Ms CoDependent's post reposted from mystery board
Ms co-dependent Newbie Status: OfflinePosts: 2Date: 4h, 6m ago I came back !ReplyQuoteMore Edit PostDelete PostBan IPReport Spam I came back to find more help and copying skills that I can't get in very little al alon meetings . Wish I had more support availbe to me. I have plenty of al alon books and p...
Take a break and Smile!
having trouble getting into chat room..
I'm having trouble getting into the chatroom whenever I click on the link that's provided, I get taken to a website, (part of the MIP website??) that has links to the different message boards for AA, Al-Anon, CODA, etc. How do I actually get to the chatroom and log in, this is frustrating. Thanks!
lost posts?
I worry so many people are posting and they are going to that other place and they may not be getting heard and the ESH that is so helpful. I know this has been discussed in previous posts, but can we move them all over to here? Thanks.
Second Step Step Work Board
Dry drunk syndrome
I've been reading Saved by Grace's postings on dry drunk detachment. I too believe that I live with a dry drunk. He was drinking when I met him and had all the symptoms of drinking alcoholically, had blackouts, got DUI's, drank till drunk, broken blood vessels in the skin around the face, all the classi...
Kicked My Sister Out - Dry Drunk Behavior
6 weeks ago, my husband and I picked up my sister from a hospital in Indiana (we live in Wisconsin). She has been an alcoholic for at least 8-10 years. She ended up in the hospital because she was near death from cirrhosis, pneumonia, COPD and God knows what else. They managed to save her there and we agre...
Should I leave BF who is temporarily abstaining?
(Attempting to repost this because I meant to put this on the main board but it seemed to end up somewhere else. Sorry if this just results in a double post--I'm honestly not trying to spam you all, lol!)Hi all,I'm new here. Been trying to figure things out with my boyfriend of 10 months who drinks too m...
It only gets better...
When you make it better for you and when you stay completely out of the alcoholic swamp. It was about going into my second year of Al-Anon, or so, that I was told I would have to remove myself from all things alcohol. At first that was confusing because I was so use to being in the middle of it all. Also on...
Jerry F
AW and smoking
I've talked to her about her catching the bed on fire and I explained how scary a situation it was for me and I think she understands and is sorry. Just don't know what to do. Boundaries like no smoking while drinking won't be followed when I am not there to police the situation. I can't make her leave... th...
Started reading a new book with my husband
We started counseling earlier this week. The counseler suggested a book by Patrick Carnes called A Gentle Path Through The 12 Steps. It is a very interesting book and a lot of food for thought.
it has only been a few days...
It has only been a few days since I posted on here but it feels like an eternity sometimes. I really need all of you these days. I have still been struggling w/ my mom being in all the meetings I go to. I started to go to a different 12-step program but I fear she will go to that too. I hope I am not stepping out of b...
Hoot Nanny
agreeing to disagree w my AH
Hi Everyone: I haven't posted in a while but have benefitted so much from the ESH on these boards....so first, thank you! I have hit the crossroads w my AH--after 21 yrs of marriage I was able to say with love, compassion and conviction--"I love you but cannot live with the alcohol". We have...
Keeping Quiet & Reactions of Family Members
I've been struggling over the last few days. About 2 months ago, I separated from my husband of 20 years, and his alcoholism has played a big part in the difficulties in our marriage. Not the only part, but of course a big part. He's not someone that appears to be an alcoholic out in the world, but he's...
Fear and Timidity
Yesterday I happened to hear a bit of President Obama's speech at the healing service for the Boston Marathon Bombings. He said, "scripture tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." He was speaking about the fear that we have...
This board still off ???
Or is it me?? I see half listings from March, then I have to hit Board Refresh twice to get what I hope is the normal site?
I absolutely hate my AH
Hate is wrong and I know this. but I hate and feel sorry him at the same time. He wants nothing to do with our son who has huge social and behavioral issues aa well as learning issues. If the school calls he freaks at me - he thinks I can't tell he drinks everyday. But the smell and attitude disgust me. I know t...
