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I know after dealing with a certain amount of stress exhaustion sets in.
Its been over five years for me and I am still living hand to mouth after leaving the ex A. One of the reasons I feared leaving him was I knew it was going to be so hard. I didn't know it would carry on for so long. Even with working two jobs last year I didn't make that much money.
The job market is picking up and I hope to get more stable. For me sometimes I wonder when I will ever have anything like approaching what I had with the ex A. We had a three bedroom apartment. Since I left him I've been stuck sharing and sometimes it is better than others. I never feel like I get my moneys worth.
We had cars, prospects, holidays, and he threw it all away on drugs. I'm pretty certain everything he had in storage got auctioned so in effect he lost everything. As I had to downsize so much when I left him I lost so much but most of all I lost my peace of mind and serenity and I get it back momentarily.
Right now I am stuck doing a retail job that I would have left long long ago if I had some other opportunity. I had to fight tool and nail to get them to give me the minimum hours due to me. Now they are supposed to give me benefits but I can't wait on when and if the insurance card will come through.
In my time before I had any recovery to speak of I would have been chomping at the bit about things like that. Now I just get exhausted and wonder when it will get easier. Every spare moment I have when I'm not working I spend looking for a job and the market has been really really slow since November. The issue is many companies are doing well but they are just not hiring at all. When someone does hire even fir a menial temporary job there is a flood of applicants, so much for things are getting better. I know I will put my income up again this year if I keep working all the hours there are but the cost of it physically and mentally is huge.
I can hear your exhaustion and all I can tell you is what I have done. I work 3 jobs that are very part time and in the Summer 4 jobs. I also have 2 kids 3 and 13 and I have made relax time a priority so that I am no longer walking around like the living dead. It is hard to make decisions and even think when I am tired. I now figured out how to move my jobs around and my kids schedules so that I get my time in enough each week that I can restore myself with reading, exercise, movies, friends or alone time. It took me a loong time to find healthy hobbies and what fed me physically and spirtually. It is not easy to make yourself a priority even after I left my exAH, but it had to be done and most weeks I find that I have alittle extra to give from my overflow because I fed my reserve tank. My life is far from perfect and at times I miss the farm house, barn and horses I had to give up, but all the lessons and tools I have now were well worth it! Everytime I get mad, annoyed or just plain pissy about something I look within myself to see what is going on with me, because I now know, this program is an inside job. I believe the answer to your question is within you. Are you making it to meetings and taking care of yourself? I know you work hard and haven't had it easy, be gentle with yourself! I am sending you much love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
You've already gotten some great ESH, I love the fact we give from our overflow and keep the reserves for us. I totally agree you have to make the time for yourself even if it's 15 min in the evenings when the day is to spent. You can't work like a dog and not have some kind of life pleasure as it were. It is not easy and it hurts to say the least to look and say well it used to be this or that way .. however with that came a lot of pain and anguish. No matter what comes my way I know that I can't go back to the way things were and it does help remind me that it's going to get better. Maybe it will take a long time, however it is far better than living in the conditions I was in.
I have to make time for me .. going to meetings (both kids have to go now and that can be fun .. lol), reading, exercising is on my list of getting there, just really trying to make sure that I am keeping my reserve filled and my overflow in check. In my situation the happier I am, it benefits everyone around me.
You do work so hard Maresie, be easy on yourself and be kind to you.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
maresie, I know this just keeps going and you feel like you can't get your head above the water. I don't know much to say except I know how it feels.. I have been really struggling too but now things are easing up for me. I hope you find some peace with all this. I am happy youre here. During my hardest times with this financial situation I have been in I have really tried to be still with my HP. I did alot of walking and praying and searching for what is important in life. It helped. I consolidated my school loans too, which helped alot! But it is very hard and right now jobs are scarce. So sorry youre going through this, glad you have a program and a place to vent.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
((( Maresie ))) Please take some of your free time off from searching for new opportunities and allow you some down time to rejuvenate and rest your soul, mind and body. Being exhausted keeps us emotionally stressed out. Please take extra special care of yourself and allow yourself some room to be and breathe. It is much more important that you may realize. In calm, quiet rest - in reflective meditation after prayer is one of the places I have found my answers.
Acknowledge your HP (or whatever you call it/him/she) god that you are able to get your basic needs met and that they are important and relax from time to time. When we are stressed out we are too tense to see some of our opportunities or potential realities. Grasp the ability to relax and release the problems from time to time. Give yourself a break and let god take the reigns. That is how things began to change for me, I had to surrender worry and control and learn how to be (as opposed to "doing" constantly). Peace and blessings to you!
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
When I become overly tired, I lose my voice. I believe this is my bodies way of screaming just stop for a minute.
Perhaps there is assistance available as you get back on your feet? I know here we have a program that helps women land professional jobs. I believe ours is offered through the Salvation Army but I'm not positive.
Sending hugs and support, I know working many many hours is not easy!
I've applied for assistance (food stamps) and I am going back to therapy if I can. Right now I am without a lot of medications and I need to work on that. The issue is finding more income has to be the first priority and that is all consuming. The job market still isn't that great. Whatever jobs there are there are a ton of applicants and it is very very competitive. Many many employers are still holding off from hiring.
Anyway thanks to you all for the love and support. I feel better for being known and valued.
If you are missing out on meds please do not hesitate to ask the pharmacist, your dr someone about contacting the company directly. Many companies will offer a very cut rate discount on meds if you need them and can't afford them. Sometimes your dr will have samples based upon what it is as well or coupons for 30 day fills.
The job market isn't great, just keep putting yourself out there and keep swimming because you will get there.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo