Why now!
So, Ive been working my program and doing pretty well. I thought my ah was doing well too, until today. I left yesterday on a business trip. I get a text today from a woman I don't know explaining she went to school w my husband and that last night he sent her a text that only read "?", she says he pr...
So Exhausted by All of This
I saw a tax lawyer today and will see my tax advisor tomorrow. I'm so exhausted by the huge mess I am in due to my AH's business mess. I can't fix it- it's out of my hands. I didn't cause it, yet I might lose everything I have worked hard for. This is not right. The anger that is inside me right now is all consumin...
Green Eyes
Radical Acceptance
Since I truly gave up my life to my HP and started to live in reality, I have noticed a coorelation. Each time I have made a conscious choice to accept life on life's terms, something wonderful opens up for me. You might recall from past posts that I have been struggling with losing my in-laws. It's real...
Dolly Llama
Burning again .. LOL!
AND this time no flipping over backwards on logs .. geeze!! No great pithanies of healing, and no need to analyze what I'm doing or not doing. I couldn't get the stupid mower started now I'm thinking I want one of those push button starters. I've never started a mower like this before so that will wait...
Working My Program
My life for the past 9 months has been in a word exhausting. I've been actively participating in Al-Anon for the past 5 months. I've learned, I've grown, I've most certainly appreciated this board and the program! A pattern had developed in my marriage. Something would come up about every 2 weeks and m...
just a quick little share.
I saw this on FB this morning and I liked it so I thought I would share with ya'll. "I can find only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours and Gods. Much of our stress comes from mentally living out of our business. When I think, You need to get a job, I want you to be happy, you should be on t...
More on "Recovering" Spouses
There have been some posts on spouses/significant others who are sober, either working a program or not, and I thought Id chime in with my own issue. My AH and I separated last year after his drinking got out of control. After he, for lack of better term, lost his mind and got fired from his job, he entere...
More changes ..
I have to give myself an atta girl because I have just sorted through 2 years of paperwork on the inside of my house. I have cleared out 4 large totes as well as numerous plastic shopping bags (more than 9) of paperwork, garbage you name it. It has taken me 7 days or so to get through it all .. I just kept doing...
Do you ever get overwhelmed?
Hey ya'll! I was wondering if getting overwhelmed easily was something that is common among people in the program. I remember my mother being EXTREMELY overwhelmed from things going on around her. She was very affected by alcohol in her growing up years but never really drank herself. Now bein...
Interview w/ Ashley Judd talking recovery
I was searching through old posts on this board and found this great interview someone posted awhile back. I thought I would post it again. It is really inspiring and it shows that ANYONE can be affected by this disease of alcoholism. I love how Ashley talks about recovery. http://www.bing.com...
When...how to move on
My divorce will be final in a number of weeks. I have lived on my own since July. And most recently I've filed felony theft charges on my husband. I didn't want any of this. It still isn't what I want. But I felt they were the only choices I had left. Now I don't know what to do. He still has this idea that we can m...
taking a break
My A has recently been on a non stop binge. Even with all of my alanon superpowers I admit that it was starting to get to me. The good news - a friend of ours is out of the country for a few months. I asked him if I could use his house while he is gone. He gave me the keys before he left. So I am currently enjoying hav...
real quick: it is almost time to go!
I can only make a short post as it is almost time to go! I am doing so well that I am not going to complain: not once today! God is so good to me & I am so grateful! I am even back to putting exclamation points at the end of my sentences!!!!!! To those of you who don't know me, I have bipolar disorder & I am k...
Hoot Nanny
Guess who went on a date last weekend?
Yep that is right, ME. The guy was a perfect gentleman, took me bowling and to a nice dinner. He opened doors for me and paid for everything and looks forward to taking me out again, if I would allow it he said. I am thinking I am going to like this dating thing. I didn't feel like I owed him anything of myself (...
I think my husband is an alcoholic but I'm not sure
My husband drank a lot when we first got together. I didn't like it and since his mother is definitely an alcoholic, I told him I was concerned he would become an alcoholic too. Before we were married, he cut back his drinking to a couple of beers or glasses of wine a night and he has mostly kept to that for th...
