Spinning in circles...
I am new to this forum and i am trying to find online Alanon meetings that fit my time...i live in Italy, work at a military base as a teacher... My AH just returned from his second trip to rehab In the last year...he went in this second time almost a year to the day of his admission last year...this time arou...
Social Settings
Here's another question...I am at an interesting spot in my AH's addiction process and all these things are coming up I have not dealt with before due to the progression of his disease. How do you tell him, without causing a fight, that you hesitate to be social with old friends bc he will get drunk and em...
preparing for a death of a loved one
Sorry I haven't been around much of this past few days...Called my bio mom's sister who favored me since I was born...She rescued me many times from her "sister" and her abuse, locking me in crates, My mama Aunt Helen would "free" me, change my filthy diapers, feed me, hold me an...
Dry drunk
I found this video on a dry drunk because I did not no if my A sober husband was this so I figure I post it for others to see
Please give input on intervention
we ( me, husband, adult A Dtr who is 6 months sober) would like to help our adult A son get into a state run rehab program. he is in denial, total denial, as his life is spiraling down the drain. no one in the family is enabling him financially. He lives in another state, and will soon be without a phone, has n...
Question About Return To Site
Is there any way to flag a topic I want to return to when I sign on again as on other sites?
Its it normal that I dont care if he comes home or not?
Last night, I was at work and knew that I had some things to do before I went to my therapy with my therapist at 7pm. I was talking to my one of my four doctors I work for, and have grown to be very close to him and see hime as a father figure. I have told him the struggles Im having to deal and cope with my husband al...
Sad sad diease
Hello today is like any other day just when I saw how happy and good my husband 1 year sober how the house had peace then 2 months ago the house became sick again , I think I had something to do with it . I have been staying away from my husband he has been not supporting me during my time of needs with other issue...
Hello, New to this forum. I have a sex question. My alcoholic husband has been pestering me and been verbally abusive about not 'performing wifely duties' regularly for a few months. Problem is, I can't bring myself to do this when he is drunk. I just disgusts me. I have told him (when sober) that this i...
Can't do it anymore
My youngest daughter(47) is an alcoholic. She has hidden it over the years well, but in the last few years, it is evident. I finally confronted her last summer. She still calls me and pretends. I just can't do it anymore. I am getting too old(74), and have other rather stressful things going on with othe...
why oh why i cant sleep
I was sleeping and then a nightmare woke me up. I wish my mindwasn't so active. This is when I say the senerity prayer to calm me down to sleep. I was thinking to start a gratitude thread to put healthy ideas in my head before I try to go back to bed. So thankful FOR Alnon friends and program For my wee kids wh...
First World Problems....feeling blessed today
Hi Everyone, My name is slogan_Jim and I am a grateful member of Al-Anon. I am feeling very blessed today. The other day, I was feeling very low on myself because of my inflated ego and arrogant sense of self-worth. I was upset that I could have been doing more....making more....why me? blah blah. Then,...
Great meeting yesterday but still feeling low.
Hi Everyone, My name is Slogan_Jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon. Yesterday, I was at my home group meeting and I left feeling very special. After the meeting concluded, one of the members had made cupcakes for my upcoming birthday. We all sat down and enjoyed them and it was truly a great feeling...
My car stolen in a Meeting!!
While at a meeting last night, I put my keys, phone and cup of coffee under the seat I was sitting in. A woman sitting behind me, quietly took my keys and left the meeting. No one in the meeting thought anything of it. I went outside about half way through it, not knowing my keys had been taken... walked int...
God Please help me to keep my mouth shut
Good Morning my family I have been saying the serenity prayer for a hour now. We here at work and have a co-worker that is driving us crazy. She is good at what she does......ONLY when she does it. Most of the time she fiddle farts around until the last few hours of the day and then she is SO SO busy she can'...
darn potholes
It was a mixed emotion type of weekend, alternating exhilaration over getting myself a little car, and buyer's remorse when I discovered several repairs that will not be cheap, plus the registration, emissions and insurance all due this week. There are a couple of things wrong with the car that...
Raven Juniper
Hanging in there
I haven't posted in a while - been feeling out of sorts. I'm very unhappy with my job. It's not the work - it's the micro-manager boss who loves to point out any little mistake. I am tired of her snide remarks. Being pro-active and taking my time looking for something - being careful this time so as not to ma...
these doggone high chairs!
I am trying to sit in these terrible high chairs at the library! It is going to be hard from now on to write on this site. I am not being negative but I feel that the library is making it harder for me to sit here for the full hour they allow us daily. I have a really hard time writing on here on my tablet as I have s...
Hoot Nanny
Deep inside of me wants me to write him a letter......
Deep inside of me , I want to write my AH a letter stating how I feel about his relaps, but another part of me tells me "NO, TAKE CARE OF YOUR EMOTIONS HE DONT CARE"!
Happy anniversary to me
TWELVE years in recovery on Feb 15th....I looked it up, my first ever , afraid, post on this old site that is still open, but i had to ask the owner who is my dear dear friend..."hey what is my date..I know its in Feb. around the middle and he told me....he remembered b/c I came in his "room"...
