special thankyou to this program
A year ago I was desperately praying for guidance on how to move forward with my life. I could no longer go on with things the way they were and I was not quite ready to give up on everything I had worked for all my life. My husband was drinking heavily but assured me he had no intention of EVER quitting no...
you are not a victim
Just something I wanted to share. I wrote down the sentence "You are not a victim, you are a volunteer" on a piece of paper which is on my computer desk. An alanon member told me this the other day. My bf read it and asked me where I got it from. I wasn't about to explain to him what it meant because I...
There is no doubt...It works!!
I had a day full of program people. Spent alot of the day with a recoverying fellow I have done some work for that ended in a marvelous lunch. Funny that the car they had prearranged for at the airport was not available and after they got passed the "fits" we all went to do what needed to be done...
Jerry F
stepwork board
Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me. Is the stepwork board still active because I cant log into it. I've tried a few times but with no luck. Regards, daylight
2nd Christmas without the A.
This was my 2nd Christmas without the A. I'm really having to look at that its going to be a long haul to really get on my feet with solid ground under them. Of course in my magical thinking I want to believe that everything was going to wonderful if I willed in that way. On some levels everything is good, I'...
Still confused
Hi (((All))) Havent posted for a while as I've been in such turmoil and it took everything I had to get through the past few weeks. As you may remember my Abf is in rehab and things have been really tough for us, we have kept going and tried to do what is right for us both. On his home visits we've spoken about o...
20 yr old son is alcoholic
We have struggled with our son for the past 4 years. We are acutely aware of a family history of alcoholism on both sides. Since he has been 16 we have consistently set limits, we have set responsibilities for which privileges have been earned or lost. We have a younger child. We are sure that he dran...
I met this guy online that I think I will really like and we could possibly hit it off. I find myself obsessing again. My mind filling up with thoughts of him, what ifs, oh no he didn't text me back did he hate that picture? Am I not what he thought? ETC ETC ETC.... I get so mad at myself, at least I can reco...
new and not handling things well
Hi - My name is Felicia and I am new to the board. I have been reading it over while waiting for my membership to kick in. I am so hurt, confused, angry, devasted and carry so much guilt. I have been going to a counselor and she wanted me to check this out as well as a victim of domestic violence group. My story (...
Just wanted to introduce myself and give a little background
hi, i'm new here i found the online meeting room by accident and they led me here. My husband is an alcoholic. He's looking at going to treatment. He also says he doesn't love me anymore. We have 2 kids ages 2.5 and 8; and 2 cats! I'm sad all the time and am feeling lost so i'm glad i found this place. I can re...
LIttle update
hi all, am feeling somewhat better. Can laugh with out moaning.... The bruising must be healing. However the break is bad. Broken completely through is my 8th rib. This is no fun I tell ya. Went to er Sunday, the doc was wonderful. I could not sleep so he gave my bad shoulder a shot of steroid and meds that a...
Christmas was OK !
I gotta say that even though Christmas was OK, I spent most of the time frustrated with my mother. She was very difficult for me to deal with: I was hurt! The reason I was hurt is because when we were playing a game, she didn't even try to support me in my efforts to play. I can't explain it very well. Actually...
Hoot Nanny
Page 365
Good Morning First I would like to say hello to everyone. It's been a long time since I've visited this board on any regular kind of basis. I've been in and out just as I have been with Al-Anon over the years. I was just reading today's page in the Courage to Change and boy, this one speaks to me. "I play...
Dating.... again....
So the guy just stopped communicating, guess my picture scared him off ;) but I actually do have a date with someone else so it all works out of course I was much more excited about the other guy. I find myself thinking this horrible thought. Taking what you get and staying in the now... I want that inten...
Yet another disease that has my family in its grip...
I have 2 sons who are developmentally delayed and have Aspergers... I love them dearly, I love them just the way they are and I'm not sorry that I had them or anything like that, I'm just venting because I am feeling extra overwhelmed and misunderstood as a parent. When my children and I go about our eve...
Thank you~
I wanted to take a minute and Thank each and everyone who responded to my post yesterday. Listening to your stories of ESH made me feel so much better and more hopeful for things to come. The situation with exABF has been hard to deal with but I think if I listen to what I have heard and my sponsor and just...
A Thought
In the AA Promises, the last promise is "We will realize God is doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves". God does not do for us what we CAN do for ourselves. Just had that on the brain in the middle of the night here in the USA. Don't know where I first heard it but it comes to mind every mornin...
Thank you MIP
thank you for sharing new thoughts and esh for me over this past year or more. It feels so good to be understood, not alone and someone there to bounce things off so I don't lose my mind listening to confusion. The holidays have been more mellow and lots easier when the expectations are reduced, respon...
Struggling a bit tonight
Hi all, Many of you know that my AH is currently in hospital recovering from DTs. He was just moved from the ICU to a regular medical unit and is beginning to come up out of sedation. While he is still suffering from some psychosis -sporadic hallucinations, aggressiveness etc. he also has some moments o...
The wonder of the presence of my higher power - who is for me God - at this time of year...
