It's beyond my control
OMGOSH...... My son just called me. He's Drunk and can hardly speak. He's about to be put on the streets and he crying. He asked if I would take Nisa ( his kitty ) Man this is going to be hard God help me to handle this....
Bad experience at 2nd meeting.
I went to my 2nd mtg tonight and had a few WOW moments! By the end of the mtg, I was super excited to go again next week. But then, as I was putting on my jacket, the lady sitting in front of me (who I'd never met before) turned around to welcome me and ask if I have any questions. I said not really, that I was still...
Need to share without judgement
My parents moved out on Thursday night. It was a huge ugly fight. I gave them a letter a month ago saying that I'd like them to move out by April 7th. They hadn't said a word to me about it or hardly anything else for that matter. I've been feeling like a hostage in my own home. Like I couldn't move or breath. My...
As an alcoholic's closest friend, I told his mother he is still drinking. Did I do the right thing?
He's been lying to her for a year about his drinking so she would continue to pay his rent while he was unemployed and "going back to school". FYI, and no surprise, he took one online class in the entire year, dropped out of all the rest, and has been partying nearly every day with whoever woul...
my AS 14 year old daughter is suicidal.
prayers needed...my AS 14 year old daughter was admitted to a psychiatric center today for suicial thoughts. her parents split up 1 year ago due to AS progressive drinking. my granddaughter is such a sweet young lady. torn between mom and dad. moved out of her home of 13 years. it is so sad. my hea...
Need advice !! can anyone help ?
Me and my AW have been seperated for 5 months now and she hasnt stopped calling since. currently she has lost her sister, 2 nieces, her husband and sits in her house all day on her awn and continues to drink. i gave in one day and called my AW and we met, she hasnt changed and looks ill, and her clothes were wor...
To post or not to post
I visit this board throughout the day (probably more than my employer would like). And so often I want to post but I don't. I start a post and write for about 5 minutes and then I delete it. I have been miserable today because of the repercussions of my behavior when I found drugs on my AH last Sunday. I...
LP and steps
I've been in and out of Al-Anon since the 80's & have been struggling with the LP. The program promotes "God of your Understanding" and also states Al-Anon is not allied with any sect, denomination, etc The LP uses the term "our father." Not everyone's God is "their...
frist meeting tonight
This is going to be my frist time ever meeting for al-nona. So could I get some help on what might be going on in there. Do i need to take pen and paper do you have to have books i'm worry about going.
Thanks to the site administrators
I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you to this Al-Anon site's administrators. I really appreciate your monitoring and maintaining this board. I know there are a lot of behind the scenes things that go on that you all take care of for us. I am sure other people feel the same. (BTW, I'm not new...
detachment...just an update!
Dear MIP it has been over 2 weeks that I seperated from my ABF. Struggle, fear, sadness, anger.... i let it all happen, and pass. and spending much time with people that are positive and do me good, and polishing up my social life a little bit. it's actually amazing how I put myself in the last row of my own l...
Trying not to cave in....
I think and pray about my daughter all the time. I'm afraid she's going to jail because she doesn't have the money to pay her court fines $900+. I know it would only take a credit card and a few clicks of the mouse to pay them for her but it will start the cycle all over again...
Thoughts today
Hi Everyone Over these last few months I can say I have learned a lot about myself and its really given me the ability to live again. Dont get me wrong, Im nowhere close to being completely without fear and worry but Im learning to handle it better and faster. Betty told me its natural to have worry in my...
I'm going to the beach. How lucky for me! A nightmare!
Son is in the hospital in Phuket Thailand. Our friends visit, speak to the doctors, and to our son. Son doesn't like the third world hospital. Big ward, shared bathroom, change your own sheets if you can get some. No food unless someone brings it in. Too bad. He is bleeding internally. We don't know the r...
Guess I should have not sugared it.
The experience I had, I wrote lightly about it. In reality it was extremely scarey, and I am still feeling uncomfortable and have not gone out again. My ex AH physically hurt me badly once. Before that it was a poke in the back or well nothing that hurt and I was prepared to protect me. But the complete turn...
