What to tell 5 year old grandson
My son, 32, is a drug addict. Two months ago he was arrested for shoplifting due to drugs. After all this time he finally admitted that he could not control it and he wanted help. He began seeing an addiction psychiatrist and was put on suboxone, but we became suspicious that he was using again and sure en...
arlene barefoot
Like I said, AF is out on another binge. I haven't seen or heard from him since yesterday am. Today out of the blue I get a text from him that only says, "As___le" Really, me? I'm the A-word? This just proves how ridiculous this disease is. Seriously. It's actually almost a little comical. I d...
Why cant I stop abusing myself?
Ok, so I left the ABF. I think it was the right choice, and am certainly trying to move forward. I dont contact him, etc. It was a clumsy exit. I didnt ever say "we are done!", I just...stopped. I come here, I see my therapist, I go to al anon & coda, I try to take care of my physical body w/ yoga,...
Finally doing better
If you make a decision, and that is followed immediately by months of crying and wishing you didn't have responsibilities so you could just kill yourself, you have probably made the wrong choice. It's taken me most of 2012 so far to figure it out, but I finally got the message, loud and clear: Abandonin...
Evening all, So my A G/f and I are doing better things have clamed down some and we both can see the big picture. But now I have ran in to a road block.... It started last week in our couples counseling. When she first joined AA and stopped drinking we both agreed that it would be best if I stopped drinking wi...
In my recent self-discovery I have realized that one of my biggest character defects is to overreact to things. For the past two days (yes, one day at a time) I have been working very hard and being pretty successful at being calm and understanding and as accepting as possible when dealing with my AH. ...
New and struggling with "God as we understood him"
I am new to Al-anon and wondering if it is really for me? I grew up in a home where religion was never discussed and has not been a part of my life. I want to be a part of Al-anon but this issue just makes me feel out of place. Any suggestions? Thanks!
OK, so I already have custody of my AD 16 year old son, now her 4month old has been placed with us for the last month and I am struggling what to do. Of course we love our gd to pieces and she is an easy baby BUT we are in our 60's my husband has health issues, I have a full time job and we are exhausted. I know everyo...
tired of trying
In need of serenity today
This week managed to somehow get worse for me. My AH is battling a pattern of weekly relapses, and then we found out this week that his ex-wife is trying to stop a planned visitation we had with his daughter for next week. I don't know what to do. I've tried comforting him, myself, and am just devastated. W...
Broken promises - disappointment is the worst
I think it must have been a full moon. In April I kicked out my ABF of 5 yrs on the verge of a mental breakdown feeling my life force being sucked away I mustered up the courage and did it. Then..... a month later, several heartfelt promises, pleas to come back I let him back in. Just when I was starting to be...
double winner friend relapse
I just need to share this. It saddened me. Was walking down the street to grab some takeout. This drunk guy hit on me. I immediately recognised him from one of my al anon meetings. He grew up in an A home, also a member of AA, and is homeless. He didn't recognise me at all. I am so sorry he has apparently relaps...
Dolly Llama
I'm Back and here we go again...
I am determined this time to get off this ride. He was sober for 40 days. Everything here has been fine. We have been getting along well, he has been going to meetings and really making sure to get there even if he didn't feel like it. Last night, he said he was going to stay awake to watch a movie. I went downs...
Dear friends, By the grace of my higher power and of the program I am able to recognize that everything that happens in my life happens for me and not to me. Having that said, relationships and communication are areas of my life that need a lot of work. The only way to improve is practice, right? I've been &...
My HP has a sense of humor...
Tonight, I went to my 1st step work me
Still discovering who I am and why?
I think I have come along way, at times i have been enraged by my husbands lack of care for me and inhability to read my mind and to show me love when I need it most, so I am trying to drop the BUT, the justification of if you would only do this I would do that, and it's becoming clear to me it's me thats got to do thi...
Embracing & accepting God's plan for us...
