Our father
I also write this message in the name of my sister. Last sunday my father was hospitalized in critical condition. He was severly dehydrated, a bad infection in his lungs and severse signs of parkinsons disease. Last wednesday he suffered a minor hearth attack (while in hospital) and was rushed to the...
Labor Day
Hello Friends, Wishes for a safe and peaceful Holiday....may you enjoy your family and friends. May you have sobriety in your holiday. Most of all may we all have hope and happiness....Happy Holiday! With Hope, Andrea
Was I wrong?
Just got a phone call from my AH ex-wife. She asked if I was getting the kids after work and I told her that I wasn't sure. Explained to her that he had started drinking again and I wanted to see how he was when I got home before I got the kids. That may have been wrong of me to tell his ex-wife that, but I don't wan...
I'm new
Hello, I found this site by doing a search for "living with a dry drunk", and I am so glad I did. I was not familiar with the term "dry drunk" until my husband, the dry drunk himself, came home from a too infrequently attended AA meeting and said that's what the members called him. L...
don't know what to say but I will say it anyway!
I so don't what to say but I just want to hear myself type! I am full of one liners these days. I have to say what I am thinking w/o my filter. I am so grateful today. I have just sent an email to my cousin who is having trouble making ends meet. Me, I have trouble not making ends meet. I am so blessed w/ a lot of good...
Hoot Nanny
AH not drinking, but in denial
Over the past few months, I guess that light finally went on that my husband was -for sure- an alcoholic. I have been trying to live in that reality and not fall victim to believing that he just likes beer- one of his many excuses. Well, a few weeks ago, he had a health thing come up- high blood pressure and...
An ongoing amends
to any woman who was abused and/or assaulted by a man in the past. Aloha family...I went to the morning Attitude Adjustment AA meeting (I had the day off) and listen to the female speaker tell her story part of which is very very near and dear to my amends process; that of being violent and a physical, me...
Jerry F
Two nights ago my sister went to rehab. While my niece and I are enjoying the peace and quiet, we aren't too optomistic. We've been through this twice before and we're all too aware of the dangers of getting our hopes up. My Dad's the one who convinced her to go and he lectured me on the importance of showin...
Update: Relapse and my part
Hi Everyone again! I didn't say it with my last post, but I am GRATEFUL for your support, your feedback, and your kind honesty. I am making an effort to get back on this site more often. A recap, an update, and a couple of issues to discuss - My AH is still drinking, I think the relapse started around 6-8 we...
A Pushka Story - OT (well sort of .. LOL)
Sooooo .. my old kitty passed away which leaves me with one old lady and a youngester that is going to be the death of me I swear. She is a nutcase. Well, it can be said she officially belongs in this house .. lol. I started to kind of panic because I haven't been able to find the old lady all day. I noticed l...
Cautiously Optimistic
A son just left the house --- headed for his 1st AA meeting. After the incident where I had the police remove him from my home a couple of days ago, it took him one day to get over his anger (he had to walk 6 hrs to get home) then it took him another day to re-coop enough so he could walk on his sore legs. My heart...
Path to Serenity
First Time
So this is my first time on here and I have been reading your posts. My husband and I have only been married for 2 years. A week and a half ago I had to leave the apartment becuase he told me that he didn't want to have kids with me, he doesnt love me, he doesnt get anything from me anymore. And the reason why I...
He Is Going To Treatment
Well, my AH tried to kill himself on Tuesday and as of today has agreed to go to a 30 day in house treatment facility! I am so relieved. The psych ward told me today that when they evaluated him yesterday he started in with all his lies and manipulations and when they told him they has spoken to me and knew the...
Starting over
I honestly don't know why I thought it would all be over after he went to inpatient and outpatient rehab, counseling and AA, which was almost a year ago. He did so good for most of that time with only a couple relapses with whiskey. They only lasted one night both times and the next day he was back on track...
Having a rant!
It's very frustrating that people surrounding me at the moment can not see the drinker that is my husband!
his now trying to be more helpful around the house! I wonder who he has tried to convince that our marriage is going down the pan because I'm now doing things for me and not following him down to the p...
