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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello everyone...I'm new to the forum & am so happy to have found it! It's so frustrating when people don't unstand what you're going through. I tried an Al-Anon meeting once, about 4 yrs ago. But, I didn't think it was for me. I had a hard time w/ it because it made me feel like I was the alcoholic. I thought, "hey - I'M the victim here! You want me to feel SORRY for all of the alcoholics who have made - and still make - my life hell??" Some of the concepts are still difficult for me to accept.
My father is an alcoholic. Alcoholism runs back at least a few generations (as far as I know) on his father's side of the family. There's also A LOT of denial. I am the youngest of 3 kids. My Mom married 1 yr out of H.S.. At the time, my father didn't drink. He told my Mom that he didn't want to be like his father was. (His father was also physically, verbally & emotionally abusive.) By the time I was born, he was drinking a lot. Not too long after that, he began coming home late (or not at all) and became a full-fledged alcoholic. My Mom did everything she could to get him to want to get help. She even sought counsel from our Priest, who advised her to divorce him. He continues to deny the truth, is not sorry for anything & blames everyone but himself. Even me.
Obviously, I have a lot of issues w/ my father, and there was more to his abusive behavior besides being an alcoholic. Mainly neglect. I'm still dealing w/ that on a daily basis, even though I'm an adult, now, and no longer see/talk to him (unless forced to, like at a funeral or something). The abusees know that those scars remain for life. What's prolonging my "healing" process from the effects of his behavior, are the effects of my sister's behavior & along w/ the alcoholic & psychotic men she's brought into our life. The biggest stress my Mom & I are currently dealing w/ is how to handle our end of things w/ my nephew. We are a big part of his care.
There's a lot of history that I don't have room to type in, here. Ultimately, we've been worried about my sister for a long time. But, now, she's at the lowest point she's ever been. She's addicted to abusive men - one in particular. For some reason, she feels he is the only one for her & that she loves him. She also thinks she can change him. Her involvement w/ this particular guy is putting her job, home, health and most importantly her son's well-being in jeopardy. She's divorced from the father of her child. But, the father is an alcoholic (w/ visitation rts.) w/ a serious anger-management problem. He's been abusive to my whole family for the past 8 yrs. I'm not a Dr., but from what I've researched he definately fits into the Psychotic profile. No one in his family is helpful. They all treat eachother w/ disrespect & do not look out for my nephew's safety.
If my sister doesn't start listening to everyone who's trying to help her, she could end up really losing it & lose custody of her son. (She doesn't see this as a possibility.) My Mom & I are terrified of what that means for my nephew. His father is very vindictive of my sister & our family (especially my Mom & I). He is the type of person you see on the news who murders their child &/or the child's family. We've always been fearful of his behavior. I thought there was something "off" about him the first time I met him.
My question is...what are my Mom & I supposed to do here?? We don't have any control over the situation. We've been doing all we can, for SO LONG now. We can't just let go...which is what most people tell us to do. We're trying to keep our distance as much as we can. But, we're the only one's looking out for my nephew's well-being, at this point. If there wasn't a child involved in this, we could let go. It wouldn't be easy, because we love my sister so much. But, we've been through this so many times w/ her...we don't have the energy for it anymore, and certainly don't have the energy - nor deserve - to be abused by these men anymore. She does really well when she's not involved w/ these guys. But, it's the worst it's ever been & the denial's sunk in the furthest, yet, w/ her.
She is supposed to (finally) go see her old therapist tomorrow. We're keeping our fingers crossed & praying more than ever, that she's able to make even the smallest of dents at getting through to her. (She did very well w/ her before, when she was helping her have the courage to go through w/ the divorce.) We're praying that she has her come back sooner between appts., too. She desperately needs it. We do, too.
My best advice would be for you and your mom both to go to alanon meetings.. And keep goung back and coming here!! Most dont like it or feel awkward the first few times.. Just keep going!! Maybe eventually your sister can go along as well!!
IIt sounds like you could attend regular Al-anon meetings or ACOA meetings too, adult children of alcoholics. They have both helped me. Try to stay a part of your nephews life as much as you can, but realize you cant control his mother or her decisions. The 3 Cs come to my mind, you didn't cause it, can't control and can't. Cure it. It is hard loving the A's. Alcoholics around us, but I hope you stick around MIP and Al-anon awhile and take care of yourself. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I ditto the get back to the meetings suggestion...One meeting doesn't do anything. I was told to do 90 meetings in 90 days and I did something over 100 and I didn't like the program back then either. I didn't like change...only like it if I can see I'll be better off for it and am way too oppositional to just allow others to help me. Much better now...much. An early member told me after one of my complaints that I "didn't like it" that "Liking it was an don't have to like it...just do it!!" That works!! from my experience. So welcome to the board. Hope you have the moxie to take suggestions and just follow thru on them. All of us do it just one day at a time. You can quit anytime you want and Al-Anon will glady refund your miseries. (Hated that one too!!)
I have seen this several times. Sadly my nephew was one. Mom is a meth addict. grama raised son. son ends up with mom. Everyone helped son still did well.
Then gramma gets very sick. grampa leaves. uncle dies,other uncle my ex AH goes totally insane.
the boy...a meth addict, in prison...
so you see that your influence on him is huge. I am telling you the kids who I have seen who's other family stayed involved did very well. even when their homelife was beyond unbearable.
It sounds like you are doing your best. Al Anon can give you tools to be able to let go of the sis, but be able to cont. raising the child.
I am sad sis is so sick. This child deserves better, that would be you and other good family.
You do not realize how much this child needs your influence. Al Anon can teach you to focus away from the A and think of how YOU feel. Its very ok to hate the A's behavior. But yet forgive the A. forgive for your self.
