The truth has come out.
I don't know whether to cry or scream. I just heard someone speak tonight who is in AA. It was like everything he did to other people is exactly what my family did to me. They sabotaged my efforts to go to college or lashed out at me. He told me that the reason they did this was because they were jealous. How co...
Progress thanks to Alanon
Hello everyone. I want to report some recent progress dealing with my life thanks to Alanon. This past weekend I went to a wedding where my ex-boyfriend (who accompanied me as my platonic date as we are both friends with the bridal couple) threw me a huge curve ball. He got extremely drunk and started hi...
Life on Life's Terms
I am so glad I read Karilyn's post on resentments today. I have been in a slump, overwhelmed with life pains. I am poor, strapped for time, energy, motivation. I am lonely and isolated and know getting a ftf support group doesn't come overnight. I tried a group therapy for a few weeks and can't say I wil...
How do I help my husband????
My husband has come to realize that he has an alcohol problem. He as of today has went to 2 meetings. He has had a problem for years now. Now that he is begining this new life I want to be there for him but I feel helpless and don't really know how to help him. I came from a family to drinkers and have been around i...
At Wits End
Hello Friends, I am truly at wits end here and I just need to vent a little. My daughter has a boyfriend who just seemed to move right on in and I don't like it at all. My daughter Samantha started college this fall, she has a beautiful daughter and a bright future ahead of her. However seems like she has fo...
The blame game - my family of origin
I've done a lot of blaming of my father...he was a dry drunk, mean, angry, pissed off at the world, and never could say he loved me, never showed affection. It hurt. I could never figure it out. Now at almost 40 I've gotten it. I'm making peace. I get it. What's interesting is I've idolized my mom my w...
Have you ever had displaced anger?
Hi Everyone, This is my first time visiting and posting to this forum, so I look forward to meeting all of you and reading your stories and advice. My question is: have any of you ever experienced the displacement, or transference, of anger (or another emotion)? Perhaps you have reacted with...
Time to let some prayers fly...
Aloha Family...Gather up some of those unsent prayers and fly them down this way for a Family Group member of ours whose wife is on life support. It isn't maintenance this is termination. Cunning, Powerful and Baffling, the disease owned her and for short periods of time she could and would go into a...
Jerry F
Searching for a Sponsor
Hello, I live in Texas and have been in Alanon for years and have not found a good sponsor. At the present time I have a temporary sponsor in which I did my 4th and 5th step with. I feel much better about myself since going on and taking the leap of a 4th and 5th step. I feel like the person who is my temp. sponso...
Hi - I'm a new guy. I have attended Alanon on and off for a few years now, but have never attempted to work the program. My brother has been an admitted alcoholic for 7 or more years now, and was in denial for probably 8-10 years before that. This summer, his long-suffering wife found out about an affair h...
Number of men at each alanon meeting declining? Australia
I would like to know why the number of men at each alanon meeting has been declining?. When I came in 1987 to the meetings they were two or three men per meeting. Going to assembly usually about 20 men in 1988. In 2009, 22 years laters only or 1 man per meeting and at assembly only 4 or 5 men. Can anyone expla...
I'm baaaaaack.........
after complete, total computer crash. Newly built, all new computer is now online, so I must get busy and read all the posts. I send best wishes, love, and joy to all of you. Diva
Attitude = Gratitude
I'd like to share this wee video with you guys as it's approach is all about "stinking thinking" and replacing it with positivity = Gratitude. I have have GIVEN myself a tough 4 days due to resentment build up. I basically started t...
just need a few freinds if u would
im havng a real hard time real hard time just need a few freinds only beeen coming here for a few days. im havng hard time with that BIG E WORD ENABLING ANY ADVICE WOULD HELP AND DEATCHMENT ALOS IM JUST BEGINNG SO IM TRYING I REALLY AM BUT THERE IS SO MUCH I DONT KNOW. Please look for a Private Message fr...
Do I Confront Him?
After all that stuff happened with my husband the other day (getting suspended from work, possibly driving drunk, spending the afternoon in a bar), his brother decided to take away the car he was loaning him. (My husband was in an accident back in July and totaled his car. His brother loaned him his ca...
New here and have a question about detachment...
Hi everyone. I have spent a great deal of time on this site in the past few days and have learned a great deal. I am planning on trying my first f2f meeting next week. Everything Al-Anon teaches makes perfect sense for the most part, and I am trying to take it all in. My AH is on his 4th day of a 28-day rehab stin...
In this week I've had two f2f meetings and at least one meeting on-line that were about resentments. I think my HP is wanting me to take a deeper look at some of the resentments that I have. I am working my 4th step again and had completed the "resentment" portion of the BluePrint for Progress W...
Finding peace in panic situations
Hello Everyone, I've noticed something odd lately about myself. I've had a progressive vision loss over the last few years and when it reached the point of being legally blind I started having panic attacks in various places. It always seemed random and out of the blue, until one day at the hardware st...
no hesitation.
Before al anon if an ex contacted me I felt I owed them a chance. This past week an ex from long before the ex A wrote me like some casual person saying hello. He did it through a social networking site thank goodness so I did not have to wonder how he got my email. For once I am clear on who I will speak to and w...
people who can't mind their own business
At the moment I need to detach from someone who is unable to mind their own business. I have just had an unpleasant telephone call from them. I find that when I have hung up from this person I am usually in receipt of information that I should not know, do not need to know and I get sucked in to a charade of a fri...
maire rua
introducing myself, woo
Hello! I'm Rinn and I'm new to this Alanon Online group. Some of you have seen me in the Alanon chatroom but for those who haven't (which is probably a lot) I'll tell you my story. I've been in Alanon since June of 2009. Currently my mom has been sober for 7 months. I was a codependent (and I guess now I'm a...
I finally cut the cord after a year of being separated.
I'm 6 months sober and it became clear that I was a threat to my wife's chances of getting sober, just like she is a threat to my sobriety. I noticed her car outside the bar, went inside and she was with the guy whose window I threw a rock through a year ago. (I don't think she's actually cheating on me, but I...
Need Your Help.
I'm not a drinker but my dad was and so is my husband. Sometimes I feel like having one. Just to forget the pain. I know this is dangerous. Why do I feel this way. Last week my brother came over and we had a couple glasses of wine. Now I feel guility fior having them. I'm afarid alcohol. I'm afarid of being out...
I`am new
Well, I`ll try to condense this. I use to attend Alanon meetings a couple years ago. My daughter has had a drug problem most of her life but I believe she has stopped using crack for about a year now or close to that. My issues are about her beautiful just 6 year old daughter. I love this child since the day sh...
My Nieces
((((Family))), Please allow this very proud Aunt to brag a little on her nieces. My oldest one starts college today. Where does the time go? She will be attending the same college where my beloved Tim & I went. It's where we met. This is the college where her grandma worked for over 20 years. S...
I did it alone, but not really...
How Can I be Happy... I was sitting here typing, and posting on some of the shares on the boards, and I was typing to one about me NEEDING a place to go when one passes, and how I have always just needed "that Spot" to remember, and love, and embrace "MY" inner love for a person...And I...
September Business Meeting
Because of the long Holiday weekend, we will not meet on the first Sunday of the month. The September business meeting will be held on Sunday September 13 at 9 pm est in the chat room. See you all there. Hope you all have a safe and peaceful holiday weekend. hugs, danz
ok here is a thought.........let go of the other shoe
Ok want to share something with you all........I have been doing some thinking. Growing up in an a home most things were not condusive to growing up feeling reasured and loved. Always expecting the unexpected, the other shoe to drop as it were. I believe I continued that thinking into my adult life. R...
It's been a long time and I am not doing well.