On vacation with my Mom, need advice, please help me.
Hello ... this is the first time I have ever come for help within Al-Anon. My situation is a little strange. My mom has been drinking for years, she has tried to quit once before and did for three years. She relapsed a year ago and her drinking has become out of control. She agreed to go to rehab, most pe...
Addict Radar?
I attended my first meeting last week, so please bare with me as I'm new and I'm confused. Background: my family are not addicts, but I am only attracted to, date, live, love addicts. Most of the time I have no idea they are addicts. They are all so different, I don't have a type, I live alone, I'm singl...
Roller coaster
So, my ABF is out of jail, again. I refused to visit him, write or talk to him on the phone. Can you believe this upset him! WTF!! I have told him how negatively his drinking effects me but only get blamed and denials. Since his release he has seen me practice detachment, he says I am selfish. No concept of ho...
Heather 68
The movie Flight
I watched the movie Flight last night... has anyone seen it yet? What are your thoughts? I felt that it helped me understand a little better what an alcoholic is going through and of course I cried at the end.
Answered prayer
I just realized today that my HP answered one of my biggest prayers. It came to me as I was in the shower like a lightbulb being turned on. HP is awesome!! I am so glad he led me to Al anon almost two years ago. I had prayed for my kids to be ok. They are doing excellent! They have good grades and my two oldest are...
need prayers
It has been a very difficult two weeks. My AH was arrested for domestic vandalism (he broke a window, I called the police). As a result he checked himself into an inpatient detox for 6 days and is now in an IOP program. He has been diagnosed bipolar and mild schizophrenic. Wed we go to the pretrial hearing...
He can do so much damage with written words
I received an email from my soon to be ex AH yesterday. He was hateful, mean, putting me down and cruel. Usually I am not bothered by most of what he says and can usually just ignore it, but yesterdays email was very very cruel. I simply replied back that if he ever contacts me again I will get a restraini...
Unsure of what to do
I am unsure of what to do, or if I should do anything regarding a situation. I was as an open AA/Alanon meeting last night. One of the AA members asked me if I would call and ask her Mother and sisters to attend Alanon. The Mother has attended Alanon, but she wanted to argue with everything. We tried sugg...
Sweet Stanley
fear creeping in
My son, a problem drinker, is no longer living with me and his a father has taken him in. At first relief that he's not on the streets but now fear because an active a is very tricky to cope with, never mind a young boy with issues. I'm thinking of the crazyness that could take place. Fearful and worried. I re...
I just got a message from my son he is being evicted. I can't even answer back. I'm going to have a breakdown......that's how strong I am. Please pray I will be endure this.......crying
Max Update... A Real Diagnosis
After two blood work-ups it appeared to my vet that Max might have something called Addison's Disease. It is created by a small gland next to the kidney that produces and regulates sodum and potassium. It stops working. When that happens, the body trys to compensate for what it is lacking by consum...
Car is being repossessed
I received notice yesterday that my husband's car which is financed in both our names is far enough behind on payments it's being sent to collections for repossession. This car was purchased last year and was supposed to be totally his responsibility to pay for. This is the third car we have financed t...
little more
The day before I was goofin in Goodwill. This guy was looking and started talking. I made quick answers and moved on. so did he. Later was teasing to put his stuff in my cart. Was a freaking pest, probably thought he was cute. geez. I have gone down 3 sizes now. Wearing a bit of makeup, looks natural, doing...
and just like that it changes
Not sure how to take this latest episode. My son was suppose to clean his room yesterday. My recovering AH realized it was not done to his standard and confronted him. When my son huffed and puffed at him my AH went into a rage...grabbed him and ripped his shirt right off his body. We were gonna go to ch...
The robin outside my window
So I was up before the dawn this morning. In my part of the world, spring is slowly starting to come to life. There's no leaves showing on the trees and the grass is still brown, but I see little stirrings happening. The wind is getting a little warmer, the sun is staying up longer. Outside my window, I hea...
An acquaintance/member passed away
Hi Everyone,
As I've mentioned in the past, I attend a support group fellowship regularly. This past week I heard the news that a long-time member had passed away.
Terry and I had crossed paths a few times. Shaken hands, said hi and had small conversation. I would not say I was particularly close wi...
Glad to have found this board
I came across this board yesterday and have been reading posts and want to share my story. I have been married to my husband for 11 yrs, has always drank, I've known he has had a problem with it for many yrs now and its gotten worse. the last 8 months have been pure hell, a constant roller coaster ride. I have...
another nice quote
still shakey and sick
I am working on so many things. On not hiding myself, dressing more feminine, not being afraid to go out in public. Then next thing i know I am sitting next to a murderer A in a bus. I am one that cannot take much and it tears my guts out. Then I isolate myself. Do my best to keep in light, but inside it churns lik...
Signs from HP
So my AH has been doing 90 in 90. Currently is on day 82. Last week he needed an annual physical due to his job. He went and got his bloodwork back and I was startled by what they told him. Everything was fine BUT his platelet count was low and the Dr advised him to not drink any alcohol. I never heard of lo...
I have filed for divorce, after 4 years of marriage, from my abusive AH. About a month ago, I realized that I felt I couldn't do this anymore - I stopped trying to fix and change everything, and tried to focus as much as I could on me and on my 2 year old child. I was being drained by my AH's constant irritabi...
trying to stay true to my program
Hi All: I don't know; am really feeling it tonight like I am being tested or something! I have been going to meetings, f2f and here in the chat room, have been reading daily, the literature and posts here and I thought I was moving to a more positive place....over the past month my AH has told me 5 times he w...
Why do I think my son will be different
It's funny.....I think because my son has been sober for a while and he wanted to make amends and help me why I would think OK....this time it's going to end and be different. He has changed. My son did a computer job last week and made 60 dollars ( one hours work). He then came up and did some yard work f...
Today I am grateful
I am very grateful for the program today, grateful for some great face to face meetings and online meetings this week. Gratefull for a big relief socially that happened this week.
Prayers needed please
Well fellow MIPers, tomorrow is the big day - the one I have been preparing for for the last two weeks. I have all the paperwork ready, I have my letter ready to read and I'm heading to bed now for a good night's sleep before the three hour drive to my AH's rehab facility early tomorrow morning. I cannot than...
Wish big difficulty
Some people from the program encourage me to study medicine. I know it is better in the long run. Though I doubt my powers. I was never good at the subjects like chemistry, biology and maths. I am neither used to study a lot. I know everything is possible if I know I can. But it is something so big and unusual...
Toby Rice Drews Newsletter
A.)) What is "Getting Them Sober"? -------- "Getting Them Sober'', by Toby Rice Drews, is the million-selling series of books ----- endorsed by 'dear Abby', by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and by Melody Beattie (author of ''Codependent No More'', who wrote, '' 'G...
Tracey C
fighting with my own feelings now!
Well yes, it has to happen I guess. ABF is gone since over a week, and we have no contact at all, so I am back to fighting my own feelings. Whereas i was quite balanced before I met him, much more advanced in my own recovery, I am now a lost mess. Memories of a strong and happy me seems to be just a reminder of bett...
Should I take him to his treatment classes?
Hello all. I'm new to this board. My husband is an alcoholic and also addicted to Spice, the fake marijuana. He was supposed to start his outpatient rehab treatment this week, which consists of 3 hour classes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays for 8 weeks. This week, he didn't go on Monday. On Tuesday,...
Clueless Optimist
For the Arizonans
For those Arizonans...... 2013 Al-Anon/Alateen Convention in Prescott, AZ enJOY The Journey! http://www.al-anon-az.org/events.htm
so tired of being blamed for everything...
My husband is an alcoholic and has been getting worse, he blames everything on me and threatens to leave me all the time, no matter how lightly I tread on the egg shells its still not good enough... he's been sick lately, stomach aches and feeling sick after eating, rather than think that maybe somethin...
