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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
OMGOSH...... My son just called me. He's Drunk and can hardly speak. He's about to be put on the streets and he crying. He asked if I would take Nisa ( his kitty ) Man this is going to be hard
God help me to handle this....
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
Saying a prayer for you Cathy, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how difficult it is for you to see your son in such circumstances. Sending you hugs, know you're in my thoughts.
I have been thinking of you and praying for you both. I can only imagine the difficulty and it's probably not even close to what you are actually experiencing at the moment.
Hugs P
Sending love and support.
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thank you all....I'm needing a lot of support right now.
I will be taking the cat. I couldn't let Nisa go to the pound. My son told me he has no real family anymore. What one hurt.
He starting to get desperate. But this is where he needs to be no matter what. He is hurting very very much...lost...scared to death. But he still says he's not drinking. wow
I can only pray for him and let him hate me.....hurts but I can't do anything about it.
I pray he finds his way...I don't want to lose my son
((( hugs )))
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
Thank you for letting us know you will take the cat.
This has to be hard. I wish we could sit with you and hold your hand. If you are a huggy person, I hope you have some good people to be with. And if you are more of a solitary type, I pray your Higher Power will just surround you with love that you can feel. And your son as well. 'I was watching a video the other day of a man who was homeless for quite a while, and now he has so much recovery. Under a bridge homeless. Your son is young. He can recover. He doesn't hate you. Even when a teenager says I hate you, he doesn't. And I've never had a son, but I think boys are usually pretty tight with their mothers. I think at some level he appreciates your not letting him run the con on you. I admire your courage, btw. This is jumbled and fragmented. That's pretty much the way I think and it is easier to just slap it all down than to organize it into neat paragraphs. Blessings, Temple
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Keep the faith Cathy, your doing what alot of us are forced to do when nothing else has worked, your
son loves you and knows you love him too, keep doing what your doing your showing him tough love, he's an adult now and needs to be responsible for his own choices, my son was very cold towards me for a few weeks but now he is back in my life and our relationship is much improved I have stopped the parenting and am more a listening ear, the love and time you have invested in him is in there belive me he knows, it's his time now to find his way you have given him the light, what I have noticed in my case with my son is, he always knew I would pick his mess up so he never had too, now I won't and don't so he has too and is doing so, it might go wrong again, it could do too, but for now it isn't and he is taking care of himself, I had to cut the apron strings for that to happen, ((((((((((((hugs)))))))) x
Went to a meeting last night and decided to share my fears with everyone and it became a very good evening. A few of us I'm guessing talked for about a hour after the meeting. I love talking with people.....I have go find more friends and start having more fun that's for sure. :)
It was funny....I got home and talked with my 4 kitties and told them about a new family member coming home with Mommy and that they need to be kind to her. I told them we have to pray it will only be temporary and that Nisa will be back with her Daddy soon..
Today will be a good day for me...HP will take care of me
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
Cathy, you are doing so well using your program to deal with this. When you post right after your son lays this junk on you, I get mad cuz it does seem like he's playing up the drama to work on your fears and that is actually kind of cruel. I suspect he does the "poor me" drama not just to elicit enabling, but he really does feel like a tragic victim.
I have to step back and remember that this is the way I used to think also. It never occurred to me that I needed to grow the heck up and stop putting my parents through so much drama and BS. In fact, it wasn't until a couple of years in recovery that I was able to look back and see what a crappy son I'd been. I pray he finds true recovery so he can be the man he is supposed to be and not a constant victim. Nobody wants to see their child victimized but the thing about addiction is that it's hardwired at this point for him to think he's a big old victim and it takes a huge amount or reprogramming/psychic shift/taking action (divine intervention maybe even) order to stop thinking and acting that way.
You are one really special inspirational individual. So I'm sending you (((((hugs))))) from Europe and letting you know that all those new friends you are getting to know are very lucky indeed. Wishing you good times, fun and peace.