It has taken me a long time to realize that there were times I was being used and I had no idea. Friends pretending to be friends. It must have been that little girl inside who thought the world was a good place. I now have no friends and that is okay. I was laid off last year. I was so stupid that I did not take ca...
codependent crazies
Monday started out like any other day.Other than the fact that after being off the weekend I wasn't really ready to go back to work,I was ok.Or so I thought. I am the closer ( I work in retail) and that is because I asked for that shift.I am not a morning person.So usually when I get there on Monday there is a...
Burnt Biscuits
Hi Friends, I am passing on this little story, a circulating email that my mom sent to me. Of course, you can replace God with Higher Power, the message is the same. The last line says it all. Such a great reminder. Wishing everyone a good week. Lou When I was a little boy, my mom liked to make break...
came home early to find him drinking.....thought this was over (long)
I am writing this with a very heavy heart and just a feeling of defeat. My (supposedly sober)BF who just moved back in not 6 weeks ago after a year separation to "get clean and sober" was a little surprised when I walked in the door about 3 hrs earlier than expected. Well, as the title says, he wa...
Nothing changes until "i" change
Hello everyone! Since my time here at MIP I have learned so many things. You know what..today I am happy. My husband is drunk in the kitchen eating up everything and blowing up something in the microwave as we speak, but...i'm happy with me. I have a fresh cute new haircut, wear my new perfume to bed ev...
Yes. It's happening for both myself and my AH dry drunk. He said two weeks ago he was going to an AA meeting with a friend. That night, came home and decided to cut the lawn. I asked if he was going,(he was waiting for a friend who bailed out) as I needed to leave to get milk (we have small kids) He said no....
RE: I need advice...
how to
how to get sonsor online and numbers u cna call anytime day or night when u ned to talk im new to this group but not new to it all im a 42 yr old mother of 4 and suffers from deoressin this is my third marrrriage but first one who drank yes i knew he drank whe i met him i did but still feel n love nd more just wwant som...
Well my wife got raped last night.
(We've been separated almost a year now). She didn't quit drinking after her DUI, in fact she has pretty much ramped it up. She decided to have people drive her around (most of the time) to try and prevent another DUI, and last night the guy who drove her home raped her in the car. I went there and stayed...
Sometimes we find just what we need - In my case a troupe of jugglers!
So last night started poorly. Got home and H is not there. His bike is gone, so I know he's out with one of two people. In either case I know what he is up to. But still I was kind of surprised that he was out because we had been planning all week to go see Shakespeare in the Park that evening. So I decide to work...
yesterday was a really hard day
I would venture to say the hardest yet. The ex boyfriend is not talking to me again and I just can't seem to get past it. I went to orientation to get started on my master's degree. I am nervous about the loans, the time commitment, the extra work. I just felt every bad emotion that I have in me all at once...
I need advice...
Been a long time since I have been here ... I need unbias opinions, DH 20 yrs + with addiction really begining to believe he is unable to be honest with self, very hard core user , found with no heart beat once by friend and brought back to life by EMT ect... rehab , yada yada.. family full of adicts and disfun...
Fell off my wagon, rolled down the road, landed in a river, floated way too far off the path
Higher Power I hunbly accept and admit to my addiction to attempting to fix other broken people for the comfort, rush .. high I get from it. I humbly accept and admit I use this as a way of avoiding taking care of myself. I humbly accept and admit I ignored every gut inscint, signs from you and let my tools la...
I am lost
Something very hurtful happened to me. I don't know how to deal with it or how to get comfort and get passed it. Someone I respected hurt me very badly. How does one heal from something like that? It has never happened to me before. Would appreciate your thoughts. I have been doing all I know how to do. But...
thinking outloud
Being in Al Anon I see it has made me think. In the past it gave me thoughts as to how to deal with A's. I sure don't always remember right away though. Anyway it still makes me think of ok how do I grow from this? What can I do better in how I handle things? So I come here and get a world of GREAT thoughts others sha...
Homegrown Alanon
I have heard about the "Greatest Generation", the generation that survived the Depression, and WW II, before social security, welfare, and other social services. The generation that just grinned and bore it when things got tough. And things were rough for most, breadwinners died, c...
To all my MIP Family.....
