading some posts here on MIP. I was realizing that it's probably been close to a year since I first came here...so I thought--hmm, I should check and see when my first post was. Well, it was exactly one year ago today. I find it so odd that I just happ...
Prayer Request
I believe wholeheartedly in the power of prayer and I and my family needs yours now. My 78 year old mother feel today and my 14 yr old son found her after school....I called the ambulance and they took her to the hospital where she was quickly admitted.... As of right now....her kidneys aren't working pr...
Little things... Little Things... Little Things...
I Can Honestly Say, I don't Remember a Time I was this Tired HP Has Sure Been Steppin Up for Me Here Lately, and Thank Goodness, because if not the Insanity would have placed me in the Rubber Room By Now! ... ;0) But I'm Still Standing... I have Spent 9 days out of the Last 13, at 4-6 Hours a Night in a Hospit...
Keep coming back ..
So last nights meeting is a meeting I kind of hit and miss from week to week. It really depends on what I need. I have a difficult time missing Simon Baker .. lol .. on the show The Mentalist. Last night was the open AA boy do I love those. I enjoy the group. I don't know if I have shared this before, I've ha...
meeting opener / reading mistakes
Over the years I have attended many face to face meetings of both AA and Alanon and had great pleasure when the occasional reading mistake occurs. I myself love laughter as I feel it is healing to the soul. I have kept many notebooks over the years of the wit and wisdom I have found in the rooms of recove...
falling down, and climbing back out
I struggle with some major depression issues that stem from my childhood traumas and other things that I allowed to happen to me as an adult. I have PTSD, ADHD, and General Anxiety disorder with Panic attacks that occur for no reason at all. The last few days I have felt terrible inside. My mind is sic...
The Four M's
Yesterday I had replied to a post citing the 4 M's in Alanon that were particularly meaningful to me when I was new. They are: Managing Manipulating Mothering Matyrdom I couldn't remember which book that I read it from. Finally I discovered the 4 M's are from our book Paths to Recovery on PP 40. In grat...
am I ready to face the truth??
Feeling down this morning so prayed and prayed and read to put positive thoughts into my mind. I was feeling better focusing on me my day. I bumped into my ABF,s sister and cousin they told me stuff he has been doing, stole off his mum again, in parties with other girls, supposed to of stole a purse of some...
Long, difficult, and scary road
Hi all -- I have just filed for divorce from my husband of 29 years, an A. We have been separated a year, and for the most part our separation has been amicable. I am feeling so scared and so alone. I have shouldered ALL the responsibility -- for the house (250K) for all the bills etc as he has been unemp...
My mom does not get it
Im Susan, My mother is always complaining about my sisters and myself. We are not the problem. She is drinking and making us the victim. She secretely drinks, and thinks that because we are younger, WE must be the problem. The rest of her family will not want to talk to her because we all know what she...
Guilt about leaving my A, I need ESH on this?
I have posted about this before, but this time it's more about how I perceive me in this. When I was 17 years old I met my A and I was just starting my senior year. He drank and partied and looked very good in his marine Corps uniform. I was blind right away. He got me out of my dysfunctional family of origin and...
Guess what AH is doing tonight?
Former sober AH is doing what he does best tonight. AlAnon must really be working, because I almost feel amused by it. He is working so hard to convince himeslf there is no problem.....going to AA, saying the right things..... but yet he's at the bar. Thinks he can occassionally drink responsibly...
Hot Chicka
Intro and affirmation needed
Hi! My husband is my qualifier although if you ask him he would vehemently deny he has a problem and he has me questioning whether my definition of an alcoholic is right. He drank on average 12 beers a night when we met (3 years ago, my second husband) but I had no idea until he moved in and I noticed the empty...
My kids :)
God love my children they have a very warped mother, my HP has a wicked sense of humor .. love it .. lol. I did decide to share this story because good grief we had the biggest laugh today over something else that was related. It's been almost two years ago I want to say 2009, I fell and broke my ankle in the ho...
