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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just wish that I could understand WHY IT IS SO HARD to let go of someone and walk away from them after a relationship ends? ExABF-sober in program 10yrs and I split up.....or he split up with me I should say....November 16th. We have stayed in contact and have talked and argued since then....him arguing that the only way we have a "chance" at getting back together "someday" is to leave it for now, him work on him, me on me. He says if we try again right now we will just ruin it all.He says he still loves me (yet he also says that if he dates someone else that has nothing to do with his love for me and doesn't mean he doesn't love me-me arguing that that is just completely @#$#@##$!!! and you don't date other people when you love someone whether you are apart or together.), we were talking about dating, etc also. Me arguing that time apart is our enemy and ruining what we had. Him arguing that time being an enemy is a choice. Him talking about "somedays" and me fighting for "nows". He was angry because I didn't want a gift he had gotten my son hanging in my home...and I tried to explain that when you break up you don't keep around visual reminders of the pain-you put them away and move on, and that I don't want thoughts of him in the front of my mind anymore-I want them in the back until they fade away and I didn't want to see this HUGE gift everytimg I walked in my house. Then I asked him "do you still have your whole entertainment center full of my gifts???" And was very suprised to hear "yes" I do. WHAT is going on here?
He breaks up with me, talks about "someday" trying again when we are both whole, he calls and emails, and was even over at the house once. He sends one email talking about how "magical" last summer was and it was the best summer ever and he HOPES we can "recapture it someday but if not it's nice to know it existed and we lived it" He talks about "hoping" we get back together someday-that is what he HOPES happens but constantly reminds me that is NOT what he is working on now-he is working on himself. He tells me he loves me, tells me he misses me, keeps all the stuff around I got him and fought through all of this for me to keep the communication lines open between us.......WHAT am I not getting here??? Am I going crazy-because I feel like I might just be......I've never in my life been so confused. I am in the program and have a GREAt sponsor and am doing what I can/should be but I can't get out of my own head and feel like a crazy person.
It reached the point yesterday that I realized no matter how I try to fight it he is not changing his mind, that I am only making it worse and causing more anger/hate for him/us. I realized that he may love me in his way but that is not the type of love I can find acceptable (where you date other people and "hope" that we get back together "someday" when we are completely whole seperately first). I realized in my heart that us staying in contact is causing me to fight more for a reconciliation and causing me even more hurt. (I can't seem to have 24 hrs in a row where I am just ok with where I am).. I told him this yesterday and he told me that he said before that he would honor my wishes if I felt staying in contact was hurting me-(even though he has fought to stay in contact with me up to this point) because all he wanted was for me to be happy (ain't that noble of him:) Of course I woke up to another email this am-basically just thanking me for the birthday wishes (his bday is today) Anyway the morale to my rant.....I know in my heart that keeping in contact is not helping me move on away from this, that his "hopes" and "somedays" are keeping me still and hurting over and over and over daily, so WHY is it such a struggle to just let go of him and walk away??? I know a part of me is afraid that if I let a day pass without fighting for "us" or one pass without him knowing that I love him and miss him that he will just forget how good it was and the love we shared-I'm so afraid of that happening, and I have ALWAYS been a fighter and fought for what I wanted. I told him yesterday that we all have choices to make but I needed to know that I did everything in my power to make it work,fought for us, and that there was never any doubt in his mind how I feel.
What do I need to do to make this happen and it NOT be so hard on me inside? How can I get past the fear of loosing him or a chance at what we had by telling him all the time how I feel, etc? How can I just walk away and be ok with it and move on with my life? I've already told him verbally how I felt, so what I need to do is follow through on my end. If he loves me he would see that wouldn't he? Wouldn't he see how this is hurting me and just walk away himself-I mean he is the one talking about the only chance we have is to not try again now. And someone please tell me WHY i would want someone in my life, so desperately, that so obviously does NOT want to be in would that benefit wouldn't i know-then why can't I just walk away from it......severe all contact and be done once and for all???????
I am struggling with this so much right now and the pain is unbearable at times. I spent 11 yrs keeping me and my son secluded and protected from this kind of thing, because I knew how it felt and had no desire to feel this way ever I let this guy in after he fights his butt off and tears down all my walls to get in, and now he's gone and I don't know how to get past it. I HAVE to let go of him, and walk away........but there has to be some easier way to do it.......
Thanks for listening and if anyone has any input at all please share it with me..
Put down the magnifying glass and pick up the mirror!
I finally hit my codependent bottom when the ex-fiance walked out and left me and my youngest daughter high and dry financially, and I was completely broadsided by what he did.
My whole world came crumbling down around me.
It was during my greatest pain, that kind of pain where your heart has been torn in two and you are laying on the floor sobbing, that I finally surrendered to God and told him I just couldn't do things my way anymore because that wasn't working.
The difference between God's will and my will is that my will usually hurts.
The only way to get past the pain is to walk through it, and that's what I did with the help of the steps and my friends in the program.
I came into that relationship still a very damaged person, just as he was. It was doomed to fail.
