The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
To begin, I am dating someone who clearly has an addiction to alcohol. When we met two years ago I knew that he was a widower and he mentioned that when his wife passed away he took 6 months off from life and temporarily lost custody of his daughter. He said it wasn't like he was an alcoholic, he just self medicated with alcohol during that trying time in his life. I was naive and believed him. He is truly a kind, gentle, supportive, smart man. He is an amazing listener and we have so many similar interests. He is the exact opposite of my ex husband who was abusive, distant, and lacked the ability to empathize and to have an intimate relationship with anyone. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to find someone so compatible and kind.
Then six months into our relationship he disappeared. We don't live together but talked every day and he visited me every night after my children were asleep. Suddenly there were no text messages, no phone calls or visits. Then his daughter contacted me. She said he had started drinking again and she didn't know what to do. I went to his house and saw a totally different man. Physically and mentally transformed into someone I didn't know. He stopped showering, his orderly home was a mess, and he looked bloated, bleary eyed and vacant. I was floored. I took his daughter to my place and she stayed there for almost two weeks. I attempted an intervention with her and his therapist. When the intervention didn't work I was devastated.
He eventually stopped after two weeks went by and he was really hurting from what I think was pancreatitis, but he refused to go to the doctor. We talked about it afterwards but I was afraid to push too much because I felt guilty about the intervention, I felt like I was crossing a boundary by doing that.
Fast forward 18 months, 18 wonderful, blissful, loving, months. Last week on Thursday night he came to visit me as he usually does. However he was different, he was breathing heavily and slurring his words. I knew we were about to go down that roller coaster again. It caught me off guard, I thought that it wouldn't happen again because I have no experience with this. Then Valentines's day came and went. I just got text messages from him that were silly and then he never came to visit that night.
On Saturday his daughter contacted me and validated my suspicions. I was angry, sad, confused, and depressed. We had booked a hotel to celebrate our two year anniversary Saturday night. I knew then that we weren't going.
I have his daughter with me again and am taking her to school, cooking dinner, hanging out with her, etc. I am angry that she has to go through this. I went to his house the other day to check on him and he looks horrible. He doesn't become angry or violent when he is drunk, just sad and vacant. He told me that when he thinks about his deceased wife it hurts so much that he drinks. He is still very much in love with her. He said he doesn't know why he does this. I told him that he would need someone other than me to help him figure it out because I don't know enough about this disease.
I hate seeing him like this and now know that I can never build a life with him as I had hoped, I love him so much but I can't have my children live with someone that checks out of life like this.
I am planning on attending my first Alanon meeting on Monday morning. I don't know what I can do to help him but I know that I can go there to get support and help for myself. I offered to take his daughter to Alateen meetings if she wanted to but she is not sure if she wants to go.
Hi, Snowflake. There is always hope for anybody - those with the disease and those affected by the disease. I'm glad you will be attending Al-Anon. Alcoholism is a progressive disease that can only be arrested by total abstinence and a recovery program, but never cured. Those of us affected by the disease of our loved one can get help for ourselves in Al-Anon whether or not our loved one stops drinking. People don't drink because of you or me or another loved one. They drink because they drink. There are other ways to cope with death and loss that don't involve chemicals. Al-Anon can help you learn more about the disease and how to deal with its affects. Offering to take his daughter to Alateen is a wise and generous thing to offer her. Keep coming back.
Aloha Snowflake and welcome to the board. You have just hooked up with family and we have a chair for you. Sit listen with and open mind and keep sharing. You already seem to have learned alot and it sounds like your head is still intact. Mine wasn't when I reached the doors of Al-Anon and I did know one thing for certain...I was insane. I was addicted to a woman who was addicted to drugs and alcohol...her first love wasn't me and then in the meeting rooms I find out that this is a disease that isn't curable...I didn't cause it was a relief, I couldn't control it was a fact and I wouldn't cure it was the reason I felt so hopeless and helpless for our relationship. Drinking isn't the only or best solution to handling emotions; positive or negative. Drinking is a compulsion first followed by the decision along with the allergy. Alcoholism affects everything it comes into contact with and so for me I believe that everyone and thing is allergic to alcohol. just for me. Good that you have a plan for a meeting and dependent upon how old his daughter is might you take her with you? There is Alateen which is a part of the Al-Anon Family Groups so maybe there is a group and meeting she could go to so that she can understand also.
Keep reading here and also let us know how your first meeting went for you. Most of us are also members of the program and live it daily and some of us are doubles; members of both Al-Anon and AA. MIP is a major part of my own sanity and serenity so I come read daily. The family here has saved my sanity much more than one time. Keep coming back. ((((hugs))))
Dear Snowflake ( Love your Name although we have had too many Snowflakes in NYC for this winter)
Welcome to Miracles in Progress. To answer your question - Yes there is hope. Hope for him, hope for you
and for his daughter.
