A comforting thought I keep coming back to...
Regardless of whether I turn right or turn left, I will still end up where I need to be. It's OK to enjoy the journey and stop worrying about the destination. Looking back at my life, everything was leading to me being right where I am now. I took a lot of different turns, but I still ended up here. And here...
Very Very Tired
First of all, thanks everyone for all your support. It was immensely helpful. My AH came home last night. He called in the afternoon, and I told him I was uncomfortable not knowing where he was and what his plan was. He said he was coming home. So he did, gave me a hug, said he missed us, and i felt...su...
Life Without the Internet
Hi All, I jus0t got re-connected with my Internet provider. It's been around 3 weeks without service. First, my laptop had to be sent to Dell for repair. Coffee, cream and sugar were accidently spilt on it. That took about 2 and a half weeks to get it back and $360 (ouch!) Then, my re-connection was de...
How do you "let go" when a child is involved??
Hello everyone...I'm new to the forum & am so happy to have found it! It's so frustrating when people don't unstand what you're going through. I tried an Al-Anon meeting once, about 4 yrs ago. But, I didn't think it was for me. I had a hard time w/ it because it made me feel like I was the alcoholic....
Help! Confused about how to be around her...
I'm going to my sister's to do her hair soon & I don't know what expression to have on my face, or how to behave anymore! We've been through this rollercoaster so many times, I'm confused between trying to do the right thing & of knowing how to help her & myself. I'm tired of having to walk on...
My fiance drinks too much
Hi all. This is my first post and I am new to Alanon (5 weeks). I don't have a sponsor as yet to ask this question. Although I was uncomfortable with it, I left my fiancé to drink with my work friends at a barbecue last night whilst I went to work. She is aware that situation makes me uncomfortable and upon lea...
Whose BOAT is it anyway?
Readers Digest version: Been in Alanon since 2003, changed my life in so many positive ways (I should write a book), have an active healthy life. Married a terrific guy Dec 2010, have a dream honeymoon, happy life on our busy little ranch, perfect right! Oct 2011, I am at a stop in my little corolla waiti...
no nonsense; just me!
I am open to the posibilities today. I hope for only the best & sometimes expect the worst. The program has taught me to face fears & accept the things I cannot change. I have noticed that lately there are a lot of things I cannot change. The are no absolutes in this that I can see. The only thing con...
Hoot Nanny
gratitude list in pictorial form
ok, I got hold of a few facebook photos to put onhere. I have chosen things that make me smile today...... My big cat's name is Colin and he is now 13 years old. the big black dog is my husbands dog and she is not allowed near the little ones or she will eat them.... the flowers are a sample of the type of thing...
Fellng kind of bitter and angry today!
Although I have accepted my AH is SICK. He is mentally sick and he is an alcoholic. My neighbor just had a baby. He wants to act all lovey dovey with me and start talking about how nice it would be to have a baby at home. Ababy of our own. I just feel so angry with him I want to cry. Angry that we couldn't have one m...
AH took off for a few days
After expressing that he felt overwhelmed and lost, my occasionally drinking AH said he wanted to take a break for a few days. I said (I was prepared this time) , "if that's what you feel you need to do". I used to plead and talk him into staying. So within half an hour he left. He woudn't tell me w...
hope it gets better...
As I am sitting here I don't have a plan what I want to say. I noticed today that my family ties are really severed. I guess if I want to I can piece them back together. I am only responsible for what I can do these days. I have a cousin who I would like to reconnect w/ some day. I have family who seems distant at so...
Hoot Nanny
Authority Figures
Starting my intern next week and have one class to take on the side to accompany it. I'm having a hard time going back to finish college; I took a year off that was Much needed. Now, however, I am looking at things and recognising I have to work for someone. I am still dealing with the area of authority figur...
More Update
Thank you to all who've responded. You are amazing. Truly. Below are answers to some questions, and an update about an incident last night To answer some questions: My AH went into rehab last May-June. He got out, did some AA for about 8 weeks (at best), and ditched. Then he went to couseling, ditc...
The start of step 1! Finally put an end to living his addiciton! Refuse to live this way!
