the same man...except for the alcohol
so I haven't posted anything in so long but sometimes if feels good to vent to people who understand. i have an ex husband and when i left him i was absolutley in love with him BUT i also had two little girls that didn't need to be in a house with an alcoholic. so i commend myself for leaving for them and for my...
saying goodbye
Tonight I say goodbye to the intern who has been treating me for the past 10 weeks. The 10 weeks flew by. I saw a therapist intern last year who helped me so much when I was leaving the A. Then I had no time or space to see her and that was difficult. I do not do well with goodbyes. I am hoping to get a referral ot...
Struggling with my feelings....
Well I dropped AH off at the correctional facility last night so that he could begin serving his 10 day sentence. I felt sooo sick to my stomach as the big jail doors slammed behind him. I kept it together pretty good, didn't cry till I got to the truck then I prayed to my HP to help me & give me strength...
always questioning
I find myself always questioning my responses to my AH. Rarely do I know if I do it "right". Thus, I find the need to bounce it off here, thinking each episode is a learning experience. We are getting a significant tax return. First time ever and a true blessing. My AH decided he would keep the...
Just wondering out loud
I had an instance with my mother come up earlier this week that I've been kind of putting on the back burner... something I've been kind of wondering about and that sort of thing.
Maybe three weeks ago, when talking with my parents over the phone, my mom mentioned that she'd like to fly out to see me and m...
Just dropping in to say hello.
Life has been crazy busy, and I miss being able to read down through the threads over here, but I do try and read a few during the week. I'm waiting to hear back on my application for grants for college, and whatever isn't covered will be paid by Vocational Rehabilitation, so no more college loans to pay of...
Maybe THIS is his bottom....*sigh*...
A went on a binge Thursday morning, walked out of the house, and did not come back. I have gotten to the point that I do not worry; know I should. But he'll be home in a couple of days, repentent, sorry, embarrassed, ashamed, "I'll never drink again." You know the drill. Well....yesterday mor...
let it begin with me
I was wondering about that term and found the following in a search; Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me. It serves as a good reminder when I find myself in a situation where I would tend to react with anger, or judgment, or criticism. Rather than react with anger, I silently sing to myself,...
I decided that an update was due. I have not been here much as I have been in transition from Hawaii and grad school to back on the mainland, back in the Midwest and back near my AH.
Its been a tough transition and the end is not in sight but things are going very well overall. I did decide to get a divorce aft...
dealing with alcoholism appearing everywhere
Dear all, I have started to build up a social life again and go out a couple of time of week. I had slowly stared a friendship with a woman from the village who I would meet regularly. Last night she texted me to say she was out, she was supposed to be at a concert and I would meet her later. I went up earlier than...
maire rua
I think I have a date tonight.
I was on the old nobody new singles site last night and saw a cute new guy and sent him a message and we ended up talking and it looks like we are going to meet tonight. He just moved here from Mississippi. Sooo we'll see what happens, it sure would be nice to have someone of the manly persuasion to hang out...
not so good
not so happy, down on myself, lonely and how do you love yourself, ..... I feel like a broken record. Progress, then I feel like I am back to square one over and over. Don't even know I am back sliding until I'm back in crazy land & feeling like the odd man out, critical of me & others and negative....
Memorial Day
(((((((Family)))))))), Let us take a few minutes between the picnics, the games, and the fun times to remember what this day is really all about. This is not a political post. Hubby was a Navy Seal. This is a post about rememberance. To all who have served, are serving, and will serve in our armed for...
Wondering if I will ever be completely healthy again!
I am awaiting to go for further surgery on my back after this coming weekend. Each time I hope it will be the last time. Each time, it has proved not to be the case SO FAR. However, I realise that, physical health goes hand in hand with mental health. WOW, did I mention the dreaded word MENTAL health? Jus...
Learning to say NO - as a complete sentence.
Many of you will know that I have had trouble saying NO, let alone saying it as a complete sentence. I am practicing more each day and realise that by saying NO - as a complete sentence - I do not have to justify, explain, struggle with the 'reconsider this...' or ' well have to you thought ...'. I answer qui...