Alcoholism is a progressive disease that can be arrested but never cured. We who share our lives with an alcoholic are powerless over the effects of this disease and because of our intense concern with the afflicted person we too need a program of recovery. of our own Al Anon is that program. AA is the program that will help your S.O. when and if he decides to get help.
very Meetings are held often in most Communities in the USA Check the local white pages for the main Inter Group number and call for information as to there location of meetings and attend. There are also alateen meetings for teens and if his daughter is of that age group it would be great for her to attend as well.
In alanon we learn to keep the focus on ourselves, not to react but act in our own best interest, to live one day at a time supported by others who are walking a similar road and who understand as few others can.
It is in alanon that I found the tools and support I needed to restore Hope, Joy, Courage, Serenity and Wisdom to my life.
Sadly it sounds like he has never allowed himself to grieve his deceased wife. I don't know if he is an
A or not.
You are right he has to find his own way, YOU are the priority here. There is nothing you can do for him. He has to take care of himself. As far as his daughter, in my experience a routine home is vital for her. I always checked with relatives when my kids brought a needey kid home, they were welcome but if grama and grampa or an aunt or uncle whoever was available that was best.
It's hard as you sound like you love him very much, no one wants to see a loved one so sick. Whether there is hope or not for me is not for me to decide. My thing is I would have faith that HP will take care of my A. Myself I took myself out of the picture, did not go see him nothing. They are not kids, they need to figure it out for themselves.
I don't even drink but when my husband died I was so upset I drank and took the pills offered to me. So many times I could have accidently killed myself. I even drove my car into a ditch.
Some one not so hot was living with me and my kids. I kicked him out, there I was alone. It spurred me into getting it together, go to counseling, moved into a nice house with my kiddos, got a very good career that i could be home when my kids were home, and went back to college. If he had of hung around, who knows what I would have done.
I had to depend on me, for me and my precious babies.
We are here for you, hugs,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I am so glad you found us here at MIP! Face to face meetings, MIP and my al-anon sponsor have helped me find my answers for my questions and I am glad you are here! Sending you much love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Thank you all for your support and information. I am struggling tonight as it has been a little over a week since he has started drinking and I really miss him. I actually forgot for a moment tonight, as I was playing with my children and felt the rush of excitement thinking that I was going to see him tonight like I usually do. Then I remembered, he is drunk and gone and I got a pit in my stomach.
His daughter is almost 16 and I know Debilyn recommended that she stay with family. She has done that before and did not like it. They live in another town and that would mean that she would go to a different school and miss track which she loves and is doing so well in right now. Also, when she was younger and he "took time off from life" as he puts it, her Uncle from her Mother's side called the police and added in false alegations regarding her father to gain temporary custody of her. She was miserable there and just wanted to be back with her father, even if it meant he was the way he was at the time. Her mother's family is very controlling and wouldn't even let her wear clothes that she wanted to wear. Her biggest fear is having to go back to them. I love her like a daughter and would rather her life has as little change as possible during this time. It is more stressful for me because it means a lot more driving around to get her to highschool and then to pick her up after track practice. However, I would do anything to help her as I would for my own children. My children are very young and don't know about the issue going on. They are just excited to have her sleep over and eat dinner with us. I still am giving my own children as much of myself as they got before this happened, in fact I am focusing more on them because it helps me forget the problem.
I haven't visited him as much as I did the last time this happened. I have decided to give him no attention or help. I have only talked to him twice since last week in person. When he texts me (when he remembers to charge his phone) I don't respond except for the few times when I knew in the beginning he was drinking and I let him know I was aware of what he was doing.
Tonight his daughter is staying at her home because she wanted to and has a very early morning track practice. There is a carpool and she doesn't want the parents to know anything is going on. She wants to be picked up there as if everything is normal. She is safe there, it's just a sad place that is a mess right now. I made sure she had food to cook for dinner, etc. Due to the fact that she is going home she had two extra bags with her this morning on the way to school. I didn't want her to have to carry them around all day so I let her know I would go to her house and leave them in her room. So, I went over there today and he was awake and on the couch drinking. I walked in and plainly stated that I was just there to drop off her stuff in her room. After I did that I sat down to pet the dog and he asked me how I was doing. I told him I was stressed, that the extra responsibility is hard because I am by myself. He seemed to hear me. He said that he is drinking more water now (a few days ago I was there and he realized that he had no food or water for 5 days). I just looked at him. He talked about how he had a massive panic attack last night. I said that the alcohol is messing with that part of his brain and that he is neglecting many work and life responsibilities right now and that must be what is causing the anxiety. He acknowledged that this could be the reason. Then I stood up and told him I was leaving because I was busy. That was it. I don't hug him or even talk like I like him very much. This is because it is like he is a stranger to me right now. I can barely look at him.
Normally I wear jewelery that he gave me every single day, especially a ring that he gave me almost two years ago. Yesterday I took it all off. I am trying to prepare myself for what I will say to him when he stops drinking. I just am so sad at the thought that I might not be with him as I had thought. I know that I can't break up with him right away but I will be clear that until he gets serious help I will never be able to even think of living with him or marrying him. It is all very heartbreaking and yet I haven't been able to cry about it yet.