What do I do about my grandchildren?
More advice needed please. I am having a hard time figuring out what to do about my grandchildren (ages 3 & 6) regardng my daughter's drinking. I gave background on the situation in my last thread. I found out she drank last night, so she made it 4 days. How do I follow the steps and still protect t...
kinda funny when you think about it.
So my recovering AH is having a hard time sleeping because of all the household noises. The last two nights he has gone downstairs to sleep because "I" was snoring. Then when he goes downstairs the dog bothers him or he can hear our son's tv on, etc etc. So last night I fell asleep before he came...
04/18/2011 Rest In Peace Ryan (my 19 year old step son)
Today is 2 years my 19 year old step son was killed. Instead of asking HP "why" I ask him to "help". Ryan was not making right choices. His drug of choice was Xanax and Oxy Cottons. It was clear to me that his life was getting out of control. Death was my greatest fear for him. Ryan...
So ask was driving to work this morning I asked myself the same question I ask myself probably 100 times a day....why am I having such a conflict within myself about trying to get my AH out otour house? Today I think my answer came to me. I think I have been trained and taught for my whole life that family s...
Checking In
Hi friends It has been a few weeks since I've posted, though I've been reading and gaining wisdom and encouragement from all of you on the board. My AH is home now from his second visit to detox in 2 months. He's been home for about a week. His case worker wanted me to insist that he go straight from detox to a...
AW passes out and catches bed on fire!!!
She went for a 'walk' today to exercise her leg and just happened to walk to the liquor store and was completely s@#@ faced drunk about 30 minutes after returning. I went back to check on her and I thank God that I did because she had passed out and there was smoke coming out from under the blanket. The matt...
The power of prayer...
This last week I have had moments of fleeting serinity. lol I am doing good maintaining and something sets me off and I want to be mean and say mean things and pick a fight. I am just so angry. I am not like that at all usually. So I have been stopping to pray, I take break and pray for help in seeing a differn...
Could use some positive thoughts my way....
AH wants to talk. He is looking for validation that I see changes in him. While I do notice a few changes, they don't seem real to me and I've been having trouble discerning if it's just me because I don't trust him yet or if it's an internal signal that I should continue to proceed with caution. We got in...
Having a tough day today...
This weekend went pretty well, albeit I didn't see my AM because I was working all weekend and she was off doing whatever she was doing...Today has been hard mentally and emotionally because I'm so tired of dealing with this....it makes studying harder too. I'm more sad than anything else I just want t...
Red Flags are like Rattlesnakes
Aren't they? I mean, before you know how much danger they foretell, red flags are just waving in the wind, fluttering in the breeze, ignored because we are so used to seeing things like that, that we don't really focus on what they are trying to tell us. We don't REALLY understand the warnings because we...
New and need tips to deal with other family members...please!
I am the mother of a 30-year old alcoholic daughter. She has 2 children and managed almost 6 years of sobriety then started drinking again about a year ago. I only found out this past Sunday. Apparently she had gone far enough that she confided in several other people in the past week, but didn't te...
So when or how can I work on detachment? I am on Step 1 and that is great. I don't think there is a step for detachment. At the moment I feel calmer and hopeful, although my sleep is still awful. I'm wanting to feel fine but underneath is a blender churning. I'm not calling my A from work as I used to and...
Why are there like 2 separate boards going on here?
Is there a bizzaro alanon MIP universe or something? Parallel but equal? Seems like a glitch again.
My dad and I went to our first F2F meeting together tonight
Tonight my dad and I went to our first F2F meeting together tonight. We both enjoyed it. I could relate to what the topic was which was living in the moment. Everyone was very nice and friendly...we plan to go back next week.
Pushka's Message Reposted from another Board
Pushka I've been trying to venture into talking to the opposite sex .. lol .. it's been an adventure and a bit of a bumpy ride. I've discovered I have sooo much more work to do on myself as I struggle through the ends and outs of what is "normal" probably a better word is what is "healthy&q...