If I only had a brain,heart and courage
Okay, So I havent posted in a couple days and I am fairley new here.I have been leaning on this site for support and venting and it was working for alittle bit but I have slipped up big time and now I feel like there is absolutley no hope for my AH. I know this but why am i letting this happen? Why did I do this a...
Just need to trust
I am slowly losing my ability to trust, not just in mankind, but in faith also. Nothing has gone right for anyone in my family for several months. My son can't find a job, is living out of town, and losing everything he has. A step- son is living with his grandparents and slowly losing touch with real...
May Meeting Minutes
Hi everyone, I talked to Mandy and she told me to go ahead and post the minutes from May and we'll be talking about emailing minutes to members at the next meeting. Joni MAY BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES: MIP MAY MINUTES: Chair opened with the Serenity Prayer, 1st on agenda was Secretary report: Due to a...
Business Meeting Time Again
Hello ((((Family)))) This Sunday evening is the monthly business meeting (9pm CST), I hope you can make it! Please try to be there!!! Here is the agenda for the meeting! MIP Al-Anon Business MeetingJune 1, 2008Open with Serenity PrayerSecretary's Report ...
Round Three.....
Hi all, With some support from others, some disbelief from others, some fear from others, and (so far) always with love from others, I have made the decision to try again with my A. I don't take this lightly, or without a degree of fear - which I'm hoping to turn into a healthy awareness. I know very few...
I Can't Stop wanting to Communicate with my AH
I am seeking help here. I keep wanting to communicate with my estranged AH. I know that it is a deep seeded WANT and certainly not a need. But it is still there, the desire to communicate with my AH. I remind myself that he doesn't want to talk to me or see me and to respect that. Which I do. But the WANT is still...
struggling with vehicles and boundaries.
I'm having trouble today making a decision. My AH has almost 9 months sober. He is doing great. I am doing great. One problem we keep stumbling over is he won't be proactive about taking care of his vehicle. Now this would not be a problem for me if I had a good vehicle of my own, but I don't. I will asap, but th...
How does or did addiction of another affect you?
Aloha's post was such a good one. The responses too. I was hoping we could explore and share or esh (is that the right abbreviation?) some more. I came here not feeling like a co.Never has been my style.As far as my self worth,that was not an issue either. Thankfully I had a life of love and happiness. Anyw...
Acceptance & Superheroes
My 3.5 yr old is perfectly capable of using the potty consistently, but basically doesn't want to. Given all that is going on in our lives, it is on the bottom of my priority list, and in the whole scheme of things, it doesn't matter. He will when he is ready. That said, last night I was getting him ready for...
Opportunity of a Lifetime
I can now place myself in the large group of people who have had the privlige to hear a very special woman speak tonight. Her name is Liz Bailey and she is a remarkable woman who's been sober for 56 years. She goes all over North America to speak at AA meetings. If any of you have an opportunity to hear her, TA...
too far gone, hopeless
I won't be around anymore... . I just wanted to thank everybody for the support & love over the years. love to you all!
Let Go, Let God...
What is it about that slogan that, although Al-anon embraces it, it is so hard for some to accept, for others to practice and for some to allow others (like myself to chose) to accept and use and live by? My Sponsor tells me again and again to LET GO and LET GOD and qualifies it as the act of GIVING MY TROUBLES...
not contacting the A no matter what.
The place where the A lived last summer is part of the huge fire which is going on in California at the moment. It would normally be totally natural for me to contact him to talk about what is going on there. The people who he lived with (and who I paid rent to) will have lost everything. There is no way they...
my adopted "mom" and my HP
Friends, It is with a heavy heart that I write this post tonight. Last night, my adopted mom, my very best friend's mom, died after a valiant battle with cancer. We were blessed that she did not suffer very long and died as peacefully as someone with lung cancer does. I was so blessed to have her in my lif...
My daughter loves Her father even though he has taken her for granted. I love my mom even though that has never meant much to her. Heather's father and my mother have there own motives and motives. I'm not about to take thier inventories. My daughter wishes her dad would spend more time with her. I wished...
