I started reading this book and it is like doing a fourth step on your fears and facing denial!! It is a 40 day program with prayer and affirmations daily. It states that we operate from love or fear. Face the fear (hidden anger, resentment, denial or plain fear) and choose to operate from love instead...
Friends, I could use some prayer
Actually, I could use prayer, meditative thoughts, or whatever way you choose to uplift a friend in need. I am feeling more and more like I need to make a decision about separating or divorcing my AH. He refuses to discuss what HE wants and keeps putting the entire marriage back on my plate, "Wha...
Stepping out of bounds
I slipped in my recovery today, and I know that, but I'm not sure if I feel bad about it, Or how bad i feel about it. My AH had another relapse today, after having had nearly a month sober, and I freaked out. I let anxiety, worry and dread take over Before I calmed myself down. Then, and here's the part where I t...
Functioning alcoholic husband
hi there, I'm new to this forum and don't really know where I fit in. All I know is that I'm nearing the end of my rope. My husband is what you might call a 'functioning alcoholic'. He has a well-paying, full-time job, he's extremely intelligent, gets up every morning, goes to work, and rarely goes out. ...
forgiveness feels more healthy than revenge today.
goodmorning MIP, yes you were so right on about 'i'm right where I'm supposed to be', according to the situation. i accepted that now. Thanks for the support, reading your post feels like solid crutches when I broke my leg only yesterday, and already trying to walk again today, or even running the next...
I'm Exhausted (Mentally, Physically & Spiritually)
I am ready to file for divorce but I am so drained from my job and the emotional toll that I have been through that the thought of the extra work that is going to fall on my shoulders to make the sale of the house happen has me ready to just take my losses and walk away from everything. I have kept going throu...
Being someone with codepency issues and being in a relationship with someone who doesn't have either addictions or codependency sort of forces me to learn I caught myself trying to enmesh too far, which caught me off guard because I did so well with detachment in my prior relationship. This rela...
Discomfort around alcohol / drugs?
Hi everyone, I'm completely new to this forum and I guess even Al-Anon. My partner is an alcoholic, but I met her about a year ago, when she was already two years sober and had worked through the steps with her sponsor. In any case, I've found that I'm really uncomfortable when I notice her or her group of...
trusting hp
Hi All, was on a trip yesterday for work. I got lost and was driving around for quit a bit. In the end I prayed (ha ha ). I pulled over and I was 2 mins from where I needed to be. Wish I would have prayed earlier instead of trying to do it alone. Hugs tracy xxxx
Step meeting?
Should i go to a step meeting. I have only been to four f2f meetings. Should i wait to attend step meeting. I have only 3 meetings i can attend weekly step,serenity and regular alanon. Should i just stick to regular meeting for awhile?
AFG Membership Survey results are now available
Aloha everyone. Thought I'd pass this along. The WSO has publicized the results of their 2012 membership survey. Take a look if you get a chance. Real interesting stuff in there. From the WSO's Group eNews newsletter: Results from the 2012 Membership Survey are now available! Members' involvement...
My story
So I have been in and out of this forum reading threads for comfort but until now I have never created an acct. I know that much of what Im going to say is beyond the scope of Al Anon and many of you will probably think Im a fool for putting up with it, but I have been hoping for the best. The relationship that I am...
My Friends Spirit Will Sore...
Welp...Tonight I have to go lay another Dear Friend to rest at 34... I'm not looking forward to it for he left behind his boy he had raised by himself Since an Infant, and he is but 8yrs old... Seems the Pains of this Disease seem to get me alot here of late, this make (3) in 3 months from addictions, an...
Hiding, Lying and I am sneaky...
I am sure most of you can tell immediately with someone in your family is drinking. It is so interesting to see how their facial features change, their enuciation of words, their body language. I knew immediately he was drinking and so low and behold I found two bottles. I did not throw them away like...
amends meant nothing!
oh well. what did i expect? x ah is drinking again. no big deal, he is an a. about 6 weeks ago he said sorry for the damage he caused. people said be cautious. well nothing really changed but somewhere in my mind i hoped! oops silly me! i am resentful again. his pathetic self pity and obvious stupidity, its...
