Hi Everyone, I'm a grateful member of Alanon and also AA. I'd like to throw my ESH in the ring. I think the misperception for many is that alcoholics have a drinking problem. The truth is I have many deeper problems beyond that and have used alcohol as the solution to those problems. I am an ego mania...
Even when they are sober.......
they are still alcoholics. Perhaps that sentence sounds crazy. OF COURSE THEY ARE! Everyone who loves an A knows that. It's the actions and thoughts that make me shake my head, grit my teeth, and try to remember who and what he is. I don't think we have ever had a conversation that did not include th...
My AH was being so sweet!
As many of you know, my AH is in a recovery program. (It's a 9 month program and he's been there for almost 2 months now... I guess I should start calling him my recovering AH... Anyway the program is an extension of the church I go to. We have a woman's facility and a men's facilty-80 beds total) Well, yeste...
struggling with sober AH...
First, I'd like to say thank-you to everyone who posts on this board. I'm a few months new to al anon and have been reading this board for about 6 months. I am so thankful to all of you who post here--you may have no idea how much you've helped me in the last few months. Reading here is also what prompted me to g...
AH says he will stop drinking thanks to peer pressure
I am new to the al-anon world and I'm focusing on detachment. My AH has been binge drinking for a few days and I'm trying to set boundaries so that I can stop finding myself angry every time he goes to buy alcohol and drinks. I know that my choices are mine and his choice are his, and that even though I do not li...
what a difference a weekend makes!
I can't say enough how important it is to wait for the miracle. I am so much more relaxed now that I put things back into perspective. I am no longer bored! I spent my weekend doing things that I love to do & I tell ya even shopping can make a difference if I don't let it control me. I am a bit of a compulsive s...
Hoot Nanny
another situation!
esh please? Our 24 year old daughter has returned home briefly while she works and saves to return to eductaion in october to do a masters, I am feeling my feelings diffrently and whilst I am changing she is sooooo angry and lashing out verbally at myself and husband, she is a deeply loyal and caring pers...
He is ranting and screaming.
I don't know how to handle this today. My daughter (18) who has been gone for 10 days on a trip out of the country with her Church is coming home today. My AF is in a mood, I have never witnessed before. He is yelling at me, and flipping out. I don't want my daughter to witness this.
I am unable to chair the Monday a.m., July 2 meeting. Hoping someone will be able to step up and chair it for me. Thanks.
haveing a alcoholic/drug addict in my home
well,for the last 2 weeks things have been going gr8t,loveing each other to peices as we always have for the last 20 braekups which i was always the one breakinging it off,he drank or drinks 3 24oz everynite after he gets off work sometimes he just manages to get 2 24oz down before he falls asleep after be...
Prayers Please :)
First court date and I am nervous as a cat in a room full of 100 rocking chairs. It's going to be ok I know that and God already knows the outcome .. just asking for some prayers and positive thoughts that things workout in the best interests of the kids and I. Thanks so much for all of the support here I don'...
I've been married for 24 yrs. There were issues before we got married with alcohol and substance abuse, but I figured that these would change once we were married! (yeah, I know!) Early on things weren't good, moved 300 miles from friends and family to begin a new life (my idea) and to save the marriage....
Changing the things I can
Something that apparently is driving everyone in my life crazy is that I've now changed how I make decisions. I am hearing a lot of people who love me a lot that I HAVE to make decisions right now!! I have to know what I want to major in for college. I have to know when I'm going to move. I have to know what t...
"Is it Love or is it Addiction?"
I went to go get the Mr. Unavailable book that was recommended on the board but there weren't any copies at the book store. I did go to the author's blog called Baggage Reclaim and it addresses the many of the same issues we are dealing with here. It focuses a lot on learning to love oneself. As I mentioned,...
