Partner started drinking my booze...
Hi there. I'm a very grateful member of Al-anon. The A in my life is my partner, she's been drinking for years but admitted to me (total suprise to me) that she is an A. Her mother was an A too. Recently she has been drinking (in "secret" in the bedroom) after work. She drinks every day (vodka), s...
moving day today, so sad
Update: The movers are coming today to take my RA's stuff to storage. I also have to mail him a key and info and am praying for no drama. [ warning: pity pot moment!] I feel so sad. The house is emptying out. I know that a relationship doesn't define us, that each individual needs to build their own life. An...
rara avis
How much power i give my own thoughts and feelings ..
It's amazing to me how much power i give my own thoughts and feelings .. As if i really believe if i think something feel something .. it is in absolutes .. I said to someone the other night .. i feel like i'm 5 and they shot back with you never got to be 5 .. it hit me when my family moved out of the house .. brother...
My husband will be home from rehab in a week
I'm very excited to see him but truth is I am scared to death. I'm trying to do some research on alanon meetings I really need someone to talk to about my feelings. Any good info or comments would be appreciated.
I really gotta say if this program so works on so many different levels. It's a program that for me, I get out of it what I put into it. I can work it or not work it, it's 100% my responsibility. This past year I have put a tremendous amount of work into it and I have so much further to go. There have been some r...
So 3rd post tonight .. Very restless .. Fantasies
So ok .. 3 x's a charm .. I am so completely restless .. grieving the pain of the end of this relationship and desperately trying in my mind to come up with solutions to how to change, control, fix, n save it .. I just can't believe this person would Really walk away .. Somewhere along the lines i got it set in m...
he is stoned
Hi guys i am on here because I am trying to take care of me for a bit. My husband is home for the weekend. He is wanting to fix a broken bit on the car.... it has been broken for about 3 months... today he just really wanted to get to it. there is no reason. He was supposed to go and buy a part to help fix it with.....
those from both programs...?
Can you tell me what it was like when you wanted to be sober but just couldn't get it yet? I am just curious, and maybe curiousity killed the cat, but I just want another perspective. I have read the AA big book, so I know that from a book, but just wanted to hear some other stories... did you pitter out or q...
no secrets anymore!! feels so good!!
I haven't poted here in a while, and really haven't been going to meetings that much either, but I am taking it one day at a time and coping the best I can with my AH. Well, today I wanted to share that I am no longer keeping secrets. One of my very best friends who I wrote on here that I thought was giving me hint...
Lookin for help/guidance
For the last little while I thought our problems were mine and had mire to do with me then the alcohol but after some thought I believe that is just as much part of the problem.
I love my Boyfriend, that I know. His drinking I have come to hate. (yes on occassion I will have a glass of wine but rarely).
A li...
JADE...Just A Devine Evidence
This is conformation for me that God will do for me what I cannot do for myself. All I have to do is nurture the process and that which touches my spirit and calms it will come about. Yes I love this color of Red and then it also comes in Teal and both do the same thing for my spirit. I stand still, feel very g...
Jerry F
just a misquote
I misquoted Author Unknown: You can tell the size of your God by looking at the size of your worry list. The longer your list , the smaller your God.
Hoot Nanny
Did I do the right thing?
This is all new to me & yet of great comfort in knowing that I am really not alone as I have found my way here.
My boyfriend was a high functioning alcoholic. He got hooked on sleeping pills (unconfirmed pain killers as well) and became hooked on the meds which of course has spiraled his alcoholism in...
How to love....
my A is a theaf.....
Today I got more money stolen out of my wallet.... Not the first time.. I absolutely HATE this... How disrespectful when he spends all of his money within 4 days on dope and then I have to take care of him the rest of the month (cigarettes, food, gas,ect.) He never pays me back in full because he already owe...
Am I getting OLD?
well...that is three posts in a row for me. I am making up for some lost time I guess. I don't have enough time to really say what is in my mind & heart. Someone said on the internet that we should log off & get a life(something to that respect anyhow) I have been known to misquote a lot. I guess I need t...
Hoot Nanny
a little info.