Monday Night Meeting - Forgiveness
"Forgiveness - to forgive - is about you and I clearing our resentments of the past. It is about freeing ourselves from the mistakes we have made. Because don't we beat ourselves up sometimes? And this leads to guilt and/or resentment."
Went to my first mtg! Should I go back?
So, I went to my first meeting tonight! I had to walk around the block a few times before going in, but I went! It was... okay. I felt a bit like I didn't fit in. Everyone there who shared was dealing with a loved one who is currently drinking. I'm not, nor have I ever been, in that situation. I don't drink (ne...
true to life!
Sometimes things are really true to life! I am experiencing all kinds of coincidences which can make me very crazy. The truth is that I am too aware of my surroundings! I have too many moments that scare me & put me in a definite place of fear. I can only focus on one thing at a time but sometimes I get dis...
Hoot Nanny
i surrender
Yesterday my A spouse not only drank yesterday so that her speech was slurred, but she refused to let me drive her home and she drove herself. She's not going to change and she could have killed someone. I MUST accept this. Lyne
The trust is gone
My husband was supposed to be in an IOP program from December 2012 to March 2013. Failed a few tests in January. I never knew - obviously he did not tell me but neither did the treatment center. Think I already mentioned that in here. So I called his counselor at the treatment center, and he had all...
life lessons again
Ok, so this is what I've learned during the past week: Most likely when my A spouse is talking, they will be lies. All the promises she makes she breaks. I have to take care of myself so all her crap is not affecting me. I have promised myself I will no longer ask what time she is coming home, nor check her...
I invoked a prayer when I asked to see my blind spots
Last week I posted "I want to see my blind spots"..it was really a prayer, so my HP opted the best way to get me to see (or look up) was to put me on my keister. I spent almost a week suffering because I put my well being in the mudpie of earthbound craziness with my arrogance and pride sprinkled o...
Knowledge of His will....
Wanted to share my eleventh step miracle, amazing how Al-Anon works when you work it. It was a very trying past week. AH (sober) and I were not getting along. I tried to talk to him, it did not go well, put me in a tizzy and things even worse between us. I started praying for knowledge of his will and the p...
Talking to the ashes
I've decided to make myself useful today, even though the Daytona 500 is on in the background. I am in the process of packing my AH's belongings away - I don't know where they will go, or when, but I feel I need to put them somewhere away from me for the time being. So I'm putting laundry away, including som...
AW drinks and threatens
AW drunk tonight and turns into what I call 'the little god'. When drinking she often expects me to do whatever she wants whenever she wants and if I refuse she threatens to make me pay. In the past I would give in just to get her to leave me alone or I would get angry with her which never ended well. Tonight I r...
My Anger In Death & Rumors...
Hey All... I'm having another Tough Spot Again at the loss of Yet another to the disease that makes (3) in (3) months, that last two within 2wks of each other... And tho I know my Friend is in a place of Peace, I am So Angry! Not Just at the Disease its self, but at that Narrow Minded, Small Town ~ Small Mind pla...
New Job
Last week was my first week at my new job. I am so, so grateful to have this opportunity. It's with our county, and the benefits are incredible (which will make it much easier to leave my AH, should I make the decision to do so). More importantly, I feel like I fit in more there after one week than I did aft...
My dog Max Update...
Now, I might not have all the medical terms right, or the process of diabetic episodes correct, but I'll try to tell you what my vet finally told me yesterday. My dog Max is a diabetic... his pancreas is releasing too much insulin into his system and making his glucose and sugar level bottom out to the poi...
sharing the good mood!
feeling positive and cheerful today, so I just wanted to share with you. I'm looking forward what is yet to come in my life, as I know now that I will be able to kick out all the ugly stuff at some point and replace it with something good. the hurt feeling still lingers around....and that will take a while. B...
Will it ever end?!
I have not been here in a couple of weeks. My life has taken yet another turn thanks to my AH. After having a terrible accident from huffing and drivindecide agreed to check himself a rest residential treatment center in another state. He was in detox for one week during which time he allowed another...
My life
I grew up in an alcoholic home. When you are a child this becomes your norm. I constantly watched my parents and became pretty good at reading people. I never had the attention of my dad. To him I was a nuisance and stupid. Things stick with a person after a while. In a lot of ways I never felt like I cou...
I have been dating the woman of my dreams for close to a year. Since the moment our eyes met I was in love, and every single day it got better. About a month ago maybe more I noticed she was becoming more and more distant. Coming home later and later finally on Valentines day, where we had plans to at least be t...
I am a total newbie to the al-anon world. My partner is in AA (3 years) and I never knew him as a drinker. In an effort to understand and support him better, I'm planning on going to an al-anon meeting. I've been toying with the idea for a couple of months but have come up with one excuse or another for reasons...
New to al-anon & feeling a bit left out!
Hi there, i'm new to al-anon! I'm in a relationship with my partner of over 4 years, he's just had his 1 yr anniversary and doing really well and we're getting married later this year. Of course, we've been through a lot! Relationships get tested to the max and on a number of occasions i've wondered, 'is i...
We got about 6 inches of snow last night...so I went out and used a shovel and snow scoop to clear the driveway (I can't afford a plow guy). ExA shows up to take 10 yo to sledding party...and stands and smokes a cigarette for about 20 min while his 5.2 wife continues to move big mounds of snow out of the drivew...
Got out of the house
Well I thought OK I need to get out of the house so called a friend and we went out to dinner and then to the casino to have a little fun. Yes I lost a little but enjoy the evening out. One thing though is getting home at 2am makes for a lazy next day...hehe. I'm just not one of those late night people. My son wa...
Someone jokingly said that I might have dementia & I took it seriously. My brain is just plain tired. I have been struggling w/ bad short-term memory but it only happens mostly when I am tired. I will take some of your advice & sleep when I am tired & nap when I need one. I usually nap every Thur...
Hoot Nanny
pass it on
I need somewhere to hide something so asked a friend where shall I hide it for safe keeping somewhere hard for me to retrieve it easily. The friend said at the bottom og the ocean, "no I will get a subarine " at the tope of a mountain I said No I ca climgb up and get it from there. I know said my fr...
Max, John
Well it sure seems like when you keep him eating he is holding his homeostasis!! His vital signs and his body balance sounds good. soooo make sure you leave food out and water and non salt chicken stock. You know you can always boil a chicken and cut it up and feed that too. Night time is vital for him not to l...
Unsure if I should attend an al-anon meeting
Hello! I've just found this board and am hoping for some advice. My partner is an alcoholic but has been in AA and sober for 3 years. I didn't know him when he was still drinking. However, I really want to understand where he's coming from, his struggles, be able to support him, etc etc, and it was suggeste...
He was saved, again
My A son is in Phuket, Thailand. He has stopped his job, classes, friends etc and been holed up in his apartment, drinking beer. It's probably been 3 weeks, at least. We were hoping this would be the bottom, but he is saved again, because we were so scared. This morning we got a facebook private message fr...
Need to work my program
Dear Friends
After a very tumultuous week my AH is now in a detox/rehab facility. I had my first good night's sleep in forever last night, and today find myself overwhelmed with the reality that he is fighting for his life with this disease.
I have been so angry and resentful recently, not working m...
My AH favorite thing to do compromise and negotiate. He is in full belief that he can now control his drinking he is sure that he is capable of only having a few drinks; after all last night he claimed he was so responsible cause he took a cab home instead of driving. Pretty sure he forgot that I told him I was...
High stress day
So today we are celebrating my daughter's 5th birthday. I had to miss my meeting today because of it. I really could use some uplifting thoughts because I am feeling so resentful towards members of my AH family. I will go and just keep my mouth shut and steer clear of people and things that will trigg...
Hello? HP? Are you there?
