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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I started reading Courage To Change because my library happened to have it. I miss my Hope For Today book and am hoping to gind one at an Alanon meeting.
My health has gotten really bad and I'm trying to do everything I can to stop smoking. My addiction goes along with my codependency and I believe it is due to the cycle of shame that I had initially and continue with the smoking. I am trying to feel Gods love for me so I can love myself so much that Ill stop. It's the next thing for me and I've refused to do it for over a year now.
My parents continue to control me nonstop and every time I get a little peace they come Round again. They hold over my heads the fact that they pay for my rent and car. They get in the way and subconsciously don't want me to be free. I want to be free so badly and want to set them free too so I'm not saving anyone. So the next thing is the smoking. As I sleep better and feel better ill be able to put my recovery tools into action much better And get a job too.
I am trying to believe that God is not so displeased with me for smoking and saving them that He'll let me die. Im truing to believe Hell give me a few more days as I put some quit smoking tools around me, today i bought the patch and am going to tobacco anononous among other things. Im trying to believe that He has not given up on me and that He still wants me to get back to a place where I can work for Him. That I'm not useless to Him.
so that's where I am. Thanks for reading and God bless you.
I swear it was harder for me to quit smoking than it was for my husband to quit smoking and drinking--both of which he did cold turkey. I had the graduated filters and cleaned the gunk out of them for a year and finally got sick enough with stomach flu to quit. Vitamin C and Bicarbonate of Soda (baking soda) can help with the detoxing. You'll feel so much better so soon once you quit. It's amazing how quickly the liver and lungs can start to repair themselves.
A thing I have done when somebody is reminding me of something that they have done or are doing for me is to say "Yes, you did/do that. And I am so very thankful! I appreciate it more than you can know." It can't hurt, puts me in a grateful mode, which is a wonderful place to be, and acknowledges their gift/help and sometimes deflects the issue.
That is wonderful that they have tobacco anonymous!
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
I quit smoking two years ago with the help of the ecig from company out of Hawaii. The juice I used had nicotine in it at first, then I slowly eliminated it all together until I completely quit.
I have COPD so I had no choice or I would have been on oxygen in 5 years and dead soon after. Now my lungs are stable. Cancer can hit but I pray it won't.
I had no reason for my smoking....just loved it.
I'm happy your reading a very good book and I hope it helps you.
Good luck on your journey for a better are not alone
(((( hugs ))))
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
Thanks for your experience strength and hope gals! So happy you were both able to kick the habit. Hearing that other Alanoners have done this is so helpful to me.
I don't think having to have your parents pay your way is saving them anything. It's costing them....a lot and it sound much more like they are saving you. You can slice it whatever way you want but it comes out sounding like biting the hand that feeds you and being massively ungrateful. On this board, there are folks here being tortured by their addict adult children and here you are saying you are saving your parents by not fending for yourself? You are being enabled by them and not saving them from anything. It sounds like they could benefit from alanon. May sound judgmental but otherwise, i'd be getting called passive aggressive.
I am two months into quitting smoking and I've been using the little nicotine pastels - these seem to be doing the trick for me - perhaps it is the oral kick and also since I was not smoking much for the last few years I found the patches a little too strong.
It is great to know that my clothes don't smell and that my lungs are clearer. My eyes are brighter and my skin is looking rosier. I can see lots of benefits - it is worth it!
Milk wood, congrats and thanks for sharing and congrats on quitting! I will check out what these "pastels" are. I'm headed to a Nicotine Anonymous meeting today and an Alanon meeting tonight!!! Enjoy your breathe free day.