I just have a little info: some quotes I got today when looking at the internet! You can tell the size of your God by looking at the size of your worry list, the smaller your list, the bigger your God. Author Unknown. I hope I quoted that right? Apologizing: Does not always mean you're wrong & the other...
Hoot Nanny
mother drinks secretly
My sisters and myself know my mom is still drinking in private. She refuses to say she does even though we all know. She thinks she is smarter than every one around her, but its obvious. To add to that, she becomes very irate and takes it out on her family when confronted. What do you recommend my sist...
Reaching Out
Hi, Haven't been on or posted in a while. New job is great! I truly enjoy it and am so busy that I don't have time to worry what the Afiance is doing all afternoon (he works early shift). He swears he wants sobriety. He attends 4 hours of substance abuse classes a week. He makes notes, he has epiphanies...
Detach with Love?
Ok, another question... what the heck is detach with love?? Detaching to me means silent treatment for fear of losing my temper. It means ignoring him while he's drunk... which results in more aggressive, hateful words from him. It means taking the dog out for a walk to get away from him and the madn...
I am determined!
I am determined to get this right! I have a lot to offer & will always, I mean ALWAYS be the best me I can be! I don't feel so disappointed in myself today. I am not saying that I won't be tomorrow--still a WORK IN PROGRESS! To everyone who is feeling low today: I have been there so many times I can't count o...
Hoot Nanny
One of my "antistressors"
Meet Chloe Jazmine! (c: Was feeling sorta, well admitting, missing ex AH. Keep thinking I gotta go see him for ME. Do not want regrets I did not go see him. Sorta made me feel lost for a bit, So I do what I do and keep busy with animals and people. Visited my friends up here and picked up this baby opossom. The p...
Living with a recovering alcoholic.
Hi. New to the group and first post. My husband is a newly recovering alcoholic. He is 30 days sober. We have been together as a couple for 5 years and married for 2 1/2 years. I moved out of our house with my 15 year old son (from a previous marriage) approximately one month ago. My husband is verbally and em...
im just being a big baby
my mum has been on the phone all night and i cant pick up- we havent been speaking since i forogt her birthday.and i did the opposite of what i usually do- i just didnt care about and then gush all over the place to try and make it up to her- as if her emotions and feelings were paramount before all else. so sin...
Garage Sale Blues - Opportunity to Change Thy Perspective
Hi Everyone, Our small rural city has what is called a "citywide yard sale" each year. It's this Saturday. I've lived here for over 20 years and have never particpated. But this year we decided to join in the "fun." Truly I'd rather take a beating than have this thing. But he w...
going rund and round in step one
Hi guys i think I have said that I felt like I have relapsed recently. For some delusional reason, I thought up in my own little head that my husband was going to change his smoking pot habits. He never said he would, and never even implied that he might,,, I just thought of it all by myself.. and then of cou...
Wow I got some money and went to Amazon to get some more books like the daily affirmations etc. $20 for three books is great.. then comes the shipping... $40 to get three books to Australia!!!! Most don't post overseas that I find, especially the cheaper second hand options. oh well.. another $60......
Treading the right path
Now my life is not as enmeshed with an alcoholic partner, I have to be so careful to stay on my side of the street. One of my former co workers is up and leaving the job he has and moving across country. He has some delusion he can get unemployment when he has left his job. I'm at a place where I just have to le...
Missed this!
Hey everyone....good to be back. Haven't had computer access for about a month! I have been on the rollercoaster of emotions, but going to a meeting about 4 times a week seems to help. I cant control anyone buy myself...what a hard lesson to learn. Anyways, I enjoyed reading all the posts that I missed a...
Spiraling over my A
I have been spiraling and obsessing for a few days and am back and forth and all over the place. My divorce was final July 19th. For whatever reason my ex AH thought he needed to call me Sunday night and let me know he slept with a woman whom he met at a local bar and told me way too much detail about it all. He had...
Did Serenity Prayer cost me my son?