Good ole Socrates
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, But on building the new." Socrates
Ugly stuff.
I really need prayers. Things have turned ugly here, so bad that I don't even want to share the details. Lets just say ABF went on a rampage. Or a bender I guess. he hurt us, terrified us. He hurt my girl. She cried in my arms, mum can we please leave him. OK. I sent her away to stay with a friend. Im missing her s...
I REALLY moved on
I told you all about I have 2 daughters...older one treats me great....younger one was mentally abusive to me., oh no she never touched me b/c even tho I am the older "lioness" I could still best her in a confrontation....but the mental/emotional abuse, the rollar coaster rides she had pu...
Coming home to a empty house
My face to face meeting was canceled tonight due to the bad snow storm we are having, and I wish I was able to go to my second face to face meeting but I'm home alone again. Im getting to the point as if Im a single women and not a married women. To come home and clean the house, let the dogs out, feed the dogs, was...
Church with my A
Hi. I understand this is not an advice seeking forum, but I could really use some ESH and any other insight you guys might have. I don't post often, but visit regularly and do respect the thoughtful and loving responses I read here. I go to f2f meetings (started in Jan) where there is no crosstalk, so spec...
A rough winter!
I have a little pressure washing and painting business. I enjoy making things appear new again, refreshing them. And I'm good at it. It's how I make a living. This winter has been rough. Winters always are in this kind of business, but this year seems to be the slowest I have ever seen. I haven't ha...
pet photo shoot!
Yes. I have 6 pets and a fiancee. -- Edited by pinkchip on Friday 14th of February 2014 07:25:35 PM
We all survived .. lol
My anxiety was up some today .. the kids went on their visitation today. It was good. I'm glad .. it was a good time in terms of just long enough. He's dry drunking it .. even if he's not drinking .. he's definitely got behavior attached. Typical stuff with him asking questions and not listening to th...
My active AH wants my "support" because he is in so much pain yadda yadda
My Active Alcoholic Husband keeps telling me that he wants my support....proceed with the sob story of how hard life is.....How he has worked so hard for US....would DIE for me....meanwhile he has been out all night it is now 9am, and he is obviously loaded. I told him that I do not have the capacity to kn...
Something I became aware of today..
Awareness changes everything... I have endured anxiety my entire life.... and right now, my level of anxiety is very high in regard to a work situation.... as my day progressed, and I stayed busy with things needing to be done around my home... I was aware of feeling a 'tug' to contact my AS..... I have c...
Feeling sad tonight.
I went to a meeting out of town today. It was really good but I can't shake this kind of brain numb feeling, nothing will penetrate today, all the lovely wisdom in the room and I couldn't really really listen. I'm feeling sad and a bit lonely. Decided to visit an Art Gallery and thought I would cheer myself...
I used to be that eagle...
Anthony de Mello told a story about an eagle... A man found an eagles nest w/an abandoned egg...he took that egg and put it in the chicken coop where the chickens were free roaming, but had their "nesting place" he put the egg in one of the nests and sure enough a loving fat hen began to lay on t...
I just need a friend today. It's been about a month since I really started standing up for myself with the A and it actually got better, or so I thought. Last night we were supposed to celebrate Valentine's Day I get this beautiful card and dinner. Well dinner went terrible. He started getting angry with...
alnon long termer - seek wisdom
I know marriages are not prefect with and without an alcoholic in the picture. I am going to see a lawyer to find out if I can survive on my own with 3 kids. I don't even have the money for the divorce. that does suck. I think I will have to wait until I get a job. Alnon does promise that we can be happy with the...
He is having a mental crisis and I AM GOING INSANE?
He was out of the house, he called a friend of his and said he couldn't live anymore, he called me, sounded really drunk. He needed his sponsors number to get help. He said he just couldn't deal anymore, he would just jump off the hotel roof. I called police again. This time they got him to the crisis u...
Armchair Quarterback in need of ESH
I've been guilty of freely offering my advice whether it's asked for or not. I really need to write WAIT on both hands:) That said, I would very much appreciate ESH from you all here. I feel that I am unable to fully work my recovery with the active ABF living here. His FOO is several states away and he has bu...
Raven Juniper
Prince Charming in MY reality :-D
I'm sorry, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this and I'm sure it reflects a lot of OUR prince charmings LOL
Your Mind Is Like A Garden
You are always free to choose the content of your thoughts and the direction of your life. The one thing over which you have complete control is your inner life and your thinking. You can decide to think happy, fulfilling, uplifting thoughts that lead to positive actions and results. Or you can, by def...
Bestest valentines day gift EVER.
For some reason, I've never received a valentines day gift, or card, or notice in the paper (I ALWAYS wanted one of those lol) and it's always made me just a little sad. Some silly teenage romantic notion that I have kept with me, I guess. Intellectually, I know it's silly, but emotionally, I have always...
It wasn't okay back then and it's not okay now
The lights have been flickering with the relationship I have and had with my Dad. He was Diagnosed bi-polar later in life I have tried to place all of the things in the past in a place of understanding. The kind where I realize I was a product of my raising. There is a wonderful outcome of knowing I can un lea...