My A wife is a stay at home mom and has been for the last 5 years, since our daughter was born (we also have a 3 year old son). She has expressed interest in getting back into the workforce a few times in the last couple of years, and just recently an opportunity working with a friend that seemed perfect sudde...
ending this cycle
I am new to this website but not new to alanon, although it has been quite a few months since I have attended a meeting. How do I stop arguing with my AH about his drinking? He has cut way back but the fact that he is drinking again bothers me so much. Our marriage counselor asked him to stop drinking this w...
One Year Later - Need advice about moving on
Hello everyone. I decided to get back on here, close to a year after my final post about moving out and leaving my AH. My life has changed so much. I am now divorced from my AH, I live in a new city, have my own apartment, a decent job, a new boyfriend, a whole new life. I think I have wanted to believe that this m...
First time
Well, this is my first time on the message board and I am quite excited! I've been attending al-anon for just about 3 years but don't always find the time to go to a meeting. I no longer live with my alcoholic mother but still maintain a close relationship with her and keep a distance from her drinking. I am...
Manipulated or Manipulator...
Background: My father was an alcoholic until I was an early teen, I'm the oldest of 3, I'm on my 3rd marriage and my current husband is in rehab for his drinking problem... I just got off the phone with him and I just feel completely manipulated but I think I may have been manipulating the conversation som...
mother of adult alcoholic
How do I approach my daughter about her binge drinking?
My first meeting in my new town
It was nice to have a couple woman my age. The second half of the meeting was lots of cross talk and nomal conversations back and forth with lots of interruptions, I asked if they considered it cross talking and I was met with defensiveness. Maybe I should have just flowed with it? I am from the same size sm...
In love with a Man in Recovery!
Hi there, I am a 35 year old woman who has fallen in love with a 45 year old man. I am crazy about him. The way we met is amazing.. and he has traits that I have dreamed about in a man. I am not an addict, I can socially drink. However since we have been together, I will NOT drink in front of him. I respect and admire...
Al-Anon Meeting Mobile App?
Does an Al-Anon meeting locator mobile app. exist? If not, it would be great to have one developed. Just a thought .
Green Eyes
Sober mom 8 years - Son-in-law called to say daughter has drinking problem
My son in law called me today to say that my daughter is having more and more incidents of drinking till passing out or becoming very beligerant. They have a 3 year old daughter who is in the picture. He has asked me for some guidance. Advise please.
some days I just have the blahs!
I feel like today that I am not motivated & have the blahs. I guess that sometimes I need to be stimulated & paid atttention to more. I am seeking to find something outside of me that should come within. I don't have the strength to do what is needed to move forward today. I am not sure why I feel this...
Hoot Nanny
Could I benefit from Al-Anon?
I'm the 23 year old wife of a 25 year old alcoholic. We started dating 7 years ago, and I knew he drank, but I was just so in love with him I told myself it didn't matter. His drinking really didn't bother me until we got married. I've done all I know to do to get him to stop. Threatening to leave just makes it wor...
blameing myself
im the one thats doing all the contacting not him,but i do know my feelings for him arnt the same,at all i know what works for me and that is just what ive been doing by coming here posting ,meetings church havent missed a sun,staying around healthy ppl,i figure im just doing a flip flopping because its on...
What Went Wrong?
I just recently got out of a relationship with a man who I moved to Ohio to be with. I did not know that he had a drinking problem and three monthsa fter I moved here to be with him his mother passed away. He then began drinking heavily and became more depressed. He has told me over the course of our relatio...
Fathers day revelation
My father passed away about 1 1/2 years ago from liver cancer. He was a recovered alcoholic for the last 25 years or so of his life. My wife is an alcoholic, in fact she is the alcoholic my father was. Drink, pass out & repeat. He was never mean or abusive, just not available. My AW yesterday in the middl...
Country Boy
Struggling to cope
My mum has been a drinker for all my adult life. She's in her 60s now and the drink is really starting to take it's toll. She's currently in the middle of a health crisis where she is having trouble walking, her motor skills are poor and her memory is shot to bits. I have been to a local al-anon group in the...
it felt good talking to him,by texting and hearinghis voice one time,i havent even heard another word from him,no texts or calls ,i guess he meant what he said that he really did miss me and that he couldnt just keep on texting,i allways thought that alcoholics/drug addicts had no feelings at all caus...
when I break it off, he BROKE INTO MY HOUSE!
so i have some good and bad news...... the day after i wrote this recent post, he called me from the unknown number and was in a rage. I knew what time it was. he was putting me down saying "everyone has told me no matter what my baby mama will always be here for me" that was a dagger to my heart bc sh...
Boundaries, anger, detachment
Hi all, I would like to know how you would handle the following problem: I joined an expensive gym and paid for one month. After a few days I figured out that I do not like the gym and I do not want to go there anymore. According to the rules I submit a notice letter, giving notice until the end of the month. The...
Struggling to cope with rejection
About 3 years ago my husband started to not have any interest in me.. My Mom died 2 years ago and since then Our marriage has gone down hill from there. He drank a lot, he does no speak to me and will not say sorry when he hurts people's. My brother and 2 sisters are in AA, my brother has cut all ties with us I am to...
Jude Moloney
it wasn't that bad; feeling the love!
Yesterday was my first Father's Day w/o my dad; as most of you know he died of cancer just before Christmas last year. The day wasn't bad because I kept busy I guess. My cousin told me to think of the good things; which I did & didn't even cry. I spent my day cleaning, laundry, karoake which I haven't don...
Hoot Nanny
New Al-anon Member
06/18/2012 I am a recent member of Al-anon, as well as a member of AA. I had a drinking problem for quite some years. 1999-2007. My last drink was January 7, 2007. Since that time I gave birth to two more children, got married and came to find out that my husband is a heroin addict. I transferred my addictio...
Letting Go and Letting God Can be Really Tough
One of my qualifiers is my AD (so is my AH). Last month I sat with her and her two sisters (they are all in their 20s) and told them that I had asked their dad for a divorce. At first they all seemed to take the news pretty well. But once some questions were asked about his finances and the impending loss of his h...
Green Eyes
Happy Father's Day
Running out the door to spend the day with my Dad but wanted to wish all the Dad's of MIP a very very Happy Father's Day! Jen
Protecting my Children
I am trying to work on an issue that has been a part of my life since my AEXH has been in and out of recovery. Our children, 11 and 15 yrs old, recently found out he was drinking again when he offered our 15 year old an open door policy to his home. On a weekend that he does not have visits, our son went to his hom...
Reaching out
OK, so I feel a little bit better today. A lady that I met in a F2F meeting invited me to her church today. I was really scared but I did it. My son (13) would not go, so I went and took my daughter with me. She did great and really had a good time in Sunday School. When I walked into the church with my friend b...
ive sorta relapsed
texted my ex a ,he texted back ,just small talk,then texted all morning the next day,still i didnt show any love or wanting us back i just kept it all talk,but im ok with it,my feelings arent what i thougt they were gonna be as of melying back to him like he had wished for i know,talk tohim drunk last nite and...
Little lessons from my trip:
Hello all. :) I decided to go on a road trip this weekend. Im not gonna lie, it was really difficult for me to go off and have a life without my A. I missed him very much, and had a full melt down when I got home. Told myself that it was ok because that WAS hard, and dealt with HALT. Anyway, I had some neat lessons a...
Trying to Change
Ugh, I want to have closer relationships with friends. I dont even know how to do that? I feel like I am just complaining when I talk to my friends. They dont want to hear all my problems, do they? Everyone has problems in their life, why would they want to sit and listen to mine? My therapist asked me w...
step 2
Hi everyone, I am working the steps in a group and we are in the middle of step to. I do have a Hp, however while working on this step I fined that my connection and faith are becoming stronger. I feel so much better in general and feel like I am actually doing some of the work. My exabf is back out there and n...
I had lunch with some friends today. After an hour or so one of them asked ¨And how is _ ?(A)¨ I said it had been a rough week and I didn't want to talk about it. He then said ¨we don't mean to pry, but we care about him. And more importantly we care about you.¨ Well, that opened the floodgates. I told them the l...
Mum - A bit scattery
Hi,Here I am again with the same issue. My parents came to a school sports day to watch their grandchildren. While there Mum's mouth started flapping again. Yabbering on about various members of our family (not in a good way), telling me what I shared on facebook was a crock of bull****. Yesterda...
Tracey C
Trust issues in asking for sponsor
I have been going to meetings for a couple weeks now and they are helping so much. I would really like to get a sponsor at this point, but I am scared of (1) rejection and (2) another failed relationship. I do not trust myself to ask another woman who will be positive in my life. I don't trust my picker and I do...
Is it time for a different sponsor?
I have a wonderful sponsor that has been with me for about 4 years and I feel disloyal even raising this issue. Since I have never had a sponsor, I don't know how these relationships best work. Sometimes I feel like maybe it has traveled more into the friend realm and the boundaries might be a bit skewe...
Walk with me
My A son got word today that his best friend tried to commit suicide. He was in tears telling me about it and is currently at the hospital where the friend is on life-support. The friend has been going thru a crisis in his marriage - he came home to find the house empty - the wife had moved out with the two ch...
Path to Serenity
More news, my mom is gone for 3 weeks
More news... After my last post I did not post for a while. I watched my mom miraculously go further downhill. She drank one night and then in the morning while still drunk she dropped a wine glass, cut her knuckles on it really bad. I had to rinse her hand and bandage it. itwas bleeding a lot, probably beca...
Planning to move out
I don't think I have the energy to stay in this marriage now that I know he is an alcoholic. I am very sad but know that to stay would be a really bad move. He is a sweet drunk but I gotta get out. Without resources, I don't know where to go. Is there a clearinghouse for housing options...others who may wan...
I am so happy today. My daughter is in town visiting. It's so strange. That only now, that this life change has happened. That I see clearly. I feel like Im coming out of a strange haze. I had been living in. I never realizied how my life had shrunk. Living with the Alcoholic. I am seeing my children in a whol...
Sister assaulted me
Hello all, I was at my nieces graduation from highschool and afterwords there was a party for the graduatels at my sisters(the alcoholic) friends house. I was helping to get the food ready and my sister said something rude. I could tell how the day was going to go so my daughter and I left to avoid a drunke...
The crazy move and settling in
I have been coming and reading and occassionaly responding, but been crazy busy getting us unpacked and still have a bit to go. I left the island I lived on Sunday night and have moved to the main land where I know not a sole with my 2 girls for those who don't know me. I took my girls to see their dad today for t...
I have been with my husband for 16 years and it has been a very rocky road. He has gone as long as 2years sober before he began having weekend drinking binges. He has started drinking more lately and I am noticing the affect it has on my children. My 12 year old daughter has so much anger built up inside of her...
On cloud 9 till lighting striked again! but I got up! Just want you guys to hear my battle
The pain I have inside is excruating. I have been on an all time high and happiness from not hearing from my ex the past 2 weeks. The last I heard from him he wanted to hang out and i didnt want to see him, he called me saying he was at the beach with his friends and he was with his baby mama instead (he lied to me) a...
Feeling like I'm crazy!!!
My exhusband and I have agreed to try to work things out if he stays sober. He is currently in a residential correctional facility. Everything seemed to be going well until I told him I was going out with my sister to a street dance to celebrate my birthday and I would probably drink. I'm not a big drinker m...
I Have Lost My Best Friend
My beloved 16 year old puppy died on Sunday. She has been my faithful, loyal loving friend in the midst of all the craziness in my life she was the constant that keep me grounded and always always loved me unconditionally. I am devastated. It is taking all my strenght simply to get out of bed and go on. Just...