Protecting myself
I have been really having a serene, good time living now. Had some thoughts today that just sorta all gathered together. Been probaly 9 years now since the ex AH and I still had a connection. 9 years of me not having a mate again. last time, when first husband died it was 18+ years. My Mother died in 2000. An...
What we focus on becomes our reality!
Sure does, I have been focussing heavily on my hubbie again, and guess what? I got drunk, I isolated and I sat licking my wounds and I really don't like that place anymore, on my bad days I can say quite honestly well I have every right to feel like this, but thats my choice, progress right there, my awarene...
the topic at our meeting tonight was obsession. I shared honestly that I am obsessed by many things it was the drinkers drinking, then when he got sober it was his life. Lately we have not seen each other but I am still sick my mind hurts from all the obsessive thinking, I even obsess in my s;leep. This i...
seeing the alcoholic in a new light
As many of you know I have more than one alcoholic roommate. I have been so tangled up in reacting to them most of the time that I'm not able to be detached. Lately things have been a bit quieter and probably most of that is my state of mind. Lately in the cold light of day I can see an alcoholic for what they ar...
My crazy ex is using the 12 steps against me -Help!
My crazy alcoholic ex owes me a substantial amount of money. As I had him sign papers, I sent him a credit collector, who was unsuccessful. Then a lawyer.He called me pretending he would pay me back a small amount each month that would take 5 years!!!!!!And that he refuses to go thoruhg my lawyer and star...
Oh Mommy Dearest
With Mother's Day right around the corner, I thought I would share laugh with the forum. Perhaps you would recognize some of these one liners. I certainly do. This was passed on to me years ago, I hope you enjoy it too. Happy Mother's Day to all moms. Things My Mother Taught Me 1. My mother taught me T...
Why do they make us out to be the crazy one and the one to blame for EVERYTHING?
My ex-abf told me I was crazy anytime I confronted him on his bad behavior. I really think he enjoyed rallying his family and friends around him convincing him that I was the sick crazy one after all and he is perfect. He could cheat,lie, drink, do drugs, etc. and in their eyes he's perfect but heaven forb...
Getting over the past?
I just found out this morning that my AH had an affair at the begining of our marriage. I already knew about two other one night stands that had happened during his relapse in the recient past but had no idea about this on going affair he had 11 years ago. I had been in a great place before this morning, the ha...
For Mother's Day
I decided for Mother's Day I will realize my Mother gave me what she could from where she came from and I love her for it. I will forgive her and let go of the not so good from my childhood and embrace the joys to let me off the hook as much as for her. I will love her through her dysfunctions and show her compass...
completely getting confused and i dont know
hi,im back in my same a/d relationship agin ,i love him he is trying last few times he has come to visit he isnt tanked up on nothing,he says he is quitting it all for me and himself mostly,but he sounded messed up on ph.earlier im not answering his calls cause i refuse to put up with him tanked up on enything...
What On Earth Do I Say To Daughter?
Oh dear - Daughter has just texted me: - "I can't talk on the phone at the mo but I've been really worried about (Partner). he doesn't sleep - he only eats when I make him and he's down all the time". (He did have a problem last year when he was sacked from his job. He has another very good job now but...
do you acknowledge the behavior?
still fairly new to everything it seems - not just this board. 3 weeks of al anon meetings and i am already beginning to feel like a different person. a much happier, healthier person. i had "the" conversation with AH about 3 1/2 weeks ago - the one where i confronted him with his alcoholis...
questioning my habits?
I thought when I entered alanon I would just get it and that would be that, CURED! BUT? there is just soso much I need to get, I must confess I am still doing the same old same old and not expecting different results but, questioning myself, why am I still doing this when I know what the outcome will be, when I...
The 12 Steps for Adult Children book by ?
I received this book yesterday and am going to start it tonight. I had 2 people tell me it was awesome and wondered if anyone has read this and has anything to say. I also received Perfect Daughters by Robert J. Ackerman, Ph.D. and wondered if these impacted anyone and if anyone has more books to add to my l...
Please help me Deal with this!!!!
I got a call yesterday the my precious 19 yr old daughter had Overdosed on Herion. Someone shot her up and dropped her off at the ER, lifeless. They just left her there!!! The Staff shot her with Narcon and brought her back to life. I didnt have a clue she was using Herion. She says it was her 2nd time...wh...
So Mad Right Now..
Guess I`am suppose to be looking for serenity but what I feel like doing is finding my 36 year old daughter and wacking her and telling her to wake up! Look what your doing to your little girl! I `am just so upset right now... and sick and tired of hearing about mommy smelling of beer early in the morning wh...
The "Short" Trip...
WOW... Is about All I Can say about the Trip... It was Very Short Liived But I Am forever Grateful to My HP for Seeing me thru the Ruff Waters, and Helping me some how Manage to Save My Sister....And Myself.... The Day Started out Pretty Peppy... We got Up, was Excited, but I had known deep down what would ha...
my behaviors
I have been seperated from my sober ABF for two weeks. We have had no contact for over a week. My focus is on me and how sick I am. hp is giving me lots of awareness to my part and it is very uncomfortable. My ABF and I have enough recovery to relaise that we are really unhealthy together. He is in early rec...
Could I be finally learning tough love???
The last few days I have wanted to talk to my ex AH and call and just be friends like before, but the last conversation we had really has me stumped and I am just deciding to let it be. I am not going to talk about it with him or try to figure it out even. He is unhealthy I am unhealthy, hence we can't have a healthy...
What's My Part- is it just that I stay??
im wrestling with this question: what is my part in the abusive way my a-bf treats me. i meet him with compassion and understanding. i try to set boundaries. i try to work my program and yet beyond my continued presence in the relationship, i cannot identify my part. is it enough to say i'm doing my part j...
I took the leap
I drank the punch. I fully submerged myself in the program. I asked someone to be my sponsor. And she said she would. I have been agonizing over this for weeks now. I hate making phone calls. But, I called and asked. She interrupted her daily activities to talk to me. That alone is amazing to me. In a...
Very Very Tired
to stay or to go?
hi everybody, ok, my dilema: a month ago i verbally left my husband. he is 5 months sober but i have so much to learn and so much recovery to do i was feeling like it would be best to part ways. but last thursday we were both over run with emotion we both agreed me love each other and want to work it out. it was lik...
I got dumped!
A few days ago, I posted about my boyfriend who has been smoking pot and has a tendency to binge drink. We went out Monday to ride bikes, but I hadn't let go of some doubts and some restentment I had towards him. I had been resentful that he made plans to go on a bike ride with me, but left work early last Wed...
I am coming closer and closer to seeing that I need to stop my addiction of HIM and get into me. Well no, I know I do, not just seeing it, believing it now. He just said he would go to AA because I told him I would not be around much longer if the drinking continues. He played the card of "I am ruining thi...
Meetings so few and far between :(
I know that I can start a meeting, I heard that it can happen, however I have no idea how to do it. The meetings in this area are so few and so far between. Its really sad. I am wondering why? Is this true for most areas? I think there are way more AA meetings than Alanon. I am really not sure what would wor...
Mother's Day - just another holiday???
So Mothers Day is supposed to be a celebration, a good day, right? Well, to me, its just another holiday and with holidays always come problems. Ive come to hate the holidays. My brother and sister-in-law are the ones in the family that can do no wrong, can say anything without consequences, and tak...
Toxic Love
One of the best "tools" I used in my recovery, when I was going through those emotional cycles of wondering if I was the crazy one, or was I expecting too much in my relationship, or perhaps I was too harsh, etc - was a reference to "toxic love vs. real love" I used the list below (comp...
LOL. Partner just told me she wants us to have a trial separation. Feel like screaming.
The title says it all. She's been drinking tonight (she drinks every night). Things haven't been good really between us, I've tried talking to her to no avail. We've suggested going to Relate but it's not really happened. We have a 3 3/4yr old daughter. I feel like screaming. Based in the UK. Help me p...
Hello All I have missed you all very much!!!!
(((((((((((((Friends)))))))))))))))), I have been away for awhile but, now I am back yet again... You all have never left my heart or thoughts however, I have been taking that walk yet again. Got my son staightened out or should I say he got himself straightened out I just was here in the way I needed t...
I do not know how I feel
Background ... my exAH was released from prison late February after 2 years and 6 months in an intense treament facility. I was scared, I resolved my fears, I was compassionate, I tried to accept his amends on a limited basis and was grateful to observe some signs of real recovery. Last two weeks each en...
Don't know how much more I can take
I have been married for 10 yrs. My husband is awesome and I love him so much. We have 2 beautiful kids 9 & 8. With all my husbands great trates he is also an alcoholic and drug addict. Last week he told me that he needed help. I put him in the car and took him right to the er. He had been saying that he wanted to...
I love you...I like having your here...but
...I don't need you. Aloha Family...just felt like I should bring that on the board as my HP resurrected that experience in my mind as I was reading the ESHs. The title comes from a learning event long ago during the crazy to sane to crazy period and it came thru a good friend of my alcoholic wife at the ti...
Jerry F
Feeling so BLESSED!
I now have a temporary sponsor and I feel so blessed to have found such a wonderful person to guide me in my recovery! I am anxious to start and being surrounded by others that can relate and see the change in them gives me so much hope! (Just had to share some good news!) Thanks for reading! Hugs to al...
Need some blunt, honest feedback. Preparing for bf return from treatment
While I am technically new to dating an alcoholic (together 3 months), I am not new to codependency and destructive relationships. Even so, the 3 months seems like 3 years most days. I was in an emotionally and often sexually abusive relationship for 2.5 years which ended 4.5 years ago..which is ha...
Feeling selfish
Sometimes I'm selfish and I know it and can't stop. Ugh. My AH has been sober about 2 years now. He does a lot of service work, in addition to a meeting a day and meeting with his sponsor and sponsee. The long and short of it is that sometimes I feel irritated about all his AA committments. Tonight, I was...
White Rabbit
So here is how it went post-interview
I am really working on not allowing myself to be pulled into his *stuff*. Last night when I went to pick him up from the interview, I knew that he had been drinking because when I called to find out where he was, he kept asking me where *I* was. I knew when I parked across the street and watched a guy that ran...
new to group! boyfriend binge drinks and uses pot frequently!
Hello Al-Anon, I've been dating this wonderful man for a year now. However, I've witnessed him "binge drink" about once a month or every other month. He had smoked pot very infrequently throughout the year, however, I used to just be so focused on whether or not he was an alcoholic. Marijua...
recovering husband.....but i still lack the trust
My husband of 13 years is now almost 5 months sober. I am proud of him but because he betrayed my trust so much when he was deep into his disease, I still have my moments of insanity and dont trust him. I attend weekly alanon meeting but i am not finding my compasson and i still dont forgive him for what he put...
Power of Prayer
A dear friend of mine just informed me that she lost her baby. She was six months pregnant. My heart aches for her and her husband. I cannot imagine the grief they are in. For those of you that believe in the power of prayer, would you please consider saying a quick prayer for my dear friend that is str...
His interview, not mine....
My abf and I had a good weekend, we got a lot accomplished, he helped me dig up and plant a flower bed at our new place. We talked and had a good time. Today he has a job interview. He is not driving right now (guess why?) and so I went and picked him up to get him to the area of town he could walk from my work to th...
Needing to give what I don't have
How do I give what I clearly don't have? I just cannot communicate with my teen son, and when he talks to me, it is often as if I am reliving my time with my exAH. I am getting to a point where I think I may just need to let go and hope that someday maturity and humility (on both our parts) may bring us together aga...
4th step prayers
Hi Everyone! I am getting ready to start on step four and I was looking for prayers to help get me in the right head space. I found this one and wanted to share it with everyone.GodHelp me to see myself as I truly am I know I won't always like what I see, so give me the courage to keep going Grant me understandi...
Massive Destruction !!