The other day I wrote a post on how do i end things. Should I visit him or not. I already mentally prepared myself that this relationship is over. After a year of cheating, lying and instance of physical abuse and taking a hard hit financially with this person and sticking with him through the 1t time in ja...
How to like ourselves more....
Recovery is civil war, but it is a war that can be won. --Sister Imelda How often do we hear people say, "Sure, I know it's the right thing to do - but it's easier said than done!'' But "it," whatever "it" is for each of us, is actually easier done than not done. As hard as it is t...
glad lee
Consumed with hate for my AH
I have really regressed in my recovery. I hate my soon-to-be ex-AH so much, and I am so full of resentments. I've been going to extra meetings, but it hasn't really helped yet. I posted before that I am divorcing my AH. He's been clean for about 15 months, but not really working a program of recovery. And,...
Will I ever find the trust?
After 2 years of living apart, ultimately ending in divorce, my ex-husband still begs me to give him another chance. We struggled through 8 years of dealing with his drinking before his violent rampages sent bricks and benches through my windows while I rushed to hide with our 3 yr old. After a DUI he w...
Need Reality Check
I've been lurking here for some time, but this is my first post. There is quite a lot of wisdom here, and I'm in need of a reality check. My addict husband has been clean for a year now. A lot of progress has been made. But lately he has been doing little things that bring up an incredible amount of rage i...
selfish emotions
I am in a strange place today. A few things have happened over the last few days. 1. Lots of little niggly things have gone wrong like lost passwords, internet access problems, large loan payments going wrong meaning visits to banks etc (more debt for me!!!), phone not working properly.... you know t...
Want to go to a meeting tomorrow but.....
Yes, I have a 'but' up there. I'm nervous and don't know what to expect. If my husband can't take my son to tennis practice tomorrow night, then I won't be able to go but if I can get him to take him then I can go. So, that's part of the 'but', too. Anyway, I think I really need to go. He's out with some tenni...
LMAO... just wanted to see how many of you would click it as a subject line. Okay, I'll get serious now... Did you hear on the news about the kid that overdosed on his dad's Viagra? They had to rush him to the emerency room.. He had second degree burns on both hands! Gotcha! I truly hope everyone is starti...
Dealing with an alcoholic parent's disapproval - as an adult
Last night, while my spouse and daughter were out, I called my parents. It's rare that I do that because my alcoholic mom can barely hear over the phone and she makes you repeat everything and she never wants a discussion she just wants to talk about her ailments. She drinks heavily every night and the...
i'm sure
Ok, I'm not what I'm doing here...but someone(my mother) told me I should try something for myself...I've been clean and sober for 10 years. My husband sober for 9 years...In the last 2 years he starting smoking pot and working for his brother's caregiver service(marijauna grower) I've been the mo...
have to let go!
I have to let go & move on. I did go to the meeting on Tuesday & it went pretty well. My sponsor gave me my Alanon coin & I was moved by that & the meeting. I was almost the last one who shared. I guess I did a pretty good job of holding back but I had to share my feelings. I mentioned my dad of cours...
Hoot Nanny
These three subjects seem to be all merging together for me today .. I recognised this week that keeping my feelings in and not sharing on them makes them poisonous Secrets and that we are As as in equally as sick as our secrets .. My feelings through the years have literally been hurt not as in boohoo feel...
Climbing the Ladder to Recovery...
Welp... Last Night I went to a Much Needed Meeting... It was Awesome... One of the Biggest I had been at in a while, so Of Course My "Expectation" was that people would be climbing over each other to speak...lol... Jozie---- No Expectations!!! NOTED! We Started with the Book "How Al-a...
I opened my big 'ol mouth
So, last night I was consumed by anger and the passive aggressive side of me came out. I tried to stay up on purpose to irritate him because I knew he was planning on continuing to drink after I went to bed. Finally I fell asleep at 2 AM and he left the room. I don't know if he drank or not but I made a snarky co...
Just about done with this
I think I just need to vent or put this in writing in order to think it through properly and was hoping for some support. I think i'm just about done in this relationship as it is filled with lies, deceipt and a lack of respect. He continues to lie, has stopped going to meetings, thinks he can hide stuff fro...
Last week I made it clear to my AH that I didn't trust him, and that I did not want to sign a loan or a purchase agreement to get the small house for my mom (so that he can pay himself, and get an asset). He could manipulate that situation any way he likes. However, he has brought it up a few times since then, in...
Listening to Chris Young's "Tomorrow"
I wanted to share with my MIP family what I posted in my journal today. This journal posting will give you some insight into what I've been struggling with lately. I might add that my ex-AH has been sober for 2 1/2 years with a relapse when we divorced and a period of sobriety before that of 3 years. He is not...
So my husband is very angry with how I speak to our AS, "I am to nice to him and go out of my way to talk to him" " I try to act like everything is ok" I was side blinded by this. It came out very angry. I was able to keep my self together and told my husband that he should only be concerned of hi...
Thoughts of now and then
Horrible Happening
My ex-ah called yesterday, he'd been away from his home (a travel trailer) to play at a pool tournament; he was away for two days. He got home to discover that thieves had broken into his tiny home and trashed whatever they didn't steal. His stereo, tv, movies, guns, dad's guns, compound bow, etc. all go...
Addiction #999
Yea know I never really understood My Need for Addictions... Plus I Never really Thought I had that Many...lol... Boy Am I Learning... As Most Know Last Year I kicked Alcohol to the Curb, it took great will power to be strong enough to continue my life as I live, and still go to partys & get togethers t...
Hi! I'm new to the board using this name, I changed because I've been encouraging my sis. to use this board and I wanted to remain anonymous. Anyway, my 2 adult children are A/As, their father was an A/A, my 2nd husband was a R/A, 21 of the 23yrs we were married, he passed in 06. I've been dating a man who lo...
is this passive aggressive on my part?
While we were away in Cairns, a friend of my husbands (a couple who have since become friends of both of us) rang my phone and I asked my husband to answer to talk to her (them). She said that her husbands daughter (previous relationship daughter) had been flown to our hospital in Darwin from Alice Spring...
A few things
I have looked in to f2f al-anon meetings in my area and all of them seem to be joined mettings with AA. I dont know how that works or if it would be a good idea. Do you let your A know that you are going to al-anon, reading the books, going on the fourms, or any of that? If not and they find out how do you respond? Th...
New Day!
Today is a new day! Yesterday I made a mistake and today I can feel myself trying to start a new streak of well managed behavior. I know he's in group, I do believe it. I just can't help but want to pick up the phone an text him. I want toCONSTANTLY talk to him. Today though, I'm going to work on me. Maybe work...
Self psychoanalysis an imperfect science
I read something yesterday on the message board that made me think - something about when you are codependent, a good day is when you catch your AH in the act, doing something wrong. This rung a bell with me, because often times when my AH has betrayed my trust (again), I am hurt, furious, and then . . . a s...
Iris lover of dogs
My own daughter told me to choose better next time!
My daughter is 13 and amazingly wise and talented. We had a talk about why her father was behaving the way he was and at the end we were laughing and she walked away saying choose better next time. I laughed so hard over this. I believe I have broken the cycle and her awareness is so great already, between co...
Advice Concerning Father's Secretive Substance Abuse
Hello all, I'm brand new to the board and don't know where to start with Al-Anon. I'm hoping someone can give me some guidance. I'm a recent college graduate with divorced parents. I'm also an only child (son). My father has struggled with alcoholism for a long time, but managed to conceal it fairly wel...
My slip up=My inventory
I'm taking my inventory early tonight. I have lots of things that are swimming around inside my head. I started my new semester of school and it's made it easier to deal with the lack of "whatever" I'm looking for. I always want to put "love" there but really I do know I'm loved by my...
Al-Anon is my Drug of Choice
At my home meeting tonight, one of the questions was, "How have you grown and matured?" Earlier in the day, while taking a walk at lunchime, it occurred to me that I haven't taken a Xanax (prescription for anxiety) in the past six months. My doctor prescribed it to "take the edge off&qu...
Green Eyes
The "danger" of the program...
...is that my children might start learning how to use the tools, too. I don't preach 12-Steps at home because I'm not qualified to preach anything. I can only share my own ESH. But, without knowing it, I have started living the program with progress not perfection. Today, in a moment of dismay over my...