My 27 year-old addicted son we saw going downhill, and we did not let him live at home again. Through working the 12 steps for the past 3 years, I had advanced to the point that his chaotic actions did not affect me as much as in the past. Back then, I would worry alot more, and sometimes try to find him if he...
My meeting last night was on "choices". I immediately identified with the topic as the idea of making choices, specifically in regards to arguments and fights with my wife, was one of the first concepts that I really grasped when I got involved in Al Anon about a year ago. It was so refreshin...
making a cushion for myself
In the last few weeks I have had a major stressor in my cat being ill which required a lot of time going to the vet to get her set up on some medications. Then my phone broke, then I couldn't make it to the vet to get one of my dogs vaccinated. I generally view any of these obstacles as a calamity rather than a &q...
Please help me
I've been reading the post...and cannot stop crying...Saturday, my 33 year old son totaled his unpaid uninsured vehicle. Miraculostly he was not hurt. It was a blow out...this time he was not drinking. The police stopped to help...ran his driver's license and found a warrant for a fine he never paid...
The quality of patience...
faith, hope and surrender gets me peace of mind and serenity...and Jade!! Aloha all and you know that one of the ways my HP expresses love and care for me is in flowers and plants...growing things that when they are ready give me gifts of beauty. Yes I get the same from lots of others things also and flo...
Jerry F
Be Grateful for the Pain
That is what my sponsor said to me this weekend. I thought to myself how could I really be grateful for the pain and confusion? I know from experience working with my sponsor I don't need to feel it to do it. Just take the action and do it. So I began writing yesterday to find out how. I wrote a gratitu...
boundaries with a struggling recovering AH
Hi all, my AH is very new to recovery, has tried now for several years to stop drinking but is struggling. He is going to AA and has completed one outpatient 90 day program and then one 30 day inpatient. Now I do believe he is drinking again - he hides it very well and has gone on binges w/out me knowing becau...
Total nightmare!!!
Hey everybody, Most importantly: I owe more comments and attention to other posts, but my time is limited ,especially now! I have been able to read some posts, you guys are in my thoughts! Update/stressful rant: My RA has had almost 3 weeks to move, and has NOT moved out. He hasn't done anything at all...
rara avis
Abusive father
My father really liked to drink and when he did things got really ugly. My first nightmare was when I was 7 years old. One day, I came home from school and my father was the only one there and drunk. We lived in a condo on the 6th floor. He took me out on the balcony and asked me to count to 100, and so I started. We...
I am confused!
Answer: It's none of my business, and it shouldn't matter to me why he is doing this. Question: AH had been dry/sober for quite some time, and recently decided that he could handle "a few drinks every now and again." While it certainly isn't what it was, the handful of times he has been out...
Hot Chicka
Quick update
Last nights meeting was awesome!! Loved it!!! We are working out of the book Pathways to Recovery and it's just an amazing read and share time with some amazing people. The friend issue is basically coming to a head exactly the way I saw it coming. My AH wanted to look like the good guy only to have his...
He wont pay the bills
My AH and I are separated for almost a year. I am now planning a divorce. Here's my question. My husband is on my medical insurance and he uses it to go around to doctor shop and get his zanax and ambien. I keep getting these co payment bills because although he is the patient the insurance is in my name? He is...
Trust Hp
In the moring I have to find the money (200) to pay for a neighbours car to be fixed I bumped it when my ex mother in law died ;last weekend. I was going to use the money my abf has gone missing with that he owes me. I am in some financual trouble at mo and moving home just before christmas. My ABF knew all this ...
bus didn't take long
Hi Well, you know how I was feeling like I waiting for that bus... well it arrived.. guess what.. its the same bus. For some reason I thought he had thought about things and there was a change in the air. Nope.... he smoked this morning right after I left for work. I asked him why and he said he felt like it...
Do It Now!!
Holy cow, I have to strike while the iron is hot when it comes to my domestic goddess challenges. I had the house looking soooo lovely about a week ago and I'm soooo glad I took those before and after pictures because I keep going back to them. It has made such a big difference to be able to see the before an...
birthdays, holidays, weddings, births and deaths
Regarding furneral for Ex "father in law" type person. My ex A Boyfriend said there is not really going to be a "service" just a "gathering" of friends etc. at the funeral home. He said he wasn't really comfortable "receiving" alot of attention and that m...