I was still seeking validation from outside resources, and had once again grabbed a 'knight in shining armor' during one of my low periods, and with the same disastrous results in the end.
I spent far too many years making decisions based on fears and my insecurities, and created so much pain and chaos in my life.
For me, my victory was in surrender, surrender of my will, and finally seeking help for my issues through the program of Alanon.
"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." - Woodrow Wilson
One thing that I remember from the beginning of my recovery and study into codependency is that Melody Beatie states that we didn't get codependent in a vacuum, and we won't get better that way either. We have to have relationships in order to learn how to have HEALTHY relationships. So secluding ourselves doesn't work. Seclusion doesn't allow us to learn, and it doesn't allow our children to learn how not to repeat the same unhealthy behavior we show them.
I'm glad you have a home group and a sponsor. Keep working with those. I would like to suggest you try some meditation to help you learn how to clear negative thoughts from your mind. That would give you a tool to stop the obsessing.
One other thought, one of the things this program has really taught me is how to tell who is safe to share my feelings with. I used to share my feelings with people who were not safe. It really sounds like you A is not safe to share feelings with. You share, he gives you more of the run around, you are kept constantly off balance and you hurt. That's not what I would call a safe dynamic, and it is a very typical alcoholic/codependent relationship.
Look at your own motives for sharing yourself with him. You have told him many times how you feel. Are you continuing to tell him over and over so he will know, or are you telling him again and again to try to change his mind and behavior. ( I have a brother who thinks if you don't agree with him that your ears don't work, so he repeats himself louder and louder each time until you change your mind.) The latter is still struggling with step 1. I am powerless over alcohol, the A , other peoples thinking, other peoples actions, other peoples feelings, etc. This is how I think of step 1.
So I hope you find something here that helps. It's jst my ESH, so take what you like and leave the rest.
I am wishing you some serenity today.
In recovery,
"When you come to the edge of all you know you must believe in one of two things... there will be earth on which to stand or you will be given wings." ~Unknown
well Shelly it appears that were not so good at letting go . I don't know if your attending al anon f2f if not I hope u consider doing so soon . You will learn to detach with love get the focus back on you and your needs . My husb and I separated after 25 yrs of marriage * his idea * and it was the best thing he did for us . in the six months that we were apart , I found out that i could be happy and ok with out him and he found out that home was where he wanted to be . that was 19 yrs ago . You only have to do this one day at a time , relationships seem to bring out old behviors in al of us , we all have to change and become happy individuals with or with out them . It must be diff talking and emailing as often as u do I would find that very confusing I didn't see or talk to my husb for the first 4 m onths that he was out of our home . which i know made things alot easier for me . my attitude was if were separated act like it . good luck look after you and with or with out him u will be okay There is always hope don't give up on you . Louise
One day at a time helps. I can only give you my ESH. For me personally it was essential not to have contact with the ExA. I stopped being in contact with him and stopped speaking to his friends and family. I made a decision to let go and kept it one day at at a time. So one day at a time I don't speak to him, wonder how he is, what he is doing, what he may do, what he did do. I have enough grief of all the stuff that went on between us.
There is a lot of anger still in me that I let so many boundaries be broken and did not take more action on my part. I feel that the action I take these days on not being in contact with him helps a great deal. I turned him over to the HP he has. Clearly he has one because the way he behaves he should have been dead long long ago.
Detaching is a really hard thing to do. There are books on this pamphlets on this. There is reading on it at
I know for me it was the last thing I wanted to do and the very thing I needed to do.
Some people's version of sobriety isn't necessarily healthy. Some people just hang on with the not drinking part and don't want to look at themselves or do the work to transform themselves. No one can "make them". I tried so hard to make the exA understand how destructive he was. Now when I'm up against a person who doesn't want what I have to offer I no longer bed, plead, argue. I let go. I wasn't always t here.
One way of looking at things, which has helped me when I need to let go of my resistance to 'what is', is to surrender to the idea that the universe is unfolding in such a way as to teach me lessons. Lessons about myself, and lessons about life in general. The universe has thrown many curve balls at me, so it has taken me a while to trust that this idea could be true, but I have found it helpful when I need to draw something of value out of even the most negative of experiences. This idea has helped me to let go of resentments and regrets from the past as well as fears of the future. It has given me the courage to test new solutions and try new things. It has also helped me to better appreciate right where I'm at in life, even if it's not what I had planned for myself. And this idea is very Alanon inspired. I find it throughout the Alanon literature. It all comes down to surrendering and trusting what is, in this moment.
I hear your pain. I am separated myself after a long, long marriage (his choice). It is unbearable at times. However, trying to figure it out brings on more pain sometimes. Remember Step 1, we are powerless over alcoholic whether they are drinking or not. Our lives have become unmanageable. If you read the Getting Them Sober books I think that you will understand what you are up again. I have asked "why" here at MIP many times and the answer is "don't try to figure out the why's". We have to take a stand for ourselves. The yo-yo relationship that you write about is no way to live. As I have found out.