I am so glad you all are helping the child. Please do Al anon and or ACOA.
Sending you hope and love,debilyn please keep coming!
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Welcome to MIP- you're in the right place. I'd say that most, if not all, of us can relate.
Years ago, I went to Alanon and did not identify with it, any of the members, and was convinced it was not for me. At Alanoner's suggestion, I attended face to face meetings for maybe 6 months. I was in a very bad space, fearful, anxiety-ridden, looking for direction, help, and how to alleviate the emotional pain... I was having difficulty accepting the circumstances and, of course, dealing with them, not to mention not knowing how to (or even wanting to) let go of things that were unhealthy and not serving me well.
I stopped going to meetings, only to return years later. The truth is that there was no where else for me to go. This time, when I entered the room it was different, I could see a broader picture and hear tidbits of strength and support. Each time when I returned, I felt a relief, warmth, strength, and hope when I entered the room. I knew everyone there understands me without even saying a word. Others can provide me with a different perspective, help me find positive options to old, unproductive thoughts and patterns. When I'm struggling in a bad space, I'm reminded that all I have to do is be willing to be open-minded. I'm starting to learn to take care of myself, trust my HP and myself and reducing my fears.
Alanon has and still provides tools so that I can better cope with the chaos the disease generates while being able to focus on taking care of what I can- myself and our daughter.
Thank you all for your help! It is so nice to have somewhere to go where your feelings are heard & understood, and where you can receive support. I've been seeing a therapist for a few yrs now, but it's not the same as the support you get from others going through the same thing. I will continue w/ the program, even if I don't like it sometimes. (That was good advice, Jerry F.) Thanks for the ACOA recommendation, Breakingfree & Debilyn. I haven't heard of that one...I'll check it out. I've been learning so much, just w/in the past few days. I checked an Al-Anon book out @ the library & did some research online...which is what led me here, & I'm amazed @ how much I knew in the back of my mind, but wasn't fully admitting to myself about what I'm feeling & how I've been dealing w/ this.
I'm starting to understand these steps a little better, which is extremely helpful. I've always believed in a HP guiding me & being the source of my strength. I couldn't do this w/o him. I don't know how anyone gets through life w/o faith in a purpose beyond our comprehension for why we're here. Even a person w/ strong faith, has it shaken from time to time. Life is hard. I've been realizing that it's so easy to let the feelings of being victimized shadow the truth. The truth being that the anger we feel, though warrented, doesn't help us & it doesn't help them. It's so hard to let the anger go b/c it hurts so much & we feel so helpless when we can't change the other person(s). But, if we let it consume us, then evil wins & the point of us being here gets lost. See, I know these things, but still the rollercoaster of emotions still goes's a constant struggle, as we all know too well.
I'm reading another book, right now, "Coping with a Dysfuntional Family" by: Diane Bosley Taylor & Paul Michael Taylor, and I read something that stood out. "As the Greek philosopher Socrates taught, "Know thyself." It is only with self-awareness that we can grow to our full potential. Know that you are full of anger and that it needs to be released in a constructive way. Know that you feel more guilty and self-critical than most people. You need to recognize your specific weaknesses before you can break their stranglehold on you and free yourself." Wow! Does that hit the nail on the head, or what? I've been struggling w/ all of this anger (among other feelings) inside for so long - even before my nephew was born. All the while, thinking that I had a decent-enough hold on them. Boy, was I wrong! I know what's holding me back from working through all of these negative "side effects", is the fact that I'm still being exposed to it on a daily basis.
There's a lot that goes into this on top of my sister's situation: I can't afford to live on my own, yet (that's another story!), my brother has developmental disabilities & him, my Mom & I live w/ my Grandma. My whole everyday situation is not healthy. Believe me, I've been working on changing it for many yrs. I've had many things hold me back from that. Some is circumstantial & poor luck. But, some is b/c I let myself get discouraged. I went through 9 yrs of emotional/psychological abuse from family member's I'd worked for & fam membr's who didn't like me allowing myself to tell my father how I felt & detatch myself from him, who now ignor me b/c I finally had the courage to stand up for myself. Which, of course, leads me to feel guilty over more negative behavior I didn't cause. Obviously, I don't work for them anymore, nor associate w/ them. I even started my own business, but had to close it due to a Repeditive Stress Injury. Ugh.
The other part of that is, I've felt the need to be my Mom's "partner" ever since I can remember. I knew she didn't have one b/c of my father's absence & I felt her fear & anxiety, along w/ my own. Plus, I'm a very empathetic person & we're a lot alike, so, I sort of became her partner & still am to this day. It's good that we have eachother & I'm so thankful that I had a Mom to show me what love is. I know it could've been worse. So many have had no one show them love. My heart breaks for them. My point is, though, I have a hard enough time dealing w/ the "side effects" from my father's abusive behaviors. I was making progress w/ that...but, my sister's behaviors, the abusive men she's brought into our life, my living situation, the abuse from other fam membr's & worst of all: watching another innocent child develop psychological & emotional scars that will follow him throughout his life - that he'll have to battle, just like me - has completely derailed me from any progress I thought I had made. Along w/ not having much of a "normal" life, for myself.
It's hard to admit that I've backtracked, so much, w/ my progress. But, it's true. I know I still need a lot of help working through all of these emotions. I - none of us - can do it on our own. Reading what everyone else has to say, on here, is really helping me to understand all of this better. I know I have a long way to go, but am grateful to have found a place to be heard, supported & to learn from & return the support. Thanks so much for & hugs to all :)
Not sure if you have heard of the books "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews or "Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie both are great books and great authors with other good titles out there. I hope you find the meetings and keep coming back to MIP! Sending you courage and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."