Update with More Prayer Requests Please...
My MIL I Spoke of in my Last Post, went to hospital in an Ambulance Yesterday, Her Kidneys are Failing and the doctors are doing of course what they can... I Please ask for all to say a Prayer for her, and her pain, and give her the Strength to Fight this... She is One tough Lady, and I know if she gets it in her H...
Anger, control, and recovery
Each year our family hosts a large Halloween party for our kids and their friends. It's a big production with games, food and a hayride. Our kids love it. Families ask to come back each year (I just had a friend tell me her kids were already asking about the party). It's a lot of work but a lot of fun. Our daug...
Very Very Tired
What would my higher power want me to do?
My therapist raised this question with me yesterday; it's something that has crossed my mind in the past. What would my higher power want me to do? How would he want me to handle situations with my wife? Would he want me to be dismissive, to roll my eyes when she's talking, to continually give negative no...
Need advice for what to do with my father who is drinking himself to death
I went to my first Al Anon meeting today and it was helpful,but I need any advice anyone can share. My father is 69 and has been an alcoholic his entire life. He lives alone, and within the past 6 months has been hospitalized twice after falling. After the first incident he refused to go to any treatmen...
Frustrating Thoughts
I apologize in advance if I am venting, I am just having trouble with my thoughts today. I recently separated from AH after his alcoholism sent him in a downward spiral of insanity this summer, landing him in detox, several relapses, and rehab. Then, he got fired from a very good job that he worked hard...
Hey I was just thinking about Pinkchips birthday, and how I am the only offspring in my family that remembers my Dads day of sobriety 4th April 1978. No one commemorates the day my Mum took the step through the Al Anon doors and admitted her part in it. Her addiction to the addiction etc. The people in AA...
New Here
Hello, I am new here...I have a husband who is an alcoholic. We have 3 children. We have been married for 15 years this Nov 23. I just need a place to go and vent some feelings and frustrations I have with all my feelings. I have never attended a face to face meeting yet, but I do believe that is my next step...
Great Meeting tonight
I sincerely had to laugh tonight's meeting was a riot, I mean a straight up crazy riot. Completely off track, however it was just what everyone needed tonight. I loved the part that things didn't have to stay on track to learn something tonight and everyone just laughed and laughed. "Ironing i...
I'm proud of how I just handled my acoa's outburst
Old me would have gotten upset, yelled, and possibly followed him around trying to calm him down. Today I remained on the couch, silent, listening to him berate me as he left the house, jumped in the truck and left with a burn out that left an approx 30 ft skid mark.
I'm learning that I can only control me...
Listening to the voice in ME
-- Edited by amills4294 on Tuesday 4th of October 2011 03:11:56 PM
today is Tues.
Today is Tuesday; you know what that means? It is time to quickly update what I can mention on this site. I have been away from here since Saturday. I am doing very well. I had a long day yesterday completed w/ a movie & a late dinner. Maybe that doesn't sound very exciting except I have to travel over 60...
Hoot Nanny
sister struggle
I just found this group today after doing ALOT of research. I have found an Al-anon meeting that I will attend this coming weekend (my FIRST ever!). Heres my story....my sister informed the family at the begining of the year (for the second time) that she was addicted to pills. By this time I was fed u...
Hi Pinkchip, I was over on the AA board and saw that yesterday was your BD. I'm not sure if it was your belly button BD or your sobriety BD. Either one - I hope you had a wonderful day. Also, I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your shares on this board. I've learned a lot from them, a...
Still can't seem to give up this control thing.
I have been away from MIP for a few weeks to a month and havent been reading here or going to F2F meetings. I am still reading my books though. I had been feeling strong, and like things were going okay. And I also felt like when I posted and read, it only made me think about the issues more. I didnt want to...
My Guilt, Fear, Lack of Control is Choking Me!
Welp... Here is Sit in my Guilt... Not Sure which end is up here of Late... 2 Sundays ago My AGrandma Went into the Hospital for what We thought was a Mini Stroke, Turns out there is Tons more going on, and all of it coming at us so Fast... This Last week I Feel as tho I have lost ALL Program, ALL Self, & AL...
self care
My Abf has hit his rock bottom again. I know he is ill and I am trying to be caring however he stole money and was aprting with some girl who is not a lady put it that way. I have made amends for my reactions to his latest slip but now he thinks everything is back to normal. Today i told him I need space as i am ang...
Long time coming, finaly ready to talk.
I'm a 20 year old currently, and though my parents broke up when I was 2 his effect on my life has been large. When I say this it by no means is a good effect. My father does not call me, but when he does see me (which is by force from my uncle) he pretends like he has been there for me telling me he loves me when he se...
Just venting,rambling,dumping before I go to bed! VERY LONG sorry!
Ok so I thought I was working the program ok. Got acceptance down or did I? Not tonight! HA! AH was sober for 10 months after rehab, then 6 months ago off wagon. He has been drinking most days, goes sober but can't do it longer than 3 days. Constant denial on how much he drinks, always hiding it and lyi...
A little anxiety, it's ok ..
My AH's suspended licnese is coming to an end. The trick is he has to come up with 250$ to get it back. He hadn't said anything except oh 30 days before I can pay the fine. Oookkk .. lol .. I have NO idea where he thinks I'm coming up with this money we are doing well to keep our heads above water with the way th...
BreakingFree vs Flopadopilus
So I have been here all along as BreakingFree, but I don't remember my password and so here I am back as flopadopilus. Oh well I guess I preferred this one anyway. Yes it's a new picture on my avatar no face lift or boyfriend, just exercise and working a good program for me is making me look better I guess. Af...
forced surrender .. submission ? obssessive compulsive more so ..
if anyone has any esh that would give me strength & hope .. please share .. this is really compulsive on my part .. i haven't done this in years .. I drove past my alcoholic's house this morning at 6 a.m. and saw him leaving with someone new .. not even judging it .. i needed to go for me .. he didn't see me .....
I'm all alone out here!
I just dropped my husband off at a rehab center, but he's addicted to oxycontin. There's no NA support for families in my area and they told me to go to AlAnon instead. I have absolutely no one that I can talk to. I've been dealing with this all by myself and I'm tired. I love my husband, but if this fails, the...
My ABF rang last night he is staying with someone from AA and is ready to get back to his recovery. He said he wants me to forget whats happended work my programme and lets move on. He said he does not want to look at yesterday. I told him we have been here before that it is not about his alcoholism but what...
Well I just had a nice conversation with my A. We sat on the patio and talked about a few different things. Nothing important...the weather, the garden, the pets, etc. Even so, it's nice to have just that little bit of him for a brief time. Then he got up and said he was going to walk to the store down the road...
Hi everyone I'm new here, but not to Al Anon
Hi everyone. As my user name suggests I love an adult child of an alcoholic. I have been married to my ACOA for 19 years. It has not been easy since I am told I am to blame for everything that is causing issues in the marriage. He will not accept that his actions are to blame as well. I started attending local A...
Wife is angry at my A parents
Hi everyone,
I have been pondering my responsibility in this situation and could use some experience, strength and hope. My wife and I will likely be separating or divorcing soon over a few different issues. We are seeking counseling together and it may be what we need but I am not banking on it. My wif...
My weekend
HI all I am feeling a bit strange at the moment. My mind is not telling my how bad my life is and how much of a loser I am!!??? That is not usual for me at all??? This weekend, I posted that he was stoned. I was waiting for it. I think he 'kinda' respected my boundary in that he was doing a job around the house th...
