So, on Saturday night AH has plans to attend a party with a bunch of buddies. They're his new tennis drinking buddies and it's an organized party downtown, about 20 miles south of our house. Anyway, I was actually hoping that he would do something stupid that night and that maybe he would see how his bi...
compassion....really??? do I have to?????
I am struggling with finding the strength to feel compassion for my AH...we are seperated and going through a divorce,,which he has decided to fight because well, yeah..he wants a divorce because im the cause of all his misery but he doesnt want to have to pay support..thats just crazy..he cant affor...
Well reality has set in and acceptance, panic and fear are starting to set in. I never thought of myself recently as someone who needed to be in a relationship and now I'm thinking OMGosh .. I think I am which scares the life out of me. My mom, .. God love her .. was in a relationship at all costs and I just ca...
a lady who is pushing her beliefs
I was at the gym today and a lady I know came up to me and started talking about Jesus and how he is so wonderful. I was caught off guard because I am really in a place right now where I am not focusing on any religion. In fact, I am trying to shed all of the past trauma that happened to me as a child to do with the rel...
New and need to know how to deal with alcoholic mom
Hi, I'm glad I found this board and I'm hoping someone will be able to relate to my problem. I am the child of alcoholic parents. Was going to go into my whole life story, but really, it's irrelevant and won't help me deal with my problem NOW, which is my mother. She's always been a drinker, and I got pregn...
Can't find an Al-Anon meeting that I click with
I am a newcomer to Al-Anon; my fiance is a recovering alcoholic who is 3 months sober. The man and I have been together for four years, living together 2+ years and his drinking has been destructive and problematic, for some degree for the whole relationship, but seriously a problem for the last 1-2 yea...
Problems with meds
Anyone's A's have problems with meds they've been put on while trying to quit drinking? When my ABF went into rehab they put him on three different meds to help with the trembling and anxiety and depression. So after he gets home he goes to see his regular physican and he keeps him on them. Well after a w...
A letter to a little girl (me)
I am not sure if this is Al Anon related. I posted it on the ACA site but I have realised that many of you guys here have also done the ACA steps so thought you may have some ESH for me as you may not be on the ACA board. I have not been coping as well with the last psych session as I did the previous. It is only today...
Knowing that I am Getting Better
I had my annual physical last week and just got my lab results back. You know, it's one thing to think you are getting better, but it's even more when you KNOW you are getting better. My blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, triglycerides and weight are all the best levels they have been in the las...
Green Eyes
Hello all, I've read this word - deflection - a number of times on a bunch of different posts in the last few days, and I want to know more about people's experiences with it! You see, for years, I think I haven't recognized it. I think I have been a sponge that automatically soaks up guilt. In my rela...
Iris lover of dogs
AlAnon is not allied with any sect, religion...
Ok, this could be a lightening rod of a subject, but I am genuinely curious... Do most people assume that the Higher Power is Christian? I see and hear a LOT of allusions to this in meetings, and just take what I like and leave the rest. I do that on here as well... I am sharing on step 7 tomorrow and it is a toug...
New Here
I welcome any words of wisdom. I've been living with an AB for 4 years. We have a son together who is almost 3. It's a long story. When we met, I was going through a divorce from a very nice man- I just wasn't in love and thought I could find a fairy tale. I found a nightmare. I was single for a year before I met my A...
too, too sad
This has been a tough day for me. I've been here at least half a dozen times today. As well as reading my literature and saying the serenity prayer. My A has been drunk for the last three days. Constantly. Around the clock. He admitted to me today that he knows he is drinking himself to death and doesn't car...
balance?need to hear ideas or someone who understands
find myself questioning balance.with the hours i work i can get to about meeting about once a week.last night i didnt want to go to meeting i just wanted to spend time with my recovering ah.between us working,kids and meetings i feel myself being so lonely for the just us time. i didnt go to meeting and ne...
1 day at a time
New here and need lots of information please.
I am not real sure my husband can be catagorized as an alcholic. Right now he seems very funtional. That is why I need to know what to expect. He started drinking a lot of wine. He is now drinking a 5 liter box within 3 days. I figure he averages about 2 liters a day. When I approached him about maybe hav...