Very Very Tired
New Year
LOL .. I know we are already into the new year however push has come to shove at this point and I'm actually pretty ticked off at the moment as well as massively hurt. Feelings aren't facts so I'm trying not to make any major decisions at this point and time. I am very angry. I feel deceived, let down and h...
now what?
Well, ABF left last week - at my request. He is struggling with it. We met over the weekend and I explained that we both need to work on ourselves and that there is no possible way we can do that when being together. He needs a lot of help - he knows this but I'm not sure he's ready for that step. I have spent a ye...
Not Alone
That, too, had passed
Last Thursday and Friday were hard for me. As Jerry stated I think "I walked off the end of the pink cloud" Haha. That's funny. The amazing part is though, I had tools, and I used them. My sponsor is out of town for a month, which is hard for me but awesome for her. She is basking in the sun, pi...
I am ending my relationship, how should I tell him? I Want a sponsor too!
so i have mentally prepared myself that relationship is over. I am trying to come face the music and accept the truth of what we had and what we did not have. My answer should be obvious but how do i let him know i am done. Every single Tuesday I go visit him and tomorrow is visiting day. I wanted closure by goi...
Dirty Water
Back story: separated for over a year from AH, currently divorcing. Dated a guy for 6 mos and that's been over for 6 weeks..and it hurt. Living with an AH for almost thirty years, I am realizing that I am starved for attention and affection. So, when I dated this guy I clung to what little he could give me, a...
My AH looked very tired this morning and his eyes were glazed over, however, he was up at 6 am doing the dishes. Yesterday I looked at the sink full of dishes and I thought "I did these yesterday." So I said to my husband... "Can it be your turn to do the dishes, I don't care when you do them...
6th psychologist appointment
I have been keeping you all up to date with my psych appointments. I am not too sure what happened this time around honestly. I do not have any homework to do this time. From the last appointment I have been keeping an eye on blocking feelings and triggers etc. I have identified anger as my default emotion...
He left this morning
Last night 3 weeks out of rehab, his 6-10 (?)th time drinking I told my husband he needed to find some other place to live while he works on his sobriety. It was so anti climatic as if it was inevitable. My husband said he understood, there was no yelling, and just a few tears. I am scared how quickly it happ...
issues, issues, issues!
I can't wait to get out of town today to go to a meeting. I am so bored but I figure it is because I am living one day at time. I am trying to fill the empty places w/ better thoughts & actions. Don't get me wrong; living one day at a time is a good thing. I just wish the days weren't so slow sometimes. I need to g...
Hoot Nanny
Spouse not an A but other addictive/compulsive behaviors
My spouse has a compulsive spending issue. He doesn't see it, or doesn't want to. I know I cannot change him and he has to want to change or see it as a problem. I see so many signs similar to that of an A. There's always a reason, it's always somebody elses fault, it could have been worse, but I'm still p...
having hope
My separated AH has been sober 43 days now. He went through an excellent rehab facility and he has been keeping with the program and consistently goes to AA meetings, sometimes 3 times a day. And he seems so dedicated to stay sober and it means so much to him. There was a time that i thought there was no way w...
team work/tradition one
thanks to al anon today can work as part of a team. Pre recovery I was totally controlling and did not trust anyone but myself to organise stuff. When studing years ago I can remember having to do a group presentation I took control delegated tasks took total control. the presentation was good but to...
Coming to grips with the anger I felt today
My wife has been in an outpatient treatment program for a few weeks now. It has required me to make a lot of sacrifices related to taking care of the kids--things like having to leave the office at odd hours to pick up the kids from pre-school, being out of the office for longer than I should be, coming in la...
Weddings...should qualifier come?
I'm the son of a career-alcoholic mother. She has been drinking since before I was born. I hesitate inviting her to my wedding because I fear that she will somehow mar the day. If it was just a day for me, I would be fine with her presence as I've dealt with any/everything before. However, this now invlove...
Documenting everything...
So for some reason (I dont know why) I have started to document the days he is using or if I find anything.. I have started a couple months ago taking pictures and keeping them.. Such as pictures of him nodded out burning himself with a cig., needles and spoons, bags or H, I even have a short video of him conv...