What should I do
Hello, Im new here and dont currently attend Al-anon meetings although I have often thought about it. My name is Emily and I am 23. The alcoholic in my life is my father. Although Im not sure if he is actually an alcoholic or whether my problems with him are really that big compared to others. What I do kno...
Angry with his disease. Help moving forward...
I appreciate everyone's responses and support. I feel so frustrated in myself for not being like a jack-in-the-box, popping into reality and just leaving the mess behind me. I know that the only way for me to feel better right now is to let go of what I have already lost (the love of my life). Consciously...
How do i behave
My wife has relapse after 3 yrs, saying that a drink is the only way she can take the edge off suicidal depression which she feels results from feeling boxed in by everyone telling her what to do -- me, her sponser, my son. She has stopped going to AA saying that she finds it just makes het feel bad about hers...
Status update
LOL... had to think of something unique... I guess something I am learning is that I always thought I had to be perpetually, terminally unique, because god-forbid I was not noticed somehow. I craved acceptance because I needed approval. It didn't have to be healthy approval and acceptance, jus...
Does your A know you are going to Al-anon?
I am curious if your AS knows you are going to Al-anon meetings? Did you tell them? Or how did they find out? How did they react when they found out you were going to al-anon meetings?
I would like to hear how you have dealt with your finances and being married to an A? For example, how do you make sure the bills get paid so you don't have them disconnected? Or what about, have you ever been evicted d/t not being able to pay the rent b/c of their reckless spending on his addiction? Did you h...
I know that Sundays are difficult for my alcoholic husband. They were for me for a very long time as well. Now I have an easier time learning to enjoy what the day brings, and what I am able to create with it. However, it is still tough sometimes, knowing that I have a full work week ahead, and all of that t...
well seems to me... I'm spending yet another night alone...
Five nights last week out all night, no call, no texts, nothing. Just a whole lot of blaming me when he shows up. This week has been actually pretty quiet... home everynight, in a fairly good mood, interacting with kids, no drinking, no drugs UNTIL... tonight! Tells me he will be home by 7. Well it's 9:30...
2 weeks now
Well its been 2 weeks since my AH has went to county jail, still waiting on a bed for rehab. I can honestly say it has been easier. I am doing for myself, making choices for myself and not looking for approval from no one. I have not be able to go to F2F mtg because of school. But I did start going back to church...
What is expected of me???
Hi, I've been looking around the internet trying to find some ideas to help my wife get sober, when we first met we were both drinking and hanging out in clubs, at that time I didn't feel like there was problem because we didn't drink all the time, but we did drink a lot because it was a new relationship and w...
Interventions: Do they work or not?
I've toyed with this idea for awhile and have gotten many mixed opinions, although they are from people who aren't in the position most of us here are in. What are your personal opinions or esh's about interventions? Sherri
Grieving the losses of 10 years ..
So .. I'm back in town and haven't been online much .. if any of you read my time in Washington, it was pretty much chaos the last 2 days .. but so i came home and my alcoholic says ... ok i want nothing to do with you, i only want to see our daughter .. Well i've pounded meetings and the grief has been unbelievabl...
AH's 2nd DWI but I'm feeling OK
It has been so long since I have posted! So much has happened but in some ways, not much has changed. My AH had moved out the first week of August and then got his 2nd DWI the first week of Sept. I am awaiting his court date still but and of course there is the possibility of jail time. My kids still do not really...
It has been a while since I have posted but I read the posts daily it helps me go through the days! And if course I go to face 2 face meetings so I got my al anon daily IV dose to pump me up! Anyway we have been officially legally and physically separated for 3 weeks and despite the emotional rollercoaster I fee...
Crazy Frog
Meditation, your own power
I am not sure I shared this. This is my son. He learned this from a Native American. A person has to have total concentration to do this. He finds a sharp big rock and balances it on stable rocks. This is by what I meant I had to let go and allow him to find his own power. I mean in everything. His father is the mon...
Dry Drunk
How do you deal with or how can you tell if you live with a person that is a dry drunk?