Can someone still be sick eventhough they have not used or drink in years? How does one completely recover? Does it go deeper then just stopping or quitting?
Selfishness and the disease
Reading other posts and thinking of my own situation I am amazed and just blain baffeled by the selfishness of this disease. In the nine years of living with my husband drinking and dry drunking it he always tried to show me affection and concern. He always had a crisis we had to handle but was apprecia...
More wisdom from the Dali Lama
"To be aware of a single shortcoming within oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in somebody else. Rather than speaking badly about people in ways that will produce friction and unrest in their lives. We should practice a purer perception of them and when we speak of others, spea...
minding my own buisness- yup, I'm doin it one day at a time!
"If I'm over there in someone else's business... who's over here taking care of mine?"- Byron Katie I really loved this quote. To me it shows me how my life can become very unmanagable as soon as I am in someone else's buisness. Alanon and the sayings such as "Stay in your own hula-h...
my addicted son
Hi. I am not sure how to do this except to just jump in. I am a mother of a teenage (19) son who is actively using. He has admitted to my husband and I that he is smoking marijuana and drinking. He has already been to rehab-about 2 years ago and they wanted him to enter into a halfway house and he stayed ther...
Tired of the games
My ah tells me he doesn't know what he wants somedays he wants to e here other days he wants to move back to ny cause he feels comfortable there in the bars ..he was sober for 19 years and active about 3 now he's turning 50 and retiring from his job end of sept had plans to open his own bus and everything was supp...
Loving a recovering ABF
My recovering ABF and I have been together for a year and a half. He is a wonderful man and a challenging man. He is about six years sober and worked a very rigorous program including counseling others for the first few years. He does not attend meetings now. We are now in the "dew but not the bloom...
How to start believing spouse again?
The past two years have been the worst dealing with my alcoholic husband and enraged daughter. We both were caught in the lies and deception and my daughter has lost respect for me and my husband. We have done the gamut--had him arrested and jailed three times, court ordered out patient rehab (which...
Donna Lee
Not engaging and Not reacting
So the ex has decided to bombard me with texts today listing all his bills and how he can barely keep up and how he is just throwing everything out of the storage shed. I already told him to do this two months ago and then he conned me into paying it for one more month (when he has more money than me) so he could...
New Here
Hi there. I am a mother of two beautiful young ladies. My S/O and I have been together for 5 years. He battles depression on an ongoing basis. Although I try to reach him he is very detached. We have good moments but often then not mostly are filled with confusion, pain and tears. I have tried to be a source o...
I'm so lonely
My AH is currently in the midst of his second hospitalization for detox in the past six weeks. The first time he went in was mid-July. He was discharged on the 18th and back to drinking by the 20th. I kicked him out of the house and haven't seen him (aside from a few hours on August 5th) since. He is curre...
Just Ranting
So today is my Birthday:) My S/O is working. I know he has breaks inbetween, he hasn't bothered to text me. That is ok :) It would be nice, but not necessary. This am he got up and went right for his phone to check his Facebook. I started to hang up the laundry. He is like what? You aren't going to talk to me? Hon...
Need new ways of coping when alcoholic husband comes back
Hello, I am new here and this is my first posting. My husband is a binge drinker and because of the trouble he has caused in the past with family and jobs, etc. he cannot live with the guilt. He can go for months without a drink, but I might say one wrong thing about the past and he is off on a binge again. I ha...
What Books Do you Recommend?
I am not sure what books to start with? My S/O isn't actively drinking, or using. He just has severe depression & some of the behaviours I have read (sounds like he exhibits an addict traits). Does that make sense? So the book Getting Them Sober ~ would I benefit from it? Can I order it online, or woul...
Online Meetings
I have seen Online Meetings (email). Can someone explain what it is? What is it for?
I am in the very begining of being willing to be honest that my fiance is an alcoholic, I really need help!
Well next month will be 1 yr Kevin and I have been together. We truely feel like soul mates, the one thing I can trust is that we are really in love. In the begining of our relationship one of his best friends (Matt) from high school drove me 300 miles to visit Kevin. What happened was very distrubing and le...
jealousy towards alcohol.