What joy and peace and serenity I have felt this time around. The last four Christmas holidays have been really hard as I have spent them entirely ALONE. No family, no friends, bad health, and sickness. This year I contracted the worst Flu virus that I have ever experienced, got a secondary infection a...
When should I start dating again
I am 6 months into al anon and have been separated from xabf for the same amount of time. An occasional dinner or movie or trip to someplace fun with a member of the opposite sex sounds really good right now. I'm thinking a healthy crush on someone might help me make my transition to the single life. Shou...
Technical question about this board
It used to be that topics that had new posts were in bold, and those where I had read all the posts were not. Suddenly it seems the posts are staying in bold form, even after I have read all the responses. Is there a setting to change this? Thanks! Lou
New Member Here.........
I just joined MIP this morning. I am looking forward to everything that is offered here. I also hope my past and present experiences that I have survived by living with a severe alcoholic can help other members as well.
made it throught the holidays
Hi all Christmas eve was the worse but we made it throught. A cam over to open presant and he was drinking and beeing a butt after 20 mimutes he left but came back around 6.pm to get his gifts and i made him leave I just could not handle seeing him. he did not like me telling him that i could handle the abuse. bu...
all is calm...
Yes, it is Christmas, and I am calm. I had less time to prepare and less money to spend, but I am getting through it and didn't use all my time wishing it away like I have in years past. This is not to say I have been full of joyful anticipation, but rather I have just accepted the holidays will come and go, and I...
All the best to all the Alanoners who celebrate this season, or don't celebrate this season, who are snowed in or out, who have an A or sober A or ex A or several A's to deal with. Thanks tlc and glad for your esh. It is MY 35th wedding anniversary tonight. He left 3 1/2 years ago. He has been married for 30 yea...
What's the difference?
I was thinking about things I like about my abfsober, and sadly could not think of one. Maybe we are going tru a stage, I don't know. He changed so suddely over the last 1 1/2 months. Well, he is sober and that is great. If he had never quit, we would not be together now. At times, I think it does not make a dif...
Need Support
I'm looking to my online friends for support. My AH has about 8 bottles of beer (he bought it himself) in him already and it's only 10:30 a.m. I've made one comment and it just blew up in my face. We have to go to my Grandma's house to celebrate Christmas in a couple of hours and I know what kind of shape he...
I am sad
I am so sad right now. I can't even explain it!!! Not only did my AH drink all day, but he is making cutting remarks towards me and my family. My family is very close to me. Please help me right now!!!!!
I am sad
I am so sad right now. I can't even explain it!!! Not only did my AH drink all day, but he is making cutting remarks towards me and my family. My family is very close to me. Please help me right now!!!!!
Boyfriend's father dying of Cirrhosis. Help with my feelings/helping my boyfriend.
My boyfriend's dad was admitted to the hospital right before Christmas, and was diagnosed with HRS (cirrhosis, followed by acetis and kidney failure). The hospital won't treat him now as they feel there is nothing that can be done, and have given him 2-5 more days to live. My boyfriend is 36 and has li...
He called
As you all recall my rejection experience last weekend with the A. Me getting drunk and throwing myself at him and he not even wanting to have sex with me. You know the next morning still intoxicated I told him that my heart couldn't take it anymore and that we could be friendly but no longer friends. W...
Goodness sticks!
I made a good choice this year. I made my plan b my plan a! I went ahead and made my own plans with non-alcoholic people for christmas. I booked a flight to a best friends home who I have not seen in quite some time. We had a lot of fun hanging out and catching up. We cooked, we shopped, went to a movie, watc...
John and Rose Christmas and New Year Wish to YOU
A bit puzzled....
(((((Family))))), Hello to my favorite family. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I spent Christmas with my sister for half the day. I made waffles for them and then brought my 17 year old niece back with me. We spent the rest of the day playing with Pipers, cooking dinner, taking a walk. I even...
Merry Christmas....
Merry Christmas to all of you wonderful people out there in MIP land..... And if you don't celebrate Christmas, please join us in this time of good reflection for the things we are thankful for - health, sobriety, serenity, loved ones, etc., etc.... I continue to learn from so many on this board, and e...
I went to a meeting yesterday and one of the people there said that there was nothing he would want for Christmas. What a different story it was for me. I had to look at my powerhouse of resentment up there, where's my....coat, apartment, job, friends, food, pressies... all totally destroying me. Tod...
Admitting my powerlessness and Acceptance
I'm new to this Website but not new to alanon. I have been a member for 5 years and have a wonderful sponsor who is now dealing with some difficult issues and, therefore, isn't able to connect with me as much these days. I am not sure where I will go from here but when the time is right I'm sure I'll be led to the...
hope for me n you
Meditation ideas needed
Trying to get back into focusing on me and my program and thought I'd see what others do as forms of meditation..........This is a very new idea to me and I have some ideas but would like to broaden my horizons so to speak:) Thanks for the input......
