I've decided to divorce
I really feel like I just need to cut my losses and move on with my life. My AH has been sober for over a year, however, he is still very much an alcoholic. All that's gone is the drink. I have simply had enough of it. We've been going to counseling, and I really wanted to try to make it work for the sake of our 8 we...
My 11 o'clock Inventory!
As I take an inventory of my day, I feel pretty good about it. I tried not to control everything. When I did put in my 2 sense (an expect it followed) I immediatley acknowleged it out loud! Even to him. I have to bring it "out" so that I can handle it. I have to see it and not deny it within myself. I ca...
Anyone for some venting!?
Is it ok to overwhelm all of you with my problems? I found this site and it feels like the first time I've been able to get help. The help I desperately need. I look to you guys already. Even just reading other posts helps me to calm myself and realize that it's gonna take time. I'm currently frustrated bec...
This Side of the Veil
"Swims across the sea of life, breasting its waves joyfully" I get paid in two days and will actually be able to buy some groceries finally. This humbling experience of having no money has given me some new found insight. I watched a documentary where a whole world of people videotaped th...
Acceptance and Letting Go
Today it just hit me like a ton of bricks that I really, really have to accept certain things and let go of others. And not just say it but really mean it. First, I am going through a sense of mourning for my relationship with my AH, or rather, the relationship I hoped I'd have with him. Were separated 6 mo...
Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection timed out: connect
I can't get in the meeting room
I'm sorry! I need some help!!! Desperate!
I'm drowning now. I can't help but get sad. I just got on my email to send someone from the meeting a message and I seen that it showed my boyfriend online. (it could be that is email is linked to his phone, and nothing more) Immediately I thought he was cheating or talking to someone else behind my back and l...
My lost little soul, my middle son, not so little.
He is so deep into his addiction although not on the actual drug anymore. He is in treatment but I should clarify, has not shown up for any of his classes for a week. He should be kicked out of the program but the director is willing to give him a chance. He had to show up today to give a urine sample to show good...
Being part of MIP and Al - Anon for the short period I have, I have learned a lot about alcoholism as a disease.
My question is if you see your A, showing wrong behavior that is not conducive to recovery. Should you call them out on it or let it go. They will work out their own recovery?
Update for Prayers
My husbands mom is suppose to be getting out of the hospital today. God love him because he just left to go and get her. It is 4pm I am expecting kids at 5 and I'm not done yet .. lol. Of course .. LOL .. she doesn't call to let him know she's getting out the poor guy just got out of work at 3pm got home at 330pm and...
Goodbye 2011
So in 2011 I had two miscarriages, had a close friend die, my husband relapse and find out I was lied to, then my husband relapse again overdose and almost die in front of me, then my husband went to rehab for three weeks. It was the best year of my life. Why? Because I have discovered that these trials tha...
I don't know how to get into the chat room? It shows a box but says something about the java script being expired or something?? I would really like to have someone to chat with through the day. I wish there was an app for cells to allow chatting. I need as much support as possible. Please help if you can. Th...
Radical Acceptance
Just wanted to share a book / resource that has been of great help to me... Tara Brach is a buddhist teacher...but uses teachings from all religions in her work... She has free podcasts on itunes, and a couple on her website. I have all her podcasts, and often listen to them in the car.... what has been awe...
I need to be in control!
It's a new day! I slept ok. Only one nightmare last night. Do those ever stop? I don't know if I can handle them much longer. They are like reality for me. I wake up sobbing and even though I know they are just dreams they rock my world. Now at 8:49am I have forgotten the dream except that he needs a sponser. I...
Visitation question .. Angry Sigh :-/
So, I made a Big post earlier but i couldn't type so easy and just couldn't get me to cut it down to size; would of taken too long so i threw it out here and let it be what it is .. it's on feelings & manipulation .. My daughter is supposed to visit with her dad on Sundays .. Last Sunday he called to cancel beca...
My problems
It's funny. I'm reading things online about "putting him in the back of my mind" and "stop trying to tell him how to recover" etc.. and it's making tears swell up in my eyes. I do all the things on these lists. I want to change these things about myself and I consider how to attach the...
any body there
think it might have been too long but can't get beyond the thought that I may not have got to be me 13 years on.............could do with some help. My mom is the alcoholic may years of vivid memories in an not un well off family but is money the issue when your a child and then an adult with child memories. Sh...
My heart is broken
My alcoholic husband and I are separating, and I am heartbroken. I feel like I am dying inside; I don't know what to do with the pain. My mother died 3 months ago, my husband is in despair, and I love him, but I cannot live with him anymore. He is unpredictable, and it hurts too much, and he recognizes thi...
Iris lover of dogs
I'm new to this group. I have been stuggling with the idea of coming to Al anon. Not because I don't think I need it but because I so obsessed with my boyfriends recovery that I forgot to think about my own. He isn't making me focus on him. He has also asked for me to find help. I don't mean to over load the forum...
Happy New Year, everyone! :) Yesterday I discovered that I would not be getting my expected end of the year $6,000 in health savings reimbursements - because my alcoholic husband had submitted the receipts, intercepted my checks in the mail, and deposited them in his band account. This is one of a nu...
Feelings Update:: Thank You .. Grattitude For You ..
I went to my meeting last night and had the woman follow me out of the meeting .. I shared on Feelings .. and my mother who is 87 and my family, etc.. I was so in the spin .. the topic was joy .. i sat feeling vulnerable recognising that in my family my siblings and parents would sit at the table and if things were...
Drowning in Feelings !
So, I went to a meeting tonight because I was "Feeling" So bad .. I walked in and the 4 others were joyful, being positive .. I thought Here I am again .. So, I said .. Hi .. I'm Debbie .. Downer .. everyone knows me though but i said here i am tonight .. Another monday and another rough night .. I &...
My mother
My mother is 87 years old .. I'm so afraid to post on her because I'm feeling the shame of she's old, just forgive her and forget it .. be with her now while you can .. someday she'll be gone .. Believe me, these are messages I have told myself .. but in Not sharing there is less of me to be with her in the days she h...
My story and how his addiction has taken over my life! I need HELP!!!!
My relationship with my CH boyfriend has taken my life away. I am depressed, lost, confused, unmotivated and do not love myself and I dont even do the drugs. I have been with him for a little over a year and go figure in a year how much your life physically, mentally and financially can change from one per...
Needing some ESH and guidance...my AH is making declarations that he is going to quit drinking
Of course, I have long since learned that when he does this, I absolutely should NOT develop any expectations that he will actually quit drinking. I can't even begin to count the number of times he has said he's going to quit, or cut back, blah blah blah. How do you all handle these types of situations? ...
Positive vibes and/or prayers needed...
Can any more keep happening? :) I shouldn't ask that... my bipolar brother went off his meds and is back in a crisis center and my daughter is very sick. She's been throwing up since Saturday with no other symptoms and is in a lot of abdominal pain. That with my marital issues etc I'm about to break. A...
AH losing all his friends :(
i just had a real shocker. was checking FB news feeds and someone on my friend's list status pops up.. that they are married. a bunch of congrats posted etc etc. This person happened to have been our best man at our wedding. and (was?) one of my husband's best and oldest friends. This is very dishearteni...
From one to another....
I have been with my fiancé for 6 years. Two years into the relationship his father died, sending him into a depression and to alcohol. We were young and didn't live together and I didn't realize he had a problem until a year later when I found him almost dead surrounded by bottles. He went to rehab volunta...
Deep down I know what I need to do
First off, I recognize in myself the 'enabler" role that I always manage to assume. First husband was a crackhead, my next relationship was with an abusive drug addict/alcoholic who eventually died from multiple gunshot wounds during a drunken argument and now, once again, right after comp...
When you feel you can't get away from addiction...
I need to vent. As most know, I'm separated from my AH. I came home to my parent's house for a while while my AH tries to get his life in order. Now, I'm dealing with my dad all over again. He is a recovering A and has been sober from alcohol for 17 years. But being sober from other means, he has failed. If it's no...
