he stayed out all night...again.
Not that im terribly surprised.he texted at 3 yezterday to say he was at budxies an hourplus from home...would prob have dinner and then "who knows". That was the last I heard from him despite me texting asking that he call our child to say gnight...didnt happen. The excuse is always....my...
Handling a Broken Promise
My business partner keeps promising me money. He keeps making promises and breaking them. I get attached, uncomfortable and resentful. I know I need to turn it over to the higher power and I am struggling with that. I am looking to see how I can make it more natural to let it go and let my business partner b...
Don't know how to handle this???
I left My A/BF on Wednesday, Moved in with my daughter, got a job ( A hard job making 55.00 a day cash for 3 days) Tomarrow will be my 2nd Day. My A calls tonight, begging, begging to please come home. Things will be different. On, and On..... He has made promises before, but this time is different, it's like...
where do I go from here?
I am waiting for the results from all the tests & on Monday I hopefully will know what is going on w/ all the pain in my body. I have been struggling a lot & I just want to know what is wrong, what it is called & what the doctor can do about it--treatment. I will let you all know as soon as I can. It is s...
Hoot Nanny
Is there an Al-anon meeting today? :pc:
Todays meeting is scheduled for 10:00AM Eastern time. I am just wondering if there is a chair today...
Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I still read here several times a week, and continue to learn and grow from you all. Thank you all so much. Im doing so much better than I ever thought possible when I first showed up here ay the beginning of the summer. I have decided to continue my 12 step journey in a CoDa...
New and Confused
This is my first time posting. I've never been to a meeting and I've only ever told two people that I think my husband has a drinking problem. I am 48 years old, I've been married for 21 years. I have two teenage children. I live in Europe. I am married to a wonderful man. He is loving, affectionate, support...
So, I think my AW went by teh grocery store on the way to work...
When I was looking at our online banking today comparing it to our checkbook, I noticed that this morning the wife must have gone to the grocery store on the way in to work. Guess what my first thought was...? Yes, I bet she bought some alcohol. Maybe a small breakthrough but here is how my thoughts wen...
On-Off... Give away-Take back....
This Seems at times in My Life! I Start the Fun Little Roller Coaster Ride, and then when it gets going in all directions I Find a Safe Place to Land & Get off! I hand My Problems & My Life over to the God of My Understanding... Then... I take it back... I know I'm Human & Not Alone but sometimes It...
I am loving all the new comers
I have been having my struggles as of late and not only with the wise old timers, but with the new comers I am learning so much! I am so glad to listen to their ESH. Where they are at also reminds me of what I have been through and thanks to Al-anon it's a lot easier. I have my handy tool belt with lots of tools a...
Can't sleep. Did some things wrong this evening and some mixed results...
Ok, so the AH got that I did not have a great day. I had told her on the phone (she was addimant and asked) that I was not comfortable with her drinking at all. She said "So now things have changed and you don't want me to drink at all." I replied that the decision was hers to do what she wanted to d...
keeping my focus
Over the past several weeks I can't tell you how many times I have heard about how my AH wants to stop drinking but can't. How he prays everyday that he will stop. I could go into detail about the positive changes and growth. The taking ownership, and great strides made in being less selfish. Except that w...
Went to my first meeting...
Ok, so I went to my first meeting. Not really what I thought. I plan on continuing with Al-Anon to give it a chance as everyone has suggested. I also plan on attending more than one group to see which one "fits" me if that makes sense. I was the only male there and most of the women were older (...
Thinking, I am meant to walk alone atleast at this point.
I am pissed that my boyfriend last night was found to be be sneaky and hiding fb messages between him and the girl we had already had to discuss due to a weird party photo of them previously titled getting leighed with Jen, funny huh, not to this girlfriend, Why would he be needing hugs and hanging on som...
alcoholic wife wont let me move on !!
Hi everyone, im new to this but i know full well that alanon and a.a support groups can help with people in desperate times when no one understands and no one knows what it like living with an alcoholic. my situation is that my wife of 11 years has been on and off alcohol for most this time wheras we breakup a...
plz help im new. not sure how to write on here. im dealing with a recovery alcoholic who is verbally abusive.