I haven't updated in a while after my last post. AH is in detox right now. We never went to court, as he made the decision to go on his own. The only problem now is that the state rehabilitation facility only takes 5 people per month who can't pay while funds last, and they won't take him unless he proves to th...
relationship with self
Hi All, just wanted to express that I am just about to start step 8 and I am little upset and hurt with the reality of the way I have treated myself. Thanks to Al anon and Coda I am realising I am a person as important as any other infact I should be the most important person in my life. I have been a care giver fo...
do you know that feeling...
when you feel lonely but often tend to isolate yourself, when you finally figured out a lot of things in your mind, managed to become honest with yourself, but feel you are doing other people wrong when you want to share but you can't when you want to become active, but you are tired when you know the job yo...
I'm Lost and Alone
This is my first post EVER on any of these forums... I come here often to feel like I'm not the only one in the world living a crazy nightmare. Background: I'm sober 4.5 years, hit my bottom and found recovery. In the rooms of AA, I met my fiance (of course, at 6 months of sobrity...oops, he had 1 yr). Anyway...
AW drinks last night
Realized she was drinking after my adult stepdaughter took her to the grocery store. First thought was "ughh"... but then thought "ok she is drinking... what are you going to do" I decided to look at her and realize the mental pain she is trying to numb and the disease she is suffe...
Support needed to start a group
I live in Uganda, and as far as I know there are no face to face groups in the country, or at least nowhere close enough that I could get to regularly. I come to online groups on and off, but I'm not very committed to my programme. I'm from the UK, where I've only been to 3 or 4 f2f groups when home. Essentially,...
It doesn't take much to lose your way
Good Morning Had a not so good weekend. I picked up my ODAT, reading the days I have missed this last week and pg: 103 says: Depair - how many of us suffer from it. Yet we do not realize that it is purely the absence of faith. We cannot despair as long as we are willing to turn to HP for help in our extremity....
A friendly hello
A good evening to you all. I'm a 37-year-old alcoholic, and I want to stop. I've managed to fly under many radars the last few years by avoiding relationships (friendly, romantic, etc.). I'm able to function most of the time, even at my worst, though I've also invented a "migraine headache"...
Follow up to My Hubby and His Sponsor (his busines, i know, kinda)
Shortly after my Husband returned home from his IOP meeting, he took a deep breath and said, i have to determine 3 ways I am controlling or trying to have control and write a paper about it before my next meeting tomorrow night. I took a deep breath and said, BOO. He said, HOLD ON, i gotta do this, i'm JUST SA...
I really thought I could change him....
I am feeling really hurt and let down and disillusioned. I think part of me hadn't really accepted the idea that I can't change him, I thought deep down he would quit for me, that he loved me enough to do it. I know I felt that way when his addiction first became a par tof our marrige and I struggled when i ask...
my sponsor has ear trouble(prayers needed)
My sponsor has ear trouble, lost some of her hearing & is just over 40. I really feel for her. She went to the doctor today & has been diagnosed. I think that it will ge better---I hope so. It looks like she has a tumor. I hope there is no cancer. She is one of the most special women in my life. I don't kn...
Hoot Nanny
Captain Jack Sparrow quote:
Just read this on facebook and had to share, hope that's ok: "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem." - Captain Jack Sparrow He he he......sounds like something I need to hear. Hope everyone's having a happy Monday. :)
Will be Gone for a Week
Good morning all, I wanted to let you all know I will be gone for a week..am happily travelling to be welcome a new grandson to our family. Tomorrow is his birth day. I will miss participating in this valuable forum and wallowing in the inspiration it provides. Blessings to all.
1 year down the line
I have now been a member of Alanon for 1 year. I am so grateful I found this amazing programme. It has given me back a few things that I lost as a direct result of living with alcoholism, I would like to share with you. 1. My ability to see the truth instead of choosing to live in a world of denial. This denial ke...