Today I feel kind of helpless. My family left afetr 3 weeks visit, and several discussions and adressing problems related to alcohol, for which I'm glad, even though a realize it has been toug hon my parents. I sometimes feel guilty for being the only one speaking up in this family, all the other member...
In need of help
Hi, Let me make a short introduction here. I'am a young woman who lives togehter with her boyfriend. I am also the daughter of 2 alcohol adicts. Both my parents are alcholics and are really doing bad. (i will not bore you with my difficult history and how they started drinking) Both my parents are i real...
Is there any real help out there for this disease?
I understand that alcoholism is a disease. I don't understand why in the year 2012 we are relying primarily on a program thought up a century ago. I can see the positive aspects of AA and Alanon, but most of those can be learned through other therapy. The slogans and prayer just remind me of faith healing...
Am I getting close?
I'm a newbie and have a lot to learn, but I think I may be picking up on some things, thanks to all y'all: 1. I need to concentrate on myself and not on him, 2. Who my AXH dates and what he does is none of my business and he's probably not as happy as I imagine him to be, 3. My life is worth living without him, 4....
Medications and alcohol
Hi again, Since things are getting worse with my (our) dad, he has been using pretty heavy medications. He is using Diazepam and Zaldiar ( a medication with tramadol included). Now both mecdications recommend not using any alchol what so ever. I have tried telling my mom about the use of alchol, beca...
Classic Co-Dependent Move
Went to a Co-dependents meeting last night and it was a little fun. They are lighter and focus on detachment from our own obsessive thoughts and worrying and needy people, which is a good thing. I was reading the book and the whole time I keep thinking (Oh this would work for so and so) lol. Classic examp...
"Words of the Dali Lama"
"Love is the absence of Judgment". "The best relationship is one in which your love for eachother exceeds your need for each other."
Alanon/AA Meeting
Went to an Alanon meeting tonight at a center where they also hold AA meetings. I'm in a large city so the meeting are large as well. I found it interesting that the men for the AA meetings were hanging out in front and flirting with all the women going into the Alanon meeting. My, thought was like don't...
Starting arguments out of the blue???
Is it me or am I just being tried on or tested by the A? I wake up, i'm happy, because I'm being me. I chat with the A, and in 2 seconds out of the blue, he manges to have turned the conversation on about alcohol, his desire to drink and a final sentence 'you don't respect my feelings, you try to make me sad, you wa...
Confused and Lost
This is my first time here, so please bare with me. My common law husband is addicted to pain killers for a little more than 3 yrs now. Finally he went to rehab, a 21 day program at an amazing house.He came out positive and seemed to have a new lease on life. He's been home a week and as been acting like he has be...
so addicted
I am ending a relationship I have had for about 5 months. I am so addicted to this guy. I recognise this about me. I have actually been super aware of MY character defects through out. But it hasn't made it any easier. At all. He isnt an alcoholic but he def has issues and isms. And here's why i am so addicted....
Hi All, I haven't been posting much for quite a while, but I have been reading often. I just wanted to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to the WONDERFUL people on this board. I can't even tell you how much I have learned here and how much you have helped me. It's amazing. We may never know each other'...
Update; New life and trying not to get involved with the exAH and his drama
So I started school for my RN last week and can see I will have to put all my extra energy into my school work to keep my GPA up to keep my financial aid. The boyfriend and I are doing great and are having many adventures and I finally feel like I am living and out of my head more than ever. My exAH has been strug...
Getting through
..the next few days is going to be tough. My A is finally leaving, moving back with family. Of course my emotions are all over the place. But right now I'm just trying to get through the next few days. I've tried to get him to start packing, he shows no interest, says he doesn't need anything. For awhile he h...
The Physical Costs of the Disease
In a weird way, time has proven me to be right about my ex-A. I have always felt judged by his family...as if I was making up the degree to which his behavior was a problem...and his sisters still insist that he is doing okay when they talk to me. Then there is reality. He talked to me briefly the other day abo...
my recovery.
