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I have to give myself an atta girl because I have just sorted through 2 years of paperwork on the inside of my house. I have cleared out 4 large totes as well as numerous plastic shopping bags (more than 9) of paperwork, garbage you name it. It has taken me 7 days or so to get through it all .. I just kept doing a little at a time.
Now my next trick is to file it all I will need to buy another filing cabinet. I am really proud of myself, because I'm not allowing what has come into the house to accumulate. So I'm not fighting an uphill battle against myself. It has been an overwhelming experience to face things that I just have been paralyzed to face. This for me is a life long habit I'm breaking and so each day another link of chain comes off and I become freer to express myself.
Currently, I'm gutting my son's room and doing some deep cleaning there. It's going to take more than one day to get through all his stuff. The reality is .. it's getting done and I feel sooooo good about what I'm accomplishing. I'm grateful that it's all getting done. After I get through his room, my daughter and I will go through hers .. the best part is I will be officially done going through the house and I can start addressing different things I need to get rid of .. it feels amazing!!!! I will have most of this done before my mom comes for her visit and that is just soooooooooooooo awesome!!!! the idea of giving my kids a clean living space is huge. They are so happy and I'm happy .. it's just such an amazing thing in my life.
I'm far from done I still have to face the little shed out back as well as face another garage .. the reality is it's going to get done it's just all going to take time.
Thanks for letting me share, hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Good for you!!! I love purging out closets. I am a bit of a neat freak, though, and I swear I'm addicted to storage bins and boxes, LOL. The only room that gets out of hand is the den where we do school. School books get scattered on the floor and the current history project is taking up the entire couch for some reason. So glad that you'll get so much done before your mom's visit!
LOL .. I wish someone was here to hold my hand .. this is really hard stuff for me!! It's ok .. it's coming and something that will def be done before Christmas every year and at the end of school!!
My mom is probably going to need to go to the hospital when she gets here .. it will be a shock for her to see me so organized!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
LOL! What was a shock to me many years ago after I went off to college, was to come home and find that my mother had DUST BUNNIES and CLUTTER in her home. I swore for all those years growing up that she kept a perfect house. What I realized was that she used me as a teenager to help her keep a perfect house, LOL. Once I moved out, the dust bunnies moved in! I still get a laugh out of how hard I worked for the first 5 years of marriage to get our house clean every time my mom was coming to visit because I thought she'd do the white glove test on me since her house was always so clean and perfect. I finally realized, after visiting her for a few years, that she didn't really care about dust or clutter. She was just trying to teach me how to keep a house, how to dust from top to bottom, how to vacuum under the furniture every once in a while, etc. Anyway, we still get a laugh because now I tell her, "Hey mom, you may have to wipe down the sink in the guest bathroom because I just didn't get around to it this week." And, you know what, she didn't care about my dirty sink. She just wanted to come and visit.
Just keep swimming Pushka - I've done the same thing, sometimes I look the wrong way and see what I HAVEN'T done yet - keep up the good work!
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
I have to say I keep having these little epiphanies of healing as I continue to move forward. Truly if nothing changes, .. nothing changes and when I say in the past 72 hours things have changed a GREAT deal, ... it's another rabbit hole. The rabbit holes are so much less scary than they were 9 weeks ago I think it's been now. I've lost track so maybe that's part of my healing.
The shocking part for all parties involved is how much things have remained the same for others.
I just know without question now I can't go back to the way things were .. I can go different, I can turn left and go around the wall, I can even turn right and go around the wall. Things can absolutely NOT remain the same. I can't go back to what things were 90 days ago let alone 6 months ago.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo