The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I sincerely had to laugh tonight's meeting was a riot, I mean a straight up crazy riot. Completely off track, however it was just what everyone needed tonight. I loved the part that things didn't have to stay on track to learn something tonight and everyone just laughed and laughed. "Ironing is stupid" became the catch phrase of the night. I wouldn't want to go off track like this every meeting however the laughter and the craziness/humor wise of the situations that came up were just to good to pass up.
The meeting was about gratitude ironically I found a page that fit me and what I am feeling to a tee. Courage to Change pg 202 what struck me so much was the first line "In the past, joy was a rare visitor to many of us." WOW!! It goes on to say exactly what I am feeling at the moment. Holding to tight to that feeling and having it slip through our fingers faster because of the tight grip. It's really what I am struggling with at the moment how to see it without having to hold on so tight.
Bless my AH's heart, he came home to a mess. The dang washer crapped out with a lovely code that means the pump is having issues .. lol. This is so not a good thing, the great thing was it wasn't a disaster of epic proportion .. it just was. It meant pulling and dumping the washer on its side which then means all of the water that hadn't been emptied dumping all over the kitchen floor. I also now no longer have to wait to clean up under the washer and dryer because I could get to the dang stuff. Even better my AH said I was running late he'd take care of things. That was really nice of him because the man had just gotten done working 14 hours. I know he didn't do what I would have done .. however .. the world is so not going to end and I don't have to get hung up on that fact. He has to pull them out again sooo .. it won't be so bad the next go round. I am soooo lucky he is mechanically inclined he fixed that sucker right up and I have a working washer while we wait for the part .. woot woot. I have a HUGE load of towels that are currently being washed AND ha ha .. my kitchen floors have at least had water dumped on them this week .. lol. The mopping will go quickly.
The best part of tonight is going to the meeting not feeling like the world had crashed in and inconvienced me in some way. The world didn't do anything TO ME, it just happened and it actually happened to the washer. Yes, it wasn't the best timing, it sure could have been a lot worse. How about it could have been at the beginning of the day instead of the end, I would have stinky children tomorrow with school clothes .. lol. They sure wouldn't be happy, tell that to a pre teen girl she has to go to school in dirty clothes! So not going to happen. My son probably wouldn't have cared at the same time some days he's hard to read .. LOL.
Stuff happens, I get to still chose what kind of day/night is going to go on from there. It was such a great feeling.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Great share to read! I just got home from meeting with my sponsor and doing my step work. Gratitude was my theme tonight too and it was nice to laugh about getting off the pitty pot and choosing to be grateful. We laughed (we always laugh) and I came home feeling like I am working a strong program and making good progress. It is a lot of work, but how I feel about myself and my life right now is all so worth it! I am so glad you are seeing the benefits and being grateful too! Keep up the great work!!!
-- Edited by flopadopilus on Tuesday 4th of October 2011 09:39:02 PM
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
I love gratitude meetings. Having an attitude of gratitude is truly a blessing. Gratitude for me is a spiritual gift. When I am open to it, I no longer felt like I am lacking anything.