Im not sure whats right or wrong or how to help.
Hi and help and advice please
I have been living with a functioning alcoholic for nearly a year now. I didn't realise at first that he was an alcoholic. Surprisingly. I've never existed near anyone who drank heavily or frequently. When we first got together it was a case of 8 pints a night, same on a Saturday and Sunday afterno...
Saving a Rotten, Rotten Day
Boy, this day got off to a terrible start. Went downstairs this morning to discover a huge puddle of dog pee in the living room, on my son's toybox. Cleaned that up. Then had a fight with my AH, in which he called me a name he has never, ever called me before, and which upset me more than anything else he ha...
Crushed this morning, barely holding it together.
So far this week I have been feeling pretty good about the wife and her alcohol use. It appeared this week she had not had anything to drink. Had a HUGE setback this morning. As she was leaving for work I heard her put something in the trash can outside. I immediately thought "wonder if that is al...
My father has been an alcoholic for my whole life and then some. He was a mean drunk for the most of my childhood and then his anger got better after I became an adult but his drinking didn't. He refuses to get help and tells us all that he drinks and we need to adapt to that. He still gets angry sometimes and no...
Loaf of Bread at the Hardware store
Hello fellow Recovery friends! I am putting together a basket for an Al-Anon function... the theme: looking for a Loaf of Bread at the Hardware store. The problem: I cannot find the reading in our literature! AGH! We use this phrase all the time in meetings, and I cant find the reading (which I know ex...
Hardware Store 100% Whole Wheat
Every once in a while I like to find the exact source of things. I first read the phrase "going to the hardware store for a loaf of bread" in early 1993. Since then I often hear it quoted, and a web search for the phrase shows how much of a commonplace it's become. But no one gives exact credit, an...
Still learning.... Literature & Sponsor
Does anyone have recommendations on al-anon literature? I am reading "How al-anon works" and have found it very helpful. I'd love some advice on where to go from here. I'm the child of an alcoholic, so anything geared towards this is especially helpful. Also, how did everyone find their...
I'm back
HI all Not sure how many people are here who remember me. I went overseas for a while and didnt' get to computers or MIP. But I am back from my holiday. Things went quite well. My husband and I had a lovely holiday together, with the addict only coming out to visit when we went to Amsterdam (he is a pot addic...
Sometimes... HP's Greatest Gifts! Are Unanswered Prayers!
Sometimes... HP's Greatest Gifts! Are Unanswered Prayers! I tell you I have been Fighting & Biting & Kicking My Way these last Couple Weeks! But I'm Nearin the Finish LIne, and I have to say, I will Feel a Least I Little Relief when it lands! I have been doing my best to stay IN the "Me &...
Getting a new sponsor
For the past year or so my sponsor have been dealing with her own issues, divorce and all the fallout from that, I've felt like the roles are reversed. Anyway, I've been thinking I needed a new sponsor. Yesterday, at a meeting I was impressed by a members comment during the meeting, she attends regula...
i invited my a b/f over to eat
my a b/f came over just for a few mins to eat a bite or maybe it was more like 30 mins or so,anyway i was ready for him to leave as soon as he got here cause he drags his beer around withhim like its a purse,and i could tell with his personality he had a good buzz going,he still talking like we are married and what o...
ESH needed on detachment, and letting go of ones own shortcomings!
I am currently trying to start, (still ongoing!!) my personal inventory. And I noticed, with the hint of my sponsor, that I wasn't completely 'fearful' yet to do that. I hadn't noticed before. Actually I am full of fear to write down those truths on paper I already know or noticed about myself. My spon...
Molehill out of a mountain or mountain out of a molehill???
I am so torn. This weekend was so emotionally confusing and draining. With my soon to be ex (yes, I have made up my mind) being so nasty ans saying such hurtful things, I wonder if I am making a mole hill out of a mountain or the other way around??? He wants to see his daughter this weekend. I want my daught...
What Forgiveness Doesn't Mean
As AH and I are currently seperated and I am trying to figure out if I want to stay married to him, I have had to do a lot of soul searching. When I tell him my hesitations (all the years of lying, hiding, verbal abuse, etc.) he keeps coming back at me with "well if you can't forgive me then that's your pr...
