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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I sooo identify. I totally relate to the humiliation and pain of this disease. After numerous public scenes, we began isolating ourselves, life had become a nightmare.
As I read your post, I found it very unusual that the owner would try to intentionally hurt you, a patron. I see no motive for him to harm you.
Have you considered he may have thought he was expressing a kindness to you? If anything, I can see him wanting to express sympathy by bringing it up... even though he may have been clumsy about it.
If he meant ill-will, then the guy is spiritually sick and needs our prayers. But so often in my experience, I have believed things I thought to be true, so often were NOT. I came to believe that I have a disease of perception.
Perhaps what hurt me most is that other people noticed his disease, they had all probably been talking... it devastated me, it was humiliating to think we were the target of gossip. I had worked so hard to keep our exterior picture-perfect so no one would see how imperfect we were. I certainly did not want to be the talk of the neighborhood, but who wouldn't talk about it?! He had really done some damage. If the tables were reversed, I'd talk about their husband with the lamp shade on his head all night, insulting everyone and yet falling down drunk.
I am never upset for the reason I think though, so I always do step 4 inventory work whenever a resentment pops up, I need to discover my part in my suffering. Do you know what part of you was threatened? You need your sponsor for this.
I do NOT suggest going back to him for this reason - the motive would be to change or manipulate him, wouldn't it? Wouldn't it be saying, "This should not have happened." and "Please apologize." The program never taught me to set anybody straight, but it did teach me how to DETACH.... or set boundaries....
Boundaries are not to change people, they are something I do for me.... I get to stay away, or I get to limit my time, etc. I "do" the boundary, I don't expect anyone to accommodate me and my wishes.
The more time I spend in recovery, the more I truly believe that everything that happens, happens for me - not to me. Al anon gives me tools for life, to support my journey to happy destiny.
I do hope you feel better soon ((my friend)) Please take what you like and leave the rest.
-- Edited by glad lee on Monday 6th of February 2012 07:50:01 PM
-- Edited by glad lee on Monday 6th of February 2012 08:23:19 PM
-- Edited by glad lee on Monday 6th of February 2012 08:52:05 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
Oh Gosh, that was not cool. I don't necessarily think your response was horrible. Its none of his business. Sorry this happened to you. ugh, people don't think at times. me included. My first reaction was that this guy sounds interested in you or something... putting down your husband like that... I don't know, very odd. You just have to do the best you can with what you got.. in this moment. and you do that. don't beat yourself up over the comment, its natural to want to defend or to respond. this site is therapeutic, to just vent and express and put it out there what were going through. here for you in support.
-- Edited by Michelle814 on Monday 6th of February 2012 10:38:04 PM
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
My A had an accident two weeks ago while drinking. I told two people about his fall/injury. A third friend knew about it because she was here at the time. She helped me get A to the clinic and stayed with me while he was being treated. Yesterday I decided I deserved/NEEDED an outing. I went into town for a nice meal with my friend (the one who was here when A hurt himself.)
While we were waiting for our food the owner of the restaurant came over. He asked my friend how her BF was. He then turned to me and said ¨I hear YOURS is prone to falling down and splitting his head. You've got a real prize there.¨ I was stunned! It would be bad enough if one of the customers had said that to me, but the owner of a business saying that to one of his regular customers!?!?! Without meaning to, I heard myself saying ¨Well, he wasn't always a drunk .¨ Immediately, I could have kicked myself for saying ANYTHING in response. What did I think I was doing...defending him? Myself? Us? I know this is a small thing but it's been on my mind and bothering me since it happened. First of all, I have no idea how he knew about this. As mentioned, only three of my closest friends were aware of it and I can't imagine any of them telling anybody else. Secondly, I'm still stunned that he would say something so rude and hurtful. And third, I'm angry with myself for responding.
My first reaction is to never set foot in that restaurant again. But it is one of my favorite places for the food and ambience. I also know from past experience that I run into this kind of thing whenever I go out in public-people telling me they saw my A walking down the street drinking fom a bottle, passed out on a curb, etc.
I know that what other people think of me is none of my business. But I don't know how to respond in these kinds of situation. Makes me want to just stay home and avoid people. Any ESH appreciated.
I am so sorry that you have experienced this. I know in a small town people gossip and hurtful things are said/ I was living with my son for 3 years before he passed from this disease. If anyone made a comment about his drinking I would acknowledge it and say It is terrible disease I pray for him each day. That stopped any further discussion.
I do not like to give advise but maybe you could go to the restaurant owner and explain how you felt and how your hubby is a great beautiful person with a horrible illness
hi pretty lady, yes one time My A husband and I, first husband went to an outside art showing.
My first boyfriend ever and his cute wife saw us came over, first thing I think she said was,"last time I saw you, you were three sheets to the wind." I was mad instantly. Being immature I did not know then what he does does not reflect on me.
Course the date was ruined. What does three sheets...mean anyway what does it have to do with being drunk?
Anyhow, I thought about your situation. What I would have done or done a bit later after I gathered my feelings and thoughts was this.
Go find the owner and pull them aside politely and said this." I really enjoy your restaurant, the food the atmosphere, I feel welcome." His response I am sure would be thank you...." whatever. then I would say,"I am sure the comment that was made about my husband was not meant to upset anyone, however,I want to continue coming to your restaurant and would appreciate his behavior not brought up again." Then let him/her know you appreciate how they always welcome you.
Its honest, its real, you are not saying he did anything wrong. When ya go back, shake his hand, or say good to see ya! Let it go.
Honey people don't know how tender we are, that we love them, that they are very sick. We would give about anything to have that sweet loved one back.
I would invite you to forgive him. Knowing you, I know you will make this ok.
hugs! lots ofem. give those critters love from me! debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Please be gentle on yourself in regards to your response. It hurts and is horrible, but this gives you the opportunity to grow and prepare for when someone speaks to you meanly/thoughtlessly in the future. It would bother me too, and I would have been totally caught off guard. Do you have a sponser you can run this by? I find that helpful. When I am feeling angry and overwhelmed with something someone has said, I pray for guidance on now to handle it and wait for it to come to me. I also think of the prayer at the end of the "just for today" bookmark, "... Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy." Then I keep repeating, "Where there is injury, pardon, where there is injury, pardon..." until I feel some relief. Hope this helps, and I am glad you are sharing this here with people who are kind and undestand. Easy does it on yourself, you did your best. big, big hug
I am so sorry that people can be dumb. There is no other way to describe what someone will say off the cuff AND think it's ok to do.
You are not responsible for your A's behavior (I gotta QTIP that one) and what other people think of me is none of my business. This is HIS disease and it is sooo not about you on any level. Also picking an addict as a spouse is not a crime. These are fellow human beings and children of God. There is good in them .. the disease is what is so insidious. The A is trapped inside of that disease. It is not you, and all you can do is the best you can do in the circumstances.
Be gentle so very gentle with yourself, of course you reacted to someone saying something stupid who wouldn't!? If it had been me today they may have gotten more than they bargained for LOL! I will have to post a story about that one.
You are a wonderful caring person, please be so easy on you.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Hi my favorite Pineapple, what people think of you is none of your business. People can and will judge others to preoccupy themselves from looking within, it has nothing to do with you. I like what others wrote here. Most people do not understand this disease nor realize the shame and hurt that it brings, until they endure it they won't. I am sending you love and support!!!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Thanks, everybody for your KIND words! No, I don't have a sponsor to talk this over with, that's why I come here to share and get ESH. After giving this some more thought, I don't THINK he meant to be hurtful. He's always been friendly in the past. I'm going to look at this as a thoughtless remark, not intentional- as Gail said, a Bozo moment. Today I'm able to be over it, not take it personally, and let it go. I will go to that restaurant again. Betty, I love what you wrote -¨If anyone made a comment about his drinking I would acknowledge it and say It is a terrible disease I pray for him each day. That stopped any further discussion.¨ I will use that in the future. It's true most people don't understand this disease. I'm so glad to have this place where I can express myself to people who do understand. Thanks again for the support and helping me feel better.
Pineapple - go easy on yourself - it would be hard not to react. I myself used to shoot from the hip all the time - especially if something was said about someone I loved. You have gotten lots of ESH. I have nothing any different except thank you for sharing and we are here for you !
If hubby ended up in hospital or docs office after his fall , people talk . A practicing alcoholic has no anonymity , the ones making remarks about your husbands drinking on the side walk are rude and ignorant probably assuming there must be something you can do about his choices . Ignore them , silence after a stupid comment is very powerful quickly change the subject , I understand the need to protect and that you reacted your aware now and will be more guarded in the future . Louise
People talk. They talk for lots of reasons. Truly... I think most of it is out of interest in others and concern.
What he said was rude and out of line. Maybe it was his way of siding with you...who knows what his history is with alcohol or alcoholics -- maybe some of his history leaked into the conversation?
You know who you are...and I agree with the previous post...take the owner aside and let him know how what he said affected you. It may help him hold his tongue the next time.
You know, as I look back on remarks made to me while my (second) husband and I were dating, before we were married, I can see now that some of them were not trying to embarrass my soon-to-be husband, or me - what they were trying to do was to warn me. People who had known him a long time knew he was a binge drinker, I did not. At the time I didn't understand, and probably wouldn't have believed them or listened if I had.
Right now I am suffering the shame and regret of having publicly lost my temper at a clerk who was being rude. Sure, he had treated me badly. But my reaction was out of proportion. Worse, I tried to "throw my weight around" and to act in a lot of ways that I really don't think are genuinely parts of my personality, or the way I want to behave or usually behave.
Being away from Al-Anon for five years, I let myself get isolated. I forgot to detach. I wasn't using any tools or slogans. In short, while I wasn't working my program, my disease accelerated, and I lost my temper and behaved like an idiot.
I don't really know what kind of amends would be appropriate or what to do. It's a terrible feeling, the shame and regret of behaving so badly. I'm sure that to most people I am the one in my current marriage who seems sick. They don't know about all the situations and pressures in an alcoholic marriage that built up to a public display like that.
I wish I had not stayed out so long but at least I've come back.