Now It's Real
I've been just getting through the days but not fully present. It's been more than three months since my mother died and it's feels as though it only happened a few weeks ago. I think I finally believe it, don't like it but have no choice but to accept it. That panicked feeling has passed now of who am I no...
Four Year Al-Anon Birthday
At my Al-Anon home group, we celebrate our Al-Anon "birthdays" at the last meeting of each month and give out tokens to mark the year. Today was my four year birthday in Al-Anon. I am so very blessed to be a member of this wonderful program. The meetings, the literature, the people, this grou...
Green Eyes
Struggling .. and ok .. sort of ..
Hugs MIP family, It's been a wild week to say the least. The past two weeks have taught me a lot about myself. I did make the decision to help my STBAX out I have had some boundaries and for the most part did an ok job of sticking to them. He did go to one AA meeting. As the saying goes .. nothing changes and n...
in the process of ACCEPTANCE & DETACHMENT
hey everybody, just checking in, you know I need to come here to stick to my program with more discipline....so when I tend to loose it I can come back and re-read how far I've already come at some point, and your words and experiences support me a big deal coming back on track. I feel that acceptance is mor...
rest makes success!
Now that I am getting more rest & allowing myself to slow down & relax, I am having more success at getting the JOB done. I have so much to do & feel like I am a bit overwhelmed but today I am allowing myself to rest & basically take the day off. So, I will make this short. I have to get my mind on...
Hoot Nanny
Reaching out In Recovery....
I Posted this on a page where over 300+ of my Friends are... I Posted it after I lost my Last Friend to Addiction, Please feel free to add your Esh, thoughts, what ever you like... Thanks in Advance for Reading... its A Long one ;) As Always ;) Hope its Ok to Post it here... Thanks Guys :) Yesterday, I had to g...
Nephew Passed
My nephew who was a healthy 40 yr old, was taken by the Type A flue, a killer flue that does havoc on your organs. It reminds me how fragile life is...and how much I need to dig deeper into my program and "live" more. Oldergal
I don't have much time to post as this is at work, but the short story is that I finally got my AH to admit to 9 months of cheating with a woman that he kept denying and lying about. It's a long story that maybe I can tell in more detail later. Even though I knew it was going on, all his denials and making me feel cr...
Darkest Before the Dawn
I got my head bitten off a couple hours ago. AH called me from rehab and ripped me for asking his therapist to confirm that we are having a family meeting on Saturday. Said that was a breach of confidentiality and he's the one in treatment so they do what he says, G-D it! Wasn't expecting the call but I'm rea...
How do you respond to great enablers?
A little background...if you need it...My exAH refuses to speak with me. Won't call. Won't text. Nothing, nada, zero, zip. There is no way to even begin to describe how this is considered joint custody or co-parenting. As of right now, due to his addictions and erratic behavior also for safety c...
need advice please
Hi all, I am fairly new to the forum but finding it really nice to come in here when I feel stressed and paranoid. My 2 year sober alcoholic boyfriend who is in recovery has lied to me again and I don't know wether to confront him or not. He has cheated on me twice before while he was 1 year sober but was suffer...
My dog Max, doing good!
Hi Everyone, My dog, Max, who most know I was taking to the vet several times last week, in a limp, comatose kinda state, and where he stayed a few nights is doing good. He is hypoglucenic and it was causing his sugar (glucose) level to bottom out and take him down to a very dangerous state. I mistakenly...
Its about me now
While my kids are the immediate center of my world, I am starting to create more space in my world for me. Its a pretty cool feeling. Yesterday I spent the day with my sister. I painted her soon to be baby's bedroom as I am the painter in the family. We laughed, had lunch and really enjoyed some time tog...
Alanon Promises???
Where are the Alanon Promises published? I found them on the Internet but couldn't find the source. Also, there is a quote about not making the situation worse......it is not slogan. Anyone know what I am talking about? Thanks, Nancy -- Edited by nmike on Monday 25th of February 2013 11:29:07 PM