I've never posted before, but reading your post really mirror's my life and situation right now. I don't understand either, but I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone. I too need some help and understanding as to WHY it's soooo hard??
I've been there. I know the craziness. It took a long time for me to realize that what I was hanging on to was what I wanted, and that it in no way resembled what was or could be.
I am two years in and I still struggle, but it is easier. It is easier due to two things: Al-Anon and my HP (whom I call God). I seemed to turn a corner after praying every day in my car on the way to work for God to help me turn my emotions off of my AH and onto me and my children.
It doesn't come easy and it doesn't come fast (which is a bummer), but it does come. I now believe the promises of Al-Anon where a year ago I was pretty sure that I was the exception and a lost cause.
Come here, talk to people who truly understand, get yourself a sponsor, read literature, get yourself to meetings, and BELIEVE. As I say this to you I am reminding myself. Thanks for the post, Shelly.
Blessings, Lou
Every new day begins with new possibilities. It's up to us to fill it with the things that move us toward progress and peace. ~ Ronald Reagan~
Sometimes what you want to do has to fail, so you won't ~Marguerite Bro~
I'm grateful for the rear view mirror you hold for me. It use to be that way and I use to feel that way and talk that way and be confused like that and cry and rant and rave and....
Then I got into program, face to face meetings and just sat dumfounded. I had more whys than anything and ran into my first "Al-Anon promise" in the closing of my very first face to face meeting. What it said was, "if you keep and open mind you will find help." My mind had to be open in order to hear something different than all the stuff I was trying to solve the problem with. I had to do something different because my solutions and questions were part of my problem.
I didn't understand and I didn't understand that I didn't understand. I knew nothing about alcoholism or alcoholic relationships or learning how to love myself while learning how to love others in the same way.
The reason you are having such a bad time is that what you know and what you're doing.....isn't working. You're not getting what you want doing what you're doing.....and you don't have any alternatives. Just stopping doesn't sound like a reasonable alternative but just for now not doing anything and being patient can work better than going crazy from doing stuff that isn't working and stumbling around with unmet needs. Stop!!! Make a turn and try something new like believe that you can change, it can change, changes will come if you work for them with out expectations.
If you turn yourself over to the suggestions of others...people who have been where you are at now (insane and fearful and angry and confused and lonely and hopeless)and who followed the suggestions of yet others who had been there also and changed themselves you will find help and that there is no situation to bad to be bettered or unhappiness to great to be lessened.
Here is a repeat of a prior suggestion...find out where the face to face meetings are in your area (Al-Anon is all over the world) and get there with an open mind. Listen and then talk and then listen more and practice what is suggested that worked for others. I have never seen it done any other way and when I felt it was different for me, I swear to God, I got crazier.
The solutions are not in what "he" is doing or not doing. The solutions are in what you learn to do now.
Your story is almost the same a mine. Even after 6 months in the program I have my struggles. I called EXABF at 4:00 am last week to rage and get answers. What I learned at F2F meetings was how to remove the focus from him and place it on myself. I have (slowly) learned to go from detachment w/anger to detachment w/kindness. I don't mean to sound judgmental but an A has some pretty odd thought processes that you're better off living w/out or being subjected to them. With Al Anon you have a healthier alternative to thinking about yourself and your life.
When the sh*t first hit the fan a very perceptive friend whose ex-husband who was a cocaine addict told me even before I know EXBF was an A that my HP has an answer and being on my own will be a good thing for me. Wow was she right. Hope this helps, keep coming back!
Just for today I will not harbor unhealthy thoughts.
It's so hard to put what you know in your head into action when it's in contrast to what you feel in your heart. I remember the agony of this. All the feelings of guilt and obligation, all the strings he pulled to try to stay in my life. You have answered all of your own questions here, you know what you need to do it's just the doing that is hard. Nothing worth doing is easy! I had to stop communicating with my ex, sometimes I talk to him when I feel like it, on my terms, but I am at the point now that I don't feel the same any more, the pain is dulled and he can't inspire those feelings of joy and pain in me anymore. There was a long time of me not talking to him that led to me being able to detach like this. What worked for me... Always put up a front that you are not hurting/vulnerable when dealing with the A - appear strong even when you feel so weak inside. Determine what you are going to do and stick with it no matter how gut wrenching it is. Find a whole bunch of hobbies that take concentration and focus so that your mind doesn't have time to wander. Try something new every week. The pain will fade. Eventually it will just be a memory and you'll be off to new things. Feel it, get through it but never let him see it and eventually in the end you will truly feel what you have been projecting all along. I guess that's the essence of fake it until you make it hm?
I am also struggling with the why. But the truth is that the why only equals pain. I found that I need to stop seeking approval from someone who isn't in control. My ex spouse may be sober, but all the same behavior patterns exhist. Addictive behavior is painful. I became co-dependent. Something that was never in my vocabulary. I was always the independent, sarcastic, speak your mind type of kid. I need to find that spirit again. I am hoping that you find it in your heart to see how important your own happiness is. I too need to stop asking why. Good luck