New moments :)
I've had some HUGE clarity in the past 24 hours things I have been really struggling with just kind of fell away and I am extremely grateful for this new level of healing or whatever it is .. I like it! I had a little slip yesterday out of the blue I looked at the tramps divorce status .. I don't know why I did ....
I have a problem
Hi Everyone I'm writing this because I need help with me. It's not ( or maybe it is ) about my son or alcohol. I am getting sicker physically. I have COPD ( mild ) but it seems to be getting worse. I can't even walk across the room and pick up lint off the floor without getting out of breath. I can't take a...
I have been struggling
I am lonesome and bored right now which can always get me into trouble. I have 4 classes, a part time job, my almost 16 year old at home, but am feeling like maybe it is time to look into the love life again. I have picked some doozies for sure. God is always in control and I try to follow His lead humbly. I am not...
Sunday blues
I truly hate weekends !!! walking on pins and needles , "A" is hitching to find something to fight about !! How can anyone be that miserable , I hope work calls him today my coping as always been pick up and go, i go shopping, i go visit friends, today will go skidooing with my son.... why do i al...
screen goes blank trying to get into chat room
When I log in it accepts my nick name and I enter the room , then the screen goes totally black . I can still get to the board no problem , any suggestions ?
please change my attitude
I just told my husband I am done and I give up. I can not handle the lying anymore. He was supposed to stop drinking since Nov. I found bottles in the trash. Oh here comes the lies. They were empty bottles from when he stopped drinking in Nov. Oh the excuses and the lies. Go protect your addiction. I know it...
again with the drama
I hate Valentines. It was again a day full of his childish behaviour, blaming me for everything possible. Did you know that I am not suppose to put myself first, kids second and then him last? Oh, my bad! Its my fault that we fought a few years ago which resulted in him being removed from the house for almos...
Not sure how to behave....
So happy valentines! My AH and I were supposed to enjoy dinner tonight at home with a movie. I made a dessert he loves etc etc. I knew he may be working late. But now he is really late home and isn't answering his phone. Nice! Anyway I only called him twice and won't try again. And have started dinner myself....
He will never learn
I had a scare. I get a call from my son. He is broke down on the freeway about 10 miles from me. What in this world is he doing down near me. I was mad. I went and got him off the freeway and got him and his car to my house. It comes down to he didn't put antifreeze OR water in it and it overheated. He lied to his f...
I am freaking out
For those of you following the sad saga of my AH (I was doing really good w/ detaching and had told him to stay away from home until he knew what to do with his life) They released him from the hospital and sent him home in a cab but gave him a dose of Xanax for good measure. He drove around the block and cra...
celebrating & grieving at the same time...
Yesterday I celebrated not only Valentine's day but my dad's birthday. He died in 2011. Anyhow, I started to cry a couple of times but I didn't break down. I was able to share a dessert w/ the people at the meeting in my dad's honor & was able to share where I was at at the meeting as well. That is all I have...
Hoot Nanny
At a total loss
Hello all. I am not a frequent visitor to this board although I have posted here before, and I have found it to be a very warm and helpful environment. My wife and I have been having a very hard time in our marriage for almost a year now. I am a recovering alcoholic in AA with almost 4 years of sobriety, and...
Late but Sincere....I love you!!
Hello everyone, sending love and hugs out to you all today...and yesterday. ABF is getting worse every time, doing less and less. I understand what is going on but I admit it still smarts a little. In the past several months I've become very familiar with the phrase "going to the hardware store to...
Raven Juniper
Am i the only one like this ...
I said i was going to share my story, it's not an easy one to share, but the reason I am so messedup , perfect handle name for me ... been married 18 years, "A" drinks and was a drinker when we met, .. i was concern and voiced it in the wrong way, told him if he did not control his drinking he would end u...
Valentines Day... memories pressed between the pages of my mind...
I have read a lot of post this morning regarding Valentines Day... everything from well wishes, to feelings of loneliness. I remember the first Valentines day card I got in school. I was in the second grade. She put it on my desk. And I immediately fell in love with her! LOL Then I discovered she gave...
"Just For Today"
From the Al Anon Bookmark (My Favorite thing...I read daily!) Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime. Just for today I will be happy. This assume...
when do you intervene ?
It is obvious that my sister in law is losing herself to alcohol, when is it time to butt out ? When is it time to say something, do something, as it stands looks like friends and family have made calls to her doctor informing him of her state of mind, wanting to kill herself, the drinking , the use of illega...
Read "Getting them Sober" last night. Thanks for the recommendation
What a great read! I feel a little less powerless, or, I recognize that I am not the only one who is powerless, and that makes me feel a little less powerless. I dont have to check up on her. I dont have to 'convince' her she abuses alcohol I can have compassion for her. I have to get myself better. As I've sa...
Full Moon Alert
It's that time again folks. High and low tide of the mind. (Quick A & P for those not familiar. Our bodies are roughly 90% water. The moon regulates and controls the tides of the ocean....impressive.) Now, just what kind of pulling does this have to do with our white and gray matter (our brains...