AH just called
He's still living in our house but I moved to an apartment months ago. He wants me to come see him tonight, says he has things he needs to talk to me about. Really dreading this. We haven't seen each other in a while and when we spoke on the phone last week he just tore into me. Went on and on about how I aban...
Seems some choices are so hard to make. I'm trying to decide if I want to stay in this relationship with my AH or not. I know I don't have to make a decision right now, but the living situation has gotten fairly uncomfortable. He is bingge drinking and using drugs. In the last two weeks, we have not spoke...
Practicing trying not to react....
My partner lashes out when he is hurt - usually with not nice words instead of expressing what he feels. I used to cower under to try to soothe him or attack back. Today I was confronted with his unhappiness with me by him saying in a very nasty tone "I guess this is what I have to live with"... ...
Adult Child - Feelings
Hi, I was just listening to an ACA workshop. In it, the fellow mentioned that when he was in aa, he learned about the concept of one day at a time, to keep his compulsion away. He said with aca though he needs to take it one feeling at a time. There was no way he could do it one day at a time. Wow!!! I never th...
Tracey C
any thoughts appreciated
Hi All: a few days ago I felt so peaceful and serene, knowing I had let my AH know that while I understood I could not expect him to stop drinking, embrace recovery, etc there were certain things I knew I couldn't live with any more we agreed to give our marriage another try for 6 months, as we have now serio...
Here's a dilemma for you
This is quite funny to me actually, I mean kind of funny. I tried to order dilemma of the alcoholic marriage on amazon, but the credit card is maxed out, so are all the other ones. Thanks AH.this is a dilemma. The house of cards is finally falling down. We can't afford our bills any more and we are going to go...
trying to prepare myself
Next weekend is my AH husband's move out of the house date. It has been 2 months since I made the decision not to continue our 7 year marriage and 17 year relationship, and I haven't doubted that decision until now. We agreed that 2 months would give him time to figure out what he wanted to do, and there ha...
Iris lover of dogs
The Shot Heard Round The World
Need to vent to the only people in the world who will understand. Came home last night and within minutes my AH went on a rampage. The worst I have ever seen. Screaming, punching in walls, throwing the gun he keeps in the house around, and then he discharged a bullet into the wall not knowing there was a rou...
August 1984
I fell upon, by odd coincidence, a journal my Grandma kept the year I was born up until, perhaps, I was about ten. She does not talk much about me in her entries, because she had about 38 grandchildren so she did not write about any one particular child for long. She jumps back and forth, mainly talking a...
Its amazing how quick I can relapse
As some of you may know, I have been feeling a bit stressed of late. A few things going on in my life... friends, work. My husband and I have been getting along fine. He has many many stressors in his professional life at the moment. In my relapse, I have started checking and obsession again. Then judg...
befuddled by too many contridicting factors, confused. Needing to get back to simple. many of you know I am not landlady material. I always get hurt and burnt. This is the worst. court to get them out is this friday. The dep sheriff said this is the worst he has ever encountered. I called my place Potter'...
Hey, I'm new here
I recently left my husband of 10 years because of his addictions. He's started going to AA meetings and is looking to get involved with NA as well. We're living apart at the moment but he says he doesn't want a divorce, that we still have a chance. I'm pretty conflicted about that so I thought that while he...
Learning how to communicate
Its been a while since I posted and I apologize for the length of this post but I am just now reaching a point where I am really ready to share because I have a better idea of where I am at now then I have for the past several weeks. I have a sponsor. The catalyst for me finally calling and asking someone, the fi...
Good and long day ..
I did some self care this weekend I went and got my hair cut and had it colored, ... felt so good to take care of myself. Today I had a dentist appointment, as well as a therapy appointment, as well and in a couple of weeks I need to schedule the physical I have been putting off for ohh .. let's see 3 years now. I...
Looking for strength
This is my first post although I have been on here looking at a lot of other posts to help get me through this. OK AH and I (married 6 years together 10) are now separated. I feel like I don't need to explain all the abuse, manipulation, blame, etc that I have been through with his alcoholism because we al...