Love Isnt Supposed To Hurt
So I sat down last night to find something good to watch on TV. I was flipping through ONDemand and found a Dr. Drew TV show. The show had Christi Hall on it and she was talking about her book that she wrote called "Love Isnt Supposed to Hurt" I downloaded the book on my Kindle, and wow!! I have...
I am a total failure!
For ten years I have tried. I have given ALAnon my best shot. I have listened, attempted to learn; I am still angry, hurt, and upset with his nasty drunken binges. I have no peace of mind. I have no understanding of his addiction. I keep trying, and keep hanging on. I don't know why it hasn't worked...
Living Life
Hello Friends, It has been awhile since I have posted. I use to post always when I was having a hard time. I must admit that some of my greatest inspiration came from this board. However, July is a hard month for me..That is when I lost my husband. It will be 5 years this month and I must say, I am enjoyin...
I need to know it will be okay...
So...it's summer...my ex A lives with his sister...no job...living on money he got from me in divorce...etc...none of them work...they all smoke cigs...etc...not the best role models... they have a pool... when my 10 year old is home at my place-- I have to work lots of hours...and am often tired and...
Serenity to Accept
I know this probably sounds obvious, but (I'm realising on a deeper level today) it's not just an As drinking or other compulsion I can't change, it's their maturity, their availability, their self centredness, their reactions, whether they care, how they see me, their misunderstandings judgeme...
Dropped a Bomb
I am new here to the forum. Have attended Al-Anon meetings but haven't found the right one yet. The forum here seemed like the best place to talk about what my recovering AH said to me. My AH went through a 28 program in March. He has been sober since that time and actively works his recovery program...
Breaking Heart
Why do we have to love such unavailable people? Who will go to any lengths to keep us in a role and keep us at a distance. We try to make it work, oh how we try, but they have other plans for us. I feel like a hostage to love, kept in the dark and fed the worst parts of my partner. I know the love is there and it is deep...
Alcoholic Daughter is back
Hello everyone. I have been reading this MIP page daily since my last post. I have been in AlAnon for two years. Last post I needed to hear from others with an Alcoholic Daughter/Son to see how they were coping as our AD was a few days away from living in her car with our grandson. Took the advise and turned...
I'm really struggling with forgiveness today.
Had such a beautiful day yesterday and felt so connected and grateful and then came into contact with someone who pushed my buttons today and felt this rage. Have pushed it down by getting depressed and feel I have lost a chunk of my day to it.
It's hyster...
Rainbow Woman
Why stay with an alcoholic?
I keep asking myself why I am so afraid to leave my (a) husband. We have been married less than a year. This isn't the life I thought I was signing up for. So why can't I just go? Why would anyone choose to stay?
Question about Al Anon mtgs
Do I need to contact anyone before going to a face to face Al Anon mtg or can I just show up?
And I saw something on this forum about al anon chat sessions. How can I tell when those are held and where do I log on to find them?
rough morning
Good Morning Everyone, First I want to say how grateful I am that I have this forum. If I didn't have this place to come to "talk" and read I don't know what I would do. Last night I went to hang with the girls for the first time in a long time. It was so nice. We talked, we cried, we laughed. I am...
hi all just started logging on to this site and its been a great help already - my husband of 14 years is an alcoholic in denial and has been full on drinking since his 'soulmate' pal died two years ago in july. we have two small children so i had to ask him to leave the family home for their safety and min...
Off Topic! :) I need some dinner ideas
What does everyone like to eat for dinner? I am in a rut with cooking around here and I would really like to cook more family dinners around our home. This summer has been so busy and I atleast want us to sit and eat a yummy dinner together more often. So give me you ideas :) My kids will thank you since chi...
He wants me to buy booze right now!
I am really trying not to focus on his drinking. I am trying to be normal, do things for myself and just go on without everything focusing on him. In the past I have made the mistake of buying him booze when he is "trying to wean." I realize it is all crap. Well, he is just about out of booze right no...
