I filed a police report today
As I said in my last post went to the A's mother's house last night and the A was there. Had 300 in my wallet. Left my purse in car and thought I locked it. Apparently not. This morning when I went to deposit in bank realized that I only had 140.00. Someone had taken 160.00 out hmmm... He was outside on...
it's a long road....
Hi Friends, I've had a rough couple of weeks (join the crowd!) and last week I felt as if al-anon had done nothing for me. I cried, I raged, I feared.... this journey just seems too long at times. It has been two years since our dysfunction came out in the open. Two years since my ah's affair began. Almost tw...
Need advice
On my post on tuesday I told how i went to buy shoes for my daughter with my AH, and how he told me that we copuld work things through but that I had to change some attitudes and that he was still going to drink and maybe do coke once in a while and I shouldn't say anything cause, he was going to do it only once in a...
need help re adult son
-- Edited by anneh at 18:58, 2009-01-21
relationship w. sober bf
Seems like I will never get what I wish/need/want out of this relationship. For some reason, since today, I am looking at things with my eyes more open now and I realized a few things. No matter if I express how I feel or wait and see what happens and not react, it remains the same. Yes, I feel more wanted for...
Explaining Further
I wrote the post, "Have you ever done this?" Since my son is in a treatment program during the week and drinking dangerously on the weekends, I am thinking IF I report his alcohol poisoning, it should be to his caseworker at the program. They are the ones who are trying to help him and they need...
How to deal with resentment?
One of the things I hate the most about the situation with my AH is that I never get to tell him how I feel. I HATE that! Honestly, I always fantasize about the day my AH goes to rehab and during confrontation I get to tell him everything he did to me and how he made me feel. I know that shouldn't matter to me, but...
Have You Ever Done This?
My 21 year old son is in a whole lot of trouble with the courts. He is on daily probation and has to attend a lengthy out-patient drug and alcohol program.He is complying during the week, but not on weekends with alcohol. He was rushed this Sat. by ambulance to the hospital with alcohol poisoning, He had b...
So sad...I detached...and my A has found a new enabler.
Today was awful. Two years ago...I detached from my A-bf of 7 years. At first I tried it mentally...but that didn't work. So we separated...and eventually I had to detach physically. It seemed to be the only thing that made him feel pain. Then I heard he was seeing someone new...a bar friend..yet stil...
I moved out of my A husbands house a week ago. Yesterday we went out to buy our daughter new shoes, and he started drinking. He started to tell me that we could work it out but I had to change and learn how to handle him. That I had to learn how to keep him clam and in the house, and that he couldn't believe that af...
how long til things change
Hi all I am back have not been on in three weeks. My AH came over yesterday and we got in a disargeement. He dose not understand that I can not get over the fact that he has a gender issue and I do want to live with someone that thinks he is samething that he is not. I want a man in my live and not a man that wants t...
detox as a career?
Hi...I graduated from LPN school! How- I really wonder w/ all the hell I have allowed myself to go thru this last year, but regardless, I did. Question. I have an interview to work at the methadone clinic here in town, I find this to be very compelling and something I may be interested in doing. However,...
Christy aka Cjo's Birthday
Woo hoo!! Today is Christy's Birthday. She's all of 29 years old today and it is fitting that her birthday is during the winter season as she is our snow bunny always sharing pictures of her neck of the woods and hubby's too. Thank you Christy for being here for all of us, for sharing your experience, s...
Saw him tonight
Went to my son's grandmother's tonight for dinner. It is a Tues night ritual, though I skipped last week due to the A being there. Anyway, he was there tonight. He made chili. We had friendly conversation. I was a little nervous around him, but not too bad, kept reminding myself to let go- let go of h...
Experience Strength Hope... and being a Witness
We hear those three words all the time... they appear in our Al-Anon readings at the beginning of F2F meetings. We don't give advice, we simply share our experience, strength, and hope. I am usually pretty good at #1. I don't mind talking about my experience, although in many cases, it doesn't seem...
