Back among the living . . .
((((Friends)))), I have been sick the better part of 6 weeks It started as a nasty cold and turned into pneumonia then turned into ripped up muscles in between my rib cage which mimicked chest pain/heart attack. I had me a little ride in the little white van/truck with the big flashing red lights on to...
So I spoke with the hostess
this moring at the Super Saturday AFG and expressed my gratitude to her and her recovering alcoholic husband for hosting the Thanksgiving get-together at their home in the jungle/forest outside of Hilo. I am still deeply affected by that gathering as all of us, all 35 plus have been on the same journ...
Jerry F
Thank You
It seems every time I come here I come with a story where I have slipped or done something that makes me ashamed. You people always remind me that it is okay to be who I am and it is okay to forgive myself and let it go. I can't say thank you enough!
Guilt and feeling bad
These days I'm struggling a lot with guilt. My A has been rapidly deteriorating - while he has pretty much been drunk since the day we got married three years ago, these past few weeks he descended into some unknown territory which ended with him being busted with a DWI. I don't recognize him anymore. I k...
An ending and a beginning
Hello family, Today is Sunday, November 30, the end of one month, the beginning of another. Today, I asked my A to leave. Actually, it was last night, but he didnt believe me then. This morning he arrived with his stepfather to take some of his belongings. He only took clothing, leaving everything...
Hand me the tiger balm....
Have worked morn to night on the main house yard. Got it all cleaned out. Then took out a huge flower bed, put all gravel to the front porch. Then put down this pretty bark stuff called hog fuel. Every joint in me is screaming. But wow from the road it looks sooo nice. The ducks kept following behind me eatin...
I love this program!
Thanks to this program I had a great thanksgiving with my family and friends. It was a wonderful day full of fun and laughter and great food. Thanks to al-anon I have a great plan for christmas as well. I chose to spend it with a very special friend who I love who I have not seen in a couple of years. I cann...
Awarenesses from Super Saturday
It was a right on decision to attend the Super Saturday Al-Anon Family Group meeting. After the usual opening protocol the secretary announced the topic of "Self Focus" and the membership stayed on it. The feedback was as usual for me awesome. I'm amazed still at the ability to learn fr...
Jerry F
Has anyone seen my program...
...because I have no idea where it has gone! Yes, I have been dealing with more than the usual health issues recently, and have taken action. I'm being gentle with myself in that area. I have an appointment with my pain management specialist next week for a referral on to a surgeon to at least discuss opt...
Thanksgiving without my kitty!
I am OK but my kitty died two weeks ago and I am lonely without her. I never thought I would have a beautiful cat like her. I had moments yesterday where I saw her & once I dreamt about her being alive again. That's all. Kathleen
Hoot Nanny
Being on survival another level.
For a whole year after leaving the A I've sat on that edge. I had no clear direction of how I will get out of the situation I am in (financial and emotional stuff). Of course many of us who leave an active A leave with huge debt, much work to do and more. I am still very very much on survival. Most of my time is s...
You already know...
That all of you are loved and appreciated expecially from this Pacific Islander family member. I am grateful and especially thankful for the unconditional love and support I have received over our time together. How marvelous a life this has turned out for me. Mahalo Akua...Mahalo Al-Anon Fam...
Jerry F
hard day
Hi Why can he not leave us alone? He can over last night to say happy thankgiving and today ask our nineteen year son to call and see of he can come over to put up christmas stuff. Last night our daughter and my self just looked at him. Today I told him no. Our children are19,18, 15 they know where he is of the...
Help, Detachment from Husband....he wants things right back as they were...
Okay, I need some support! My father was an alcoholic, my husband has all ths ism's as my counselor says with some coda behavior. He says I have the double wammy! He associates sex with love and intimacy. I have felt used and abused for many years. He is like an empty tank you could never fill! I don't try an...
My Husband "Visited" for Thanksgiving - not my AH.
Hi MIP family, Many of you know from my previous posts that I have been working my program in earnest for a relatively short time ( ~ 9 months). During that time, I have been learning a lot about my own disease of codependancy and enabling. I've learned that my needs and my sons needs are important and I'v...