Hi all. Having a rough day in my head. I feel anger today. I dont know what to do with it. Im not angry at specific things my ex A did or didnt do. Today, I am angry at alcoholism. Today, I am angry at codependency. I am angry that he, good person, has alcoholism. I am angry that I, a good person, am codependent....
Good morning campers and white rabbits
For those that don't know, we say white rabbits on pinch punch first of the month. So then? I got my car right outside my kitchen window, if I could get it in the house believe me it would be in, I haven't done a lot of driving her yet, been too busy working it's great though because I can park her right outside...
AF said the book I am reading is stupid.
He seems to think he is such an expert on recovery. "I've been in this program for a very long time." Ugh. Well, he sucks at this program, obviously. I am reading "Getting Them Sober."
Does anyone else have the experience of not being able to talk nicely to the A while they detach? I have been working very hard and have had some small successess (yeah for me!) but sometimes I don't want to even say hi or bye to him because I just want to completely push him out of my life. Maybe I am thinki...
Alanon Tradition 5
Poop on the toilet and floor
One of many of the crazy things that happened on his drunken escapade last night. It was on the floor, seat and all in the toilet seat hinge. It was so nasty and hard to clean it out of the toilet seat hinge. Unfortunately I had to clean it up because he obviously couldn't and that is the only toilet in our hou...
You are the biggest idiot I know!!!!
That is what I want to tell my exAH today! I can't believe how angry I am. I wish I had a meeting I could go to tonight. I do all the running and he turned away having the kids this weekend at the first excuse he could find because there is a big wedding happening near him this weekend which means lots of people p...
another day?
I waited for him to come but then i went to go lie down I feel asleep. I heard the door around 12:30. I just stayed in bed I was so mentally exhausted. He is still asleep & I'm even wodering if i should even mention anything or just let it go. It was a crazy night. I hadn't been through one like that in a long t...
What is a good comeback or how do you all handle it when your A is just joking or kidding? I am so tied of taking offense to all his "just joking and I can never take a joke! It is never funny to me! But I would like to just know how everyone handles this, Please!
just some stuff
I bought myself my first car yesterday, no big shake to some I suspect but to me it's monumentuss, I feel I have comitted to something at last and that I am starting to accept and appreciate life as it is and not how I would have it be, it's been a long process of ye but's,and it has been very very hard to get to t...
I came across this surfing the net basically. At one time or other I definitely used all of these excuses as did my ex-A. I like they way the author explained all this without getting too heady into psychological jargon. **Common stereotyped addictive defenses include but are by no means limited t...
im so messed up
I checked my husbands FB account & that woman put honey this honey that all over his FB. I called him & yelled and argued. He said he hadn't checked it he didn't know what i was talking about & so i yelled more. I got infuriated and posted a nasty message about how a crazy stalker is checking out...
AH thinks I'm having an affair?
My AH seems to think that since he hasn't been getting any lately, that I must be having an affair. He doesn't know what is wrong in our marriage and can't seem to understand why things are bad? All I have to say is: WHAT THE HECK??? Seriously, he has no idea? What planet is he living on? If he's concerne...
Did I screw up?
My sister who is an alcoholic is in a rehab facility. Her daughter has been placed with me by child protective services. Her daughter really misses her and vice versa and I want my sister to be successful so she will have a chance to have her daughter back.
So my sister is in the program which is a six mont...
Wet brain
Does anyone have any information on wet brain? My ah is showing some weird symptoms. Not sure if it is something he is taking or the beginning of the end. Last week at a swim meet u had to take him home because he was so out of it and he slept for 3 days. He was hospitalized a few months ago but they did not mentio...
My HP has a sense of humor...again.
Hi everyone! My friends in my pocket... :). I think of you daily.
Thought Id share my HP funny of the day. I went to the health store in search of something to help me sleep. It continues to be a struggle. Tne lady that helped me is so kind and easy to talk to. And, I shared why I think Im having such physical p...