ESH Request
I'm heading out in a few minutes to go with my adult daughter to meet her dad (my AH) for his birthday- we're taking out to dinner. My daughter asked me to go with her because she's uncomfortable with seeing him one on one right now. Unfortunately, I am very upset with him right now after having a two hour co...
Green Eyes
think i maybe crazy
my ah is now 9 months sober,this is what i always wished for.he is working his programs and goes to lots of meetings, as he should be thats where he needs to be.so why feel a sense of loss.i want to spend every waking moment with him,just like i did when we first met.i think about him ever second of the day.he...
1 day at a time
MIP Chatroom down?
I have tried numerous times tonight , Monday, to enter the mip alanon chat room with no luck. I noticed in another post that others have had the same problem today. I suppose we could "meet" at but1purpose.org/ On the other hand , I have a bunch of other things to do and it's getting lat...
Anyone else having trouble?
Hi Family, just wondered if anyone else is having a problem getting into the chat room this morning..Today is the 6th of Feb..guess my HP wants me to get busy doing some chores instead of sitting here LOL. Everyone have a blessed day, I'll see you all soon. Love in recovery, grammie
I think I am an enabler...need to vent! Thank you
Hi I am a newbie and have a situation that is draining me mentally and physically and I feel very guilty. I am a 50 year old woman with 2 daughters and a great and supportive husband. Let me see if I can make this short and sweet (not so sweet) Both my 75 year old parents are and have been alcoholics since I c...
practice makes perfect
What a crazy weekend I had. I was the only person not drinking at a family event and I did well up until the end. My brothers wanted to stay over night. One is 22 and the other is 19. I already see the 19 year old becoming very dependent upon not only alcohol, but just getting to do whatever it is he wants to...
Sent Via Email to All MIP members
Hello Everyone!
I hope that the start of 2012 has shown to be a blessing to everyone who is registered on our site's message boards.
As a registered member on our message boards, you may receive 3-4 emails per year. Your email account will not be slammed with a bunch of emails, nor will your em...
AH wants to go "somewhere" to watch Superbowl
So, we (my AH and two little ones) have been having a not so great day due to lack of sleep, my crabbiness, life...things are getting better and my AH announces he wants to "take a break and go watch the superbowl". I said ok, since I am staying out of the way of potential drinking, which has bee...
Pride and envey
I've been praying about this for some time now, and I've told my sponsor about it, yesterday I strongly felt it when I heard a family friend is having a party for their daughter who recently was appointed a superior judge, our children are around the same age, my first thought was "they want to brag...
My Daughter must be hitting her bottom...How much more can I endore?
My daughter with her 3 young children had no electric or heat. DFS is envolved. She was then staying with her cousin but that came to and end. Her and her boyfreind were staying so blitzed they didnt even know where there were at most of the time. Friday morning the boyfriend OD'd is on life support. ...
Ideas to stay busy?
Recently ive been hit with a deep depression when i get bored, i have been going though a lot of stress recently, im only 17 and my girlfriend is pregnant, and so much is going on. I used to have a game i would play online and i would play it from sun up to sun down and my own thoughts wouldnt bother me. But i have...
Doing the best I can
Right now I am falling apart. I'm very emotional, .. my 8 year old wants to come out and play and she is very tempermental and very overwhelming. She also carries so many of my codependent traits. She is demanding attention from someone else, she doesn't want my attention she wants her "protect...
One Year
Hi everyone. Well, Im proud to say that today is the anniversary of my one year in AlAnon. I didn't go into it willingly, and sometimes its really hard to get to a meeting when Ive shut the world out, but Im pretty proud of myself for the progress that Ive made in just one year. On the other hand, Im having a di...
Update on Being Scammed
Let me begin by saying how grateful I am to have the tools of Al-Anon during this challenging ordeal. I didn't lose my sanity, nor sleep. I was able to see that I played a big part in this and was able to actually pray for the scammers. Here's the story: As some of you have read from my post on Feb. 2nd, I was...
I can't take it anymore
I have been married 20 years. He has always drank, but never to this extent. He no longer works. I hate evenings and weekends because he sits at the bar all day and then comes home and just wants me to go to bed, even if it is 5 in the afternoon. He always says he is so tired. I am a nurse and I know it is becau...
Tired Wife
Working on...
My sponsor gave me Paths to Recovery and I am working through the questions for step 1. One of the questions was do I try to change people and how is that working for me (this is the question in my words). When I look at the question my immediate answer is no I don't try to change other people. Last summer righ...
URGENT advice needed - I am in despair.
I'm in urgent need for advice as I am in despair and dont know where to ask Im in a serious relationship with an alcoholic for almost 8 months. He has been sober for 30 years now and is very active in AA, meaning he has to go to at least 3-4 meetings a week aside from sponsoring other alcoholics, which will t...
Can't do it right now!
Step 3. How do I turn anything over to an HP, that at my core, I don't believe exists? So much bad has happened in my life...I just can't trust in HP. John and IFA sent me some really great ESH in private messages..but I thought I'd put this out there... How do you find your way back to HP? what are the baby step...
Follow up(deflection)
Thank you all for the support on my previous post regarding 'driving kids around'. I wanted to address the idea of deflection, a common tool that alcoholics use to make us crazy, LOL! Last night he was mixing NA beer with regular beer in a glass, LOL! Like I didn't notice as he got happier and sillier a...
I needed to set a time frame and boundaries
Hi my AH and I have been doing a tango for a while now about whether we will actually stay married or not! I am the one to keep bringing up the idea of spltting, because I am not able to find happiness living with the patterns of this disease. This forum and meetings have been invaluable, and many people her...
More "coincidences" from my HP
Once again the coincidences have started. I was in a rut the past three days and suddenly I am being hugged by my HP. I keep seeing license plate #'s that mean something to me. Deep in prayer, I look over to my right and the license plate read "HP" At a thrift store, I turn over this kitchen plaq...
Feeling good and healthy--but still want to know
I've had a really good day with my program today. Had a great, insightful appointment with my therapist today, and a good meeting tonight. Yet when I got home from my meeting, my wife seemed as if she had been drinking. She went to bed shortly after I got home, and I've already done one search of the house f...
My Dad is dying & my family wont let him
My father is 57 years old, he just celebrated his last birthday (the 23rd) in a kindred facility outside of Boston. On 12/28 he was admitted to the hospital with end stage liver disease, and the 30th he aspirated and found himself intubated in the ICU with pneumonia which soon progressed into ARDS. I l...
Driving the kids around
I want to confront my AH about last night. He picked up our son from an activity so that I could make it to my meeting. When I came home I smelled beer on him so I knew he had been drinking but I don't know if he did it before or after he picked up our son. I also found a receipt for a 6 pack that he purchased on the...
one step in the right direction...
Real quick: an update. I am doing better. saw the doctor early because I could not take the pain any longer! more than one doctor actually. I am off my current cholesterol meds. for 5 days. Still have pain. hard to type. I know it might take awhile after suffering for over 3 weeks. Prayers are still needed...
Hoot Nanny
copy my post on ACA board
This is a copy of apost I put on the ACA board. I thought some people here may be able to offer some insight also well.. I had to go see the psychologist again. I have to say, I was very nervous about the next appointment given the emotional toil of the last one. I was not looking forward to it. I had been req...
6 th Step
Hi MIP Family With tomorrow being devoted to my Super Giants and all the fun of the Game I have posted the 6th Step to the Step Work Board one day early Even if you are not formally working the Steps this is a great oportunity to learn and grow and share Look forward to your ideas http://stepwork.activebo...
Looking for where to go.
I am looking for a way to help my partner. We are both in our 30s. He has a drinking problem. I am relatively successful in my career and life. I am not a child of a alcoholic, but I have many friends who are. So I know how damaging having an alcoholic in my life can be can be
He is not in denial of his problem, he...
a question about a higher power?
I just feel very stuck right now. I have been in the program for about 6 months and it feels very slow going. I haven't started the steps yet. I am getting so stuck in the "higher power" thing. Everyone seems to have their idea of their higher power. I keep feeling like if I don't choose th...
A sad life
My husband has no job, no money, no future. He was stabbed earlier this week by what he calls a "random act of violence". No one wants him around, including his own mother. He does not appear to know how to tell the truth- about anything. His "friends" look like people you would fin...