Hi all, i shared how my ex abf has not had a drink for over a weak and I let him stay here while sorts himself out. Thanks for your ESH on this lots of objectivity and clarity. I have helped so much over the years and now I have had my own pace for about six months I have gain serenity and grown alot. I had a talk wi...
Mental Health Awareness Week
Depression, anxiety and panic attacks are not a sign of weakness. They are signs of having to remain strong for too long. Did you know 1 in 3 of us go through this at some point in our lives? Would you post this on your wall for at least one day? Most people won't but it's Mental Health Awareness Week. S...
This is me
Hi there, My (twin) sister (quiltytwin) told me about this messageboard, so thanks to my sister! Well as she has written, both our parents are severe alcholics. They are now to that point that they are in a really bad situation. They are (in my opinion) at point of no- return. Well to make a long story sh...
Should I read the BB?
My wife has started going to AA a few weeks ago. The holy spirit compelled her to go. She will hit 30 days sober soon. She has a sponsor and will begin Step 1 soon. She, at times, wants to discuss some of the themes that she is going through. I offered my own 2 cents and every time she says I don't understan...
Well I am trying it here
I had went to a "real life" Al-Anon meeting, and it just wasn't for me. I can't get through a whole meeting without being at the point of tears and people that know me know I am too proud to cry, or at least I try to be numb so I don't cry; it's the only way I really know how to cope. So the internet feel...
At what point can you say someone is an alcaholic
I need to get myself to a face to face meeting. But first I think in my head I need to know at what point or what determines that someone is an alcaholic? Which is probably why I haven't been to a meeting yet. Do I belong there?
Am I making a big deal out of nothing?
My husband drinks every day. Even more so n...
Newbie: How do I handle the arrogance of the dry Alcoholic..??
Think I need advise on how to handle the arrogance of the dry alcoholic who doesnt attend meetings anymore... ? Im not sure why my husband doesnt attend meetings anymore. Im not even sure if my husband ever had a sponsor like he said he did..? wouldnt the sponsor being contacting him after missing m...
Help. Financial worries. Not passed PhD 1st year and really worried.
Hi everyone. I'm a grateful member of al-anon. The A in my life is my partner, she's a 'secret' bedroom drinker. Her mum was an A too (sober now, but health is quite damaged). I'm having a pretty stressful time of things really. I started a PhD last year but have just found out that I've not passed the 1st ye...
Why the anger from the ExA
To sum it up quickly. Married 9 years, I left over sneak drinking, he tried to get me back still drinking said no. A year later we both started seeing each other again long distance 5hrs apart so it was weekends. He was thrilled, bought me a new ring and we were working it out or so I thought. He had been l...
standing on a slippery slope.. but standing..i think
i am very new to this whole process. i have not joined al-anon..am a little apprehensive..can you give me a debriefing on the initial process..who its for, what u do, what is required(timewise, moneywise)??? i completely picked myself and my 2 children up ..moved 300 miles away from my codependant r...
my sis,with the 2 little girls,has robbed me also,i trusted her around my purse with my meds in it that are considered narcotic now that i have to have for my arthritis and joint pain,she took 15 of them from my bottle,just finding this out cause its not the 1st time she has stolen pills from me,i just thou...
need help here.
ive closed the doors agin toward my sister for how can i find forgiveness in my heart for what she done to her 13 y/o daughter ,my neice out on the feild the otherday ,theres no justifying takeing a 13y/o by the ear and twisting it till the lttle girl hollered out ouch and then hollering out for her 13 y/o to g...
so tired of feeling sad
ive been wakeing up past 2 mornings at 3am crying my eyeballs out,missing my daughter and grandbabies,only daughter and grandbabies i have,and i dont ever think ill ever get to share or be with them agin,they been liveing over seas for the last 7 yrs my sil joined airforce back 7 yrs ago,and that was tha...
Here I go again
Hi everyone my ah just called to tell me he is stopping in the bar on the way home from work and hell be home by 8.i do appreciate the call because usually hell just not answer the phone so that is progress but I still feel very nervous is he going to drink alot tonight? What if he meets someone (my own issue bec...