Thanks you all so much for all your wonderful comments.. Am sitting at work right now thinking of what is the next right step in my furture ahead... I am so happy and at peace when its just the kids and I but when he walks through the doors I just about loose all my peace because then I walk on eggshells never k...
August Business Meeting Minutes
August Business meeting Minutes Meeting was held August 9, 2009 Meeting opened with the serenity prayer Motion to accept July Business Meeting Minutes as posted on the Board - Voted on and accepted Chair meeting schedule was posted and revisedCurrent Chair Schedule is:AMMon Shimo/no altTue...
Here we go again.........
So AH is on his way home from being on a business trip for the week. He travels often for his job. I love it when he's gone. The house is so calm and peaceful. I notice that I nor the kids are tense....we just enjoy being with each other. WHen I know he's coming home, my stomach starts to turn. I am running...
need lots of help
sad news today
Last night my 2 granddaughters, Emily and Grace, watched as their dog ran into the street and got hit by a car. He had to be put down as he had many injuries. He was running to them on the other side of the street. I am feeling so sad for their little broken hearts. They are coming to my house tomorrow for the we...
back online
Just wanted to let everyone know we recently moved and it took over a week to get the internet fixed so I'm back online now. I missed this board so much.
Hi! I'm new here. I am looking for support as my mother is an alcoholic. I have just gotten back from paying her last three months rent. I have taken over her money and am buying what she needs to survive and not allowing her money. I've also told her she needs to satrt going to AA and I'll take her. This...
It's been a very hectic few weeks for me. My mom had seizures and ended up in the hospital. The doctors think it is just stress but I'm still worried it might be something more. Then a friend passed away a week ago. Which, has been very hard on me because I don't have many friends or people I'm close to. I then...
AlAnon clarity/confusion.....just a share.....
For some reason the past few days I have been thinking somewhat about the program itself as I continue to work it. And I'm thinking if I could have some confusion as much time off and on as I've spent in it-so could others. I'd love to hear some ESH:) I realize that AlAnon is a program that doesn't focus on...
Three Days out in the desert!!
Aloha All!! For three days I couldn't even find the link to MIP eventually running over the entire list of bizarre "could bes" and then finding my way back into acceptance and letting my HP work it out. Now here you all are again. Happy it wasn't a blackout. LOL (((((hugs))))) Welco...
Jerry F
Newly divorced
Well I made it through 'D day with out any major pitfalls, except I couldn't get into MIP message board or chat room...ughhh! I finally got into the message board today, so thought I would let everyone know that I survived! I met the lawyer at 8:15 a.m. yesterday morning and we took the block walk up to the...
Addiction to Misery
** Addiction to Misery **Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. I have often reflected on why some people stay stuck in being miserable. No matter what life presented them, they would pick out certain variables to show that once again life was against them. This pattern went beyond your basic garden negativit...
What a Day
Got a call from my sister-in-law this afternoon. Apparently my husband was suspended from work today and was at the bar drinking for 4 hours. The only reason we know this is because he called his Dad and she lives with her Dad. So I had to go pick my husband up from the bar. I still don't know what really...
addicted to truth?
I got the 12 step/ 12 traditions book and read most of it in one read. Good book!~ I am working on the moral inventory step at this point, and I wonder how far back I need to go, and if when it comes time to make ammends, if I need to just tell ANYONE, or if I need to tell the person... There are a couple things, ri...
Have a Question....
Why are there Little Tags... Next to my post... Anyone..... Thanks Jozie
Fantasy/ Illusions
I was driving in the car with my aunt the other day. She wanted to take a trip for work related thing. I told her I did not want to go. She started screaming at me and bullied me into say yes. I know I did not need to let her affect my emotions like that but I did allow it. She has a way of getting to me for some reason...
Amazing How HP works
This is a true story. It happened to me about three months ago: One night after my Tuesday night f2f meeting I was talking to a lady in our group outside. We talked for 10 or 15 minutes. After I left I forgot that I had left my "Courage To Change" book on top of my car. It was 9:00 pm so I did not notic...