Quick share- shut out by in laws
I thought my in laws and I were close. They called me their daughter. I opened up to them about my own family, who I do not have a relationship with. I really bonded with the children in the family as well. 2 weeks separated and none of them acknowledged my birthday. Not even a note on my stupid Facebook...
Dolly Llama
Nice little gem on a magnet I saw today...
"If the grass is greener on the other side, it's time to water your grass." EXACTLY what I needed to see today. Thank you, HP, for sending me the message I needed for my own serenity and emotional health.
Re-connecting with recovering spouse
Hi all, my wife is in recovery and things are going pretty well. We relate better to each other then we did a year or two ago, as we have both learned a lot about how to navigate through challenging times as a result of both of our programs. That being said, we are in no way connected on the level we once were. T...
Wife...recovering alcoholic and BPD
Anyone married to a recovering alcohlic who also suffers from Borderline Personality disorder...or any other personality disorder (Bi-polar, Narcissistic Personality Disorder..they are similar). My wife is 8 months sober and was diagnosed with BPD in Nov. She is quite a handful. We have 3...
home again
Hi.... previously on Oksie..... As many of you may remember, I have been away with work. My husband came with me and the location was his old city where he lived for 21 years and was a massive pot addict. He came with me to see his kids primarily and to catch up with friends. This means... .catch up wtih p...
Struggling with one day at a time/divorce
One Day at a Time...The Next Right Thing...etc. 2 weeks ago, my AH and I agreed to divorce. In 3 weeks, I face becoming homeless and am currently unemployed. Tomorrow is my 34th birthday. The grief and enormity of my situation hit me like a million pounds to the face last night. I am at peace with the e...
Dolly Llama
The Slow Death of a Marriage
My AH came by my office today (just drove to the curb- I didn't want to have him come into my office now that we are separated) to drop off some documents that I need in order to fight my way out of the IRS mess he has created. I asked him if he had paid the rent on our house (he has an arrangement with the mortgage...
Green Eyes
I need help getting back my life...How to live with a dry angry drunk???
My alcoholic husband gave up drinking about 8 years ago when it was my way or the highway for him. He stopped drinking cold turkey and without the support of a major group or program. At the time, I thought that was ok because we have two children (ages 6 and 8) and he is a good and loving father. I truly beli...
Unsure of what to do...newbie
Hello, I am a stay at home homeschooler with five children at home. Last year my husband underwent a massive heart attack and major heart surgery. His father died from alcoholism and addiction struggles have peppered our entire marriage. The heart attack has, for lack of a better term, heighten...
Highly freaked out
My AS 22 yrs old drove the pickup down our mile and a half dirt road, it has snowed and the road is horrible, needless to say he wrecked it. My husband came unglued. I have never seen him so angry and our AS has done alot of things but i guess this was the topping on the cake. He told our son that he has 3 weeks to g...
Not sure if I am in the right place, but I will just start about my ABF
Hello, My first time here. I know the answer, I really do. I have seen so many posts on different sites about this. The answer is: I need to leave him behind, and focus on myself and my healing. He is (like they are) wonderful, handsome, charming beyond belief, talented. I have always felt that we had a &q...
Need help PLEASE
Where do I start....I have a 25 year old son. after 3 DUIs in only a couple of months I realized he was an alcoholic. Not that I am stupid...just NEVER saw him drink or drunk! He agreed to rehab, and spent a month in. Court is finished and he has lost his license for 7 years and on probation for 1 1/2 years with a...
Saying what I mean without being mean, but feeling mean
Hey everyone, so the calls started again tnite - this time they weren't as bad because from the beginning I said I didn't want to get into an argument because I knew he had been drinking. He didn't even try to defend himself and let me get off the phone without a hassel. I have been very good about setting bo...
Feel like crap
Am I allowed to say that in my thread title? I really am struggling with my emotions towards my AH. I get irritated at everything he says. I am totally on edge and I wonder if I love him anymore. It tears me apart to say that and I don't want it to be the end of our marriage but I am really struggling with wher...