New here & would like some info! :)
hey all! :) I was referred to join an Alanon group to learn how to cope with the (drug) addiction of my mother. I've been trying to muster up the confidence to walk into a meeting but for some reason I am finding that harder to do than I thought. I don't want to do it alone, I suppose. I thought randomly, maybe...
Amazing what quiet will do
I've been in a "mood" for about half a week. I've been irritable, nit-picky and my favorite line "I can't stand to be around myself". Not in a beat myself up way, but I am trying to be more self aware. I haven't been feeling this way in awhile and I have the ability to either figure i...
Searching for myself again. Where have I gone and What happened to all my morals and plans for my life and how do I get that back. I have a sponcer she says to keep going to meetings that is how I will learn to find myself again. I know its part of codependence I lost all that. Only 7 years ago I went to school for...
A good night
So I took some advice from here and went home. When the wife got home, I waited for her to sit down and breathe and I said I would like to talk to her when she got a minute. I told her I loved her very much but I was no longer going to police or monitor her drinking. I simply could not do that any longer. I told...
hard to say no
im still haveing issues with saying no to my ab/f,when it comes to him wanting to stay all nite with me when i really dont want him to,saying no to him when he wants sex when ive changed my way of thinking of all of it that his world isnt my world mine has changed alot that i dont want to do nothing thats gonna go...
Nothing changes .. nothing changes .. in gratitude
We are working step 10 and while I am sifting through step 4 at the moment, step 10 has actually given me a new perspective in growth. I am dealing with some cycles going on at the moment. I know I am growing as situations that would baffle me and leave me spinning are now starting to untangle and I can see c...
The alcoholic had a pity party....times like this I feel alone
Hi Everyone, My name is slogan_jim and I am a grateful member of Al-Anon. Tonight, I received a text message from the alcoholic. 'I need help'.....I phoned and he began to cry. Saying he cant do this anymore and he hates the way he is. He asked me to come over as he needed someone to talk to. I said 'OK, but I h...
a week full of opportunities to change...
This week was full of it... these moments used to make me sad and keep me low for days and days. Now that I decided to take EVERY crisis or challenge as an opportunity to change, or become more aware of things, here I got spoiled this week: I invited my ABF along to an official event I had to go for work. First I...
I did it again, I reacted!
We live in a small subdivision of about 2000, and it seems as if every is on those roxicodone pills. I hate them , I hate them. Today we had a lady who has no eletricity, has small children, someone gave her the money to pay it and she bought drugs that she shoots in her arms, and she is over here crying to my A ab...
hope I don't step on someone's toes, ouch!
Give God what is right,& not what is left! If God brings you to it--He will bring you through it! You know you have faith by what you do, not what you say! Words to live by, I guess! For whatever it is worth! More quotes to come--I hope you can handle them? Kathleen
Hoot Nanny
"Get a different Truck"
(I shared this on the other board and at my morning AA meeting and appreciate any feedback from the entire family) That was the response from my sponsor this morning as I spoke about the 7th stop yesterday by the police which shouldn't have been a stop but was. My sponsor is a native cultural recovering...
Jerry F
Questions my thought process
Well the good news is I made it through the weekend! I must admit that it was not without some headaches on my part. Friday night the wife got home from work and opened a bottle of wine. She asked me prior to doing it if it was ok if she had some wine. I was very proud of myself when I simply replied it was up t...
im back
its me silent ,i lost my password so i had to get another one,so it came back as chinup instead of silent this time dunno y,ive been reading posts here and thinking to myself why why why do i keep going back into it,even though he is trying so hard to stop his drinking by slowing down ,its never he will never g...
Fair is Fair?
My STBXAH's actions this past week have caused me to lose my serenity. I signed over our home of 25 years to him a week ago Friday in order to be released from the mortgage as a part of our divorce settlement and our court settlement with the mortgage company. On Monday, my divorce lawyer informed me that h...
Green Eyes
and it continues and continues and continues
He has continued through the entire weekend. Some of the things he said really hit me to the core. Now I am wondering if the whole, "no phone calls, only text or email" is working for me??? I cant forget what he said, its there in black and white. The phone conversation is fuzzy, I cant re...