To moderators - can't send PMs
Since yesterday I have been unable to send PMs. I get a message about a problem with the recipients-even though I type in the recipient's name/nick I get the message again after hitting ¨send¨. Please help.
Having trouble putting myself first - stuck in toxic guilt
Hi, I'm not really sure where to start. I'm an addict in another fellowship; in recovery for 2 years; sober for 1 year. As I progress in my recovery for my primary addiction I find that my alanonic behaviours and codependency are still lingering and causing me an enormous amount of pain. To cut a long sto...
an awful way to spend new years
First I do want to wish everyone a wonderful and safe new year.
That said I want to know if I'm off the ball here. My AH (recovering for a year and a half) asked me today if he could have non-alcoholic beer. I was very skeptical and educated him to the fact that the taste and smell could trigger cravings etc...
A Good New Years Eve-keep hope alive
When I first came to this board, I came because I needed to vent and was feeling hopeless (first time) about my relationship with my AH. This was after years of active but controlled drinking, followed by 15 years sober, then 4 years of a relapse roller coast. This however was the first time I had about g...
tired of trying
Al - anon meetings and kids
Can you take kids to an Al-Anon meeting?
Over, over, over
I've known for awhile that things between me and my A were over. Unfortunately, due to financial and other considerations that I won't go into on a public forum, we are stuck with each other. We live on the same property, but since last summer we live in separate buildings. I've gotten very good at detac...
Feeling Disgusted
Hi, I know my family of origin is very dysfunctional but this beats it all. My sister's mother-in-law asked my sister to ask our mother if we would like to have Christmas with them at their house. We have spent the last few with them and we like them. My Mum rang me up to say that my sister had invited them...
Tracey C
anyone been in the visitation situation where they felt trapped ??
I've been sharing on my addict x partner slash father of my child .. Our daughter's been through So much already .. the abandonment of his going and becoming progressively sicker/more detached, etc.. his cold cut off .. he visits our daughter once a week but phonecalls in between are less n less for her...
Jealous of spouse in recovery!! what is wrong with me
I am feeling really, really torn here today. I dropped my spouse at the airport this am for him to go to rehab with Palm Partners in FL. Now this is not close to our home and that isn't really my problem. I am jealous. I feel as though I am so screwed up (codependant and angry) and now I am jealous of ALL the atte...
New Year - First Post - ODAT
Here I am, step 1. I found this board because I believe my HP led me here. 6 months ago, my AH announced he was leaving after 20 years. I was devastated. The past few years were challenging in our lives, we were struggling with a depressed teen (now healthy, in recovery) we entered family therapy together...
Step work board reminder
HI MIP Family I would like to wish everyone a New Year filled with serenity, courage and wisdom. We are still working on the Third Step (#3) on The Step Work Board. and will continue to the 4th Step next Sunday. It is a wonderful forum in which we can share our thoughts and grow with the Steps. I found it h...
I cant control him, but it is my money?
I know I have no control over what my ah does, but I don't know how to hold my boundary. I told my ah that I would not support his addiction and that I would not pay for his drugs any longer. He went to rehab over a year ago and really did stop his drug of choice. He started again over a month ago. He keeps lying to m...
Happy New Year (video from John to you!)
Question About Adderoll
My AH's addiction counselor keeps suggesting he go on Adderoll, my AH is entering a college nursing program and his counselor is concerned about his ability to concentrate/focus. He thinks my AH has ADHD. Everything I can find out about Adderrol all says if you have a history with drugs or alcohol t...
wishing you all a happy and peacefull new year!
i have just come back from going out for a meal with my abf. besides the akward silent moments, during our meal i was looking at this man whom i fell so very deeply in love with when we first met. and i was feeling sad, sad for myself as i am grieving the man i first met but also a sadness for him, who looked to be t...
