The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Does anyone else have the experience of not being able to talk nicely to the A while they detach? I have been working very hard and have had some small successess (yeah for me!) but sometimes I don't want to even say hi or bye to him because I just want to completely push him out of my life. Maybe I am thinking that it will be easier to cope if I erase him from my life, but the reality is that I am his wife and we have two kids and we are still living in the same house (just coexisting really).
Please tell me I am not alone in this one.
Funny but not so funny AH told me yesterday that he has noticed the changes in me and thinks it is "fun to watch the psychology of it all"...what a jerk!!!
EXACT same situation. I have been making plans for me and my kids and not including him (because he always has excuses to not join us anyway). Well, now all of a sudden HIS feelings are hurt! UGH!!!!
I'm new to this site and detaching, so hopefully it will get easier.
I barely speak to him and try to avoid him at all times. They are all jerks..........
My ABF showed some detachment from his site yesterday, It was weird. I am still willing to risk it the distance, especially because at times I can feel the love and it feels right. But it is a looong and difficult way.