I know that my HP only gives me what I can take, and gently places me in the right place according to HP's plan, not mine. However, today I am struggling. I called my AH's therapist earlier this week, told him I had had enough and that I needed to schedule a family meeting at the rehab facility to hopefully w...
confronting lying A
Tonight my A is going out with her drinking buddies and she is telling me she is working. I asked her to just please tell me the truth-nope. I'm angry but not devastated. I need to stay calm later when I see her after the lies. I probably will shut down and not want to talk to her. She will tell me I have a p...
Need to make amends to you
Even long time Al Anoners can mess up. As I have shared my manfriend has filed D from his wife. It takes about 6 months to be final. We had met here at MIP many, many years ago and we have been best friends only. We were both married to a's. I was freed by man by adultery. Now he is also freed by his wife. We both ha...
please help
I am new here, this is my first post. I really need support.....I will give you my life in a nutshell.....I have two boys..one is 15 and one is 9.....I live with my alcoholic partner....he does not work, and I support all of us......I travel for a living...... My partner and I have been together for 11 y...
Hi MIP Family IN ALANON WE BELIEVE LIFE IS FOR GROWTH-PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL Step 10 has been posted to the Step Work Board http://stepwork.activeboard.com/t52723393/step-10-alanon/
Letting go of anger
I spent some time thinking through my frustrations and anger that I was feeling towards my AH for all the years of let down and finally the abandonment. After some reflection I came to accept that in part, it was that I was angry at myself for having put up with it for so long, allowing myself to be treated...
Coping with Anxiety
Hi Everyone, Lately, I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety. My problem is that this anxiety is unwarranted and it's getting better but it can't stop. One thing I am worried about is that I will one day snap and cause a lot of distress for everyone around me, much like my parents did. They are both menta...
Checking In
I've been feeling very sad, lonely, anxious and depressed for the past few weeks. My Mom passed unexpectedly in May from stomach cancer - diagnosed and ten days later she died, at the age of 58. My AH has not made any progress in his program and has been (unsuccessfully) trying to persuade me that he's...
Max is back at vets
Woke up to my dog Max mouning this morning. He couldn't stand on his legs. I picked him up and he callapsed in my arms. Limp and barely rsponding to me. I rushed him back to the vets office. Please say a "max" prayer this morning. John
What to do?
I've been trying to decide if I wanted to post this or not, mostly because I know when I post this I will sound super-pathetic for keeping him around. Because that is how I feel. I want to be the strong, intelligent, independent woman that I used to be, but I can't find her. The only way to describe this we...
Saturday- Duck Joke.
Its Saturday here in Sunny old New Zealand. its bin warm this summer, after a wet spring. The cherries have all bin picked, but followed by apricots, nectarine and them kinds of fruit. The grapes are the last to be picked. Ah well, I know they are grown to make gutrot, but the growers here believe they do m...
don't have much to say...
I don't have much to say but I will say this: I haven't been on the computer for a few days so I haven't been able to post. I usually try to say something when I get on here. I guess I just can't shut up! No seriously. I have been reading a really good book lately--not alanon approved but good none the less. I jus...
Hoot Nanny
acceptance on it's way....s-l-o-w-l-y
today i'm posting here, just out of tiredness of being sad and hopeless. Am not feeling right inside...still a lot of anger and guilt, and disappointment and resentment. i know time will make this right, and hope and kindness will be back in place. right now there is emptiness. or is it the calm after th...
Why do I feel quilty
A couple of days ago my son wanted to help me at the house doing work that I don't get done all the time. I prayed about it and let it go but he continued to ask...PLEASE just let me do something. So I said OK, you know where the quad is and the dragger. Go up there and drag the property, pull any weeds and trim...
Regretting getting an award at work yesterday
I got an award at work for finding something a few months ago wrong with an aircraft- an 8 inch cut in one of the tails underneath while the pilot was started up getting ready to take off. Im a contractor for the government and I work on F18 Hornets. As an inspector, I am obligated to stop the launch, and I did...
Errm I am really starting to think about my denial over things, although I like to belive I am an honest person, I am thinking denial is far from honest, yet I have only just started thinking about this, if honesty and denial are what I am doing I am not actually being honest, did my denial happen because of...