To My MIP Family, I Know all of you have seen the destruction and total devistation in Alabama and surrounding states from the tornadoes that moved across our state two days ago. Massive is the only word to describe the toll taken on human life, property, and infrastructure. But the spirit of those who...
therapist knows my exabf put a gun in his mouth
Ok, so, I know this is not a good idea and I am working towards getting a new therapist, but I'd been seeing the same therapist my bf introduced me to, when we first started seeing him about my exabf's drinking. Back in January, I got into an argument on the phone about my ex's drinking (while drunk, not a go...
origins of (learned) behaviour
My sister, myself and our kids were out shopping the other day getting ready for my mom's 60th bday party. We were buying helium balloons. I left to grab a few groceries, came back, and the lady had just finished filling up the last balloon. My sister whispered to me: "That balloon looks bad, it's...
My good friend has a problem, and won't admit it.
Hi new friends! So I came across your forum today after posting on another site and someone suggest Al-Anon. Short history... My very good friend of 10+ years recently came out of the closet. I'm gay as well. In the past, probably six months, I've suggested he go to see a therapist because of his heavy dr...
The 5 G's
From: tom To: tori Sent: Mon, May 2, 2011 9:47:10 AM Subject: RE: Literature Question Dear Tori, Greetings again from your World Service Office. Im writing back regarding your question (and my response) about the four Gs or five Gs, because Step Ten has taught me that when I find out Im wrong I need to...
Al Anon overall
I suppose that I am a newbie to most of the folks on here. My wife (sorry, I don't know the acronymns yet) finally admitted that she was hiding a severe drinking problem the day after Thanksgiving. So I suppose this has been going on for nearly five months. She is currently in therapy and attending mee...
Al-Anon for Eating Disorders?
Is there an Al-Anon type program for people dealing with somebody who suffers from an eating disorder? My alcoholic girlfriend also has bulimia, and if anything it has become more severe since she stopped drinking. I have been working on myself with Al-Anon principles, and that certainly can't hu...
Diamonds in the Rough
I want to express my gratitude for this board, which of course, means thanking John and every single member. It's evident that we're all at varying stages of our recoveries; thus, we are able to help on another. Sometimes, I feel I've taking a giant leap forward, only to find myself back 10 steps! Bu...
Response to "Thank you, Thank you!" post
Wish Me Luck !!!
Isn't it Funny How... All Winter I Can Sit around & Moan & Grown about how much I Wish it would be over, and then Spring Comes, the Floods Come, & I Wish that to be Over as Well, Then its Too Hot, Too Wet, Too Wndy, Too Chilly...and well I think I have covered every season in there... I am so Gratef...
New here
Hello All, I've been lurking on your board for about a week or so, reading, learning, and trying to soak up all the new information. I have started several posts just to delete them. I honestly dont know what to say. I haven't been to a meeting yet. I planned to go last wednesday but chickened out. Im terri...
Moving toward going back to school
So I am 40 years old and interested in starting college in the fall. I just received notice of an estimated grant I will get. I am so excited!!! This is something major to me. Not only will I get to learn and continue to grow, but I can put the focus back on me!!! It means more independence for me! Just what...
court reversal - we didn't win. bio-dad won visitation!
i posted here that we won the long battle blocking my girl's bio-dad from having any visitation at all with her dad, unless she initates it when she's older . that's what the judge and guardian-ad-litem said in court, anyway. when i received the final hearing's court summary ... it is the polar opposit...
Okay, so what CAN we do??
Hi folks... lots of great stuff on the board these days, particularly around detachment, enabling, and people genuinely wondering what exactly we CAN do, in order to help our A's find the light, to some extent. The "Getting Them Sober" book series can help answer a lot of these questions...
Very hard night!
After the session with my AH I haven't spent anytime with him, but had gotten used to going over to see him one night a weekend and watching movies again. I have been fighting it all night. The kids are not here and I miss him, but not the manipulation and all that goes with an A. We had a pretty intense conver...
Proud, Proud, Proud!
So I enjoyed my Friday as planned, dinner and movie with a friend. And yes, The King's Speech was great. The abf told me to take Saturday to myself as he would be hanging out with his son and that it would be nice for he and I to spend Sunday night together. I was thrilled. Did my own thing, laying in the...
Welcomed home by my dogs... (video)
What is the difference between advice and suggestion?
I need feedback on this cuz I seriously don't know and find myself frequently lapsing into advice giving. I could stick "I suggest" in front of all my thoughts but it winds up being the same things much of the time...Advice. Well meaning most of the time, but still advice which is unsolici...