Help with experience of treatment centres
We had an appointment with a counsellor at a treatment centre today. Unfortunately the counsellor made it clear that if I could not stay for the screening he would not see my son. It is recommended on their website that a family member would be present, however, it was more than a recommendation today....
maire rua
Exhaustion due to Family Abuse
I have asked a bit about this topic before but will try to be more specific. I am an AAer for years now and just started going to ACA and Alanon. thru the steps thoroughly but can't sleep at night. I am oftentimes awake at 2 and 3 am and am absolutely exhausted all the time, bags under my eyes, full of fear, can...
How do I get connected to the MiRC chat thing?
I am having trouble figuring out how to be able to get into the chat rooms. I would like to be able to do meetings some and chat as well but I can't figure it out. Is there some steps (haha no pun intended ;) on how to do this? Thanks so much for your help.
There seems to be a gap in meetings lately. Has anyone else noticed this? What is up? Is there a need for more moderators? If so, someone in the know...contact me. I have come here for Years with the exception of my down time treating and recovering from cancer. Am healthy now!:) In all ways. I us...
feeling sick (temporary)
So i logged into facebook and temptation got the best of me .. hate that .. i looked on my x's wall and he wrote to a girl asking her how she is, etc.. but i know him and i know he's trying to talk to her .. it's not paranoia .. it's a pattern after a breakup for him. As soon as i saw it, i felt sick .. i have recovery a...
Comparing MIP to other forums
Before I found MIP I had joined another online community for those who are involved with alcoholics or have dealt with alcoholism. Every once in a while I may post there, but I'm not as active there as I am here. Can I just say that this forum is the most loving and supportive forum I have ever been on? I p...
Service work
I don't know how many people are currently active in service work for alanon. I have to say this is one of the most rewarding aspects of the program for me. I gotta keep giving it away in order to keep it. We go to a treatment center for family night once a month and this is my first night to go to this partic...
Adult Child of an Alcoholic Parent
Hi, just want to introduce myself. I am 33 years old. My mom has been an alcoholic for many years. It started as a way for her to cope with an emotionally abusive husband and has spiraled out of control. After thirty years of her being controlled by him, they finally got divorced. She lives with me and my tw...
Learned something else about myself today
I feel like it was a pretty big a-ha moment, that has been a long time coming. I've been sick since yesterday morning...sick as a dog in that food poisoning kind of way. Yuck. I went to work for awhile today and came home in the late morning to rest before picking up my little guy from day care (I'm home al...
Acceptance vs self will
All I can say is UGH UGH UGH!!! I'm really trying to accept God's Will and not impose what my will is because of the whole door #1 and door #2 deal .. what God has in door #2 is what I want. I know it's going to be so much better than what I think I want, because my little pea brain can't wrap my head around what tr...
Thank you!
Thank you for your wisdom, kind words and encouragement when I needed them last week. As you may know, I've been struggling with some new health problems, but I am feeling much better this week both physically and mentally. I sooo appreciate being able to come here to find kind, supportive people who u...
Having a rough day - being challenged by my recovery
I am really trying to work my program and try not to allow someone elses upset with me take me off track. The upset is their's to deal with. Logically I know that but logic is not persevering right now. I have a very difficult time being on the other end of someone elses upset with me. I need help to not al...
7 months seperate from my Active Alcholic Addict Husband, Miss Him So Much
Gezz!!! is it closure that's got me, i dunno. But 7 months seperated and I miss him sooo much. Sold the house 3 weeks ago. He totaled the truck a week ago. The guy who killed his son pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 15 years just a few days ago. Lots of closure. OMG!!! i think i just got it!! for 7 mont...
Hanging on to my serenity for dear life
Had a fine weekend...AH's birthday was on Sunday, and we had a nice day enjoying the gorgeous weather. My AH tried to get ugly with me, and DID get ugly with his dog last night, but I just refused to go there. That is getting soooo much easier for me. A year ago I would have taken the bait and the whole thin...
I really don't know where to begin. She (my wife) is passed out right now. Not sure if she passed out from booze or not. History: Post partum depression starting with our 4th child, born 7 months ago. Prior child she drank and breast fed daily. He has some slowed development in speech (he is 2 and is just...
what makes me so mad / obssession
what makes me so mad too is that even if i am obssessing, the part in me that makes me so mad at myself is that noone and no amount of anything is worth giving away our power, dignity, or serenity .. it doesn't matter who or what it is and still i do it .. when i do this, i close the door to my possibilities of s...