Today is better
I feel better today. More positive and less fearful. I cannot live in worry and doubt. My husband's resolve to get clean seems strong and I choose to believe him. I told him my fears about him not getting it- that he may be an addict and not just "addicted" to pain meds. He agrees to investigate...
let the healing begin...he is laid to rest
Yesterday I said goodbye to my DAD. I was able to listen to the graveside service by phone. It was good as well as strange & weird--never experienced anything like that before & hope I will never have to again. I guess words really can't describe how the whole thing came about. I am just so gratef...
Hoot Nanny
Well my AH husband came over tonight and told me that he was so much happier away from me!!
He also said, that his counselor said that I was probably the reason that he drank.
I told him that I did not cause it, he said, "No you didn't, but you did not help either."
Those comments kind of hur...
New Year's Update
I haven't been on in a while. In early November we moved into a new home and that actually went really well. AH was on his best behavior and, despite the stress of moving, was actually plesent and easy to deal with the whole time. As far as I knew, he hadn't been drinking since his last drunken episode ba...
Son declared himself an alcaholic and I don't know how to handle
please forgive me if this gets long-winded and/or scatteres. i've never been through this before and don't know what is right, wrong.. how to handle it!! in a nutshell, my 25 year old asked for help 3-months ago disclosing he was an alcoholic. he lives a couple hours away but by the next morning we h...
So... that's step 4
Finished my Blueprint tonight. Biggest problems turned out to be self-worth (or lack thereof), fear, anger (fear of others' anger, inability to let myself feel angry), guilt (about my sister), and shame (feeling I don't deserve to be in program/getting help because other people have "real p...
Re-Finding Myself
Today I went to buy some smoked salmon for myself for new year's eve, bought a friend a nice piece as well, just because I knew she'd enjoy it. Earlier this week I went to Subway for lunch for my family and bought a sandwich for another friend because I knew he would appreciate the gesture (postal worker, C...
Addiction rears its ugly head once again!!!
My middle son has recently gone through detox of opiates, once again. He attempted it about a year ago on his own and ended up back on them again. We, his Afather and I tried to get him into a detox program but that was not to be. Insurance doesn't pay for a non life threatening detox. Plus there are waiting l...
Sickness visited my home last night
My exAH came over to pick up our girls, he had to switch nights for some job thing. My 13 year old was in the shower so he sat on the couch and my 3 year old and I were playing with my new Kindle that his parents bought for me on Christmas morning. He asked what we were playing and I showed him we were downloading f...
Prayers please
My spouses mom is in the hospital. This isn't shocking considering what she's done to herself over the past few years. It's no secret that she needs to stop smoking and drinking. She's on oxygen and continues to abuse what is left of her lung capacity. She's not smoking packs of cigs any more howeve...
it is today but another day to live!
I am struggling still w/ the death of my father & today is the service--hopefully a day of memories, good times & some closure for me. I can't be down there to comfort & share those moments w/ my family but hopefully somehow I can be there by phone. This might cause of little bit of a problem bu...
Hoot Nanny
Interesting way to analyze guilt
I am home today with two sick kids and just sitting around so I picked up an old book about parenting that is one of those 'makes you laugh and cry' books called "I was a really good Mom before I had kids" (it is SO GOOD) but I had read it three and a half years ago when pregnant with my second child--...
"stop going to the hardware store for bread"
I am so guilty of this. I keep trying to belive that somewhere in my spouse is the love, consideration, affection for me that I see him show others. Maybe that's why it is so very difficult. As an ACoA I have a real problem with this because this is exactly how my Mom treated me growing up. I am still so hu...
I feel like I've been punched in the gut
10 days ago I caught my husband of 13 years using methadone. He breaks down and tells me he's secretly been addicted to opiates (pills, not heroin) for years and was now trying to get clean. I was completely shocked as I had no idea. He does not abuse alcohol. -I think I've seen him drunk 2-3 times in 18 year...
Need advice
I will be spending Christmas at my daughter's and she has invited her brother for dinner, my son who is an active A. I have been working the Al-Anon program and doing well with detaching. It will be a difficult situation for me if he shows up and has obviously been drinking. I will want to leave and distanc...