Emotional Self Care....
Emotions are a lot like being in water. When your emotions are overwhelming sometimes you feel like you are so helpless to do anything. You drown in the despair, the anger, the sadness, it pulls you under and you lose sight of the sun.You don't have to drown. Sometimes it's enough to just be still, to fl...
my sister delivers more creul emotional attacks!!
Hi friends, I have a older sister that can wreck havic with my self esteem. Lucky she lives out of state.While visiting the family.She managed to do it again. Sum me up! Label me! Attack my very being. I have a fatel flaw!I only think about myself! I dont live in the real world/Just a world of emotion...
home again
Just got back home today with my son. Big reunion with our dog. My spouse got a moving truck this morning and moved to a two bedroom apt. about 5 minutes away by car. It took the intervention of friends who helped him find someplace and then helped him move, and just talk sanity to him. We spent weeks in the...
Just remembering....
It was 1998. I had been sober myself for almost 10 years. I called my AA sponsor one morning. My agf was missing in action again. I told him I called all the hospitals, the city and county jails, drove around in the early morning hours, checking her "spots" where she might be, looking for her car, I had...
Thank you all for being here with me
I want to thank all of you here for making me not feel so all alone. I want to thank you so much for the inspiration and hope for my own recovery which you give. Woke up today feeling just terrible but thanks to reading the posts on here and some prayer I am feeling so much better. One day at a time.
Is AA worth really worth all the hassle?..it has destroyed my family as i knew it.
I ask this question because of some of the posts ive read in here from other people who've had problems with their A's since they went into treatment, and my own experience of AA which has ruined my family basically.
Since my A started recovery she has changed completely....but not in a nice...
My AA Hubby & his sponsor (his business, I know, well sorta)
My husband is home from inpatient treatment 6 days now. He's doing IOP & meetings daily. Only thing, I'm worried. He hasn't called his temporary sponsor that was arranged in treatment. He tried once, that's it. should I encourage him to try again? im not sure.
Crowded and Alone
So the truth is...I am new here - I am so crowded and so alone. A little me background - In the past I have abused drugs and alcohol, to try to get out of my own head - to try to feel ok - to try to exist. Alcohol was never my thing, my alcoholic husband calls me one drink Lulu, I have ended up with alcohol poisoni...
How to handle A's feelings?
My partner (3+ years sober) goes through periods that last about a week where he says he doesn't know what he wants in our relationship... as in, he doesn't know if he wants to be in it. This has happened just twice so far (since last year) and he tends to get over these "phases" just as suddenly...
Is it strange to do this?
Years ago when my AB used to drink and do drugs I was very grateful to be in another state whilst in college. (He's been clean for 4 years now). My AM has been drinking for 2 years and its gotten to hthe point where I'd much rather be anywhere (the gym
Meeting this morning (MIP style) my first one
I am actually not working this Saturday morning so I am trying the new and easier to join 9 am morning MIP meeting and I got right in. Wow this is exciting for me and well I hope people like me who had issues getting in before will try it again. Thanks John for making it better and more accessible. I have the at...
chronic pain, medical marijuana and confusion
Hi all, This is my first post here, and I'm curious to hear what you think. I've been in a steady relationship with a sober alcholic for around 9 months. She's got 3 years sober, including from marijuana, painkillers and of course alcohol. I don't drink, have quit smoking, and have given up smoking m...
Slogans and sayings- need some
Anyone have some slogans/Al-anon sayings that have stuck or helped them. I am trying to write up a bunch of them and put in a couple handy places to remind me to stay on track. Any and all are welcome.
what a show.
Last night my husband had to pull an nighter at work. After the kids were asleep I watched Iyanla Vanzant fix my life with rapper DMX. I could see his disease of addiction all over him. The way his eye's would roll when talking, the tears of how everyone hurt him, the anger and no room for love in his soul...