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ok, I got hold of a few facebook photos to put onhere. I have chosen things that make me smile today......
My big cat's name is Colin and he is now 13 years old. the big black dog is my husbands dog and she is not allowed near the little ones or she will eat them....
the flowers are a sample of the type of thing my husband picks for me and brings home.
my new little kitten is now 18 months old and is massive.. his name is lucky.
My cats own my house and I have a massive big cat scratcher for them that my husband put together. It is now out on the balcony.
my girls are the two dogs that live with me and share wiht my exhusband
the gree tree frog is an example of what lives around me in the tropics here. He is a beautiful example. Unfortunately we also have cane toads which are devestating tothe wildlife.
-- Edited by Lindaoakford on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 09:46:06 PM
I just put together one of those massive cat trees the other day!! Now i just have to teach my older cat that this is one thing that she CAN jump up on.. Lol gosh i wish we had flowers like that here!!!
Those plumeria flowers are very very pretty. I love the deep red ones, the naturals and the scents are calming. That green frog looks like a Volkswagon with legs parked in the wrong place...Would it eat the dog? LOL
The frogs are beautiful... I love the sound of them in the pipes. Especially when there are a number of them all singing away... I have seen 5 or so sticking out of a pipe and singing away..... OUr dog does occassionally get one, but not toooo often.... thankfully. I hate it when we find a dead one drowned in our spa cos he couldn't get his way out... I do however like it when it is a cane toad dead.. the only animal I am happy to see dead is one of those nasty creatures.
Yes I had heard the flowers are known differently elsewhere in the world. We call them Frangipani but I do believe that America calls them Plumeria, thier botanical name I think..... we have lots of variety just as I imagine there are in Hawaii. I love them and my husband often picks them for me on his way home from work and I arrive to a beautiful array of flowers on the kitchen bench... or him holding them with sap running down his hand.
This cat stand was only $200 off the internet so its not very sturdy.. the old cat doesn't really use it much...
I don't know why but I LOVE frogs. Used to find them in the showers at parks. Like I said, dont' know why - just like em - thanks for the pics Linda! I'm thinkin, I should follow suit, take pics of what I am grateful - maybe i'll post em. Smokie (the grey cat) is sleeping curled up alongside me, Betsy the Wonder Dog is in her kennel - good grief she will do ANYTHING for the darn ball!; Fred the cat, what can you say about a cat named Fred? he's about the most loving cat in the world - even when I was holding him so my friend could squeeze his abscess he was purring (though he did cringe a bit). And friends - I have a few, people I'm Oh SO Happy to See (but i doubt they'd let me take their pic and I would NEVER post online without approval). Linda, a pictoral of grattitude sounds like a good idea - thanks!
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
No pic of a Cane toad eh? I know they are a very invasive species. I saw a show on tv once, there was a mashed one on the road, and some stupid male was trying to mate it!
Very prolific little suckers. I have always wanted one.
Not their fault some idiot human intro'd them.
thanks again and more more more! love,debilyn Yea Jerry we passionate animal lovers are passionate women in general!
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
You know I had a hard time finding those flowers in the US as they are some of my favorites. In Florida they are called Frangipani and in other parts of US they are called Plumeria. I first saw them in Bora Bora and they were everywhere. I remembered how lovely they smelled.
Great pics!!! So fun to see your furry creatures!!! (And not so furry .. lol) We had a cat tree and the cats hated it in fact they peed all over so we had to trash it thankfully we didn't pay for it .. it's just funny how they choose what they are happy with and not so much.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo