The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Sometimes... HP's Greatest Gifts! Are Unanswered Prayers!
I tell you I have been Fighting & Biting & Kicking My Way these last Couple Weeks! But I'm Nearin the Finish LIne, and I have to say, I will Feel a Least I Little Relief when it lands! I have been doing my best to stay IN the "Me & I" of it all and I have to say that I couldn't be More grateful for this little Humbling Gift!
Last Night By Chance I Stole a Meeting in my Area, I was all Excited to Go & Just Sit & Listen... Then HP Thru me under the Bus & I hear! Well Jozie! I'd Love to hear Your Thoughts on the Topic... So I Got to LEAD Instead! lol... But So Grateful I did, I Needed Every Minute of My Lead, Every Share, & Every Lesson...Just for Today :)
I am So Grateful I Don't have to Dwell or Stew, or Blame Others for My Own Short Comings Anymore! I Can Own them & Still Respect others, even If I don't Agree... I'm Glad I don't have to Enable Others, and I have begun to Able Myself Just Fine! I have found More time to do the things I Love, I have found more time to Keep the Company that does not Use me, Make me Feel Less then, Or those that try to Push me into a Corner full of Guilt & Resentments! They Lift Me Up Instead of Shove me Down, and I'm Grateful for Boundrys... LOVE Boundrys, And One of My Biggest struggles was not Detachment! BUT... "Detach with Love" I'm Getting there!!! My Confidense in this Program Grows with Every Meeting... Every Read... Every Experierance...
I Have Found Out what "True" Friendship/Family" is when it comes to My Program! I have Found people that tho we all have Ghosts in our Closets, We ALL Truly Just want to be there for each other, and just BE Who we Are without the Input of the Negative people that have for So Long... Clouded My Thoughts & My Life!
This Program Can Lift Only those that Are Wanting it Bad enough! I Can Talk the Talk on a Daily Basis, but if I Don't start Practicing what I Preach, then I'm No Better then those just looking for another Place to Hide! And I Have done this Many times in my Life! I'm Just Grateful! I Don't have to No More! I make Meetings when it suits Me! Not Others... I Share as Often as I can in Hopes that I Could pass on to Others the "Love" of My Program, Not the "Whoa is Me! I Need attention & Pity!" And I have been there too! I Don't have to Sit in Judgement of those that Don't Have the Views I have, Because Al-Anon/ACOA has taught me that I have Always been what Everyone ELSE Wanted me to be! And Now It is Time for Me to Be Who I am! But Mainly Who I Want to be!
I Start My Soccer team in the Next Month, and I have a Great bunch of Boys under Me and I Can't wait to be there and watch them do what they love, and to know that they picked Me! Well Feels Kinda Nice! Because I Did Try to Back Out and Let Someone Else step Up! But the Boys wouldn't have no part of it! So Forward I Will Go! I Love Being apart of My Son's Life, Sprots, Activities... He is My Beacon and Always Keeps My Light Shining! And I'm Very Grateful My Program Gave me such a Differant & Amazing Relationship with My Now Young Man! Because Had I Stayed in my own Sickness, (Where Now I just have Brief Visits) :) I Can only Imagine Where He & I Would have been in relations to this Disease! He's Got a Great Head on his Shoulders & For Now, Today... That Makes Me Very Happy!
Coming Up Out of the Fog! I Got Sunshine, I Got Work to Go too, And Work to Do, I Got An Amazing Support and Love, and for that... The Only thing I Can Be Today is Grateful for it All! Grateful for All of You & Your Struggles, Your Hurdles, Your Triumpths, because Together! WE GOT THIS! And Again... For that I am Forever Grateful...