In court this morning
I made a choice to go to court to fight a massive bill I received for what amounts to an innocent mistake I made concerning the benefit rules. I suppose I want to get my feelings out here before I go this morning. I haven't defended myself in a courtroom since my divorce. I don't have a lawyer. I could hav...
watching my daughter take a hard road (its killing me)
My AH is once again sober. Says this time is different becasue its his choice not mine. Im not under any delusion on this, he's not in treatment and its only been 3 wks. My daughter came over and was talking to both of us last night. Her fiance' has addiction problems with synthetic weed, he takes adderall...
Realization (WOW!!)
Since the kids have gone back to school two weeks ago. There has been no massive crisis in my life. I think it's been MONTHS now that I haven't had to deal with something regarding or related to my wasband. No wonder I'm detoxing at the moment it's shocking to think this .. it's no wonder this weekend hi...
Al-non "buddies"
Does anyone on here every "buddyup"? maybe 2 ppl who have a lot in common, etc?
Anxiety over relapse
I keep telling myself, "I should've gone last week, I should've found a meeting!" but the truth is when things are good they're REALLY good and when they're bad I'm too busy picking up the pieces to think twice about what I need to do for myself. I'm currently with my boyfriend who is an On Aga...
Is it me??? Or him???
Have been with my boyfriend for 2 years (nearly) and recently he had to move into his brothers. We went out one night and it ended up pretty ugly (I'm no angel when I have a drink I must admit) and he has ended up with a 2 year probation order to help with his drinking and dodgy attitude towards me when drinkin...
How do I deal with this nightmare depression
How do I deal with this alcohol problem that is killing me emotionally and financially. One month after I was married my husband was pulled over and jailed for his third DUI. I had no idea he had a record. He ended up getting 2 to 5 years in federal prison. We have been married for 6 yrs. now and it's getting w...
Need some TLC
Hi everyone -- Wow. I waited 8 mos from my last relationship to venture back onto the dating scene. Took alot of courage. Dated a friend of a friend...it's been a month. He invited me to his house, he wanted me to spend labor day weekend...now he is panicking...and decides he doesn't want to be in a relati...
Random Thoughts. (before coffee .. lol)
I read ILD's post and Bettina's, Jackie's response just really resonated with me for a lot of reasons. That whole idea of waiting around for someone else to change issue. Maybe they will, maybe they won't the reality is what can be salvaged with the person when they become sober. Seriously speakin...
Just starting out
So I have been attending one Al-Anon meeting per week since May 3. I love my meeting home group and i just asked someone to sponsor me that actually said yes. Now i do not know where to start, I want to get into the steps asap but i do not know where to start. I have called my sponsor but the two of us are so busy...
Love Al Anon
I know I have only started Al Anon for a few short days. I can already feel the effects of having somewhere to go, reading others posts, and sharing. I wake up in the morning and I don't feel so down that (my A) is not interested in getting up and breaking the new day with me. Finally I am at peace with it. I can'...
Short Notice RE: Tuesday Night's (tonight's) Alanon Meeting
Hello everyone, I am so sorry for such short notice but, I am not able to Chair tonight''s Al-Anon Meeting in our Chat Room at 9PM. Family Emergency's are not able to be planned or anticipated... I am hoping someone may be able to step-up with their 12th step and offer to chair this meeting for me. If yo...
Marriage counseling
So, AH and I went to couseling. This therapist is a recovering alcoholic, 30 years sober. He wanted me to place behavioral requests upon AH to prove that I can trust that he's not drinking now. He asked me what I wanted to see happen so that I can start trusting again and he kept pushing me to give an answ...
A Little Share...
Update - My S/O had one last family day. He didn't know he had. Luckily he isn't fired. But that was, is, the last straw. He was told there is no more days. None. He is extremely lucky. So today, I went upstairs to get him up ask him nicely if he could help me out. We had company coming from out of town. He agree...
My Serenity Weekend :)
Sorry so Long! But Good Stuff :) As Some May know Last Weekend, I had an ALL AL-Anon Weekend with Some of My Dear Lady Friends at My Camp on the River in the Woods! I have to say it was Amazing! I was Truly amazed that Everything... Went off without a Hitch! And We all have Memory's that will last a Life time! T...
realized why I can't work(in a nutshell)
Reading some posts today. I guess I was just thinking about the last time I really worked & the fact that the stress caused me to walk off the job. Any applications I filled out it never dawned on me that I could not get another job because of my experience. I did however, ha! ha! thinking back; I did get...