When is it enough?
I am just needing to vent...... I am questioning myself as to when is enough enough??? My AH has gotten continually worse with his binge drinking over the past few months. He doesn't drink every day, he usually saves it for the weekend, which turns into a 2-3 day drinking fest. He will disappear "...
Sad, angry lonely in total HALT (mentions Rescue)
For some reason today I feel very emotional. I have not heard from my sponsor for a while and my therapy is about to end. Money is huge for me. I have medication which is helping my asthma but no way to pay for it. I am stuck in many ways and in other ways moving forward with lots of options for myself when I had...
the innocence of a child
hey... so last night my daughter and I were watching the American Idol final and when the winner was announced she cried because her guy didn't win. She just didn't understand that the world wasn't going to end....Made me remember that when I was that age how things like that were bigger than life to me...
Prayers for rehab.
(((((((Family)))))) Hubby has slipped again. We have talked and talked many times about how he can't stay sober by doing it alone. This morning he is seriously thinking about going back to rehab. I think it's a great idea as his head is so far out of the program that it's not working for him anymore. ...
Hello I'm new :)
Hi all :) I'm an 18 year old girl with a mother whom is an alcoholic (or an A as you seem to call it on here) and I find it hard as we have a terrible relationship due to her lying all the time and bringing my little brother up poorly etc etc etc and i find it really stressful to manage looking after my brother, the...
Family wedding boundaries
Dear Family, This weekend, I am driving 2 states away to go to my niece's wedding. I have been looking forward to this...it feels like a vacation, a change in routine...my chance to see my family since my divorce was final in March. My children, ages 22 and 23 will be joining me. While their dad (my e...
glad lee
...and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.
In no way am I officially on step number 10 (still plugging away at step one with my sponsor), but I feel each of the twelve steps applies to our lives and should be applied when the time is right, regardless if we've officially "worked" the steps before it or not. I don't want to skip and hop all...
((((((Family))))) Today we found out that they caught the guy who caused the motorcycle accident that killed my SIL's friends and injured her brothers wifes sister and her husband. He is being charged with 2 counts of operating while intoxicated causing death punishable by up to 15 years, and 2 cou...
Need a chat room
My husband is very prominant and an alcoholic. Is there a chat room for families of alcoholics ? I need someone to talk to.
Just a note....
Aloha Family!! Just a note that Jerry F and his spouse will be out of town and at Ruby's house checking her out for the next week seeing if we size up with her. Can't really spoil her however her Mom and Dad can be proxies. Would like to say that I'll be staying in contact and don't think that there's much of...
Jerry F
My AH and his AFriend Question
My ah has a friend (an A) that is in real bad shape, Whiskey in the morning and so on, knows it all. Anyway he told my ah that he doesn't want to mow his lawn or plant sweet corn or cut wood this year. This is deeply bothering my husband. This friend is 61 and is very bloated, whiskey and beer all day long since iv...
This is Bad, Bad Bill......
Somebody's knockin' Should I let him in? Lord it's the devil Would you look at him I've heard about him But I never dreamed He'd have blue eyes and blue jeans; Somebody's talkin' He's whispering to me Your place or my place Well, which will it be? I'm getting weaker And he's coming on strong But I don't wan...
anger, martyr or self pity?
Learning to feel feelings can be really hard especially if you have been raised where you are told not to get angry, don't upset others etc so I am aware but confused. I am angry and in the past, I would blame it on an imaginary person called "george" or something for those times it didn't s...
HP blessed me today
I met with an attorney today that I really like. She is very very expensive, though ($450/hour). After I told her my story and she told me her spiel I said to her: I just got done with grad school and am actively seeking work but do not have a job yet. I am really worried about your bill. She said she would acce...
Just need to vent...
Ok so I start my day off with a Joyce Meyer's broadcast and then go to the Alanon meeting online. I have my agenda of things to do already set up, so after meeting I start to work on them. Good for me, right? So I have to contact my AH, or do I? Well I wanted to update him on the dryer, which needs repair work done....