Back 2 life, back 2 reality
Hello all, It's been a while since I've posted. Been reading a lot of past posts about A's returning home from rehab, as that is what happened here almost 4 weeks ago. Things are different, but the same. I am no longer watching him like a hawk....I have so much more energy now! During the 4 weeks he was g...
End of holiday
Dear all, I have come to the end of our holiday in the sun, last two days were really cold, we went on a boat trip and today we went to aqua sur with a fellow holiday maker who I did not feel great about, maybe its just me but red flags. My father is very needy which is awkward as before stepmother died, he did not...
maire rua
Seriously...am I missing something???
I am trying. I really, really am trying to understand. To keep it at me. I am really really trying to wrap my head around that. Here's a situation of today... My aH comes over today. We've been separated for 6 wks now. The plan was that he'd come by this morning before I left for work, bring coffee, spend t...
Exhausted and numb
Hello everyone, Hope that everyone had a peaceful Thanksgiving. I am feeling exhausted and, I think, numb. I told my parents today the real reason my ex and I broke up--bc he is an A, not bc I wasn't ready for commitment like I told them originally. My mom was understanding and sympathetic. My dad go...
trouble using message board
hi for the first time I am having trouble seeing any message put in the last 3 days. Even the last updates on the summary page are 3 days out of date, because if I open a topic, I will see 6 replies later than the last reply on the summary. Does anyone know how to fix this? I believe I will need a private message s...
My ABF has been relapsing all this month long, and I believe he has finaly hit bottom and is trying to get clean. While I'm getting clearer on the ideas that I did not cause it, I can't control it, and I can't cure it, I would like to get some advice on how to relate or communicate with my ABF. Can I tell him how a...
Hi all I am doing good my A is still at his mother's house. He has tryed to turn all the utilitly off but I have them all back on. He has called every night this week but last night. I would ask him want he wanted and after he would tell me I would just hang up the phone. He took his name off the rent arreament and...
Not acting out
One of my biggest issues with all my relationships was rushing in. I rushed right in with the ex A. In fact one of my best friends cautioned me and said she would not stand by me while I did it. I couldn't understand what she was talking about after all why not. Now when I meet men I wait and wait and wait an...
Happy Thanksgiving!
(((((Family))))), Since many of you might be travelling today and will be busy tomorrow, I just wanted to take a moment to wish my Alanon family A VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I know this time of year can be tough on us. This is my first holiday without my dear hubby Tim. I miss him so much everyday. I know h...
How do I avoid the "shoulds" during the holidays - I know what to do but just venting!
The stress is already beginning to start. I am having Thanksgiving at my house on Saturday for about twenty people (this is my side of the family and I have done this for 10 years now) Really didn't want to do it - but my kids love the tradition of it - so I gave in. My AH's family get together is on Thursday...
Grateful Heart
Dear MIP Family, Just a short post to say how grateful I am for each and every one of you that participates on this board. I have learned so much from each of you. I wish a wonderful Thanksgiving break for all, full of peace, love and most importantly, serenity. Love, Rocky
A mixed up day~
First of all I would like to wish all my MIP family a very Blessed Thanksgiving:) May the day be exactly the day you need it to be filled with wonderful things. I am reminded today to thank all of you for all your help and sharing, to be grateful that I found MIP and to count all the blessings in my life-eve...
reacting to "I'm sorry" & the 3 Cs
This is just me - I see "I'm sorry" in response to something causingone of us to struggle. When I see that, I think - well, you didn't cause it so you don't need to be sorry. You didn't cause it and you can't change it. Do any of you ever hear the disembodied voice in the phone prompt tell you it's...
New to this site and lost.
I am new here and so lost. Short History first. I was with my "A" seven years. We are currently not together because of his family. His Mother died last April and his sisters stepped in and he had to move to the family farm or they would have taken his inheratance and I was banned from the farm. T...
My ABF has been relapsing all this month long, and I believe he has finaly hit bottom and is trying to get clean. While I'm getting clearer on the ideas that I did not cause it, I can't control it, and I can't cure it, I would like to get some advice on how to relate or communicate with my ABF. Can I tell him how a...