To believe or disbelieve
Hello all, Its been a while since Ive posted, though I do read all your posts daily. In my last post, I mentioned the drug antabuse, which my boyfriend was prescribed a month ago. He claims he is taking it daily, though since I gave up being his watchdog, I cant be totally sure of this. He is attending me...
One of the huge issues for me in recovery is self reliance. I was incredibly dependent on the A on many many levels. This weekend I had an outing with a friend of mine arranged. I had looked forward to it. The friend did not show up. I went anyway. I had no resentment just went on my way. I know for sure...
And the saga continues.........Walking away a winner??????
EXABF emailed last night to tell me he hasn't been in touch because he has been inside his head again-thinking about us and how he knows he is not ready to move ahead with us right now. He mentioned how we discussed dating other people, but feels he would hurt me if he did, but he is hurting too. Feels like h...
Finally left my ABF, but feeling empty and isolated
hi everyone. i'm new here, please bear with me. after a 2 year dysfunctional relationship with my alcoholic boyfriend, i finally moved out. i've never moved out of somewhere so fast in my life. my ABF was of course intriguing and adventurous at first, then i started to realize he had a problem. he al...
Step 3 Bolt of Lightening
I cannot belive how this program is changing my perception. Here's the deal, was studying about step 3 "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a HP". I was really having a hard time accepting that. At first glance it seemed to fly in the face over everything I had been...
4th Step Question
Thanks for all the responses and support. I am currently in the middle of taking inventory, so i feel really vulnerable and highly sensitive. I obviously have many resentments. I feel tense, with an occasional lump in my throat and a big ball of pain in my gut. I am having trouble staying focused on anyt...
telling him to leave
(i chose the "heart" icon for this topic because i re-read my title and realized i'm loving myself *boggle*) i titled this "futureS" because it seems like so many paths are open before me at the moment, and anything could happen. *i'm preparing to tell my A boyfriend to leave, pe...
Must Stop Enabling
We are in the middle of a snowstorm and I just got a call from my AS that he was at the hospital and they were about to call police if I didn't pick him up. He was found unconscious in a hotel last night and management sent him to the hospital by ambulance. He had alcohol poisoning and they gave him charcoal. Th...
Step 4 and Step 5
Good Morning, I am wondering if someone might be available to discuss with me steps 4 and 5. I am in limbo for a sponsor...we have moved and am still searching for someone. In the meantime I just wanted to get some insight and suggestions from someone that has done this. I have done it however not comple...
I'm afraid my AH is drinking himself to death
Hi All, I haven't been on in a while, as things were better for a while. My AH has begun to drink VERY Heavily again. He's now buying Vodka by the case now and keeps it in the trunk of his car (which is in my name) and the key in his pocket, as he is afraid I will dump his booze down the sink. The last couple of wee...
Dragging myself to safety...
...how many times can a person be beaten up, left without any sort of dignity, painfully drag oneself back to the safety of their own personal hiding place without sustaining permanent damage? Sometimes it takes all my strength to sort believing in myself after one of these episodes, and quite hones...
Feeling that old numbness/anger taking over today~~~~vent
Spoke with ExABF last night again. Since we spilt up, well since the beginning of the year, he usually calls every night. We laugh and joke now and for the most part there is a pleasant calmness that is with us as I work my program and see the light more and more. However he says things sometimes that real...
What Serenity means to me, Fighting low self esteem, One Day At A Time.
What serenity means to me...it means I'm in a state of mind that allows me to be free of the hurt, anger and resentments that could so easily comsume my every moment. I have one very bad habit that lerks daily to steal that peace of mind. I have a tendancy to resight back over and over in my head my disappoi...
thanks again for talking to me, I feel much better !!!!
Tools/Tips for setting boundaries?????
Starting to feel-today-like I need to learn how to and put into practice, setting boundaries in my life from work to personal.....but not really sure how or where to begin. After years of being a doormat and saying Yes when I really wanted to say No, I'm not sure how one begins this process, the most e...