Still here...just been a very emotionally draining week
Hi everyone, I haven't forgotten about you all here. The week has been very long and stressful. I have checked in to read posts to keep me on track just haven't had the mental energy at the end of the day to write. There have been alot of ups and downs this week with my AH. Last week I posted about testing my bo...
No Problems, Only Solutions - What the Heck?
Hi All, This morning we got up early to tackle a hedge, trim it back, before the sun was blazing down on us. As we worked, I noticed how light I felt and that my mind was not plagued with worry as it always was in the past. I thought about why I feel so differently these days. The answer came in a form of a song....
Short and oh so sweet!
The idea of attending alanon face to face meetings even if you don't think it is for you or even if it seems like it's not "helping" is such a wonderful thing. I first attended alanon in Dec 2008 I think. I didn't really see changes in my situation until recently BUT it seems like my brain is draw...
That face
Like many of you, I grew up in an alcoholic household, with both parents being heavy daily drinkers. Amazing how I find myself reliving some of those bad memories now with my wife. I have a picture from when I graduated college, about 20 years ago. I'm standing next to my now deceased mom, who was in a whee...
Its been a week....
Well its been a week since my AH went to jail. And last weekend when I posted I never thought I would make it, or thought it would get easier. But it has, when he got his furlough tuesday that helped me emotionally a lot. And during this week I did a lot of thinking and reflecting back. And I realize how I did no...
Processing changes with the tools
Practicing the principles in all my affairs: I am really trying to stay in the day and let go of the unknowns until I need to know about them. There is a likely chance that we could have to move for a couple yrs. while hubby has a contract to work in DC. I am nervous about living in or so near to a large city. I am n...
mmm WOW!!!!!!
Again I am so very thankful for my higher power mostly and for this board and for alanon. Earlier this week I spoke with my ex A boyfriend by phone about his sick father and basicly a "how are you call" in the past I couldn't even look at or speak to my ex without crying and then staying in bed all a...
Long conversation with Ex-A
It has been 3 years since we split up. Ironically 1 week away from 3 years sober for me cuz my first day sober was the day we split. So anyhow, I talked to my ex for like an hour and a half. He is the type of alcoholic that typically finds another alcoholic or addict that drinks or drugs worse than him and the...
Loving an Alcoholic
Did I ever think that this was possible?? NO! I found it hard to really love my mother because of alcoholism, my ex was an alcoholic...and now I've let myself get involved with a man who has known me for years, who is an alcoholic, who is married and who hit me for the first time a week ago. I've never been h...
Feeling Twitchy and Itchy ..
Which translates to I def need to get to a meeting, thank goodness there is one tonight. There's a lot going on at the moment and I have concerns over how my mother is choosing to grieve. I'm all about everyone needs to grieve in their own way, (I worked at a funeral home) there are issues though and right...
First Post...
Hello, -I went to my first Al-anon meeting last Monday night. IT was a very overwhelming experience - - made me wonder if I had what it took to hear the stories of those who shared... I shared my story, too, and it was good to be able to talk about things. briefly, I am two-years into a second marriage, af...
precipice (sp?)
Hi guys As you may remember, I just got back from holidays with my husband. For the holidays I had a 'straight' husband. All the issues that I thought would happen, didn't happen. Basically he didn't get the opportunity to smoke because none of my friends do, and my sisters birthday proved that she ha...
Some comfort please?
Hi, My big brother is the alcoholic. He is 32 and I am 22. He stopped drinking 3 years ago and since then we have become ever so close. He is the best big brother in the world. However, today he has slipped. He has been dating a lovely lady recently and his emotions have taken over him, so much that he has st...
My sponsor just turned my head inside-out!
I was telling her about something my dad had said to me, and she bluntly said "that's abuse". She said the same thing about a couple other childhood moments I shared with her. ...I'd heard of verbal/emotional abuse before, and had come to the conclusion that A) it's mostly something made up...