The mental aftermath .. trust and scary issues
Hi Everyone, Somebody is listening out there. Considering I had never been on a real date until a couple weeks ago, when I said I was ready *PooF* Oppurtunities are falling out of the sky. I have fear, don't get me wrong this is kind of fun, just bringing up new issues to work out in my head and with my HP an...
Any tips for getting through the Holidays?
I have noticed alot of new members on this site. Getting through the holidays is going to be rough for me, and I assume others. Are there any tips from you more "experienced" members that you wouldn't mind passing on? Thank you in advance.
Step 8 share
realize that I will react to people when they hurt me. I used to be a doormat and not do anything. Then somewhere along the line I became so resentful from holding it all in I think that I now snap at people because they are hurting me. I don't deserve to be hurt but other people don't deserve it either just be...
Chaos vs Order
Chaos vs Order I am having trouble today with Chaos. And other peoples Chaos. I can take care of me and have ORDER. Stress free and take care of business. I just can't stand the Chaos of other people being scatterbrained. I mean, come on...get it together, right? OH..just venting! Thanks all!
another day. update
The insurance guy came,took pictures then says, "I will bill you." !!!!!! yay!!! Hp is so good. It felt good yesterday and last night to be serene and KNOW everything will be ok no matter what. When I woke up the feather bed and dogs and cats felt so nice. warm, safe. I asked him what he thought I...
wondering what to do
hello all..its been a while since i have posted here...i am still sober and going to meetings...even working for the first time in years...so in that respect all is fairly well my relationship is still an ongoing uncertainty allthough it has improved four thousand percent since i have gotten sober....
he claims
A quick recap. I posted months ago that I thought my H was an alcoholic. He left me and the kids in February for another woman etc. Anyway late last week he told me that he can finally admit that he is an alcoholic. did I know how much he was drinking? He claims he has been to a few AA meetings and at those me...
for us
Hi Friends, I want to share with you a song that is very powerful to me. Actually, it would be a great theme song for MIP. Even the title of the album, "We Need Each Other" fits perfectly. The song is called "Whatever You're Doing" and is a wonderful message about the power of HP. I en...
I've Turned Down HP's Help One Too Many Times I Guess - Really Bummed Today
Hi All, Well remember last week I said I was gonna deal with my AH till he dies, well I'm not meaning to sound mean at all, but I guess there ain't gonna be such luck. I am so upset with myself right now, I don't know how to get out of it. AH has, of course, been drinking steadily worse and worse since last week...
nervous and sad
OK so, living with active AH but needing to disentangle. Been trying hard, we are cordial but don't touch eachother for many months now. He knows I want it over. He is being too nice but everyday he goes through my stuff. I think he's looking for money. He's broke. He has beewn pawning stuff. Sleeps all da...
Step 2 Share....I believe!
Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore me to sanity???? Well this one wasn't that hard for me.......I've always believed just gave up when things didn't go the way I thought they should-lol, all those unanswered prayers made me think that my happiness just wasn't muc...
http://coping.org/control/detach.htm The above website has an excellent worksheet on detachment along with other issues we deal with on a daily basis such as anger. We have used this worksheet in two different f2f meetings that I attend and have found it extremely helpful. You will find some w...
Amazes me....(a bit off the topic)
Why is it so many people cannot express themselves without the repeated use of the "f" word? So, ok; I have heard it before, but does that mean I have to be continually assaulted with the trashiest, most disgusting word the English language has produced? Have I missed something? Is thi...
What is meant by the phrase....
"You are exactly where you are supposed to be"? This is a phrase that has always befuddled me. What does it mean? If I am hurting, angry, depressed, dejected, and lost, I am NOT where I am supposed to be. If I am standing atop a tall building contemplating the jump, I am NOT where I am suppos...
My life had become unmanageable~
As I read and reread that step I think back to the past. During my marriage to AH I was beaten and mentally abused for years. My life defined the definition of insanity-yet I kept doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. After divorce I thought No Alcoholic=No problem for me...
