The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I haven't been on in awhile. I need to still make this part of my day, even when things get busy.
We're doing well here, so far. Both my parents just had surgery on different things. They are recovering mostly okay. I have been able to make myself stop trying to be the end all to everyone's everything, and do what is in my power to do and say no when I have to.
At home, same thing. It has been peaceful, and I am SO thankful for that. E and I are becoming best friends again. We are respecting each other.
At work.... well... suffice it to say, I still need to work on not over compensating for the slackers underneath me. I find myself doing the whole octopus arms deal.. 8 things at a time, feeling exhausted... when all I have to do is to trust my employees to handle what work I give them, and not feel like a dictator for asking them to simply do their part to earn their pay.
I hope all of you have been well. I send you all good energy! Thanks for reading!
"Everything that has ever happened to us is there to make us stronger." - John Trudell
Both posts are good reminders for me. I have been on vacation since last Wed and have missed reading the posts and attending my meeting, as a result, I found myself getting overly involved in a friends situation. Her husband recently filed for divorce. My role is getting muddled, I am a therapist so she is seeking my counsel as a therapist and friend. I believe it be to be best for me to be her friend and not her therapist. I am too close to her to be co-dependent ways are being triggered. I have been struggling all day with this issue...typing it out has helped me step away and get some HP guidance as to the best action to take. I was hard on myself for not saying just the "right" things..the reminder of progress not perfection is so helpful!