HP is GOOD!!
As I pondered with heavy concern my son's upcoming major back surgery (where the Dr.s have to enter him from both the stomach and the back) my son noticed the toll it was taking on me and simply said, "Mom, the big guy in the sky already has it handled, let's not sweat the small stuff." I was once...
Facing a possible let down on Monday
Tomorrow, Monday my ex investment investment partner has a financial promise to keep. It's not even a huge amount of money in relation to the whole of our past dealings and what I am owed, however I am really dealing with that he will lie one more time. He has a three to five year history of breaking his wor...
I am unable to chair the Monday a.m. meeting. Hoping someone will be able to step up and chair for me. Thanks
told her to move out
I finally asked/told her to move out. She has no place to go she told me. She moved into our spare bedroom. I keep loosing and gaining my resolve. I go from crap i dont want her to leave to i gotta do this for me. I get home from work and i can smell her perfume and it kills me. Every essance of her still lingers he...
At a crossroads about boyfriend's drug use (I'm a newbie!)
Hi Everyone! I was told this group would be a good thing for me, even though it relates to narcotics more-so than alcohol. An addiction is an addiction, I suppose. Might be long-winded, but here goes: I've been together with my boyfriend for a year now. We knew eachother all through grade school and rec...
STEP TWO - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Step Two was a very important step for me and a building block for the other steps that follow. When I first started Al-anon 21 years ago, this step wasn't too difficult for me, because I had such a strong belief in God. Lately however I have had to rework this step and "come to believe" all over...
Taking Care of Me...day 2
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but we had a death in the family and that has taken a lot of time to deal with. Anyway...thanks to those who joined me in this quest to support each other's efforts to take care of ourselves. Physical: I spent 10 minutes putting on makeup for the funeral, which I usally don...
new to this program and need some insight please
Hi, its so amazing that this board exisits and how helpful everyone is here. I could really use some help right now. I have been/was in a relationship for 2 1/2 years with my AGF. I always knew she was an addict. I saw it from very begnining. I even started going to ALANON for a period of time last year, which...
An Alcoholic's Mentality in a Crisis
Thank God for al anon, this message board and all that I have learned. If not for those things I would be in the loony bin right now. Wanted to give you an example of the mentality that I am dealing with. As you probably remember, my AH lost his job on Wednesday. I have not spoken to him since he called me the...
The Vent Thread!
OK, I'm in one of my moods, LOL! I'm tired of being the one who does everything around here. Now, don't get me wrong; my son and AH will do things but only when I ask and I feel like I've got 2 teenaged boys here instead of ONE! So, in honor of the title of the thread and in honor of this saying: YOU CAN'T GO TO TH...
How Can I handel MY boyfriends alcholism???????
I feel lie giving up. Every day is anotherday to cry and get hurt. I cant help him. I just dont get it. I care so much but he chooses to drink. He threatens to kick me out every other night when he is drinking he starts pulling out guns, he tellls me im fat ugly i have streach marks I have a ugly hair cut. he can pic...
Need suggestions on how I would force my Alcoholic to move out of our home if it comes to that (I own it)??
Just asking because it's becoming more of a possibility that I may end up having to do that. But I'm not totally ready to throw in the towel just yet. Honestly, it would be an easier decison to make and stick with if he drank most every day. Instead he's a bing drinker and can go as long as 8 days in between...
He's sober 3 years and we don't know how to deal with it.
My husband whom I love to death was three years sober oct 11th. We had met a few years before we started dating though our families. Our families are full of alcoholics and none of them want to change that. I rarely drink like maybe once a year because I don't tolerate it well and don't feel the need to. We me...
Trouble With Intimacy
Hi everyone! This is my first post on the boards, and it's about something that's been bothering me for a long time. I am hoping that someone who has had a similar life can give me some advice, or at the very least some reassurance that I'm not the only one feeling like this. To begin, I am 25, and my father is...
dating a newly sober person
My boyfriend has been sober for about 5 months now. How do I react and not be so needy or pushy? I am new to this, I was referred to Alonon. I want to know as much as I can so I do not push him away. He is a great man and I love him with all my heart. Can someone please give me some advice? I would appreciate an...