REALLY need some help-online sponser needed BADLY-PLEASE HELP
Well for those who have followed my life saga on here-you know that ABF dumped me-the hoot of it was he did it at the Dairy Queen. That was Friday the 14th and I've been in a serious state of depression since then. I do feel better and am sleeping better now also. Ex ABF and I saw one another the Sunday...
After AA meetings, he drinks in the car
My husband has been to 6 or so AA meetings. The first time for him. After the meeting, he drinks in the car before coming home. From what I can get from him, the 12 steips aren't discussed at the meetings he's been to. I'm extremely disappointed. I know he's going to the meetings, he picks u...
Some heavy, obstacles and news hit me today
My friend just told me AH was in the paper. I said,dead?!Oh boy he is so sick. How has he stayed alive this long???? Here is the report:Crash, arrests Police responded to a two-vehicle collision at 4:07 p.m. Thursday at Queen Avenue and Oak Street S.E., and arrested both drivers. According to police,...
Short intro and question about detaching...thank you in advance for your support
This site has been wonderful for me to look at each night. I hope I can one day be of some support to others also. My father was a chronic alcoholic and I have found out now after 14 years of marriage(not good) that he and my codependent mom did have a large effect on me. I married someone a lot like my father,...
Dear All, step-mother A buried over a week now and my father has planned christmas in the hotel with my son and his girl friend. I think its a great idea. he brings up the topic of alcohol to me a lot. I tell him I have no control over that but that mr. jameson or whatever whisky he is talking about is not his bu...
maire rua
Thumbs up book swap
Hello Everyone, I was just unpacking a few boxes of books and came across one that I do not think I have ever seen anyone give a thumbs up to here. "The Addictive Personality" by Craig Nakken. It really helped me, I had admitted i was powerless over addictions, I had no choice I had tried everyt...
I'm Afraid and Ready to Give Up
I found out today that my husband has a live-in girlfriend. We have been separated 3 years, however, for the first two were trying to work things out. After 8 years of progressive drinking after a 12 year period of sobriety, my AH became sober again and began AA meetings with a vengence. I had high hopes t...
Time heals all?
Someday I want to stay in bed and pull the covers over my head. I know troubles and issues will always come up there is no such thing as perfect life is not perfect and never will be. I am not expecting some kind of miracle. I do believe that in time things will get better. Things will never be perfect but I fee...
This is the knot in my gut in words
U2 - With Or Without You See the stone set in your eyes See the thorn twist in your side I wait for you Sleight of hand and twist of fate On a bed of nails he makes me wait And I wait without you With or without you With or without you Through the storm we reach the shore You give it all but I want more And I'm waiting...
i'm so sad
This sucks. I found myself replying to Roxannes post earlier saying I knew how she felt and to put yourself first, ect ect. Now I am sobbing and wondering if I am worth carrying on. I talked w/ him tonight. He tells me that he doesn't want to be w/ me anymore. It's healthier for both of us. Healthy? He wants t...
how do i let go?
i am confused on how i let go of someone & the past when they have meant soo much to me. i know my ah doesn't care about me. its very very obvious. but that doesn't mean that i don't love him or don't know that he sober could be everything i have ever wanted in life. everyone in the family says i just nee...
When you find your alcoholic spouse has been drinking when caring for your children
Hello! I am fairly new to al anon (started f2f meetings in August). I am so grateful to have come to the program. It is making such a difference in my everyday life living with active alcoholism. I am learning s many strategies that are helping me to get a moment or two of serenity here and there..lol On...
I have had a rough week and am feeling lonely. My new realization is that I am alone way too much and it stinks. My friends are all in relationships and not necessarily around or available as much as I wish they were. It's not only that, though, bc even if they were around, I am still alone at night and in t...
Well crap ... but I did it
Well I liked him, he liked me. Great date ... then "I was in a long distance relationship" turned to "It is ending soon" to "I don't know how, she is an old friend". Well ... crap. I did the next best step, and explained kindly but firmly that I am not going to play that game...
Last nights meeting topic
Hi Family! I went to a great meeting last night. The topic was on keeping the foundation strong. The sharing wandered through the topic of triggers, having a plan, how patient this disease is. The holiday season is often like a big huge trigger for many of us. I would like to suggest to all of you that...