Seeing patterns
the ex A who I have not been with for over 4 years now was someone who was really charming, sweet, kind and understanding. On his dark side he was mean, nasty, vindictive and controlling. What I have learned this week is that I had a pattern of seeking out the same as I knew as a child. My mother could be swee...
how to commit bipolar alcoholic into a treatment?
Need some help and advice. I have been married to the bipolar-alcoholic husband for 6 years. We separated (legally married but living separately) 2 years ago during his major meltdown. During the last couple of years he has been in 7 detoxes, 3 halfway houses, one inpatient treatment center(20 days...
Off to court....
Today's the day I officially end a 29 year marriage...another casuality of alcoholism. Please send ESH...as I have to testify...because I am the plaintiff in the divorce proceedings. My goal -- don't cry! and this too shall pass...
Keep it simple
Just wanted to share that I recently moved back into my mom's house...I am in my mid twenties, so I guess its not that bad lol. But I am re painting my bedroom and getting everything brand new for a fresh start and I started ordering some artwork for my walls. One of them is a wall decal that reads "Keep...
working on not living in my head so much.
I am reading a book called When God winks at you and there is a quote in it and it says: I'm an old man and have known many troubles, but most of them never happened~Mark Twain This quote speaks to me so much because I have always lived inside my head so much that 99% of my worries never came true. Through Alan...
A -son's actions
The follow up on my son's situation is that he is waiting for a place in rehab. There is a waiting list for six to eight weeks for this five month programme. Already he is manipulating how he can get to do what he wants. He still is staying with my father and tomorrow has a screening at a different centre whic...
maire rua
What have we got to lose ?
So, I went to the meeting this morning on Step 3. When I share in these rooms, I realise there's a distinct possibility someone from my side will recognise my shares and am making the decision that, that's ok .. Remembering too though that absolutely nothing happens by mistake after step 3. This weeken...
swayed by others...ugg.
It was my daughters birthday party last week and I really tried to remember the slogan "Keep in simple". I think I did relatively well. I love that slogan. There was another mom there who is somewhat of a friend who is a very nice lady but is very focused on things being orderly and she l...
What to Expect in the First Few Days
Just wondering if there is somewhere that I can go to learn about what to expect during the first few days of my AHs recovery. So far, the words that come to mind are: withdrawn angry depressed beaten Are these normal? He hasn't started a treatment program yet (or gone to any meetings). He just stoppe...
An Insight from the Primate World
A very good friend of mine asked me if I knew about the phenomenon of monkeys throwing poop. I told her yes (thinking -- what in the world is she talking about?) She then asked me if I knew WHY monkeys threw poop -- particularly in zoos, primates throw poop to get people to stop looking at them. This is a grea...
Patting the lion
Hi. This is a kind of 'reminder' post as I changed my name here, and a reintroduction to new people while I ask for assistance. Next week, my husband and I (sound like the Queen now), will not only be going to the lions den, he will be patting the lion. As you all know, my husband is a pot addict. He expresse...
Is there really a way out?
I'm truly at a loss. I want my marriage with AH to be over, but I cannot leave. The short version is this: I was a professional, just starting out, and had three children from a previous marriage. I met my AH at work, and he is 18 years older than me. I was very naive (even at 30), because I had never been expose...
New here and in a lot of pain, anyone relate lol.
Just a week ago I recieved an email from him. He said everything I wanted to hear. This of course was after a a few weeks of not seeing each other, just emails, him mostly cutting me down in his very what he assumed underhanded way. So he emails me and tells me how much he misses me, he Loves me, love wit...
My alcoholic husband is lying
I have been in a relationship with an alcoholic for over three years, married for almost a year. He is a functioning alchoholic. I have one child from a precious marriage and he has one from his previous marriage. I am currently starting my 6th month of pregnancy. He was recently in his second vcar accid...
When they aren't working a program
It's so hard for me to cope with the fact that my AH is going it alone in his quitting drinking. He's done great so far, but he's back to his old attitudes. He has comments about everybody, talks to the TV and makes fun of everything he sees and hears, and is basically sarcastic and irritating. What gets...