Hoot Nanny
Spotted tremors
I know my husband drinks everyday. He has been on holiday from work and this is his second week off. Yesterday morning I saw something which I had to take a double look at! The tremours!!! He had not been out if bed long! obviously he hadn't been getting enough alcahol in his system as his been at home and ha...
Doing it again
Help I'm having such a hard time detaching i know he has decide on what he wants recovery or not. I have to get better but why can't I detach I hang on every thing he says and I'm driving myself insane if he wants to leave hell leave I can't stop it . I read my books go to meetings I'm just tired of my old attitude s...
In the hospital
Well, he finally tried to kill himself. My AH went into a tailspin, after I went to work he posted a goodbye on Facebook and turned the car on in the garage. Of course a friend saw and called 911. He is physically stable but angry , he is blaming me that I wouldn't talk to him last night. I tried talking to him l...
Quick thought???!!!w
Why is it the alc can be out all night with no notice ...but when I dont give a @#&$ about sex its a problem??!!! Its all so damn insane...heres the thing...hes out..no sex ...means to bed for me alone....ahhhhh sweet serenity ;) -- Edited by Theoceancalls on Tuesday 28th of August 2012 09:59:57 PM
Aroma Therapy...
Hey it works!! Haven't every paid enough attention to it and always responded in a trite way to it however I just got thru stripping one of my Rosemary bushes and got the oil all over my hands and now when I cup my nose with my hands I get this powerful wonderful aroma that overtakes any anxieties and worr...
Jerry F
Feeling insecure
My husband has been in rehab for 8 days now. I visited him on Sunday and he is so grateful to be there. After the first two days of 'gonna do what I need to do and go home', he has now realized that rehab is exactly where he needs to be, and he feels a spiritual connectedness that he has been searching for his who...
AH wants to know how much change is he going to have to make?
AH wants to know, from me, how much he is going to have to change for me to continue working on repairing our marriage. I honestly don't have an answer for him so I guess I better brainstorm exactly what I want. For now, I know that he is frustrated that he can't drink in our state, at least that's how he put...
Stick a fork in me, I am DONE!
The past week has been a living hell. My husband has started drinking hard liquor instead of beer. He is so delusional that it is scary. I found a butcher knife by the bed three mornings ago and then found it by the front door this morning. He wanted to call the police on our neighbor last night because h...
Daughter just released yesterday from hospital after suffering severe alcohol withdrawal.
Trying to learn everything I can online about detachment because I think I have been enabling her. She was in the hospital for 3 days with dt's. While recovering, she said she definitely wanted to change and attend a treatment center. After i picked her up and brought her to our house, she stayed jus...
Day 1!
I woke up today and the first thing on my mind was Al Anon meeting! Success! I went online this morning and attended. It was very freeing listening and engaging in conversation without any judgement. Awesome! My S/O got up today and actually made breakfast! Yes it was nice. We all went to the library tod...
Really rough evening
Well, the police just left with my son. We had a talk (like we've had so many times) this morning about his drinking. I told him again that he was walking on thin ice by continuing to drink in my home after I had told him I would not tolerate it.....my home my rules. Have told him over and over that if he wan...
Path to Serenity
"A" people around you (even friends, co-workers, etc)
It is funny I was thinking about all the behaviours of A. I am starting to learn that perhaps others exhibit those traits which I need to recongize? Not about me as a person but it is about their behaviour. Has anyone found once they started attending Al Anon meetings they were open to the possiblities th...
I have a random / strange question to ask...
This hasn't happened to anyone I know of, nor my AH.... but it just came up in conversation. What happens at an AA meeting if a member shows up drunk?
Prayers Needed
My S/O was warned he was on his last straw at his job. He texted me and said he doesn't want to work and left. As far as I know he has no days left. He already was told if he was late or anything he would be fired. I am sick to my stomach. Please pray for us. He threw away a phemonal job. Damnit! I won't be online for m...