Prayers Requested
((((Family))) We got some terrible news. Two young couples from my sister in laws church were involved in a terrible motorcycle accident yesterday. One couple was killed instantly, and the other couple was seriously injured both husband and wife each losing a limb. The two couples had just purchas...
Open eyes
I'm definitely starting to recognize "the signs" more and more when my AH has been drinking.
And it's weird, the differences between his dry spells and his non-dry spells aren't so very different, but there are subtle differences. If that makes any sense at all.
Last night I c...
shades of grey rather than black and white
I think my life with the A was pretty much either bleak or at the beginning when he really played into seducing me, pretty nicely, (bascially he couldnt' do enough for me for a few weeks and that was the end of that, after that over time he couldnt do anything for me ever unless I begged him until I was exhaus...
Counting my blessings
I don't know whether this is something that comes of age, however I feel that I have experienced a wonderfully satisfying and completeness of being this very moment. Just looking around me, I have come to realise that I have everything I need, and there is nothing that I want other than to continue in th...
a tinge
hey y'all... so this weekend my family of origin is gathering for a graduation party. I was invited but I have chosen not to go out of self preservation. eel like I'm strong enough yet to deal with a couple family members, my mom and her sister, who are very dysfunctional. Anyway, I feel some sadness th...
What does it mean?
What does it mean when I feel like I don't have anything to say anymore? I have a vision in my mind of the preacher smacking me on the forehead and saying you're healed... LOL
Did I need to live in crazyland?
I often think what would my life be like if my A Son was not an A. I definately am an enabler. I have cleaned up after my H screwed things up with money, businesses, and all kinds of stuff. I have lied for him, lived hand to mouth with 4 kids while he was so special, he wouldn't run his business from home in a way t...
The disease of alcoholism - do we have it, too?
This has been sort of an ongoing disagreement I've been seeing occurring between my sponsor and a couple other Al-Anon members whom I respect, as well, in my Al-Anon meetings. One member who is also a sponsor says us Al-Anoners have the disease of alcoholism just as much as the A's in our lives d...
really commiting to the three C's
I had no idea that part of my obsessional stuff with the A was about trying to control and influence the uncontrollable. I met a man recently who I had some common interests with. He was pretty dogmatic about what he wanted out of the "relationship". I was open and listened and then at some po...
My First Topic Posted
Well I have had several post on MIP, over the last month or so, but never a topic. I will give you a little backgroung. My active AW does not work (last 5 yrs) for the reason most of you here can guess. That is not a problem. She goes to at least 6 to 8 AA meetings a week ( last 3 yrs). I know she tries. But she...
Working up your courage... for your first f2f
I really let myself down the other night... sort of... I had planned to attend my first f2f the other night and then chickened out... Sort of a failure in that regard, but I chose to participate in an online meeting here instead... I knew I needed some ESH but I guess I just wasn't ready for it to be the f2f ki...
Surprising People
Being a cashier for about 15 years, my opinion about the general public isn't very flattering. Being a cashier in the "Bible Belt of the South" can be very surprising at times. And last night I had a nice surprise from a gentleman that had just came from some sort of religous service. I said m...
Of all the times to NOT have milk!
14 tons of spilled Oreo cookies snarl Ill. traffic Mon May 19, 9:00 AM ET MORRIS, Ill. - Police say a trailer loaded with 14 tons of double-stuffed Oreos has overturned, spilling the cookies still in their plastic sleeves into the median and roadway. Illinois State Police Sgt. Brian Mahoney says the t...
Do I want an AH or ex-husband?
My AH and I are seperated, not legally or anything like that but living apart. I have communicated with him on several occassions, through text messaging. I thought that would be alright, a lot of control over whether or not to talk or not. But I keep finding myself falling into chats with him where I res...
me and Raggedy Ann
I am really beginning to see how my past and my present are connected and must mesh together for me to be able to then sort it all out and start to heal. I had a relatively peaceful day, cleaning out my "office" and sorting, organizing and shredding. Then I came across a coloring book that I hav...