I feel like my husband hates me...
I don't know... *sigh*.... My AH is in rehab and I have been detaching from him. It's good for both of us. I need to get better too, ya know. And I'm starting to feel better about myself and more confident in myself... But because I am not dong everything he wants me to do and dropping my life to "suppor...
bored but my fault!
I am bored but it is all my fault! My husband used to say that we don't live next to Disneyland so I should be happy right where I am I guess. I can only do what I can where I am coming from. I am going 60 miles tomorrow for some entertainment & R&R. If you all are wondering why I go 60 miles for entertainm...
Hoot Nanny
There will be no business meeting (that I know of) in July
I was told not to go ahead with the business meetings until I heard further from John. Now, my posts about the June Business Meeting are no longer found on the boards. Okay, I get it . . . Thanks to those of you who participated in the June meeting.
detaching from fear!
hey all, I just wanted to say how grateful I am for this place. I woke up scared, feeling like i had made some wrong decisions about some travel plans and now everything was ruined, I was going to have a horrible time where I was going, etc. I came here and have been reading peoples posts and have been happy...
I went to my husbands bday night it went great. He asked me to speak a couple of minutes before he got his chip. I was honored & overwhelmed all at the same time. We fellowshiped & went out to dinner. We had a wonderful evening. And when I got home that woman on his FB had unliked almost all his status...
Hi. Just me.
Hi. hello. Everything is fine. Just real busy. Working full time and I started a small business... Love you all.
to go or not to go?!?
My husband will be speaking tonight at birthday night. He will be celebrating 7 yrs of sobriety. I hadn't gone these last 2 yrs. The first year we had separated two days before bday night the second cuz we had just gotten back together & I didn't feel right going. But this year he asked me to go & I d...
Finding a sponsor
I hear all these wonderful stories about sponsors and I would very much like to find one. My "home" meeting really doesn't have anyone that would be available to do so. I'm having a hard time feeling comfortable enough to reach out to someone I don't even know. I need to find another meeti...
He came home
Not sure what to do now? He is here and being sweet, totally a drama king though. He won't eat, is super ancy. Lays down, gets up, lays down, goes and sits on the patio. He is drinking some wine mixed with water. He said that he is trying to taper. I talked to him about moving to sober living. He is receptive. I...
get out of myself & live!
One thing I have been trying to do that worked real well in the past is that I can get out of myself & do something for others. I have been waiting for awhile for answers but I never really got around to listening. I am so glad that my eyes & ears are opening again to new possibilities. I want to find so...
Hoot Nanny
I'm so hurt, sick, and betrayed.
I was doing so well. But, I noticed on our phone bill for the last week he calls a number over and over. I checked his voicemail and there was a message from some woman. She was calling him sweetie and telling him she has her kids the next few days but would love to see him. I am just heartbroken. I know he's no...
Healing the body...
Hi all. Had a great F2F mtg tonight. Makes me feel so much better. I am struggling with an issue, and my mtg reminded me of how much ESH is out there. So, after 4.5 yrs of having to deal with my relationship...while it obviously affected my mental, emotional, spiritual health...it appears to have left so...
What are we really showing our children?
Those of you who "know me", know that I am very wary of any insinuation of "strong = leave, and weak = stay" posts, or advice for people on the big stay vs. leave decision.... That being said, I offer up the following bit of E,S&H as a healthy reminder to look at things from all si...
My issue with inaction
I just realized something about myself. I have a huge problem with inaction! Specifically regarding exercise. I am very rigid on my exercise - if I don't do it in the morning then I will just not do it all day. I will also come up with excuses as to why I don't have enough time in the morning to exercise (...
Always Feel Like I'm Imposing
I was talking with my sponser today and mentioned the reason I don't like texting/calling people first is I always feel like I'm imposing on them. She told me it is just one part of my sickness that Al-Anon can help me with. I never thought of it as part of my "sickness" but I can see what she mea...