Won't Get Medical Attention
I know I am supposed to mind my own business, but my AH is having troublesome medical issues and refuses to go the doctor. We went to the ER on Saturday because he had been in pain for a week, they determined it wasn't his heart and told him to see a GI doctor. Well, today he is saying he won't go to the doctor, h...
First Things First...
I am trying to deal with so many emotions right now. I have to give this situation to my HP every couple of minutes... the thoughts are haunting me at times, the what if and if onlys... I know I can't control or change anything. I am not helpless, but I am powerless. My 3 yo daughter made the disclosure to th...
Time for Me and my Progressive Disease
Well I just spent the last day n half in the hospital for tingling and numbness. They had to monitor me for a stroke!! Turns out my diabetes and blood pressure is worse. No doubt, trying to worry about everyone else. Since it is a "progressive disease", it is time for me to take care of me and scr...
Excuse me while I whine
A son is binging again. Went out to lock up my pickup last nite that he's been using for work - he came home drunk & forgot. There in the floor of the truck was a freshly emptied vodka bottle - WOW, now he's progressed to driving drunk in MY vehicle!! That's a big no-no so I took his keys away & told...
Path to Serenity
Having trouble with the HP concepts
I know that Al-Anon is not a religious organization, but I understand that an aknowledgement of a higher power is central to working the program. I do not want this to be a discussion of theological rights and wrongs. I'm trying to understand how I can fit my uncertain perspective of a higher power int...
thanks to those who adjust lab reports!
I am so glad & thankful to those wonderful people who adjust the costs on lab reports. I was pleasantly surprised by the letter I got concerning the bill for my current lab reports to find out what is actually wrong w/ me. I got the letter in the mail on Sat. & was so happy to receive it. This sounds k...
Hoot Nanny
How to determine if it's alcoholism
Hi I can't believe I'm the one writing a post about this, but I'm in a pretty bad place trying to figure things out. I think my husband is an alcoholic or at least on his way to be one. We've had a rough few years with infidelity, which happned prior to our 2 kids. This past January he found out the truth and his...
i am on here as i think hubby is a alcoholic but how much do your other halfs drink or you if its you your on here for
please, and what do you/they drink
mrs sad and lonely
Practising my detachment. Sitting here.
I'm sitting here practising my detachment, keeping my boundaries. Step 1. My partner who is the A in my life came home, she popped upstairs. After we put dinner on she was upstairs again. At dinner time she was obviously UI. I hate these times. It seems like every day I am living this perpetual nightm...
Just venting
I live with my alcoholic sister and my 10 year old niece. I want out more than anything in the world but I can't leave my niece there alone with her mother. I used to feel sorry for my sister and I tried to help her as best I could. She just drinks and lies and nothing changes. All I feel now is disgust and resent...
3 Powerful Words
I was doing some googling this morning & ran across some writings by a long-time AA member on Step #8 that touched my deeply so I thought I'd share a little. I've worked the 12steps in AA and Al-anon over the years but have discovered that the process never really ends. Having worked the 8th step to t...
Path to Serenity
I have heard that there are is a online session once a week. What time is that? Also I assume that my daughter would have to make up her own name? Or could she use mine and change the nick? I am not sure if she will post much with the fourms. The talking maybe a good thing for her though. Thanks (BTW she is 12 will...
Please help me
i am mum of tree children, hubby off work due to depression has been yrs, now doesnt take his tablets, he drinkf from afternoon thru til bed sometime late afternoon, he has been known to call sexual lines and run up £1000s on phone bill i keep saying thats it enough now and he says no moe, but i cant get him to...
mrs sad and lonely
Program & Sponser
Sorry for all the questions.... Ok so I have started to attend the meetings, what next? I know I need to read books....what about sponser? I am kind of like a 4 year old starting JK and it's my first day of school. Awkward, scared and alittle excited. Help me out? :)
Is My Life Just Comedy For My HP?
Well, after finding the empty bottles last Monday my AH developed 'heartburn' and 8 days later and he is having intense pain in his esphogaus. We went to the ER on Sat and they said it wasn't his heart so sent us on our way to go see an internal doc. Well, if he was sour and negative before now it is just ridicu...