Courage to attend first Alanon meeting
Hi, I am currently trying to get up enough nerve to attend my first Alanon meeting. I think the hardest thing is the realization that nothing has changed or will change in my life with my AH unless I take the first step. Please tell me again all the benefits of Alanon. I need a push to actually take the fi...
I moved
I have moved into my main house. Money is squeaky, i s all in hp hands sorry gloves on have not moved computer over yet. cold in here. soooo nice in my house. so blessed. got a beautiful leather couch from a nice family who had to sell or give away their passed on family member. You want to just go to sleep. I...
Cold weather reminder.
(((((Family))))), Just a gentle reminder about the freezing cold weather. Here in the northeast we are at a balmy -3 degrees below zero. That is the predicted high for today. Please check on your neighbors that are elderly or might be sick. If you are having problems with your heating, please don...
Another Good Day with my A Brother...
Well... I have been taking the advise of many, Not so much advise but views and experiences.. Too which I am Very Grateful for... My younger Brother is an A, and as I have told before, I have been working on giving him his strength back.. Giving him things to be responsible for, well... A month ago, he woul...
missing out
Momma Bear
My alcoholic son is in a 3/4 house for probation violation. This follows his admission that he has a drinking problem, and inpatient treatment, and I think its good that he is there. Boundries I can set, like not canceling our plans to run up with there with clothes. He called for the second time sinc...
Grateful for these message boards and the people!
Good Morning! I feel so relieved that I am beginning to come to these on line events more often. Because of scheduling I simply cannot get to all of the face to face meetings that I would like to...and frankly I have found wonderful support and help right here! My most recent dilemma is that I have this b...
I met this guy in an online dating site. He's an alcoholic. He really likes me, I can tell. Every time I talk to him he's drunk or on his way there. I don't know if he knows he's an A or not and I keep him at a very long arm's length. He would be a great guy other than the drinking but as we all know, everythin...
Should I? Shouldn't I? Were am I headed?
Ok... Well Last night I hit a meeting and while there, I realized that I am not always on target with what they choose to chat about... As I said, I am new to it all, but I do so enjoy going, and hearing the shares, however there are times that i sit there think, that I may not need it as much as the next person, bu...
missing out
1 year sober
So I wanted to write and let people know that there is a light. A year ago my AH stopped drinking. He had relapsed after detox but it was his own choice to get sober and through the grace of God he has. 1 year later he's still active in his sobreity, going to 5-9 meetings a week, working two jobs and working...
Just for today...
Just for today I am trying hard to LET GO and LET GOD for I am not able to do the things He can do. Just for today I am taking one breath at a time and exhaling the stress with it. Just for today I need to keep saying that Serenity Prayer until I feel that Serenity in every fibre of my body. And yet I am crying out fo...
Sharing the hope
I started to write in response to Rakenjake, but then thought she had a god idea so here's my success story...
My AH is also sober, 16 months now. But he did that himself.
My success is working this program and getting to my meetings regardless of what he did even when I wasn't sure he would live to make...
Thankful for a miracle of another kind.
This afternoon every passenger on the airbus that ditched on the Hudson River is alive and unhurt. Thanks to the pilots and crew, the engineering team that designed this aircraft not to break apart easily, and those unsuspecting "rescuers" on the water who helped everyone to safety...
Choices and update
Dear all, Am in London doing some research, did not get much done though, recovered from flu last week. I got all my bereaved step mother's clothes together last week and donated them to charity. I know it was not my job but the clothes were rotting in a damp cottage and she had nice clothes, so I got them d...
maire rua
As you all know Christmas and Thanksgiving were hard going for me. Living around addicts (as I do) is hard going. I'm no better at it now than I was when I first got here. All that's changed is that I stopped trying to cure them and stopped wishing they were anything but what they are. I guess that is a se...