Holiday detachment fuel
Good morning (((Family))) I'm already feeling stressed and "out of alignment" due to the long lines, the horrible traffic and the never-ending preparations! (I have GOT to let go of the perfectionism!) Later, my exAH will join my 2 adult kids and I for Christmas Eve. My kids had asked m...
glad lee
attitude change
We made it through xmas okay and I'm glad it's over. So anyway, concerning him staying gone on the weekends, just when I decided not to care anymore, he's not staying gone as much and he's calling me telling me what he's doing, where he's going. Not like I believe anything he's saying but it doesn't matte...
Hello, I am new here, I just wanted to say hello to everyone.
Diminished plans and my very good holiday
This is not major, but I smile to remember it.I celebrate Christmas. I used to enjoy it whole hog and that turned into doing everything the next year I had done the year before plus something extra. That became required the following year, etc. Then Ive had bare-bones alone years of practically no cele...
Prayers for o2bnormal aka jonibaloni
Jonibaloni's mom passed away this morning. Would you all please say a prayer for our friend ((((((((Joni)))))))). May she know that we are with her during this loss. Thanks, Maria -- Edited by Maria123 at 00:24, 2008-12-27
Post Christmas Post
((((Friends))))), While driving to work on Christmas eve, very early (5 am), checking off my list, it dawned on me that my list was just about complete and in the hecktedness of the holiday season where I was baking, shopping, wrapping, singing Christmas carols to myself, I was too busy and tired to do...
put me on that prayer list!
Also keep everyone in mind that need some love. last week I got trampled by the gals horse who rents some pasture....was going to the doc again yesterday. right before I left to go to the doc I slipped and broke ribs on my right. it feels like a cramp that won't go away. Of course since I cannot bend over, and...
A's birthday is today
Today is my ex abf bday. I spoke to him yesterday on Christmas, not bc we were wishing each other a merry one, but more bc I found out that my sister and my brother's wife are both pregnant and both due one day after the other. I was feeling insanely jealous and resentful that this "easy" life co...
Struggling a bit with some program concepts(?)~need some input
Ex ABF is sober 10yrs and in recovery-working program. I have several other people I know who are also in the program-mostly AA. eXABF says things and I hear things from others that I am struggling with....."Focus on yourself......focus on you". Seems to me that if we all were tha...
Unwrapping the gift of Gratitude..
Aloha MIP family young and old new and old timer. I take this little bit of time to express to you all my gratitude for all the love and support and ESH that you have freely offered over the last year and beyond. I owe you and others soooo much not the least of is my very life. Without the lantern that was he...
Jerry F
Practicing Our Mistakes
I find when I'm playing my saxophone, that I tend to make the same mistakes in the same places in the music. Over and over. In the same way. Now I can see making a mistake the first few times through unfamiliar music, especially when things get a little fast and furious. But when I make the exact same mi...
sitting at he library thinking about the holiday!
I have to go to the library to communicate all the time because I don't have computer at home--so here goes! I am feeling much more in the spirit of the holiday. It took realizing that I really don't have any control over anyone else's time & that I can be as happy as I want to be! That is why I am posting...
Hoot Nanny
The Holiday So Far
(((((MIP Family))))) Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your well wishes for my famliy. We are surely benefiting from your kindness. While my son and I will be gathering around the Christmas tree in the morning without hubby/dad, we are accepting as we know that he is in the right place for now...
This past year has been really hard on me. I am learning a lot of things about myself that I have really known all along but didn't want to face. I am learning to stand up for myself because no one else can. That's my job. I am learning that I don't have to settle for someone who abuses me just to feel whole, I a...
I made it through Christmas!
Well, I made it through Christmas, I only broke down hysterically crying once today - which was Christmas day, I started the day off journaling - "Well, here it is Christmas morning. I should be preparing to watch my kids open gifts around my own tree, in my own house with the man I love. But I am...
another good day thanks to alanon
Today was a good day. My daughter and I had fun. We went shopping with unexpected xmas money, went out to eat, got home and played ping pong, played little petshops, talked, just had fun together all day. She is so much fun to hang out with. Bf called in the afternoon, tells me he got off work early, is at a fr...
Overcoming an abusive past...
Greetings! My name is Mindy, I often go by Melinda in the Chat room. I am new to the chat room as of about 3 weeks ago and new to this Group as a registered person as of today! I have found solace with the wonderful guys and gals in the chat room and am just simply thrilled to have found this site. I am working...
Happy Holidays to my MIP Family
((((((Family)))))), Just wanted to take a few minutes to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwansa & Happy Holidays. I love you all very much and am so greatful for my MIP family. You have seen me through the hardest times and the happiest times. From the bottom of m...
Just a reminder of Marathon Meetings
Marathon meetings start at 9 pm eastern time and go til 9pm Xmas Day -so no excuses for feeling alone . Hugs to all Louise
do not understand
Hi All I just do not get it. We ( the kids and myself) ask are A over to open presant tonight. I get this thrid degree on how he dose not know where he is going to be and that I have not been asking question about how he is doing and where he is going to live and that I kicked him out and it is all back to it is my faul...
Am I wrong? I need an interpreter
My AH drank some tequila at 10 am yesterday morning, then slept the entire day and night. It was his day off - he said he hasn't slept through the night in months because of his knee surgery and that he got to thinking and just drank because he wanted to go to sleep. He once had 14 years sober - until he met me...