What happened to rock bottom?
Hello, It's been a while since I have made a post. I have alot of frustration pent up that I need to get off my chest. So here I go... My ABF finally got fired from his job. My 2 year old was sick and so I stayed home with her from work. He decided not to go in either. Convenient excuse for him to get out of work sayi...
What to do?
Hi everybody, I just joined this forum 30 seconds ago because i need advice... My mom is an alcoholic and dropped off the deep end about a year ago. Since then I have desperately tried to save her and done everything in my power to no avail. I went to an al anon meeting last night and it opened my eyes to the fa...
Please suggest some reading material for me.
Here's my situation: I don't live with my A, we're recently divorced. And he's sober, has been for 25 years. He shouldn't still be influencing my life and apparently has moved on with a new gf. So, I "should" be fine, I wanted out of the marriage bc he is a dry drunk and drove me into anxiety...
need to get this out
Mt ex bf has been on a big slip for about 6 months h has not hasd a drink for a week and has asked if he can stay here for couple of days while gets accommodation and back to AA. I have supported him in the past but this time is differnt. I know he has nothing to give me , I understand that we can not b together I am no...
Being cut off at a meeting
Tonight was my 5th al-anon meeting and i am feeling upset on how it was handled. The first 4 meetings left me feeling hopeful. I thought i had found my tribe! I had hit the bottom of depression and was isolating-even the people I loved most. Tonight's reading included a passage on despair. When it was my...
Please help am I doing the right thing?
My bf is a binge drinker and has been living w/me for 6 months. We have gone thru the cycle a few times of him drinking for days on end. I quit drinking 45 days ago and his drinking is a threat to my sobriety. I thought we would do this together but obviously this is not the case. Well I finally threw him out...
Taking care of me
Last night my AH was excited by the preseason game. His comment, last year I didn't get excited about football because we were fighting all the time... I bit my tongue. Even if he hadn't been drinking I would have bit my tongue. WE were not fighting, you were acting like a huge gigantic jerk, ALL THE FLIP...
talking to my a on ph.
we talk everyday onthe phone,at nite he calls me while he is drinking ,this is when i thank my lucky stars that i dont have to be around that anymore his drinking, missing him is just part of it,i know this will also pass,i know i can get through this,its just soo sad that as good and skilled a man he is that he...
Found The Bottles But Why Am I So Bothered?
Could use some advice today. I know my AH hasn't been sober, he says he is - says he doesn't feel the need to drink, but I know he has been drinking. For some reason this morning I decided to look through the trash, and there they were, two empty vodka bottles. I know he was home yesterday while I was working a...
Manipulative sober and drunk
Sometimes I feel like my alcaholic husband doesn't want to talk to me when his sober. His snappy, unresponsive and miserable. I spend my time feeling like have done something wrong.
I have started to get my life back together by doing things that I enjoy for a while we were simply only going to the pub o...
Great video on "playing the victim"
I don't know if anyone here does EFT or knows anything about Brad Yates. I love listening to his videos - I don't always tap along. This one is great on "Playing the victim" He even says the Serenity Prayer. For me it was very powerful and I felt it was along the lines of Alanon. So I wanted t...
sister acting crazy
my sister,only sister that i have here in this town is acting crazy i dont know what to do,she takes suboxin,which is a medicine to keep u off opiates and she was in a really bad car wreck over a year ago that broke her neck which she had major surgery,i went to with her to watch her beautiful baby girl cheer a...
New, but want to work this out
Hello, just joined here tonite... I was trying to read over some of the posts, and get a feel for the board. I read some from people that are broken up w/their prospective A. Am I crazy to want to work this out? We've been married 5 yrs... 2nd marriages for both of us. Is it possible, or am I just kidding m...
What to do
I am a sister of a 51 year old alcoholic who just moved in with me 2 months ago she previously had 13 years sobriety and lost her job and moved across country to live with me. To help me take care of my terminal I'll mother who is also living with me.
She has been relapsing for past 5 weeks and she will go to a aa m...