Is there someplace my A Hubby and I can go to that is "recovery" oriented? Like and AA/Alanon Spa Weekend or something. Something where we can get away together as a couple and focus on "recovery together" and not just vacation and forget about it? I am SO open to suggesions. ...
help is needed for the teen board and teen chat room
Hey all, The teen room and board really needs some support. Teens have stopped posting and when they come to the chat room even at scheduled meeting times no one is there for them. A teen recently posted and asked where they should go since the place seems dead due to no one posting. The teens need help I ...
It's better to be alone that to wish you were???? What do you do?
I genuinely believed that for years while married to my exh, abusive A......For years after we split and to this day I have always said it is better to be alone than to wish you were. For years while married to him I wished sooo many times that I was just alone. Now here I am tonight~lonely. ExABF and...
Guilt of detaching
i am going to go out on a limb here and turn over the guilt i have in detaching. Had a fight with AH this morning and am currently obsessing. i believe God's will is to focus on the work in front of me. I was over sensitive and mean and sent him an email apologizing for that. I was accused of arguing when i felt...
A clearer day for me...wow
Today my aH wanted to tangle, not to be confused with Tango, which would have been interesting as well, but on a whole other level. aH in all his unstabilities allowed me many opportunities to enter into irrational, meaningless, fruitless battles with him, over a multitude of issues. Not once did I....
Home at last still lil groggy ttyl hugs belle
losing an active A
I have not now spoken to the ex A in one year. He still calls. I am realizing now he calls because he just sees me as another person who he can "con" for some money or whatever to buy drugs. I am just one more on the list. I used to think that he was interested in how the dogs were. I also used to thi...
another vent/rant...
well, since my son, Gnu, is under Baker-Act in the hospital...again, the poor unsuspecting social worker called me to interview me...again. i got a little snippy (honey, i can do that.) and said, "oh. you guys again. i don't want to talk to him, please. don't put the demon on." just to be sur...
Today's reading
(((((Family)))), Good morning to all from snowy New England. I received my daily reading from Hazelden. It's about going with the flow. I will give you a few lines, but for the full reading please visit their website. Sign up for their daily readings if you like. This one is from Melodie Beattie'...
Want to escape and rise above the depression....
...I am blessed with the ability to visual healing taking place once I am in harmony with my God (HP) and He can take me anywhere I like when I rest in His presence. This is something that I have not done for sometime and it was my Sponsor that reminded me of this wonderful ability. I took up the "healin...
Single mom feeling a bit overwelmed...
I have been in program for awhile now and most days, anymore, are wonderful and even when not I realize I will never have another day that is EXACTLY the same, so I can work through it. Today I feel that old familiar anxiety rearing it's ugly head.....I'm a single mom, have been for pretty much my 11 1/...
sharing some of my program GEMS
this is from a file that I keep, hopefully they will help you too (I was urged to share this). teh format is a lil jumbled but you'll get the jist. LET GO & LET GOD ATTEND TO THE DIVINE PLANThank You God for reminding me not to interfere with your Divine Plan LET HIS NAME BE ERASED ~ JEWISH PRAYER TO RELE...
sexy time!!!
My A tries to act like he knows he should all the time when he's in the mood for sexy time then the very second it's over goes back into 100 percent withdrawl- I'm sick of the back and forth sick of the 10 days to 2 weeks it takes him to even give a rats behind. Sick of the fact that even if he is wanting sex if I even...
Regarding Group Registration at WSO
After finding out that someone had posted a rather nasty message on this board regarding our groups registration with the World Service Office, which was removed by a board moderator, I wrote the following email and decided it might be best if posted here as well for every one to read. ************ N...
Well, she bailed him out.
Not a lot more to say right now. Just trying to detach, detach, detach.
Pg 100 of One Day at a Time in Alanon
Good Morning, I do not have the above book. Last night in my meeting someone read page 100 and it was exactly what I needed. It spoke about the thorns and rosebud. I came home and ordered the book was was wondering if anyone could take a moment to type that page out as I have to wait until next week to recei...